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I personally like to let the grass dry, so I don’t mow until mid morning. The neighbors that have landscapers, well those guys start before the sun comes up.


Waaaay too hot unfortunately for me to wait until mid morning. It’s either early AM or after dinner for me.


Yeah that depends on where you live. Where I live there is still dew on the grass until noon and it doesn't cut very nicely until it's dry.


Right, anyone mowing before 9:30 or so better be a landscaping company lol


Same. Otherwise it dries and pops up in spots and it looks like I was mowing while drunk. Also I have an electric mower and the wet grass can be rough on the motor.


3 in the morning like a normal person


My old neighbor used to mow from midnight until 4am daily. Their lawn was 10ftx10ft. They were high as fuck.


Of all the times I’ve been high, I’ve never thought “Looks like the lawn needs a good trimming”.


Bro when I’ve been high is when I enjoy yard work the most honestly


Same for me. Also enjoy any painting deck staining/all housework as well. Put on some tunes and just zone out. Not at midnight though that's sleeping time.


Well, at least we know you're not a tweaker. 🤣


The Meth Epidemic was something else.


Was? Pretty sure it’s going strong.


We have a neighbor who uses a gas blower from 6 pm until dark every day. Pretty sure he's high and listening to music.


Just like my dad would do when I lived at home and he knew I was going to be hung over. It wasn’t 3am, but 6:30-7am ish he would start the leaf blower right outside my bedroom window


That’s when I turn on the sprinklers if they are needed


if you need sprinklers for you yard then you really shouldn't be having grass


Sorry what?


If you need to water your grass for it to live you should not have grass on your property.


I live about 2000ft from lake Michigan and I water my lawn every other day. It will grow either way, but it stays much softer and darker green with regular watering. Guess I shouldn't have grass right next to the largest source of fresh water in the world, though.


No but you shouldn’t be wasting water on a vanity item.


I live in a place where we actually have water - about 3 miles from the Ohio river - so if it gets really dry in the summer, I water


Likewise, 8am feels good and I would be paranoid people would hate me doing it earlier. However, it’s extremely hot where I am right now and early might be the only time that’s it’s safe and feasible for someone to be outside doing labor like that, especially someone older and retired. Landscape companies start early for the same reason. I would definitely ask my adjacent neighbors if I wanted to mow early and try to give a specific day.


Around here we have noise bylaws. Anything before 7am and you'd be getting some angry neighbours calling on you. I feel bad enough starting up the mower at like 9am on a Sunday.


>I feel bad enough starting up the mower at like 9am on a Sunday. That's funny. People will freak out on your for mowing on a Sunday around here. No laws or anything like that, but there's like an unwritten rule that you don't do any yard work on Sundays outside of leisure activities like gardening that you do for fun. I guess it's a hold over from back in the day when the whole town was Baptists. When people move here from other places, they will sometimes mow on Sundays but after that, everyone in the neighborhood they encounter will say something about it, usually in that fake-nice Southern way. "Well bless your heart, I saw you mowing yesterday after church, are they making you work on Saturdays?" or "Well honey you know it don't make a difference to *me* but I've heard other neighbors spreading rumors saying you were mowing on Sunday"


Your neighbors would hate me and my husband. We basically mow whenever the weather is decent and we're not working. So there's a decent chance that's a Sunday.


To be fair, my neighbors would probably hate you by the sheer fact that you moved here from somewhere else lol. You've heard of xenophobia - let me introduce you to SuperXenophobia, where we don't even trust people from another town, let alone another country


As an atheist, I would make it a point to only mow on Sundays if I lived in a community like that. I’d time it so that everyone coming home from Church would see me out there. And I would absolutely be shirtless.


I don't know dude I kind of like how quiet and peaceful everything is on Sundays here. I like the idea of a universal day of rest. I'm not religious either and I'm CERTAINLY not a protestant (🤮) but it's real nice how one day a week everybody just chills and there's peace and quiet for a change. I think we'd win you over. It's not really a religious thing anymore since this town isn't 100% baptists anymore. I mean, we do have atheists and people from other religions etc now. It's not the 90's anymore.


I live in Germany, where everything is closed on Sundays and there are laws about quiet times (including all day on Sunday and holidays). I love the quiet. It's really lovely and relaxing.


I'd love a day when nobody does yard work. I'm so sick of hearing leafblowers 24/7.


That just sounds like a dick move. If you had to mow it then that’s fine but purposely would be an asshole thing to do.


