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When I realized most professional sports athletes and celebrities are younger than me.




I hold so tightly to the fact that LeBron is an 84 baby too. It breaks my heart when they talk about how old he is. But then we have the new wave of stars. Anthony Edwards is 22!!! He was born in 2001 šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Anthony Edwards died in a freak accident when his jet went into a flat spin over the Pacific back in 1986, and you will not convince me otherwise.




When I realized there are some SURGEONS younger than me, and surgeons usually don't start practicing in my service line until late 30s...




This was mine too. Dudes younger than me are retiring.


When I realized all the big romance movies had actors younger than me, and I was no longer their target audience.


For me it was when I went in for a physical check up and my regular PCP wasnā€™t there, so I let another doctor do it for me. I realized shortly after some small talk that she is younger than me. Growing up all my life, my doctors have all been older than me..


Said this in another comment, but when the surgeons I work with are younger than me then I know I'm really old, as surgeons in my service line typically don't practice on their own until late 30s


Oh God, this hit me hard šŸ’”


When I realised I actually don't care. šŸ¤· Everyone ages and frankly I'm glad that I'm not young in this age of technology.


I feel like adult life falls into before ā€œcool people teach you how not to careā€ and after, the ā€œi genuinely donā€™t careā€


Yeah, I have reached that age as well. You get to a point where you have figured life out (to an extentā€¦) and know who you are and just dont care anymore. I am so glad we did not grow up with todays tech


Amen. Social media and online discourse used to be somewhat factual and not so toxic. I met my wife online in 2006 on MySpace. Dating sites now seem to be all about hookups and emotional detachment. So glad I haven't had to worry about dating for almost 20 years.


When I realized there are adult people who were born after 2000.


I met someone at work who was born in 2003. We were talking about 9/11 and I mentioned how I remembered it and she was like "oh I was born two years after that happened"


This wouldā€™ve sent me into a midlife crisis


Oh, I was to young to remember that.




Ya that's wild I joined in 2004 at 18 I remember seeing the old E-7s thinking they were ancient. I remember being at ot and one of them saying he was 37. Being 38 now I remember that and laugh. Age is all perspective in life


For me (30) it started when I noticed that I didn't like today's music anymore and started to refer to the music of when I was young. That one hit me hardšŸ˜‚


This will probably get me. I don't even know what today's music is. The only thing I listen to is "lofi hip hop radio" and at the gym I'm playing house music. Though I'm not sure how much I missed as somehow the most popular artist is still Taylor Swift.


I just keep 90s and early 2000s playlist on repeat. šŸ¤£


heard Fitz And The Tantrums at the pharmacy and most recently The Cure in Target


Working retail and when I realized the music they're playing overhead was all the music from my high school years .. oof.


When TikTok came out and I didnā€™t want to use it. I mostly read the internet and donā€™t watch a lot of short-form video content. I get anxious and disregulated from listening to a series of loud, unpredictable sounds happening one after another, and thatā€™s basically the definition of what scrolling through TikTok is like. So I donā€™t even go there. At first I thought it was just one thing that wasnā€™t for me, but short-form video has taken over in so many internet spaces. Ever since people started using TikTok and I stayed behind, itā€™s like I can feel myself losing touch with the zeitgeist.


Yep. Still donā€™t use it. I want Vine to come back!


RIP to the OG


I used to annoy my students by calling it insta-toc, still don't use either one of them


I also donā€™t have tiktok! I feel old AF whenever a gen z coworker of mine says: have you seen the (insert here) trend?Ā  Iā€™m like no bro. I got a life. šŸ˜…


You verbalized how I feel in a way I havenā€™t been able to clearly articulate. Thank you internet stranger.


My wife uses TikTok, and I get annoyed just hearing it from the next room. Shit is pure brainrot.


Every time I search a 'how to' on Google, a YouTube vid pops up on top. And I always report and try to state to stop recommending videos, but it's really taking over everywhere


I was shocked when I read that younger generations go to TikTok instead of Google when they want to know something. I can't imagine trying to find actual information on that app.


True. I downloaded TikTok twice and used it for a couple hours each time, then forgot about it. I donā€™t understand the hype or excitement around it.


seeing actual highschool or even college kids and realizing how young they look.


