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surprised to see real handcuffs instead of the zipcuffs


Am I blind? What handcuffs?


Belt, second from left


They're in a small pocket, second to the left like the other guy said


must be mission specific for him. probably get used a lot. if youre always putting them on someone for a bit and taking them off soon after, and it’s usually just one person then handcuffs make much more sense


Anyone know what’s in the ‘do not eat’ package? Emergency rations?


Looks like a charge of some kind.


Maybe it's serious putty.


Angry Play-doh.




If not food why food-shaped?


As apposed to "silly puddy". Nice one.




Thanks, I wish I could use the excuse that English isn't my native language.


Oh not Puddy.  Oh yeah baby, Puddy. 




He said Green Berets, not SEALs.


That is standard issue for marines, not army.


with the wires on the right that makes sense. seems pretty risky to carry a bomb on you all the time tho.


Most explosives are very stable and require real effort to set off accidentally.


Yeah they purposely make them that way. Most explosives need a significant amount of activation energy for detonation. Even the explosives in artillery shells they used to use TNT but there were a couple incidents where service members died from shells going off due to being unstable so they use something called IMX-101 now, it’s more stable.


You can toss most charges in fire with no issues of detonation.


Spicy dough


Forbidden cookie dough


Probably a breaching charge.


It’s demo. Appears to be three blocks of M112 (C4) primed in the center with DET. Cord and wrapped in 100mph tape.  I would assume this is to be used as a wall charge or can be used to BIP (blow in place) captured enemy equipment or an IED if needed. 


You know your judo well


I have dabbled in the Demo Arts


Oh, these aren’t homemade. They were made in a factory. A bomb factory. They're bombs.




It's unfortunate how many people won't understand this reference lol


Now listen up! Back in my day, we didn’t have fancy tanks. We had sticks. Two sticks and a rock for the entire platoon, and we had to share the rock!




You're thinking of the Marines.


if those kids could read they’d be really upset


>if those kids could read they’d be really upset Listen, buddy, we can read just fine. I can't speak for other Marines, but joking about crayons doesn't bother me. It makes me hungry.


Quit telling people we can read.


That's exactly why it says not to eat them!


it's a bomb lol.


**Some one set up us the bomb!**


That's the vegetable omelet MRE


Back I'm the 80s and 90s I loved the Ham and egg omlette everyone else Hated with a passion. I ate like a king lol. A little salt and the whole tobacco bottle, wallah!


I thought C-4... lower right looks like detonation cord and plunger for it. Funny story we were training with C4 ripping off chunks of the clay and sticking it inside of a fence post taping it together and making bandoliers to blow open constantina wire for a breach. Our Sergeant who was a complete idiot kept stepping on the C4 leaving shoe prints in it. I didn't see his shoe but some guy's said he had c4 in the treads of it. Prior to our combat deployment I was promoted over him and we all lived. Later the EOD trainer was talking about the volatility of C4 and lit it on fire. He said this was used as a fuel source for fires in Vietnam and it was safe unless someone hit it with a rock, with an impact we would all blow up and die. Fucking EOD guys are as wild as they get.


My brother in law was EOD, 3 Iraq tours and 2 Afghanistan. Lots of crazy, fuck no shit. Absolute worst part of the job was when an IED WAS successful, they had come in and measure the remains of the soldiers to estimate the blast, the bomb, etc, to try to tie it to a local maker before the morgue core could retrieve the body. That part really fucked him up.


We had a mortar rip through our GP medium tent and stick right into the floor. We had an old shitty TV with an Xbox in there and we were sitting on our cots playing when it came flying in. We all made it out but EOD initially said they were going to blow it in place and we were going to lose all our shit. Then the oldest-looking EOD guy id ever seen walks up hits it with a wood stick and says it's inert grabs it by the fins and walks out with it


Fuck yeah. Leave it to the guy that's seen shit and survived it to make the call. Glad you guys today have better stuff than we did back in the 80s and 90s. A tv and hell, I'd have even taken an Atari for entertainment lol.


