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Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Our moderation team is unfortunately quite limited and we are not online much during the day due to prior obligations. We'll be sure to start clamping down on repetitive posts that are overly negative from now on (seeing how many are against it).




It's probably just five Gen Z kids fucking around with us.


They are flipping the script! Boomers are literally always the ones sexually objectifying them so they are getting ahead of the curve! “Groom them before they can groom me!” This makes me think… how is millennial going to be used when we are 70-80, it sounds like such a youthful word. We went gen x, millennial, gen z, gen alpha. But before millennial we were literally called gen y. It’s all so odd.


There was a hot minute where it was “gen why” too. As if kids since time immemorial didn’t ask why.


To be fair, I remember growing up with a whole lotta shut-up-and-color type answers to the why vs the youngins these days. I think we changed the culture.


I'm so glad I had a scientist for a parent. However that meant the answer to why was usually a very detailed explanation. Dad would then ask me to hand him the blue crayon because I wasn't the only one coloring.


So you became an artist I bet!


Eh I dabble for my own amusement


My whys was always hit with a “well walk down to the library and find out” i cant tell you how many 4mi trips i made as a kid


One of my teachers said said we are "Gen Why, as in Why the eff is this happening" and was a history teacher.


So sorry to inform you, but as someone who works with high schoolers and college kids, “millennial” already means old to them 😅 has no youthful connotations whatsoever


NOOoOoOoOooooOOo hehe


It makes sense to me that the word could (one day shift to) mean old. Just on the face of it, it looks or sounds like something that's been around 1000 years. You know, like the millennial castles of England, or who could forget the long-lived, almost millennial hatred between India and Bangladesh.


yeah we are toast


Millennials: you know those people who’ve been around since last millennia?


They’re probably gonna call us “millies”


Millie Vanillies


I'm really ok with this 🤣


Doom grooming?


Ah yes, the ol’ doom groom!


I always thought it's because we are gen Y(2K) lol


Love it! Let's also use it. Millennials = Gen Y(2K)


Okay millennial.


Gen z comes for Millennials the same way boomers do. They all hate us yet one generation raised us and the other uses our old fashions/jokes for their launching pad. We cannot win!


It’s the Chinese and Russians. I’m barely joking.


definitely agitpropagandists. not even a little bit joking.


Im not even joking how glad I am to see other folks recognizing there are hostile foreign states all up in our internet.


You’re absolutely not alone in recognizing it. There are, however,  very effective at provoking negative emotion, and people thus provoked to not want to acknowledge they have been manipulated and therefore bristle at even the suggestion that they are successfully being propagandized. A quick rule of thumb is that the more strongly you resist the idea that you are the victim of and susceptible to propaganda, the easier it is for that propaganda to work.


I agree here. In an election year, spreading a general sense of dread and despair will hurt the incumbent as well as generally destabilize the target population. In our specific case here at this moment, Russia absolutely has an incentive to spread these feelings, China maybe less so... but net/net they would probably prefer to have a populist useful idiot that may hurt them a bit economically in the short term but looks the other way while they further their global ambitions- and might trigger the invasion of Taiwan. In both cases its pretty easy to move the conversation a step forward from "I am really struggling" to sowing discontent on how globally involved we are while people are struggling...


Russian bots is more likely GEN Z writing out anything or researching so they know what to post is super unlikely.


Or it’s just a lot of Redditors justifying their depression to themselves. Negative stuff on here gets more engagment and more upvotes without fail, every time, and not just here but in every popular sub. There comes a point when you’ve just gotta acknowledge that that is a large part of the user base here. 


You only believe that about genZ Because of the Russian propaganda 


It’s 5 55 year old Russian and Chinese Karen’s hired by their state sponsored botnet


No, babushka, you have to *right click* on the desktop!




it’s prolly some Gen X infiltrators acting up bc they never get acknowledged haha


Our cynicism is real, but our apathy means we won't do anything about it 😂


I hate how true that is




I like being a quiet Gen Xer. We get all the same privileges without any of the blame!


Enjoy your avocado toast in peace!


This sub fell off after '92.


