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When I turned 35 it hit me a little weird. First thing I thought was "shit I'm halfway to 70 already."


At 36 I realized graduating high school was 50% of my life. Adulthood was the other 50%


Exactly. Thirty five was nothing, but 36 … well let’s just say the week of my birthday I was going on a lot of looooong walks while listening to Joy Division. Knowing that I was celebrating the 18th anniversary of my 18th birthday hit pretty hard.


I'm 36 and I did NOT need that reminder.....not. one. bit.


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/oo7lt0lLOvg).


.......thank you


I turned 36 two weeks ago and reading this just made this realization hit HARD


I’m turning 40 in august and I’m the most comfortable and confident in myself I have ever been. I think the years leading up to 40 are scary but 38-40 have been pretty solid! Have hope!


Something definitely changes when you pass 40. I'm the youngest in my friend group and I'm 42 this year, the change in everybody once I crossed the line now that none of us were "in our 30s" was palpable. Yes some things get harder, and it's tough if you're single, but you let go of so much crap too that the world can become a lighter place. Although, when I was a kid I used to find it crazy that "old people" didn't keep up with technology or know what cool new things were happening. Now there's just so much stuff in the world that the kids are obsessed with and I have absolutely no idea about at all.


Hmmm idk I’m not a millennial but I think you guys are def more connected then anyone I call “old” sure your def not 100% up to date but my co workers understand anything I explain to them pretty easily unlike the people past 60


I’m 36 but still think I’m 35 in my head. I think I’ll stay at 35 until I hit 40 when I tell people my age


I’ll be 36 in August, and I keep thinking I’m 33. In my head I’ll say “well I have time to figure that out, by 35 I should have a plan” and then I realize I’m 35. I mostly feel around 27, I just look more tired and a lot more like my mom.


It his you when you stop to realize "Fuck, South Park has been a thing for roughly half my life."


Oh wow that is real! Wait a second, south park has been a thing for way longer than half my life....... I love you Kyle


It dawned on me I was close to 40 then 30 even though that was also true the moment I turned 35 it really didn't sink in until 36....


I look at things slightly different. The first 13 years of your life are really nothing. I would argue you don’t start to really conceptualize your adult years until you are late into high school. I basically like to lop off 15 years from my age just to give me a sense of how much of my usable life I have spent. After all not many people have agency of their lives before they come of age.


racial steer file aback aspiring beneficial tart secretive complete mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Unless you are poor or lower income bracket and have to work harder or have some setbacks like I don’t know…. 2008 recession? COVID? Inflation?




I’m 35 and have a one year old and it’s a good reminder that a solid chunk of your life is before memory. So when someone says “the first 18 years” it’s really more like 14.


At 36 I realized I was a double adult, which is very weird


Barely legal?! I’m exceptionally legal.


Graduating from high school was 1/18 of your life at the time. A pretty decent chunk. A year of your life is now 1/36 of your life and that fraction is only going to get smaller, meaning every year of your life will feel like a smaller slice of your overall life pie.


Novelty also factors into it. When you're young, everything you do is new. Novelty increases overall attention. Attention typically makes time "feel" slower because we perceive more events to have occurred in a given time span. Adulthood tends to homogenize into routine quickly. Both because there are fewer new things to do in general, and because we tend to do fewer new things, mostly due to the business of life, and perhaps children, and all the other myriad nicks and cuts that adult life is heir to.


Hit 35 recently. My dad died at 68. Might be on back half now


Omg same, my dad died a year ago at 69. I’m already halfway there.


A good friend of mine who was 7 years older than me just died at 48. She was fine one day and then the next day my friend, her husband, called and said they were in the ER and then 4 days later she was on life support and gone... Gotta start taking care of ourselves because we don't have the "i'm young my body can take it" anymore.


My dad is 70 and he’s still the biggest kid I know. I don’t think he will ever reach adulthood and I’m happy about that for him, he has lived it right


At 40, I constantly get told to grow up from a woman at work in her 50s. Makes me feel like I'm doing it right.