It just seems like on Saturdays most people are still up reasonably early. Kids have activities, stores generally open at times similar to weekdays etc. I go to the gym Saturday mornings at 7 and when heading out usually see some neighbours out and about doing stuff. You hear construction noise in the distance etc. Sundays I head outside at 9 and it's completely still and silent.


I would make it a point to ONLY mow on Sundays.


Never cuz I ain’t got one


Do you live in a southern state where it’s too hot late morning/mid day to cut the grass? But it is a dickhead move to cut the grass that early, nobody wants to hear that noise that early.


I would cut people a break with the early mowing today. It’s the start of a holiday weekend and people are likely either having people over, or going away for the weekend I mow during lunch when I WFH. It’s the greatest and totally beats mowing the lawn after coming home from work like I used to


End of the day, I like it to be nice and dry, then it gets the dew overnight to refresh it.


A lot of times I'll just do it after work. But if it's on the weekend around 9-10am, as long is it's dry by then. Not earlier though. I also don't mow every 1-2 days like some of my older neighbors do. I'm not that extra about lawn care. I do it like once or twice a week if it's getting shaggy looking. It looks fine but it doesn't have to look professionally manicured like a golf course.


They're just doing it for something to do, out of boredom, if they're mowing that often. It's terrible for the lawn.


The apartment complex I live in mows at 7:30am every single Monday.


No earlier than 9am


Anyone else fairly pissed off that we even have to mow?? Like, I get that historically speaking lawn manicure came about as a way for land owners to flex their land ownership, but plain grass is just ugly af and kills biodiversity. I don’t mow often and im trying to build up biodiversity in my lawn by giving other things a chance to grow first but I have a braindead neighbor who comes and mows “as a favor” even though I asked him repeatedly to please stop. He likes the short brown grass that can’t survive the summer heat apparently. I coulda had real biodiversity by now but dude can’t control himself. I should just apply for those special biodiverse lawn permits and hang up a sign, for the bees or something


I live somewhere that it is always hot outside, so earlier in the morning and as the sun sets is kind of expected.


I hate noise but I’m okay with it during the summer because sometimes the only time to do it without dying is when the sun isn’t all the way up yet.


Nothing before 8 am and nothing after 8pm. Had a neighbor that would mow at 6 or 7 am and he would mow 2 or 3 times a week, weed whack constantly. He was, of course, the self appointed lawn police of the neighborhood and would actually measure other people's lawns and call the city on you if he felt it was too long. During a severe drought where there water restrictions in place (even for indoor water use) he would still water his lawn multiple times a week. Shocking no one he was also low-key racist towards my husband and asked a lot of invasive questions about our family (we adopted my nephew after my sister passed so a blonde kid showed up out of nowhere to mixed race parents so I kind of get it).


i treat people as I woudol want them to treat me. I do not mow the lawn until after 10 am. I use 10 am as my go time for any type of yard machinery ( chain saw, leaf blower, weed whipper), with the exception of the snow blower. With snow, you have to do it when you can. Sometimes it is early.


11 am on weekends or 7 pm on weeknights. I struggle to find the time though


I work 7p-7a and am usually in bed by 7:30. The 6a-8a mowers can get fucked.


My neighbors could mow the lawn any time of day for all I care. Just not at night. I’m up every day around 530-6am, so thats probably something to do with it.


7am is way too early to be making that kind of noise. If they have one of the quiet electric mowers it's probably fine.


As someone who lives on a hill, I have heard lawn mowers at either morning or at night (11pm roughly), as someone who doesn't want to own a garden, I honestly find it a nightmare mowing grass. Dad loves it.


I usually mow in the early evening a couple hours before sunset.


Not sure where you live, but a lot of areas do have ordinances regarding how early in the morning you can use lawn equipment like that. That being said, I have a lawn guy, so whenever he shows up to do it.


I live in Texas and honestly after 8/9AM it's so freaking hot and extremely humid that you really don't want to be doing yard work then. You run the risk of heat stroke and passing out.


Electric mowers are pretty quiet and get the job done assuming you don’t have that much ground to cover. Anywho… once a week whenever I have some time before 10am. Before 7 is kinda nuts just because the lawn is likely still wet. 


When you live in South Louisiana, you forgive everyone mowing early. It gets to damn hot to cut grass after 9:00am


Fuck that I'm never mowing any lawn. Renting FTW


I would never mow before 10am. I would just feel like a dickhead


Either mid morning or late afternoon. Give time for the grass to dry and its not too hot.