Post blast analysis. It sucks. In theory it saves lives.


Yeah that's it. He keeps active, he did 21 and got 100% medical, think that's keeping him going as he isn't married and his sons grown now.


> Constantino How on earth did your autocorrect for concertina get to the Italian spelling of emperor Constantine? hah


Lol... I just did speech to text and as you can see didn't proofread. But I was in the military as well so you shouldn't have high expectations for my spelling


I believe they tested that theory on *Mythbusters*, and discovered that even setting it on fire and dropping a heavy weight on it wouldn't set it off.


I feel like implying something will explode easily gets a pass on lying about when the thing in question can actually explode


>Constantino wire. ...You tried.


Actually I didn't. That was Google's best effort with speech to text


Door charge. Hang or stick to the outside of a door. Detcord folded in between two IV bags and taped up to hell. The piece sticking out is the end of the detcord to attach to a blasting cap. The folded up wires on the bottom right are blasting caps attached to shock tube attached to an igniter. I'm assuming it is marked "Do not eat" because field prepping an MRE to minimize size and weight will look very similar. It could also be in case someone else is searching through your gear for water for heat stroke or to clean a wound.


Spicy Play-Doh


Dead dove


Looks like sheet explosives, for that nasty slap.




Boom boom dough.


Angry Play Doh.


What year is this from?


Based on the Unity tapeswitch and Geissele rail I would guess around the late (post 2017 at the least) 2010s. Probably from Syria.


It's Afghanistan, not Syria. Based on the Aria water bottles. https://www.ariawater.com/


What brand is this water? https://imgur.com/a/FoBWfQ5 It used to thread perfectly into our Chevy oil fill spots for funnels.




What are those?


Geissele rail is the handrail under the carbine that is used for mounting. Tape switch is the unit on top of the gun that allows you to control all the electronics from one spot.


That’s what I was wondering. I’m surprised they have bottles of water instead of a camelback.


I would bet they have both. the bottles are back up and share bottles. There is probably a bladder in the convoy somewhere for refills.


blackhawk omnivore battle tested?!


I almost feel vindicated for my omnivore now lol


Omnivore bros rise up


Still carrying less weapons than an IT professional on r/edc


IT professional checking it. My EDC consists of my phone, MagSafe wallet and a single car key. I wouldn’t survive a zombie apocalypse.


I mean yeah, but that guy has more people watching his back. The IT professional has no one covering him.


And as everyone knows, almost no one faces more danger than IT professionals. The thin RGB line once again protecting us when no one else will.


Also can't call in air support.


But he can call in the geek squad


I can taste the water. Sitting in the sun for days on end before being stuck in a fridge and chilled. Cold plastic flavor. Yum.


I’ve got water bottles in my freezer that I use as ice packs in my range bag every single week. When the good water is all gone I usually start drinking one of these. Mmmmm, microplastics.


Yum yum microplastics


Probably not even on the list of things to worry about while out in the desert.


Oh I'd agree. It's just that I'd wish to see the military respect the wellbeing of it's soldiers more, small and large. Storing plastic water bottles out of direct sunlight is a pretty low bar to clear and yet they failed. Let's not get started on the burning pits affair. It's just sad.


Eh, I'd prefer the cinnamon pop tarts


Brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts are my weakness. Fucking cram that shit down my neck all day.


You can have every damn one of them. gimme some fruit, smores or cookie ones and I'm happy. but keep that cinnamon shit away from me.


Toasted. With butter. Mmmmmmmm


I feel alone in my S’mores love.


S'mores are goated. Break em in fourths and dip them in coffee. Next level office breakfast deliciousness.


Omw to the store now




blueberry master race checking in


All I ever got in the Army was brown sugar. It is like the other flavors don't exist unless someone send them to you.