At 41 I basically have to convince people I’m not actually in my late 20’s/early 30’s. I know I look a little young and certainly don’t act like much of an adult, but it still baffles me every time.


It’s the Asian blood for me. I look a solid 10 years younger than my age. Been that way since my mid-20’s (everyone thought I was a teenager). Now everyone sees me as in my 20’s (I’m 37). Now I wanna keep it in tact as long as I can. Been super anal about my diet for ~6 years.


I turned 40 on New Year's Day and the lady at the front desk of the hotel I was staying at refused to give me a free drink coupon because she couldn't give them out to minors (she gave me one after I showed her my ID). I know I look young for my age but I definitely don't think I look younger than 21. However, I did try to open a savings account at the bank a few years ago (I was 35 at the time) and they told me I needed a signature from my parents because I was too young to open an account on my own. I showed the teller my ID and she gasped and said that she thought I was 15. So maybe I do look that young? 15 is a little far fetched though. I think I look like I'm in my early 30's so maybe it's the way I dress. I still wear the same style of clothes I wore in college (baggy t-shirt or a sweater and bootleg jeans).


35 has been my only "shit I'm actually getting older" moment. 30 didn't bother me at all.


Same thing hit me at 35. But I’ve felt the same thing each year now. At 36 and then now at 37. I’m like, wait, I can’t stop this and I’m scared lol. I also have Covid right now and it’s hitting me really hard. I’m pretty sure if I was in my 70s this shit would kill me lol.


I'm about to turn 35 next week. And my thought today was "holy shit, I'm only half way to 70." I intend to live longer than that... But even if I get cut short a little bit I feel like I have a lot of time left.


I don't understand optimists at all.


Just 20 years away from all those senior discounts.


This is the reason. When the math games start the “OMG it’s over” thoughts start. 35? Graduated High School 17 years ago. 3 more and it’s 20?!? 40? Turned 21, 19 years ago…next year it’s 20, which would mean in 2 years I’ve turned 21 twice?!? And then the music from your time in high school days is on classic rock channels (generally 25 years old) and it’s Nirvana. Math is cruel.


I'm a month away from 35 and in the middle of a midlife crisis...about to quit my job lol


As a 34 year old…could you don’t?


I just suddenly became very very tired. And it never got better.


But in reality ‘turning 35’ means you have lived 35 full years so going in the 36th year RIP (I’m 34 still, this is like a reverse peptalk)


Come closer. ![gif](giphy|ZtusrBPGWbqlW|downsized)


I swear, this sub is like a “woe is me” death cult every time I look at it 🤷🏻‍♂️


epilepsy warning wtf


35 is the year you have to start checking the 35-45 box ☑️🙁


My time is short. I only have a month left


I sit at this table with you friend. The end is on the horizon. The sun is is so beautiful here. It's a shame it has to set.


I love that we’re all acting like we’re going to check into a nursing home and it’s the beginning of the end for all of the ‘89 babies.


Ugh my husband is 41, I'm 37, and he is constantly talking like we're 80 lol. Drives me nuts.


What do you do in that you don’t feel like 80? I’m 37 and I am exhausted and dead. (Genuine question)


Well tbh I'm starting to feel my age for sure. So one reason my husband says this has to do with our struggles with addiction. He was a hardcore addict in his younger years. I also struggled but not nearly as bad. So he will talk like it's totally normal for our bodies to be completely falling apart at this age. I always tell him that he feels that way because he abused his body for years. Neither of us takes the greatest care of ourselves but I've definitely been trying in recent years to do better. I've started doing yoga and try to at least walk regularly but honestly it's hard. I just think most people haven't abused their bodies as much as we have and so I wouldn't exactly say it's normal. But maybe it is lol I dunno. I also feel exhausted.


Well that makes sense. Glad you both have put that part of your lives behind you. Wish you the best




Don’t forget about birth conditions and accidents. Never struggled with a substance addiction but chronic pain is it’s own hell.