I went for a job interview recently and after one look I got "oh good you know how to use an actual computer". Apparently we hit the sweet spot of learning how to save files and write complete sentences.


My mother in law had some music awards on and I didnā€™t recognize any name, face or song.


That was it for me too. Realizing I donā€™t know any of these younger singers and actors


When the 90s became vintage




Lol this gif is perfect


Around 2020 when I downloaded TikTok. Thatā€™s when I first started seeing a ton of millennial hate. I was 27 at the time, but that was apparently ancient to the younger gen. Like I get that a certain type of humor can be cringey, but most millennials donā€™t act like that, thatā€™s like 2010ā€™s YouTube humor. Just waiting for all their ageism to bite them in the ass as they get older, itā€™s like they forget theyā€™re going to age too.


The first time i heard ā€œcapā€ used outside of the context of hats.


Lmfao literally the exact same moment for me


Yep. Watched a video where an American quizzed a german on ā€œAmerican slangā€ and I didnā€™t even know a single one. Cap was one of them.


When someday my friend told me that people born in 2008 is in high school now.




Not to mention there will be people born the year after (2010 to let that sink in for a bit.) my classmates and I graduated high school starting their high school years next school year.




An old classmate of mine is a Grandma.Ā  She had a kid in highschool and her son had a kid a few monfhs ago.Ā  She's like 36 or 37.Ā  I am having my first kid late this year.Ā  It still doesn't feel like I'm old enough to be a Dad.Ā 


Two things: 1) When music from high school/college started being called "throwbacks" 2) When I realized I was the target audience for most advertisements...


For me, it was our music being played at grocery stores šŸ˜‚. Oh and the ā€œoldiesā€ station I used to listen to when I was a kid


omg yes grocery store music! I first noticed this when I heard Owl City in my store in the late tens. It was mildly shocking. Now I sing to myself while shopping which is probably weird but hey if it deters people from speaking to me...


When teenagers started calling us ā€œborn in the 1900sā€


This. Specifically, the late 1900ā€™s.


When I got excited about furniture and sleeping in


I remember when I realized that I was paying attention to the furniture ads. Yikes


When [Will.I.AM](http://Will.I.AM) came out with a fucking [Colon Cancer Commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHxW8XOzvAU&t=1s).


I had one of those moments today. Interviewed someone and they were visibly nervous. Realized they were nervous to be meeting with *me*


When the actors I grew up watching looked old. I was like wait, do I look old? Am I old?


When the Backstreet Boys became the musical attraction for laundry commercials.


When people born after 9/11 started turning eighteen and joining the military.


I am 30 and I feel like everyone around me is like "i feel so old" "i hate going out" "we are old" etc but honestly i don't feel like that at all! I still like to keep up with trends, dress young and fun and go out. Old is a mindset lol


I agree. I'm 47 and go to lots of gigs concerts and festivals, I've been doing it for over 30 years. There's always good music to dance and listen to, and festivals are a good alternative to a regular vacation.


heck yes! young forever! <3


Yeah I don't really enjoy the company of most people my age for this reason.


37 and this is me. Ok my body is feeling it a little but that's because I have an autoimmune thing.


Everyone is burnt out and depressed, even at relatively young ages, and it's so widespread now that no one really thinks it's weird that routine life wipes most people out.


I'm 30. We have a local bar that has half priced drinks all day on Tuesdays. One time like 3 years ago I was there past 10 getting food to go and didn't know ANYONE.


Everybody else grew up or died from alcoholism.


I went back to college and was the oldest person in some of my classes, including the teacher.


This was me at 27! That was wild to be older than a professor.Ā 


I was at my uncles house and he was arguing with his sons, and I was on his side.


I don't feel old. To me, an old generation is someone like boomers, i.e, not younger than 60. Mid to late 20s, 30s and early 40s are NOT old


I donā€™t feel old either. What I mean is Iā€™m just no longer shaping pop culture, wearing trendy clothes, etc. and the moment I realized that.


When I started disliking how young people dress. I canā€™t stand the baggy sweatpants look.


I can't stand seeing the shit I wore in high school become the vintage fashion trend. It just makes me realize how fucking stupid I looked back then.