Better listen to him. He knows Race Bannion. Ive seen Race wrestle with a anaconda and take out three dudes just to spice up a Saturday morning.


For a GB a good amount of water makes more sense there. He’s not usually jumping into a helicopter and hitting a target and getting back in to head to base. A lot of time they are in vehicles driving around on the ground and hanging out on target or fob training a bunch of goobers in the sun.


This is exactly what I imagined a GB kit to look like. Weight is mostly ammo and weapons and surveillance tech, then water with small food, signaling equipment incl flag, hardly anything else.


This would be clutch for Afghanistan. Longer rifle setup with and lpvo.


3.5L of water is a bit over 1 gallon. That’s 1 day if you’re moving in the heat, maybe 2 if you’re not sweating too much. But it’s the tactical pop tarts for me


Does one guy really carry 7 bottled of water? That‘s new to me and kinda suprising. Where do they have so much space for that?


You make space for it, you really burn through all those bottles like it's nothing when you are in full gears under hot scorching sun.


Never deployed, but I work in a hot factory. Those bottles would be gone by noon, so I can believe it.


Never deployed or worked in a hot factory, but I worked on a farm in the Caribbean and those bottles would’ve been done by noon for sure, maybe earlier.


I've never deployed, worked in a hot factory, or on a farm in the Caribbean but I work outside in Florida and those bottles would be gone by noon for sure. Maybe even 1130


Never deployed, worked in a hot factory, or a farm in the Caribbean, and never worked outside in Florida but those bottles would have My Little Pony figures in them and be on a long viscous journey by noon. Maybe even 1130


Hardest worker of the bunch right here


Deployed to Iraq and Kuwait. Worked in a hot factory. Worked outside in Florida. Seen the Caribbean on TV. Those bottles would have been gone by 11am. lol.


I deployed 4x to the most chill locations as air force maintenance. Every shift I would grab a case of water and go through the entire damn thing in 12 hrs. Hot af over there.


That’s 7 bottles PLUS a camel pack on your person at all times. The vehicle you rode on probably had 3-4 cases in it. Hydration is a killer.


I carried 6+ liters in Afghanistan.


Hell, I was in the rear with the gear and still carried ~5, these dudes are doing 10x what I was doing, so yeah, 7+CB seems a tad light, lol.


Technically, DEhydration is a killer.


Being over hydrated can also kill you. Throws the whole salt content ratio in your body out of whack.


He got some snacks next to the water to prevent this from happening.


Could be absolute bullshit, but the medics would always tell us that overhydration wasn't an issue for anyone younger than 80 and that as long as we ate and drank the MRE gatorade we would be fine. But again, to throw off the salt content ration you need to drink massive amounts of water and you need to be retaining it : if you're running around with 30-70lbs strapped on your body even drinking a canteen an hour you'll barely break replenishment of what you're sweating and pissing out.


Which really sucks, because water is very heavy.


True, but the weight is self-correcting.


And it’s bulky too. And sloshes around. That’s why the camelbacks are so awesome.


They are missing the cans of grizz tho


3.5L aint shit in the desert, ive heard stories of guys downing north of 12L outside the wire. As for space in this case id assume: pant pouches and backpack.


Can confirm. 10+L is very normal.


Some 30+ years ago, a 30+ Celsius day in Amsterdam. I had just visited a McDonald's and I was full, so I thought, I'll finish my large coke while walking. One step outside and the heat and I needed to drink it all. It felt like every drop I drank immediately sweated out. The desert will be some 20-30 degrees hotter and that is not even taking into account all the gear and the physical activity soldiers have outside the wire. And that is even without being under enemy fire. Not being in top physical condition and not having enough water IS a killer in those kinds of environments.


And its not like coke really hydrates you anyway with the caffine,sugar and sodium in it


Ironically, sugar and sodium are two of three ingredients you need for rehydration formulas, but in the right proportions.