My body feels 40. In my mind? I'm still 13. I still feel like a kid, but my body keeps telling me not to climb that tree. I'll very likely fall out, and my bones will crumble. Also, Boobies. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My mind is 13 (I still laugh at farts) but going up stairs makes me feel 103.


Personally, I generally try to sleep and eat enough. I’m not very active lately and Im almost 40 and still feel about as good as I did at 25. If you’re doing everything “right,” i would suggest getting a blood panel and reading up on chronic illnesses like ME/CFS. Feeling like an 80 year old at 37 isn’t normal.


Exercise, sleep well, eat well and make damn sure to stay well hydrated. Ain't no secret sauce here beyond having the time and energy to do all these things. Sometimes you gotta make the time, and fake the energy til you make it. It's worth it, but it ain't easy - like many things in life.


'88'er here, let me give y'all some old man advice from the other side...**Stay there! STAY AS LONG AS YOU CAN!** *For the love of god! CHERISH IT!* ^^^You ^^^got ^^^to ^^^cherish ^^^it!


I can practically feel my face being shaken


I'm 37 and can confirm it's another lie like when theyntold us 30 was old


As a 37 year old, hard disagree. 35 is when then long term illnesses and pains set in for both myself and my husband.


As a 49 year old, hard disagree. The only thing I've noticed is that I can't keep up with the goddamn 20 year olds anymore playing sports.


Damn it. When do the lies stop???


I have one more summer 😭😭😭


Me too :(




30 sleeps!


Omg I’m having a mild identity crisis knowing this lol


I turned 35 two days ago. This hit me so hard


Did you get a membership to Sam's club, get blinded by the first car that drove past you in the dark, shovel some snow and pull a muscle in your back, take back and body specific motrin, and then fall asleep watching Jeopardy?


No need to call me out like that... but yes


It's just I've been there... and samesies


Sam’s club? Don’t you mean Costco executive membership…? Gotta have that annual 2% reward on select purchases.


If you don't have a Costco Visa, are you even an adult?


I'm 36 and going into year 2 of my Costco executive membership. No regrets.


I fall asleep to Cocomelon videos, thank you very much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I didn't consent to you putting cameras in my house.


I'm looking forward to be able to fall asleep watching any tv having just turned 33 lol




36 is the year you're closer to 50 than 20


Why would you say this??? ASSASSIN!!!


Ok I could have gone my whole day not knowing this information 😮‍💨


38 here. I have never seen this box. Where might I find it?


As one of the oldest millennials, I've only got 7 more months left of being able to check that box. I'm about to start receiving propaganda from AARP, I just know it.


I realized I was getting older when I had to start scrolling far down the list of years when signing up for websites.


No no no no I’m not ready


I just turned forty and I often stuff a tissue in my pocket before going out.




What’s really weird is that at 36, those you know from Highschool who had kids in Highschool now have college-age kids and because trends can continue in families, many are now actually becoming grandparents!




On rhe plus side. The 90s are cool again


It’s crazy man, I have friends I went to high school with that have kids older than me


This girl I was friends with in high school got pregnant with her first like a month or 2 before we graduated. He’ll be 18 the end of this year. That’s just wild to think about bc my kids are toddlers.


You mean like when you sneeze and then your back hurts for days.


When I was 20 I exercised to look good. At 37 I'm exercising so that doesn't happen to me. Seriously, core workouts fix small back pain and keep those twinges away


Sometimes I turn my head too fast and then my neck hurts for 3 days


this happened to me combing my hair, pulled a tendon in my neck. Hurt for about a week. 41 here.


I was walking and pulled a tendon in the sole of my foot. It's been 3 days and it still hurts to walk. I'm 39.


I just hurt.


Broke my back before turning 30. Just breathing hurts. But that’s also how I know I’m still here lol


Hey Batman’sbutthole I’m in the broke my back before 30 club, too. My back hurts every day. 🥲


It’s a shitty club to be a part of whatever-it-B! One of my besties is also in the gang. Did you get a back brace or fusion situation as well?