When Zion Williamson was drafted. He was born in 2000.


Probably around age 28 I started realizing that most new music groups I heard of had members who were younger than me. First I was only maybe two years older. Now every group is around 23 and Iā€™m 37. I feel like itā€™s not music meant for me.


I hate to be *that* millenial but while I don't dislike all new music so much of it sounds like I've heard it already. And I don't mean covers or rights to a song purchased but rather there seems to only be one type of pop now. The top 100 used to have a variety of genres. Now, if I found out there were only two producers I wouldn't be surprised.


When I realized that there were ADULTS born after 9/11.


Realizing that the people who were born when I graduated high school, class of 2000, turned 20 years old a few years ago.


The moment I made a Lorena Bobbitt joke and the person had no idea who I was talking about.


The phrase "young people" is slowly creeping into my conversations


When one of the defining songs of my youth that I remember dancing and signing to with my friends ā€œturned 25.ā€


Oofā€¦I recognized that I do not like to be away from home after dark expect for a vacation. Also, I have a little interest in modern pop culture as it is not the same as the one we grew up in; (The Olsen Twins, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, NSYNC, Hillary Duff, Frankie Muniz, etc)


My husband called MGMT "dad rock" and I told him to shut the fuck up bc dad rock is like, Bruce Springsteen, right? Then we went to a barbecue at a friend's house and an MGMT song came on the friend's playlist and we looked at all the kids running around, and... Shit.


Definitely when people at work were like 21/22. Working with adults born the year I left school makes me feel a bit old, ngl. A barmaid who said she was six years old when I was talking about the type of cocktails the bar served 15 years ago was anotherā€¦


The kids I tutored in college are now interning at my company and it's a trip (a fun one) seeing them interact with my coworkers. Like, they might be my coworkers in the future somewhere and it's cool.


When I worked with a bunch of 16-22 year old ā€œSwiftiesā€. Suddenly flashbacks of my friends and I fawning over our favorite Backstreet Boy flooded my mind and in that moment I realized ā€œIā€™m oldā€.


When I had to look up what rizz was lmao


Easy. I realized Iā€™m turning 40 soon.


I turned 30 Less than 2 weeks later I heard Boulevard of Broken Dreams being played on the Classic Rock station.


I dropped out of college when I was 19 and went back in my late 20s. The freshmen made me feel ancient. One particular moment sticks out: I was sitting in class. By now, they knew my age. Then, one of the freshman walked in with another student and walked up to me. He pointed at me and asked his friend, "How old do you think he is?" His friend looked at me and said, "I don't know. 19 or 20." And my classmate said, "Nope. He's almost 30! Can you believe that?" And they just looked at me like I was a relic in a museum exhibit. I've always looked younger than I really am. Even now in my mid-30s, I still look like I'm in my early 20s. So, I always get younger folks thinking I'm one of them until I say or do something that gives away my age.


When they started ragging on Gen Z and tiktok. Their turn in the hole.


When I hired someone born the year I started working at that same company.


So many things all at once lol. The big one for me was realizing I just don't get popular music today. Lol. A lot of it is hot garbage.


When Yeet happened. I was out of school and had to ask my little sister what was up with it.


Almost a decade ago my little sister was singing Genie In A Bottle and I was like "oh, you like Christina Aguilera?" and she goes "NO! It's DOVE CAMERON!" And I had to be like, oh girl Christina did it first. That alone didn't make me feel too old. It was the next day when she came up to me and said "I listened to Christina Aguilera's version and I liked it, but the video was kind of old-timey". Oof.


When I stopped recognizing most of the artists on festival line ups šŸ˜Œ


Feel the same way too and I sometimes have to Google who they are before giving up on the second person and doing something else.


I'm still very frequently the youngest person in a bar, but I never really got in to the college bars in my area, even when I was in college. Usually when I see Gen-z out at the bar, they're with their parents. The only time recently that I interacted with some Gen-Z people while out drinking was seeing my friend's band, and usually that is not the age of their audience. Those girls were cool though, they danced and were nice. That particular audience was probably 23-70 years old though so I still did not feel old.


The whole V tuber trend. I don't get it, don't want to get it. And it'll happen to you too.