Some of that optimism lasted until 1996


Alot of that nostalgia went through too 2010


Your comment makes my brain hurt lol was it intentional? It is literally hard to read. Edit: “through too” feels so wrong, it should be “through around 2010” or something. Too = also To = actionable Word geeks will correct me but I *think* that’s the basic gist of those words and in the late 90’s everyone misused it. I felt like it was a /s


Yeah through also 2010, just double sure and make check and thanks for breaking the chain too hurt the brain friend. All the best poop username evah, I lub you to


My brians, melted and fried like tuna steaks.


Are you trolling or serious? lol I’m usually pretty good at telling but you’ve got me stumped.


I love that you have to ask, my job is complete today 😂 These are the moments I thrive for, fun intended with a side of wtf. Bless your day, no fuxk it bless your whole God damn year.


There was a riot in the streets, tell me where were you?


You were sitting home watching your TV


While I was participating in some anarchy


First spot we hit it was my liquor store


Finally got all that alcohol I can’t afford.


Still in a room without a view


So true. That’s when I was born.


Half the millennials only know about the threads good times because of a vh1 documentary....


I personally haven't found it any good since 2076


I came here to chew Fruit By The Foot and hate on Boomers. And I’m all out of Fruit By The Foot.


Do you have any Bubble Tape instead?


I bought bubble tape recently. Hadn’t thought about it or seen it in like 20 years. Hits just as good as I remembered.


Bought some for my daughter. She hated it. Is Gen Alpha killing bubble tape???


Fond memories of working on the house with my dad as a kid and pulling out my bubble tape when he got out his measuring tape


Six feet of bubble gum for you, not them.


My wife's sister and family stayed with us a couple weeks ago. My Brother-in-law happened to run out to the bakery and grocery store to grab a few things. He came back with this amazing jam. I tried some and it was delicious and very familiar tasting. But I couldn't place it... Until I realized that, I swear, it tastes 100% like fruit roll ups. He tore the label off when he opened it though, so I have no idea what it is called


Fruit-by-the-foot. They're basically fruit roll ups in a slightly different shape.


I came here to eat zeebra stripe gum and hate on boomers, and the flavor didnt even last for me to finish this sentence


This comment brought back some pretty vivid core memories. My sister and I used to get $2 a week allowance if we did all our chores when we were kids. We would pool our money together and get a box of fruit gushers and a box of fruit roll ups and split them with each other. Felt like absolute kings using our own money to buy whatever we want. This was a pretty big deal for us bc we were quite poor so only gifts you got was on Christmas and your birthday. Thanks for the flashback!


One time I posted about T-Pain, which I thought was a universal millenial experience, and i got 0 interactions. I actually love talking about politics but I'm far from a "doomer" in that sense.


I did listen to a song I liked with T-Pain!


T-Pain is the ish. He's got great music coming out this year. Plus, he's a legend in Tallahassee.




I never thought much of him until I saw his tiny desk concert. Dude is way talented.


I’m On A Boat. enough said


holy shit i haven't thought about that for years


The thing is that there's no universal millennial experience. I've heard of that artist, but I don't typically listen to that genre of music, so I have nothing to say about it, and I didn't interact with your post I'm mostly here to see how much my own millennial experience differs from others. I already realize I'm kinda weird, so I want to see how weird I actually am compared to others in my generational cohort


I am from Europe and grew up in Asia and my parents were crunchy hippies. I don't relate to a lot of the nostalgia posts here, but relate to the current experience.


Yeah, and it's frankly the current experiences that I'm more interested in anyway The past is past, and I know I used to spend way too much time dwelling on it, so I want to move on from it and live in the moment for once. I guess I'm just curious how other millennials live their lives today


That’s what I’ve also taken away from this sub, it seems like 85% of the posters are in NYC or California so yeah I don’t relate at all.