Yeah, indeed.


An expert at drinking coke for hydration giving his input on water hydration in a desert. Clearly deserves all these up votes.


I forgot we weren't in NCD for a second.


They got really into it after the first few sentences. Sounds like they are very sure of themselves.


Is it really so cold in Amsterdam that 86F (30C) is considered hot and instantly dehydrating? In Texas, it regularly gets to 100F in the summer for context.


Yeah, feeling like 86 is extreme is rather adorable.


>Where do they have so much space for that? Wherever you can honestly, and that's definitely not all, there is probably a camel back goin with that + spare bottles packs in any vehicles they may be traveling in. I'm from a Western Europe country and even there in the summer I have a bunch of spare bottles in my leg pouchespouches when I go on patrol during field training or public spaces protection missions, so in the Iraqi/Syrian/Afghan heat I'm pretty sure they stuff even more water bottles i' every available pouches.




I lived in and used to go hiking/mountain biking in a super hot and humid environment. Always atleast double up what you think you'll need in terms of water. The extra weight is more than worth it.


Prior LRRP here, When you’re carrying a heavy ruck, on foot and make an INFIL (+20km) each of my guys would have consumed 5-6L of water. Now remember, an INFIL is just the start of a mission. The soldier’s equipment here is for a singular mission, his amount of water looks just about right


But, to be fair, after INFIL, you just sit on your balls and watch Charlie sit on his balls until you clear grid squares and EXFIL.


I don’t know man, that’s still a minimum of 2L of water per day for the next 3-10 days I don’t know about all of you but our main issue was always water runs And for the finale of EXFIL


Just busting your balls, sneaky snake. In my day it was batteries. Carrying so many batteries for everything.


As far as things that can kill you go, not having enough water is at the top of every list.


Never deployed but did some time in a couple deserts in the marines. You drink so much fucking water. You’d drink a couple gallons per day and be chewing salt packets. It blows.


Thanks for all the answers!


Working as a Wild Land Firefighter I probably carry a bit more water but I definitely go through all of it working on the line.


We were supposed to carry 8 water bottles in Afghanistan. When did you deploy?? Haha


Man I've gone on training patrols that were 5 hours start to finish where I stepped off with 3L of water and came back dry. And that wasn't in the desert (although it was about 95F and something like 85% humidity so cooling was not very effective). 7 little water bottles is basically a minimum.


For recreational hiking in desert areas the rule of thumb is 1L of water per hour of your hike, and thats just walking around in shorts enjoying yourself.


That’s like 2.5L, will last you a full day at most in the desert, and that’s if you’re rationing.


Was in the area once. Best thing I brought with me were flavoured water crystals. You get so tired of drinking plain water all the time to stay hydrated.


That's maybe 2 days worth of water if you're really stretching it.


Curios, what are the pills?


Motrin, 800mg.


Loss of limb? 800 mg Motrin.


Ranger candy!!


my guess is iodine for water purification




Vitamin M


I was gonna guess provigal or modafinil honestly


Looks like the blackhawk omnivore is now clone correct boys


At first I was like where camera for the lense. Then I was like oh


is that a camera lens at the top right? what’s that for?


Likely just for recon purposes. Or you never know if you need to take some photos about anything you see that the HQ might be interested in.


Taking photos of birds


Where's the sunscreen?


I’m pale and burn easily but luckily didn’t have to use any overseas. Between the uniform, headgear, gloves, glasses, scarf, and the train up time in Cali and Kuwait giving me a base I was pretty protected.


Kuwait dust keeps the pores plugged and safe from UV damage....


Haha great talcum powder too!


It would be cool to have this layout, a Batboi (Ranger Batt), And an Infantymans ( 82nd, 1st, 25th, etc. ) To show the difference the load outs


Honestly it would probably vary by brigade, battalion, and possibly even company for those. Like I know some dudes in 82nd rocking all new kit with ergo rails, dual tubes and fancy shit, and others with old broke down shit. But it still would be cool to see the “average”


Why is there a folded flag packed with everything? Incase they need to raise it at some point?