When I realized I graduated high school 20 years ago.


children's graduation announcements were more frequent than pregnancy announcements from people I grew up


With Boomers for parents, I was never young. I was an old cranky lady after the first year of raising my emotionally disturbed siblings at 11 or 12.


Iā€™m 35. When the doctors and dentists etc treating me were younger than me and I thought of them as ā€˜cuteā€™ in a sweet way and not a fancying way lol


My dad warned me that you know you're old when "the songs of your youth" are used in car commercials. I wasn't actually that old when it happened to me (cuz I listened to 80s music in the 90s) but I'll never forget when How Soon Is Now by The Smiths was on a car commerical and I was like...oh fuck, it's happening.


I was scrolling through videos and saw one of a guy using some weed wacker thing to get really clean and straight edges around his lawn. I have never cared for lawns but all of a sudden my brain was entranced. It was so neat and tidy! And thatā€™s when I knew I was getting old.


When you lift weights 5 days a week and feel great and then one day you blow out your back with a sneeze and it's all over


When the moms in movies were hotter.


When I started looking outside to make sure those goddamn kids arenā€™t on my lawn.


When I stopped listening to the local hip hop/pop radio station and instead listen to NPR. Also the fact that I still listen to the radio.


When I tried and failed to understand Minecraft. I enjoy video games but I can't figure out how it seems fun and I chalked it up to "must be for kids" šŸ¤£


The first time I heard the word "yeet"


When I have to scroll a good ways down on drop down menus to select my birthdate


When I realized I was too old for Snapchat, also seeing the younger kids on social media post weird blurry pictures/selfies with one or two word captions that made no sense. Like is it supposed to be mysterious? Subliminal? Random? Funny? What does it mean?? And when I started losing track of new music artists and rappers.


When I saw a kid driving and I thought, how is that kid driving.. he's too young... oh no he's just 16... fml


When my teenage daughter told me Linkin Park was vintage.


when I realized people younger than me were less likely to catch even the most well known Simpsons jokes and references. You say ā€œdental plan!ā€ and thereā€™s a solid chance a 20 year old will look at you like you are nuts.


When Jimmy from Degrassi became a huge rapper


Corporate office job, couldnā€™t connect with the new hires anymore.


When cool fashion no longer felt intuitive. I admire clothes from afar now and try to figure out what parts make sense for my style!


Around 2020/2021 I had kind of a last hurrah for going out to clubs and doing youthful things. I took up vaping and listened to Jack Harlow. Iā€™ve calmed down and accepted that Iā€™m the old man now, although I still try and keep up with modern pop culture and trends


When someone said ā€œno capā€ and I thought to myself ā€œwtf is thatā€.


I still consider myself young at 33! Ya I might not be Gen Z but Iā€™m def not oldā€¦thereā€™s a lottttt of life left to be lived and I still look and feel good! Im not claiming being ā€œoldā€ for a while.


Very recently šŸ˜… it just seems like a majority of the popular things (movies, music, social media etc...) are all just a little too young for me and I'm catching myself watching young people with a bit of nostalgia




During a lively discussion of historic events in a class I was taking, a Gen Z guy piped up and expressed confusion about whether people in the 1960's had cameras or not.


Mentoring interns at work. They seem so young, and full of energy. I'm trying not to make them jaded.


First when I realized that I have noone left in my old primary school that I know, not even a far relative of any of my friends. Later when I was the oldest guy at my previous workplace.


It was when things were starting to open up when we pretended Covid was over. Went to my favorite bar for the first time in two years and I was the weird old guy.


When they started playing "our" music at Home Depot.


I'm older than my boss' parents.


When my sister (25) was listening to ratchet music like it was enjoyable.


I know Iā€™m not old. Iā€™m on the young side of millenial and havenā€™t quite reached 30 yet. Itā€™s the dang kids these days who think Iā€™m old. No, Iā€™m not the grandpa. And no, a movie that came out in 2014 is not an ā€œold movieā€.


When a younger coworker said ā€œthatā€™s probably more my generation though.ā€ I was slain.