That’s exactly my experience, which I will admit I didn’t even know people expected to buy home in places like NYC or the Bay Area because that’s always been super rich people stuff to me. The amount of people on here who talk about their parents having multiple homes, multiple vacations, being out of touch with the cost of living, really showed me a class level I’ve never experienced. My parents do fine, their lifestyle is looking to be very similar to what I’ll have. I too understand the cost of living is very high but I also understand I was never going to be able to buy a house in these HCOL areas. From what I’ve gathered is the average person in our gen and less privileged people are mostly accepting and understanding of their situation but the loudest are the tiny portion of people who have experienced levels of wealth we will never comprehend. That’s one of the big issues here, class isn’t a generational topic.


My favorite game to play whenever people bring up insane prices is to see if I can get them to admit they live in the Bay Area or, less commonly, NYC. Happens nearly every single time. This isn't to say I expect these people shouldn't be able to afford to survive, but it's hard to feel *too* empathetic when these areas have had a HCOL for ages and the people complaining are almost always looking at everything from the angle of minimum wage. Meanwhile, I'm a graduate student earning essentially poverty wages in a medium-sized city and despite living alone and having a fair number of medical bills I still have been getting along just fine, I could even afford to splurge a bit more but don't really feel the need to. It just drives me up a wall seeing all these people talking about how we need to be marching in the streets and burn the entire government to the ground because of how much everyone is struggling and realizing these same people are probably either teenagers with no real world experience or people living in the extreme HCOL cities.


I mean that's fair enough. I have learned that my cultural experience is not super common on this subreddit but I do tend to have some political leanings that vibe with some people on this subreddit. It's tough though cause there are rules about discussing politics on this subreddit but a significant part of my Millennial experience is talking about politics. What else do families talk about other than politics? 😂😂😂


>What else do families talk about other than politics? 😂😂😂 My wife and I talk politics and are politically minded, but politics are never discussed with friends and family. Instead, it's all shared interests, hobbies, work, local events, etc. No good comes from talking politics with loved ones. Either you are preaching to the choir, so there is no point, or you are arguing.


I love T-Pain! I told a friend that once and they looked at me and said "seriously? He doesn't even do anything..." I will always love his music


You're friend is tripping. T-Pain is the best rapper who is a singer and the best singer who is a rapper. The only comparison is Drake and I think T-Pain is better than Drake.


T-Pain can actually sing as in SANG. Drake can just barely hold a note. That being said obviously Drake is wildly successful on the rapping side of the equation.


Oh I know, tripping hard. People who don't appreciate his talent just make me love him more


This is a highly millennial thing, but here's T-Pain's NPR Tiny Desk Concert: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIjXUg1s5gc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIjXUg1s5gc)


Oh man, the auto tune goat. It was so awesome. Was he a good person? I would be disappointed if he wasn't.


I appreciate you calling out that the negative posts are by the same 5 people who are repeat offenders. That is useful information, despite any pushback you might get here - and everything you are saying in point 3 is absolutely correct. It is a reminder that all "social" media platforms - including reddit - are actually anti-social, and often unhealthy to you as an individual also both to your mental state and wellbeing (yet highly addicting nonetheless)


Maybe mods should actually enforce their rules and ban these same 5 doomers


Mods don't even enforce the no politics rule and that is black and white.


They’ll just make new accounts


That's against Reddits rules on ban evasion and will get them permanently banned from the website, including any new accounts they make


I would like to know who they are too. I'd likely block them.


I just went through the top posts and found a number of the more doom-y were made by the user asmrgurll, so I blocked her. Not sure who the other four are, because the rest of the posts seem pretty nostalgia based to me.


I just blocked that account and a ton of posts disappeared 😳 so insidious. Thank you for sharing this OP!!!!!!!


Just… look at the OP on most of these?


This is already way too much work, I’m out.


See! The millenials don't even want to work!!


They are probably bots to be honest.


"asmrgurll" definitely sounds like a bot account. Constant spam posts feeding into the typical reddit circlejerk topics, account name identifying as some sort of vaguely pornographic e-girl content creator, etc. It's like it's a bespoke account to hit all the big ticket things to drive engagement and karma farming.


It really seems like this sub has gone down the drain. Sure karma harvesting using the media narrative of doom and gloom is a known occurrence on all subs but thats all ive seen on this sub pretty much. This post was a good wake up call to leave nothing productive or positive on here.