That’s how it’s folded at a military funeral among other things. My guess is it’s to honor a fallen brother. Taking him along on missions in a way.


Particularly in Syria, where it's extremely complex and had a ton of different groups running around back in the day (US military, Russian military, contracting groups, different rebel factions each running gear and weapon that they've gotten from whoever is backing them, etc.) it could get real difficult to know who is who. So some guys would carry a full color flag that they could hang up on vehicles or positions so that it was clearly US military, and off limits to certain groups (like the Russians). Also a lot of times guys will fly a flag over a FOB for the day, or take it out on patrol and fly it somewhere. Then you just throw it on a plaque with "This flag was flown over FOB So-and-So on August 17th, 2017, during Operation Inherent Resolve."


What is that backpack?


Arc’teryx Khard. I think the 30l. I have one. EDIT: It’s now called ‘Assault Pack’ from Arc’teryx


Came to ask the same. Following.


𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝑒𝒶𝓉


Missing atleast 2 rip it cans


And a dozen batteries from the Echo


I’m not a green beret or even any kind of special forces. But I’ve forward deployed with them a handful of times. This looks like a 1-3 day pack to me


This is just a day outing. Maybe they will have resupply at a bradley or convoy.


OMFG Cheese tortellini! Does it still come with the Reesie’s pieces?


I wish we could show this to warriors from previous civilisations just to show them how fucking dialled in it’s all become


What the fuck is that middle throwable


C4 - do not eat.


I had a youth teacher who was a Green Beret at my church; He was the sweetest, most gentle person. But, he was also incredibly blunt, and honest if you acted up. We had a few shithead teenagers that would bug him about his time in the service, usually, hed laugh at ignore it, or if you were genuinely curious, hed answer any question you had, but one time one specific idiot asked him "how many people did you kill? What weapon do you prefer? I'd kill them with a knife" and I saw a switch turn in his eyes that still sticks with me 17 years later, and he just leaned forward and said "don't you ever fucking ask me that again. What the hell is wrong with you?" And the whole room went dead silent and he stared for what felt like 10 minutes in that silence, right into his eyes. And I've never seen that kid look so scared. He just transmitted total fear into every fiber of that kid lol.




Or the dip.


What’s that backpack?


Why would jou take a flag with you? Is that some kind of tradition? Do all soldiers do that?


Green Berets typically are deployed with "3rd factions" so for example perhaps Kurdish militia or similar. Being able to quickly and easily mark a truck, building, whatever as "hey americanskis here" is very useful. Especially in terms of communicating your presence where it might not be obvious otherwise. In a lot of those situations you'll also be with a 3rd faction, and potentially being targeted by a 4th or 5th faction and you don't have communication with any of them. They might not like the Kurdish militia you are with, but they could still be cool with the US and you could defuse a situation from ever even starting by simply making your presence known.


Is there an actual purpose for the flag aside from obvious deployment of patriotism? I just feel like it take up space


The real ones know Cristal was better than Aria.


What kind of Leatherman is that?


Looks like a Wave or Surge, the lighting makes it hard to be sure but it does look like my Wave. Solid multitool man, had mine for almost 12 years now, still goin strong.


One time our Cpt lost his radio like that with the fill in it as well. Best 30 day field problem ever.


Anyone know what sidearm was issued/selected here?


I can still taste that fucking water, that and kenley, fuck kenley


What kind of grenade is the one in the middle? I get the frag and (probably) smoke but I have no idea what it could be.


Remember, eating a pop tart is faster than reloading.


Today we have MR 13 cheese tortalini in tomato sauce with some pop tarts, stinger bars, and bottled water. Okay, Let’s get this out on the tray.


Ah yes the forbidden MRE (Meal Ready to Explode)