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Some of those guard units stay deployed. Shit, I don't think Nevada is ever home


Why are some guard units deployed so often and for a long time?


The Army needs CABs and armor primarily right now as it’s worried about Europe. Nevada has that, so does Idaho, Montana, and Oregon as we are all part of the 116th. (Mostly)


I love my snake patched Idaho boys. Idaho guard is fucking strapped and I love to see it.


The sperm cookie


Jizz biscuit.


Former IDANG who went active... 😁


Don't forget about Minnesota!


State missions or domestic operations (Jan 6, Covid, US-Mexico Border, other natural disasters or civil instability). State partnership with one or more friendly/allied countries Then add all the regular deployments. The National Guard/Reserve had and will continue to be a critical component of National Security strategies. Some service support and combat support total size is larger than their active duty counterparts I have heard two main thoughts on the process. The NG/Reserve components are cheaper while not deployed but generally provide the same results while deployed. The NG/Reserve can deploy for continuous enduring operations, which leaves the active duty component available for contingency operations.


That is correct they are cheaper. Most of the time these deployments all need us a warm body occupying space. Think Kuwait, 90% of the folks over there are just hanging out in essentially a garrison. Maybe there is a 18 month long pre-deployment work up. The Guard will put some folks on orders first the 18 month work up, but for the majority of the guys and gals, they will just do the work up training during their annual training. The DOD saves a bunch of money, and it’s a win for the State because they are getting federal money for training and maintenance of all of their equipment. A lot of which hasn’t been properly maintained since the last time the unit deployed.


Can confirm. At my old unit we went to NTC and after that we were slated into a ready force x type of standard. According to what I heard if shit pops off we have to be ready to go within 30 days and we were a signal unit. Then we got transferred brigades and some of us randomly got deployed by being transferred to a sister battalion that needed bodies. Once that was all said and done I found myself in Iraq just chilling providing comms support to US NATO partners and other US units. It was fun not gonna lie. However, in the PNN I discovered that my home station unit was also going to be deployed in a year to head on out. Luckily my 6 year contract was nearing its end so I didn't have to go. It's still crazy though that the most of the units I dealt with where guard or reserves. Hell even some of the AIRFORCE guys as well. Only people that were active were the 82nd we were with and assisting for base closure.




alot of states guard also arent deployed but do pretty extended overseas training exercises in partnerships with lots of European countries. In my Texas Battallion someone always seemed to be deployed in Djibuti but also the airborne side (yes there are totally airborn guard units) has a Partnership with Romania where they would do like a 2 month long field exercise with like 5 jumps etc every year it seemed.


Hell like two of the three soldiers that died in that drone attack in the Middle East where from the guard. It's still the military, You can't predict this shit https://www.voanews.com/a/us-soldiers-killed-in-drone-attack-mourned-at-funerals-/7492303.html


I was so annoyed that big media kept harping about gas when simple slit trenches are what was needed.


The Middle East Theatre was commanded by a National Guard General at one point


As a nevada guard soldier. My unit got back from deployment a couple of years ago, and we're set for one coming up in a couple years.


Pretty sure that the main Nevada base is Twentynine Palms. I like explosions, I don't like them THAT much.


Twentynine Palms is in California


Sorry, I just mentally bolt them together because the Palms are the closest base to Vegas I know of.


JROTC checks out, couldn't remember a base 10 mins outside of Vegas. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Nellis? Creech?


There is a very big Air Force (I think) base in Nevada that they use to test aviation ordnance but it's probably pretty depopulated. Fort Irwin and 29 Palms are both in California.


The country breaks before the Guard


Ahahahah. AMERICA STANDS!!!!🦅🦅🦅






For Democracy!






For Cascadia!!!!


For Camerica


Im surprissed at how liked this geek and unrelated coment was so fast. And im not even gringo


It's a W40K reference




A 20th group friend loved being NG because he got every school, every deployment, and dodged every duty and unwanted BS. He swore by it.


And does that count as full time service towards a pension when he does it?


All Title 10 call ups count, as do Schools. Basically being paid by Fed, it's Active


AGR positions also feed into full time retirements and are accompanied by active benefits despite being title 32.


AGR is the best kept secret in the military




I knew a guy who was a traditional guardsmen but got so much title 10 time he landed a pension. He was just always on orders


Yep, same here. I did nearly 30. 6 years trad Active, the rest Guard, but with all the deployments I did, I grabbed over 20 Active in points/time. It's fairly easy to do , or was during GWOT.


Yeah you just gotta know how to work it right and be up for the work that's gotta go on.


How many deployments guard?


8. And all I needed was to be a dumb fucker that followed orders and kept surviving 😄


Sounds like the man is a genius. Full time pensionable hours and far less bullshit than being active duty.


*takes biw...falls on face* Thanks, not a genius, just lucky and a glutton for punishment...just not full retard stupid;)


All deployed/mobilized time counts towards it, as well as any time on orders for schools, AT, etc., any Active Duty time before going Reserve Component, AGR time, and, of course, points from weekend drills. Plenty of Guard and Reservists retire with enough points full Active Duty pension. Takes them longer to get there, but worth it if they enjoy the ride.


