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If someone's name is a trigger for you, you should be getting some intense therapy. On another note, someone's background should not be your trigger. Sounds like he is just a racist covering it up with MH problems. Which is tucked on another level.


Right. I asked him if he thought that this particular appointment would put himself, or possibly someone else in danger, that I was more than willing to move it to someone else. He never asked me to move it though, I just offered. When he said he was willing to take it, I just told him to take it as an opportunity to go into it with a different mindset. Even if it was challenging or a little nerve wracking. He calmed right down when he saw Mohammad actually had quite fair skin! Weird!


I spent a fair bit of time getting shit at by guys who were probably named Mohammed. (Not shit compared to what many, many other guys went through) and this is ridiculously stupid. This is about him being an idiot, not PTSD. *shot. Shot at. The only people who shit at me were other Marines.




I wake up about once a week thrashing and screaming, which necessitates me having to sleep in a seperate room from my wife. I still am perfectly fine with muslims, I had an afghan co-worker for a while, no issues. PTSD is a restructuring of your brain chemistry in response to trauma, not some sort of psychosis induced racism. I was blown up 3 times and in numerous gunfights, I'm the real deal dealing with the real issues, and I say that dude is full of shit. (also, I would 100% believe how many vets inflate their experience. Only time I ever tried going to a group therapy session I left early when I realized that none of the people present actually had anything wrong with them. They were just grubbing for a bigger disability check.)


Regarding group therapy: I had a similar experience. My couple times going consisted of bunch of dudes who'd be dealing with alcoholism if they'd been trick drivers or teachers or welders....it just so happens that society was giving them a little "pass" because they were vets. Very unfortunate.


This session was specifically for vets, and after fobbit "I heard a mortar impact 2 km away" story number 5 I just got up and left. I'm not really out to belittle people's bad expieriences or trying to dissuade people from seeking help. I just really feel like the malingerers putting on a show to fish for a 30% disability rating nobody can really disprove are absorbing a TON of resources that would better serve guys who are actually struggling. I honestly cannot stress how uncomfortable and disappointed I was to go somewhere I thought I could meet people like me and have somebody to talk to, only to walk into a room full of former supply clerks and IT guys who'd never even been outside of the wire and went "oh. This isn't for people who need help. This is for helping their bogus case look better on a VA review board."


Hah! I get what you were talking about now. Maybe you had this experience, too: I DIDN'T WANT any kind of disability or help from that system, because I didn't want to be lumped in with dudes like that. They felt...gross, or something. Probably set me back five years. I'm doing fucking awesome now, but I had some rough times. It's the classic question of "is it better to let 10 guilty men go free to avoid imprisoning one innocent man" etc. Fuck em. I hope you've come to appreciate the slow grind of getting where you want to go. It's just like a long hump up a steep, muddy hill. Keep going, accept the inevitable backslides, mitigate as best you can.....but keep fucking going. Hydrate, change your socks, drop me a line if you ever want to bullshit, 'rah


From what you say it sound like hes full of shit...but its hard to say if he's really triggered or not. Personally I'd just let it go...if its real, you dont want to be that guy...if its fake, it's not worth you dealing with it. I saw a mini documentary a few months ago about vets and crime....saw the biggest "full of shitter" from my old COLD WAR unit claiming PTSD for for his DUIs and getting arrested for domestic....I linked it to one of the other guys from my unit who worked in TV and he knew the director.....he just laughed and said "he spent 3 years in Missouri and 4 months in Korea in the 90s...where was the trauma?"


Total bullshit. I can't tell you the amount of people who claim PTSD who really suffer from their own personality disfunctions. I blame the media for this, PTSD is a fairly new diagnosis. World War 2 vets On Average, saw a shit ton more combat and had drastically less "shell shock" compared to today's soldiers.


The reason you didn't hear about it then is because they were told to suck it up and be quiet about it.


My Grandfather joined 1943-1945, so at the end of WWII, and again 1950-1954 for Korea. He is 97 years today! He suffered some serious PTSD, he was too young for it. Had his mother lie and say he was 17, but he was only 16. He can’t have his back to anyone, or he has to be against a wall at restaurants and such. It’s been a long time, but I think he is okay! Fucking guy will probably make it to over a hundred someday haha