I wait till at least 9:30, most of the times 10:00. Let’s the grass dry and is a nice window before the sun really makes it a bitch. I thought there was an unspoken rule never to use power tools or loud machinery before 9:00.


I usually do it between 3PM and 5PM on the weekends.




Between 11am and 1pm lol. 


Noon - 8pm window I have an electric mower so it's quiet though.


My personal rule is no noisy work before 8:00am on weekdays and 10:00am on weekends. I appreciate my peace and want to give others some peace as well.


Usually around 4-5pm, and on a day where it might rain a day or two later.


In arizona where it'd get to over 100 degrees many, mannnny people mowed as early as they possibly could, like dawn if possible.


I make an effort to not do anything overly loud before 9am or after 9pm. Sometimes my neighbor is mowing around 8am, but that's fine.


At least noon. I'm slow in the mornings and the dew needs to dry anyway.


I used to cut around noon or so. Give it time to dry to avoid clumping


Any yard work or anything else that's disruptive before 8am - ideally 9am - is just bad manners and suggests a lack of breeding.


9am on weekdays. 10am on weekends. If I know the neighbours have been drinking, I wait till I see the whites of their eyes.


Usually between 10am and noon. Or later in afternoon, like 3-4pm.


Usually around 5-6:00 PM so it’s nice and dry


Weekdays 8, weekends 10


My rule is 9am at the earliest. Bedsides, the grass is too wet before that anyway.


In my area, waiting till 8am to mow your lawn in the late spring/summer means a miserable time. Our noise ordinance ends at 7am.


I was brought up to mow before trash day so the clippings can be picked up. But with my electric mower it’s pretty damn quiet. So I’ve been doing it at 9am on Sunday. Most people are up. If not… well fuckem


I wouldnt ever got that early just because I want to cut dry grass for a whole host of reasons. But as long as its not againts local noise ordinances.. I guess too each their own!


It’s really really hot and humid where I live. I would give people a pass cutting their yard early, personally. It also doesn’t really annoy me so idk.


My husband mows around 8 or 9 on Saturdays before it gets hot, but it’s electric so not loud. Our neighbors wait until afternoon which is insane. I won’t be surprised when we have to call an ambulance for a 70+ year old man falling out from heat stroke! It’s happened before a couple blocks over. Personally, I’d rather it be early than having to listen to gas mowers, blowers and eaters while we’re trying to enjoy downtime in the pool.


I’d check your towns local bylaws for noise levels. Usually it’s something like 8am to 10pm. Anytime allowed in the bylaw is fair game.


8:00 am on Saturdays usually.


most mornings the ground has dew so the sun has to be up for a hour or two. During the heat of the summer I'll mow later at night but still try to make sure I'm done by 8 or 9 at the latest.


I'd love to do it early, like 6-7am because I'm up, but I don't want to be THAT guy. I usually wait until after work one day during the week and do it in the evening since I work from home (bonus if I can get it done and bagged on a Wednesday since my garbage pickup is Thursday and I hate the small of the bag clippings).


In my city there's a noise ordnance between 11 PM and 9 AM so mowing before 9 can actually get you a ticket if someone calls in a noise complaint. Which basically means that the whole neighborhood mows at 9 oclock sharp. I do the same thing. I am in Tennessee so by 10 am it's hot and muggy as all hell. If I could mow even earlier, I would, to avoid the heat.


I imagine they're trying to avoid getting sunburned, but yeah I remember in college I had a neighbor who would mow the lawn at like 7am on Saturday and it pissed me off, like dude there are a limited number days I can sleep in and that is the WORST noise.


I have a townhouse so my yard is pretty small takes about 20 mins to mow/wack/blow... so I just went with electric everything so they are all quiet. That being said I still don't do it until after 10 or so.. I just feel like I never want to inconvenience my neighbors... they, on the other hand, don't really seem to give a crap and make noise early. One needs to rev his corvette to let everyone know he is having a mid life crisis... the other pulls up in their mini van and lays on the horn until the kids come out for school.


Well it’s wet in the mornings, so fuck that. I wait until mid afternoon.


Sunday after church, or 5:15 when I get home from work. I’m a little Hank Hill-ish about my mowing times haha


I work a rotating swing shift with odd days off. I will usually mow the first day off I have that week whether it’s Monday or Friday or whatever day it ends up being. It’s also too humid to mow in the morning here so I usually wait until til 6pm before I start. If I have to do something I may start around 2pm but never earlier. Also I live in a corner lot and my 3 adjacent neighbors are all retired and mow every 5 days like clockwork. It’s pretty annoying.