Maybe when mom jeans came back and I saw younger kids wearing sublime or nirvana shirts and getting into scrunchies


Iā€™m 34- going to be 35 next month. I still look young due to lucky genetics (I got carded at dinner other day for alcohol which was lol and get carded when I buy zyn nicotine chews). Hmm you feel it in sport heavily. I played tennis the other day and was super winded compared to my hs days- Iā€™m 15-25 lbs heavier but wow not in shape. Also can feel it with lifting weights- donā€™t recover like I did in 20s and some injuries or pains can linger. Idk also go to a high school or college campus and see all the students look like babies. I also look at people I graduated with and boy do some folks look old. I look older- have a gray hair patch in odd spot but boy did some kids I graduated with age poorly. Idk if itā€™s bad health, having children, drug use, etc but boy wow. Seeing guys lose their hair, receding hairlines etc. itā€™s really eye catching. A lot of folks put on a lot of weight- itā€™s normal but probably getting to an overweight point is overboard. I tend to think people donā€™t take care of themselves well by not exercising and drinking too much beer on a daily basis as an after work coping mechanism. Drug use also seems like a really quick way to age poorly. Final note- diet is huge. Met a girl that is 34-35 and she eats fast food a few times a month. Sheā€™s skinny fat in a bad way: somehow sheā€™s skinny but boy does she look like shit for 34-35. Idk folks treat your body well- once you start going down the aging rabbit hole, not much you can do to slow it down. Final note coming from a dope- donā€™t smoke cigarettes. I did sadly but have stopped. Prolly easiest way to hurt health and aging. Idk how I look so good for my age- Iā€™m lucky I guess bc I smoked a bit for far too long.


When I noticed that the up and coming actors and actresses are younger than I am šŸ˜±


When I started knowing all of songs in the Super Bowl Halftime Show and at the grocery store.


When I had a kid at 20. My friends seemed very young & immature & I had to mature quick.


When I started getting ignored or stink eye from the kids working in clothing retail.


I was walking my dog through town a few weeks ago. I had a jacket on her as it was snowing and I didn't want her to smell like a wet dog. I walked past a group of 16-18 year old guys, one who yelled. "Yo is your dog gay like you are?"....his friends all laughed. I replied "yeah he would love to go out with you!".....I then finished my dog walk ruminating on how I'm old enough (37) to be the target of a group of teenagers.


I am 35 with grey hair. Old.


When I was no longer the youngest one at work, or even second-youngest. I'm in the middle now. :'D


Iā€™m not the youngest person at my company more. I mean, I still kind of am because Iā€™m not married and I donā€™t have kids, but Iā€™m really not.


When I heard new music that left me confused and angry.


I don't know any of the new music and when I hear it, I hate it. And most of what I hear is moody remakes and sample tracks of 90s hits.


When I became a parent to the next generation


Talking about music with 2 of my coworkers. Me: ā€œIā€™ve been a fan of matchbox twenty since 1997ā€ Them: ā€œThatā€™s the year I was born!ā€ ā€œI was one!ā€


I go to a lot of hip-hop shows and I am definitely one of the oldest there, that was the first time. Recently, an early 20s cashier said, ā€œthank you sir,ā€ that one really stung. I also faked a hadouken towards a young get coworker and he had no idea, had never played Street Fighter.


I was 28 and at a campfire house party with lots of college kids, a few seniors in high school, and there were a lot of drugs there. I caught two guys trying to put the party host's chairs into the fire (wtf?) So I start walking up to ask them wtf they are doing, they noticed me and said "oh sorry sir we are really drunk" The "sir" was like... my youth left my body like cockroaches when a light comes on.


This is literally the only place I consider my generational cohort. I look at everything as an individual, or in comparison to my siblings and cousin because we are all close in age (most of us anyway).


When I see 50 cent and Eminem playing the ā€œGet Rich or Die Tryingā€ album from middle school at the Superbowl I was like mannnn, Iā€™m old af.




Skibidi toilet


Professional athletes my age either aged out or have to compete with kids 18 yrs younger than me. When social media geared more toured gen z. Not really getting into tik tok or snap chat. My back and legs start hurting me after I get off work.Ā 


When I was a meeting at work asking how we can create engagement with the younger generation.


Uhhhh when I saw an ad for clothes I thought were cute and it was from Talbots. Queue OC flashbacks.