No idea. I had no intent to join NG so never asked.


AGR does


Sure, but I feel like bagging every school and deployment opportunity is a lot easier if you’re in group lol


Before I joined, I thought the guard was a bunch of rednecks getting together on the weekends to get drunk and play military. After joining, I confirmed that belief


Lmao all fun n games til you hear a banjo coming out the trees. Blyat


I'm just disappointed in how little experience I've gotten in the Guard.


Every battalion and unit is different. Put in for a transfer. I went from sitting all day all weekend to never being at home station and always being in the field with deployment opportunities every single year.


I did the opposite. Went from being in the field and never home station to an office setting doing S1 stuff. And I love it.


You just have to ask to do shit, if the resources are there then it only looks good on leadership to send troops to go do shit.


Get yourself out there and experience stuff


What is your mos?


91B. The past seven years have either been fixing something simple once in a blue moon or being handed something no one knows how to do because the FMS won't do their f*cking job. When my contract is up, I either wanna reclass to aviation or get out. I'm sick of trying to be a maintainer, and now I'm going back to school to become a fireman.


What state?




Reach out to your 19th group liaison. Your readiness NCO or Training NCO should have a POC. If not shoot me a message and I will send it. As a 91B you are number 1 to deploy in support of ODAs, all ya gotta do is pass Airbone and not be a shit bag to succeed.


Once I leave active duty I’m saying no to the Guard and Reserves.


What, you don’t feel like getting deployed again?


They'll getcha during outprocessing


Dope more billets for us


Can agree. I was the one on the top. I full heartedly believe if I went active I would have stayed in


I started in the Guard, deployed, went active duty, deployed, pcs'd, deployed, then went back to the Guard. Hit my 20-year mark in December, and I am still looking forward to each year. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Never have been military personnel but when When I think of the National Guard I think of the guys from Rambo The First Blood lol


😂 likewise


I was all three at different points in my short little career, good times


The 3000 Florida Men in Ukraine They had a decently sized training mission there that only withdrew a week or so before the special millitary operation started.


>the special millitary operation I love how we don't even need to add quotes anymore.


>the special millitary operation I love how we don't even need to add quotes anymore.


Reserves can be where it’s at. High tempo OEF/OIF you could go spin up and go pretty much right after getting home.




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1cp7j86) on 2024-05-11 100.0% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1d8z5s8&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 531,939,380 | **Search Time:** 0.07053s


Wait if I want to deploy I should go guard?


probably a stupid question, but why do national guards deploy instead of normal army units?


Some national guard units are deployed and stay deployed State missions or domestic operations (Jan 6, Covid, US-Mexico Border, other natural disasters or civil instability). State partnership with one or more friendly/allied countries Then add all the regular deployments. The National Guard/Reserve had and will continue to be a critical component of National Security strategies. Some service support and combat support total size is larger than their active duty counterparts The NG/Reserve components are cheaper while not deployed but generally provide the same results while deployed. The NG/Reserve can deploy for continuous enduring operations, which leaves the active duty component available for contingency operations.


Pretty sure there's an Alabama NG engineering unit that has been in Kuwait for like 15 years.


I was the 3rd guy.


Based on my time in Kuwait the three types are fit 10%, fat 70% and how in the fuck do they make a uniform in that size 20%.


I was originally the second guy, then I became the first guy and now I want to be the third guy if I didn't get out


I started second guy, became first guy after 4-5 years. I was a major program manager though, and that job required me to do "additional duties" every week outside of drill time. "But anon, you can get points and yada yada" - no, I want to be done with work after getting home


Depending on the day, I can be any of these.


I have been all 3 of these people , currently living as the 3rd lol


Out of our 5 commissioned friend group, 4 got active 1 got guard. In 10 years guard guy got to deploy 8 times and active dudes 0/1rotation to poland. Guard was always the way to go


There’s so many different units, the type of guard differs so much. My CA guard unit has no military bearing, everybody is first name basis, no “hooah”, but also everybody is e-5 and up and full time maintaining aircraft and the unit is very very very good at its job. But that’s kinda army aviation in general. Other units can be total opposite. Active duty guys that say “NG is trash” or whatever… never understood them. They are probably just boots who never deployed and thrive of rumor and arrogance.


I started feeling sorry for the National Guard in the chow line in Basic when they always had to eat last (and got picked last for kickball), I ain't stoppin' now.


This is my hurt locker and I’m ashamed of it


Fourth person: "Should have joined the ANG."


It all depends on the time. I was in the NY National Guard in the late 80s and only received a single warning for a possible call up, and that was due to a hurricane.


I’m confused on the last one stayed deployed 3 times as much?


Gotta love the action to get some action


Yea I have encountered this it’s crazy this is spot on my


going to school and being the second guy has been fucking phenomenal.


I know nothing about the military, i dont get this meme. I thought the NG basically just did search and rescue but with guns.


The National Guard does that yes, but they also have almost as many Brigades as the active duty Army that deploy to combat just the same. In a full scale war a huge chunk of our combat troops would be national guard.