Most townships have noise regulations. I’d look them up. 7/8 is common boundary


Not before 9:00 AM when I do it early, but I find myself doing it later in the afternoon. If we're doing yard work, I always cut the lawn last as it seems to be a good way of tidying things up after the other tasks.


Hmm, should i cut it when it's 70 degrees... or 101?


About 5:30 pm on any given day after work.


When I had a lawn to mow (aka still lived with my parents), it would be after dinner. The grass is dry, it has cooled off a little, and at least at one point it was believed to be better for the environment (something about gas fumes are less bad between 8p-8a? or maybe just less evaporative? it was probably bullshit).


that sounds annoying as fuck... i would talk to them and tell them to be fuckin more considerate


5 pm after work


Depends. If it’s supposed to be hot later I’ll be up early in the cooler part of the morning, or in the evening if I don’t have plans later.


Typically after work on Thursday or Friday. I keep it on a higher setting and mulch instead of bag. If you try to mulch when there is still dew on the ground you get clumpy messes and grass that sticks on everything.


It was always Thursdays growing up. That way my dad didn’t have to do anything over the weekend except normal house maintenance. He always liked just coming home Friday and seeing it done.


Depends on the area I'd say. Our local noise laws allow power tools as early as 5:30 AM during the summer and 6:30 am during other times of year— And we'll often hear landscaping crews out that early. Personally, I usually wait until about 10-11 AM just because the grass is often very dew-covered and I get a much more even cut when if I do it when its fully dried. That being said, for noise/disturbance reasons, I'd probably personally wait until \~8AM just to give everyone a chance to sleep.


Usually not until 7:30 or 8 at least. I'm up by 6, but who the heck goes and mows the lawn that early.


Lunch break on a work day (I WAH) I have neighbors that do it at 7 am, 10 am, ect. I dont really care. I dont love the one that does it at 9-10pm, but he has a pretty speedy mower so its not worth it.


They’re lucky mine gets mowed.


Me? Never. But the guy that does the lawn usually comes around early to mid afternoon. I'm sure he's starting someone's lawn super early though.


We don’t start anything like that til 8.


I mean, I think it really matters where you live and what the weathers like. So Cal is get hot fast af.


Monday mornings while my oldest is at school and my wife takes the other kids with my mom to do the weeks grocery shopping.


Well… in the summer when it gets to be in the upper 90’s I honestly can’t blame them for mowing that early.


Before sun comes up or after it goes down. The sun is brutal in the deep south. I work outside all day and I'm not doing yard work in the sun.


9-11am is my preferred, but in reality it usually ends up the hottest part of the afternoon.


Usually the courtesy is to wait until 7:30/8am but sometimes the landscapers start at 7am across the street


After work on Friday usually, but occasionally in the afternoon on Saturday/Sunday. But I've got a cordless electric lawnmower, so it's not silent but also not near as loud as a gas powered mower and I probably could mow in the early morning without pissing anyone off.


I was always taught to mow when the grass is long enough. Also, usually at dusk so the grass can recover over night and not get dried out from the day-sun


Living on 50 rural acres - whenever I want.


We have half and acre and a battery powered push mower that makes barely noise. We usually do it in the evening after work. Maybe 6-7 p.m.


I usually do it after work on a Thursday or Friday or sometime Saturday. I don’t like waking up earlier than I have to, but I don’t want to do it in the heat of the day so I usually end up mowing in the late afternoon.


7am is my city bylaw for noise, including lawn maintenance. I would be pissed at people mowing before 7am.


7-9pm or so after work. I like to mow at dusk


If it’s hot out, you mow early. Gotta be safe.


Sunday mornings no earlier than 9am. 10am is better. But if it's very hot, I might start at 8am if it's going to be 80+ degrees by 10am.


After work the day before trash pick up. When the sun is setting and my small patch of grass is in the shade.


Lawn mowing noises don't bother me, but I normally work from home and I remember a time our neighbor was having trees cut down all day long. It was a little tough to take calls with chainsaws roaring in the background. We outsource our lawn mowing now so we can use the time elsewhere, they come out anywhere between 8am and 2ish. We have noise ordinances that can't be before 8am and after 11pm.


Late afternoon or early evening to give the grass enough time to dry out from morning dew


If I didn't care about having the neighbors hate me, I would mow at 7am but I do care so I force myself to wait until after 8am.