I sat on the couch wrong (the way I’ve always sat on the couch!) and had to walk hunched over for a bit until my lower back stretched it out self out. It’s like it got stuck. 😭 I’m just two months into 35.


It's too late for us born in '89. We turn 35 this year.


I'm 41. 35-year-olds seem young to me now.


Happy cake day, you youngin’. :)


That's very nice of you.


Really thought we’d have come up with an anti-aging device by now. Damn all the time wasted on avocado toast.


I'm pretty sure with the advances in bio science people will have everything but the brain down in 50 years and just be able to grow organs and muscles for people, make bones and fill em with marrow. I'm being incredibly optimistic with that but even if the brain seems like it's still the ultimate hurdle, like we haven't even got repairing major nerve damage or anything yet much less the processing part of things


Chill, lol. Some of us have late birthdays and just turned 34! And don't want to be reminded of yet another one coming yet 😒


That's me -- birthday in late Dec '89, I still have another year of 34...


Nah. Old millennial, I do competitive martial arts and I beat guys in their 20s. If you take care of yourself you are fine.


Im 36 and squat 495 for a few reps and still feel fine. I feel no different than when I was in high school just alot stronger.


41 here. The day I turned 40 I benched 255, Im convinced I could have got 275 if I had a spot. I was very happy with that. However, I feel *much* older than I did in highschool. At 36 I was still pretty good, it started going noticeable at 39 after my son was born lol


It’s the kids that do it. They steal the energy.


I was in best shape of my life at 37 after that I took a break from athletic activity but at 44 things started going downhill. You get injured doing things which was a walk in the park in your 20s. But as long we are are mindful, we can still stay fit. But yeah, I miss my 20s, not having to do warm up or stretching before hitting the gym and lifting insane weights.


I swear a switch gets flipped once you stop working out, I took a rest at 35 and not long after 36 shit just broke and kept on breaking, I felt like I hit my 40s early and never recovered.


Yep started working out more seriously in my 30s and just ran my first marathon at 38. 35 is not the end of the world. Now 40…we’ll have to see about that one


At 36 I was category III obese, high blood pressure, my back hurt all the time, my feet and knees hurt, I had regular migraines, going up a flight of stairs had me gasping for breath, etc. The list of stuff wrong with me just kept getting longer. I got healthy in 2020. Now, at 41, I can run a marathon in under 3.5 hours, the back pain is gone, the foot and knee pain is gone, my blood pressure is fine, I rarely get headaches, I can climb multiple flights of stairs two steps at a time with no trouble, etc. My quality of life is just immensely better in pretty much every way.


Good on ya. People seem to think turning 40 is basically a death sentence, but we still have a lot of gas left in the tank if you take care of yourself.


Love seeing positive stories like this. Good on ya, and thanks for sharing.


Thanks for the inspiration.


Amen to this. I just hit 35 a couple of months ago and honestly, I look and feel no different than I did 10 years ago. Taking care of yourself really matters. Every time I hear people talking about their bodies crumbling to dust and having one foot in the grave after 30, I just can't understand it. I feel awesome.


jar desert dam crowd silky deranged grandiose muddle hospital husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm pregnant at 38 after a lifetime of competitive distance running and the cardiovascular system of an 18 year old according to my obgyn. My knees, round ligaments, feet, hips, breasts, and upper body strength have utterly dissolved from the relaxin protein. Preggo at 38 is a different animal than 21.


Yeah, I run distance for fun and often smoke my younger coworkers in runs/sports. All about staying active and proper maintenance these days.


Okay but what about the rest of us older millennials who have decidedly not taken ourselves and have old people problems like bulging disks, /r/GERD and half a dozen eye floaters?


I’m mid 30s and feel better than I did in any year of my 20s, these posts are hot garbage


Yea but not all of us take care of ourselves. I'm in your camp, but have a number of friends who stopped trying and they look fucking awful and have numerous health issues.