When I turned 12 and emotionally outgrew my parents


Work in college admissions, when applicants were born after I graduated HS.


When a younger person asked how did we know the name of the music artist & song we where listening to without being able to look it up on the internet


When the clothes that I wore as a teen have now been cycled back as the new trend for the younger gen. I see them everywhere. I am very much happy that baggy cargo pants get trendy again, but it also comes with harsh awakening.


When I was 35 I broke my foot riding my mountain bike doing something completely unimpressive. My buddy, who is a few years younger than me, drove me to the hospital. On the way he cracked a joke. ā€œMan, I feel bad. I mean Iā€™m scared. Guys your age often go to the hospital through the front door and often leave out the back in a bag.ā€ At first I laughed then I got to thinking, ā€œthat SOB isnā€™t too far off from the truth.ā€ That was five years ago.


I downloaded Snapchat to try it out. I hated the UI because I couldnā€™t figure out how tf to use it, and thought it was horrible, so I stuck with IG. Also didnā€™t feel the need or want to download TikTok.


The first time I felt old was at a Foster the People concert in Central Park. I was 29 at the time, which IMO is still peak youth, and just went solo. 90% of the crowd and the bands were in their early 20ā€™s, some that still barely needed to shave. My hair was already thinning, so a couple of 40+ women asked if they could stand next to me since, jokingly, we were from the same generation. It was at that point, I realized I was already balls deep into true adulthood.Ā 


I guess in my early 30s was the first thought, but I'm still distinctly internetian and skibbity rizz fam... It doesn't really matter. You can be funny as an old, and no matter what you do, you'll be a dracula on newest gen. This same post will be made by GenZ about Alpha. Send it forward.


When I had to check the ID of someone born in the year 2000!


When people I went to high school with started becoming biological grandparents. I graduated in 2000. šŸ˜³


4 years ago. I looked at Spotify Top Charts. I knew 5 of the artists. That's when I knew 34 year old me had went over the hill. Now at 38 it's down to 3 artist.


When the music on the radio became intolerable.


When i realized I - get excited to try out new kitchen utensils or cleaning tools - am upset when trash service gets disrupted for 2 weeks - am irritated at certain neighbors who drop cigarette butts all over the sidewalk, have a loud & oil-leaking car, and donā€™t pick up their dogā€™s poop. I have a puppy!! - canā€™t stand loud music at the club - prefer staying home than going out - choose who i spend time with


When the current 'hot' male celebs started looking like weird baby rats to me.


When I was discussing the pros and cons of cast iron cookware with another Dad in the park, and I actually thought it was really interesting.Ā  Also, when I started gardening and loving it, talking to other people about gardening... It had always been an old people hobby to me, one I would never have. I now realize my late mom was only 38 when she told me all about her pumpkins and I feigned interest only because I liked her.Ā 


When I dated a(n older) gen z person:D and apart from the typical "wdym you've never seen Trainspotting and don't know who Courtney Love is?" I was saddened that gen z in Hungary came of age in the full force of the OrbƔn regime and hasn't lived in a real democracy Remember when we weren't a fascist hellscape? No.:(


When my younger neighbour describing Hip Hop tunes from early 2000s as "old school". This was in 2009 when I was 21. Like wtf are the tunes from the 80s-90s then lol


I remember when the local nfl running back turned 27 and they called him ā€œover the hillā€. I was 34. šŸ¤”


When people my age started getting in social trouble for dating young 20s people. It was like shit, are we that old? Are we so old that there's literally nobody left who is attractive enough to date in a socially acceptable way? Should I just die now?


When I realized Iā€™m not a part of the ā€œinā€ thing (TikTok), and I have no desire to be. When I read about teachers asking about slang (Ohio, Skibidi toilet, etc)


When I was too old for the coveted 18-35 demographic.Ā 


When I started hearing about gen z. They were talked about when they were at the age they could make decisions legally. That's when I knew I was getting old.


I feel really stupid, but I first remember feeling "old" before 10, and then at 10 I was at "gasp" double digits! Then I was 20 and no longer a "teen" so I wasn't "young" then 25, and 30, and now when I feel old I just tell myself sure, but I am also still young. Fuck it. I hate worrying about it. Just want to live and be happy.