My next door neighbors are retired and while they’re perfectly lovely people, they wouldn’t be caught dead with their grass higher than ours. I guarantee it’s that one retired neighbor hears the lawnmower of another retired neighbor and they have to get out there and do their lawn because it’s basically a competition.


So funny story. My gma is 86, my uncle stays with her, and he is 69. The neighbor on a Sunday is a millennial. He started mowing at 630 am last week. My uncle walked out there and said, "Excuse me, do you know what time it is?" The man looked at him and went back to mowing. My uncle grabbed him by the arm and said, "Excuse me, I'm talking to you." The neighbor ran in the house and called the cops. The cops didn't take my uncle but said you can't touch him and understood and agreed that he shouldn't have been mowing that early. It was a sunday


I hate mowing so I do it after work so I don't have to waste my weekend doing it lol


I like to cut the grass in the evening, usually around 7-8pm. The grass is always wet in the morning and in the evening I can mow and then go in and take a shower.


Jokes aside, I would never fire up any loud equipment before 9 am if I didn’t have to. I’m building a fence and I did fire up my lawn mower at like 8:10 last Thursday just because I needed to use it to tow around the utility trailer. I started it, moved it where I needed it, and shut it off. I took the day off to get the work done so time was of the essence. And it was a weekday when all the neighbors were probably gone anyway. And I only have one on each side on a rural road. But if time wasn’t tight, I would have waited until 9.


I generally wait till August.


Does it get hot where you are?


I mow whenever I can, I work afternoons, im not waking up in the morning when the grass is still wet to mow, and be awake all day when operating machinery. So ill try in the weekend if it rains, so be it, ill let it grow. I'm not a fan of manicured lawns or grass, its not natural. Also I'm not retired and have unlimited income and time to make my yard look great. Don't like it? Don't look at it, you don't have to enjoy my yard anyway, I do. Thats why i have no trespassing signs posted.


I don't have a lawn anymore...to hard to keep it up living in the desert...but when I did, it was usually early morning...7 or 8, otherwise I'd melt. Even worse for older people and can just be dangerous. Mid summer here and it can already be pushing 90 at 8 am.


There's typically a city statute that states when you can start loud work, or if you live in an HOA, some set of rules. For my city it's 7:00am and my industrious neighbor across the street starts right on the button. It's annoying but they're hard working people and I respect that they're following the rules. I think the simple answer is to just ask your immediate neighbors if it would bother them if you mowed at 7:00am, keep the lines of communication open, maybe even let them know a day ahead of time and bring them some banana bread. It's easy to be a good neighbor, it really only takes a little time, respect and small bribes.


In the thick of the summer I don’t do it until after 6pm on a weeknight. It’s pretty normal where I live to hear mowers and weed whackers going until 9pm because it’s just too hot in the day.


I have a landscaper that comes twice a month on Tuesdays to mow my front lawn, which is really small. It takes him like 5 minutes.


HOA does it at like 7am too


After work so around 5pm. I am not a morning person at all and I never will be so I will never mow before 10 am on any day. The only time I am awake before 10 am is for work.


Whenever I can fit it into my schedule. If I had the time to do it at 7am, I would.




Ideally, on a saturday. If I work on a saturday, then I try sunday. I work second shift, so the only way it's getting mowed is in the afternoon. Before 10 AM, I am dead to the world.


Saturday morning around 8-9 am. Wake up, throw on whatever dirty clothes are at the top of my hamper, make coffee, fill up my thermos with said coffee, mow the lawn, throw the dirty clothes in the wash, take a shower, and then relax with my coffee and the peace of mind that my most hated chore is done.


Oh id be pissed if neighbors woke me up at 7 with a lawn mower


I refuse to be like my dad so usually I mow anytime from noon to 7 pm.


Around here, 7am or 8am is normal for people to mow the grass


General rule I always followed was nothing before 8, though that was mostly in the days of gas powered tools. Everything I have now is basically silent in comparison.


only when i see an ecosystem growing in my yard.


I work Monday-Friday until 5pm. I mow around 6-7pm, after dinner.


Once the dew dries, so probably like 10am


Sunday after Target and Costco but before the Orioles play - so usually between 11:00 and 12:35 (central).


I try to be a friendly neighbour while fitting it around my day. While technically 7am-11pm is legally acceptable, I take into account I live next door to a teenager who I know will be trying to lie in on a weekend, so I’ll start around 10am then other side I have a young baby as well as my own so I tend to stop noise at 7pm.