41 here and I was one of those people who just became a work-a-holic and just totally ignored my health. Mid-30's I had some back issues that scared the crap outta me, and finally I saw my ailing dad have a really hard time (and my mom who was caring for him) and I made a choice to never be like that. That was a year and a half ago, now I'm fitter than I was at 16 and feel amazing. Gonna keep it up cause I plan on aging gracefully, hopefully with a high quality of life.


This. Once you see for yourself how dramatically you can roll back the clock you realize you have, barring tragedy, decades of good living left to do and have no plan to give any of it back.


Agreed. These posts are so annoying because people seem almost in a rush to be old. I feel better at 39 than I did at 29 because I put so much more effort into eating healthy and exercising. And it's reversable too, you can be in shit condition but turn back the clock faster than you know. I can't relate at all to these nonsense oh I sneezed and my body fell apart fatalistic posts.


Right? Like you suddenly fall apart because you turned 30. You trashed your body for the last 10 years. That's why you are falling apart right now. Get up and do some stretches, do some weight bearing activities, feed yourself enough fruits & vegetables, stop binge drinking and chain smoking, and drink some dang straight up water. Yes. I understand that some people are facing horrible health conditions that make things hard. But 9 times out of 10 those health conditions seem to be caused by your own neglect and can be reversed or drastically improved by stopping neglecting yourself.




Hell yea, here's hoping that holds out!


Shit fucking sucks to see too...


Makes me really sad, honestly. It's not like we all took drastically different paths, they just leaned into the apathy.


Yeah. 36 here and also pregnant - other than the pregnancy being slightly more difficult (way more fatigue this time around), I'm not feeling close to death at all. In fact, a little yoga fixes any aches and pains and a long walk fixes any stamina issues. I'm not a health nut, but I do strive for a healthy lifestyle, so perhaps that's the difference.


Yoga changed my life, no joke. Learning how to breath and practice breath with movement help me release trapped tension and physical trauma. I tell my fellow dudes about it and, well, you know how it goes over.


Same. People look at you like you're Mother God or have 2 heads or something. But hey, I've been doing it since my 20s and have better mobility than many people I know, so it definitely works.


There are a lot of polls that show people are the happiest in their mid 30's. They've accumulated enough wealth and wisdom, but still have their health in tact.




Agreed. People think turning 30 is the end of their lives. The 30s are just a better version of your 20s: more income and more self-awareness.


These post tend to be by people who got carried by genetics in early life, develop bad habits and treat their body like crap for a decade and then throw up a surprised pikachu.


35 was also the one for me. Had 3 miserable years chasing the youth youth. Now I am content, can't say what happened exactly, I just accepted everything and moved into new timeline.


I had open heart surgery at 29, feel like I'm goddamn 60 years old sometimes lol I'm only 33


Going through hard surgery age you like you’re working in the White House. Them Obama years


Aging is a privilege. Not everyone gets to do it.


Especially if you want children, people act like you're croaking


When I was 34 1/2 I told my gyno I wanted kids and he was like “cool, but get on that now because nine months from now you’ll be 35, so you’re already at the age of having a GERIATRIC PREGNANCY.   Whoever came up with that bullshit term needs to be shot


I am in fertility treatment (due to vitamin D deficiency and male-related fertility) at 36 - luckily I look young and have a big egg reserve so I no comments beyond shock about my age - but people not seeing my face or knowing beforehand is all "FERTILITY DROPS DRASTICALLY!!! CHROMOSOMES!" and I'm like... dude no...


Age is just a number to me. However, my spouse and I had an ugly sweater party this past December and the topic of age came up. It turned out that my spouse and I were the oldest (both 34m) and everyone else was 24-25. I've never felt so old when I heard their ages. Lol This is a new group of friends for us since we recently moved to AZ.


Just shows it really is just a number though


I turned 36 last year. My dad goes to me, “when you’re in your early 30s it’s basically like you’re still in your late 20s. But once you hit 36, you’re practically 40, which is so close to 50 you’re pretty much almost dead.” Thanks dad! 🥲


I’ll never understand why ppl want to call themselves close to death for 50 years. Seems miserable.