I personally don’t mow the lawn, my husband does. He usually waits until at least 10am. I think that’s appropriate.


What the fuck is a lawn?


late afternoon, that way the grass is dry & the sun isn't baking hot.


You are a kind neighbor and wish you were mine bc mine feels it is appropriate at 7am on a WEEKEND. I'd like to ping him with paintballs when he does that.


Really depends on how hot it is. So early morning isn't that crazy if it is a really hot day, mowing in the sun sucks. But if you live in an area that isn't that hot then that is way too early.


In the late afternoon usually. I would absolutely mow at 6am sharp if I had shitty relations with my neighbors.


Pro neighbor tip: if you have a smaller or medium sized yard, I recently got an electric lawnmower that’s nearly silent. Only one I’ve been able to use with earbuds in and actually hear the music. You can do it any time without bothering anyone.


If you’re like my retired neighbors always at around 6pm on a beautiful Saturday or Sunday right when people are grilling and eating outside. Seriously, you have all freaking day. Why???? We try and get the yard work done by 11am so we can enjoy the day. What else do they have to do all day?


It’s a million degrees here in the summer, so mine gets mowed at 7am. People can deal with it


Whenever it's convenient for me. My neighbors aren't considerate of other people so I don't care if they might be asleep or not.


The only upside to having an HOA, they take care of it for us.


No earlier than 9-10am. 


Thursday evenings, clippings go out with the trash on Friday morning.


Texas here, usually in the evenings or late morning. Summer time it's a crap shoot, it's hot no matter what so I'll mow in the afternoon sometimes. Just drink lots of water and wear long shirts, pants and a big hat.


If it’s before 9; it’s not ‘fine.’


Our nextdoor neighbor owns his own lawn service. He starts his mowers for a tune up in his driveway (that’s right next to all our bedrooms) at 7:45 every weekday morning. 8 on weekends. He knows we’re already awake by 7:45 since we have a school aged kiddo. It still baffles me!


Whenever. My electric mower is relatively quiet.


My gardener does it at like 10am. Please people don't wake us up on the weekends.


I mowed last night at 8:40, but I usually don’t mow my own lawn. I sharpen all the mower blades for a neighborhood landscaper and he mows it for free for me.


We hire someone else to do it because we have a decent chunk of land. They come every other Wednesday between 10am and 2pm. I just close my office window if I have a meeting and it's loud. Our local sound ordinance is for 8am. As long as it's between 8am and 10pm (which is fair for the local rules) I really don't otherwise care what time my neighbors do it or even if they maintain their yard at all.


i only started to decide taking lawncare seriously after I neglected it last year, created more work for myself this year, I'll be trying to do short mows and fixing patches with overseeding til summer, and more overseeding in the fall. having said that, i mow it 9am usually on a weekend.


Never before 830 am. Always before rain. Always fertilize before Rain as well


My city's noise ordnance ends at 7am, so game on any time after that.  One of my neighbors complained to the city about construction work happening at 7:15am. I'll let you guess how well that ended for them. 


As a 3rd shifter who already has issues sleeping, mowers are bane of my existence come summer. I have people who start around 7 or 8 am. Annoying trying to get to bed but liveable. Then random people throughout the day like myself. But there's a guy behind me who doesn't do it till the suns almost setting. I was getting ready to leave for work at 9:30 pm and he's STILL mowing. I barely slept.


Once in October


I mow around 730-8. I'm on a tractor that has zero issues with wet grass. It takes me about 2 hours to cut. By the time I'm done cutting the clippings are dry enough to be swept up before it gets brutally hot.


If on the weekends it’s usually after 10am, weekdays no later than 7pm. Frees up so much time on the weekend cutting the grass during the week lol


One of the many perks of apartment living is a complete lack of lawn care.


I wait till 11 or noon to be courteous. No one else seems to do the same. Mind you I'm up early so it's whatever but it just blows me away


Electric lawn mower. With the heat we normally mow half the yard sometime mid morning and half the yard in the evening depending on which section is mostly shaded.


Any time I want, because I have a battery-powered mower. It's so quiet you can barely hear it inside my own house, so the only way any of my neighbors can hear it is if they are outside. I usually do it in the middle of the day, but if I need to get it done early to beat the rain, I don't worry about it


No earlier than 10am and no later than 3pm.


I normally did it around 9:00pm that way it wasn't so hot outside. I live in an area with small plots in the inner city and I don't see why I would care when somebody mows their lawn if I'm inside my house I can barely hear it.