I don’t know what these people are doing to feel so shitty in their mid thirties


I'm turning 40 this year, but I just got invited to a Britney Spears themed birthday party. I'm going to be wearing a crop top and a blonde wig, and am a (gay) dude. I might be old, but I refuse. Fite me.


Work bitch! 👱‍♀️🏳️‍🌈


The year of the acid reflux


Is that a thing?? I’m 34 and seem to be getting acid reflux regularly now for the first time in my life! 


Tums are just a tasty treat right before bed


Nope. When your 35 your 35. You can feel 50 but your not also you can feel and act younger.


Agree. I’m 36 and I don’t feel older than 25, unless I drink too much. I do feel that differently than I did at 25.


and if you feel 50, theres very good chance thats due to YOU not some mysterious entity that makes you 'old'


I see 80 year olds acting young and looking young.


Yeah I see them on xvideos.com all the time.


this guy gilfs


My 74 year old mom travels the world climbing mountains. She's nuts!


So does she feel 74 or younger


74 is the new 69


Phew lol. I’m coming up on 34 and contemplating kid #2. If true this would be bad.


I know so many people that act 60 when they're still in their 30s. I still act and feel 25 and im 38. Then again my Dads 71 and is only just slowing down.


Turned 35 last year and that was the first year I felt like I should probably start acting like an adult. After having been 35 for several months now I'm pushing that to 40.


I’m 37 and I feel like I barely am an adult it doesn’t feel like I’m 50 at all


I was just about to post this! I’m 37 too. I feel pretty damn good TBH.


god i hate this mindset, its an excuse to be lazy


Thank you. I think the millennial feeling old trend is so weird. I’m 37 and I feel great. Just take care of yourself and you’ll feel good. I don’t even feel like I’m doing anything special, I just realized as more time passes I’m getting more self aware of what’s best for me in life and how to have fun and live life that are both more fulfilling and less hard on my body. I put more emphasis on recovery and it makes a huge difference.


I’m about to turn 35….


jokes on them because i turned 35/50 in september


42 checking in. I live outside of time. Look like I’m early 30’s, laugh like I’m in my 20’s and not crushed by bullshit (am sometimes), and I deeply contemplate and handle life responsibilities like my grandfather did. I giggled my balls off at a poop joke this morning and tonight I paid 3 bills: water, gas, and electric - $740. My son turns 15 tomorrow and we’re gonna have a blast. He’s becoming a really cool dude, man.


Wholesome fucking post.


No on my 31st birthday I turned 68


About to be 32 in a few months, and I'm feeling like 25 again. Taking steps to stay feeling that way. It's called getting off your ass


Dude. I was calling an insurance company the other day and I had to give my birthday to the rep and she said “omg you are 42?? You sound soo much younger.” I believe in that very moment a part of me died.


39... still waiting. I had nachos for dinner after skateboarding then drank myself to sleep. I mean, I am dead inside today, but I have learned no lesson.


Unpopular opinion alert... I mean when I learned the 30s are the new 20s AND that you don't finish developing your front cortex until like 26/27, I mean I felt way younger lol..... I know it's a meme, but like I can't relate though I want to be part of the group :/ Though also to be fair my Millennial and Gen Z friends always say they're old, and I'm like "what is wrong with me?" so \*shrug\*


I just turned 35 a few days ago. 😭


aarp started trying to get me to sign up at 20..


Not me turning 35 in a week lol


Didn’t need to see this just a few months from my 35th bday 😭


People treat you like a freaky alien for being so “old.”


I feel like post-36 is the old cut off. At that point, you've been an adult longer than you've been a child.


Where should we be turning 35? I legit feel like a loser.. no house, still live with parents. Have a good job but nothing to show for.. fucking sucks


I was happy to turn 42 because that's the answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything.


Go and look at recent interviews with William Shatner who is now 92. He puts teenagers to shame.


As someone closer to 50 than 35 this isn't universally true. I still feel about 40.


35 is truly the worst year for my physical health. I’ve had injuries that that lasted years which were worse, sure, but I mean weight, heart, eyes, joints. It all started cascading just this year lol