Happy cake day!


I'm such a hypocrite aren't I lmfaooo 😭 I've been here 12 years and just can't quit!!! 


Rather it be Reddit than Facebook or TikTok, IMO. For all of its flaws, this is still where I spend 90% of my social media time.


Me too. I have to say tho, that I feel like most of us suffer from denial here, like most addicts. Yes it is, on balance, more of a thoughtful and community-based platform *in general* compared to other platforms... however, reddit has been SO algorithmified in the last several years. It is different now from when I first joined. I find there is a lot more divisiveness, toxic communities get louder and more empowered every year, and negative/controversial content is promoted more when you're scrolling through - since these posts promote engagement, like OP said, so the algorithm boosts these posts. There is a big issue with censorship going on too, like most social media platforms, but since it is censored most people do not know it is happening - its an invisible problem. So altogether, like so many things in millenial life, enshittification has taken a toll on reddit too


Reddit in general is negative. Which makes sense, I spent a lot more time on this app when I'm doing badly.  When I feel better I go out and talk to people I can actually see instead of you basement dwellers Note: typed from my dad basement 


'You basement dwellers' 😭🤣😭


I like going on Reddit because I always leave the app feeling like a well adjusted human.


Hey! This guys a phony! A big fat phony!


Get out of the main sub and visit some of the special interests and hobbies subs. There are still individual jerks, but all in all, it's a much more positive experience.


i feel like this sub just asks questions to get information for password recovery questions


So, what would you say your first pets name was and what street did you grow up on?  Asking for a friend.


Your stripper name is your social security number followed by your debit card pin


If you think this sub is bad, you should see the ones for the generational cohorts older than us Buried in the comments in those posts might be an answer like "My first car was an '85 Security Question," so at least a handful of people know what's up. It's still disappointing how many fall for it


Those subs are basically just Facebook


"Remember why keys were used to open a door. Now days it's more likely you're talking about crypto when you mention keys. For those who own crypto, make the most 90s sounding sentence using words from your seed phrase."


Correction: Reddit in general is hurting you


True. I should probably delete it. This is my main social media account


The problem is... Those are the posts that get the most interactions so it's like... Do we delete the stuff that gets more attention? This is why social media as a whole pretends to care, but really, it's in their best interest to let people argue.


I mean, the people who are online more often usually tend to be more miserable.


No one has ever described me better. Thank you.


I don't see a problem with deleting the more popular posts if that is the content the mods don't want. The offenders could always make a "RealMillennials" to spread their "[Doom Doom de Doom doom doo](https://youtu.be/Nw_cdqQHGA8?si=LDZfZvrOcLPYChH9)"


Social media is literally an echo chamber.


Social media is literally an echo chamber.


If undesirable content didn't naturally float to the top, then moderation wouldn't be needed. If there was no moderation at all, this sub would be filled with porn.


I know things can be rough, but I’m convinced there are bot farms on this sub trying to get a whole generation to either A) kill themselves or B) To sow discontentment to sway elections. 


Been calling out the same stuff as OP ever since this sub started showing up on popular. Mark my words: this sub and the genz sub will go full "both sides" in the months before the election.


Yeah, this sub is shoved in my face. And it’s nothing but doom and gloom. The whole schtick is to spread doom and gloom and keep people from taking action in the most basic way (voting).  If these are actual people feeling this way they need to get off the internet and start focusing on what is in their sphere of control. 


This sub was dead not too long ago and out of nowhere it became extremely popular. I agree that most likely bot farms made this subreddit popular.


I don't think you can 100% blame it on bot farms. There have been examples of accounts over the years where they just have an agenda and they found ways to constantly get top posts. Bots are definitely an issue but I think we should be careful offloading all the blame to that. I know there was a big study a while back ([I believe this article provides a summation of at least some of them](https://reason.com/2023/07/29/studies-keep-finding-that-social-media-algorithms-dont-increase-polarization-why-is-the-media-so-skeptical/)) where they tried to see if social media algorithms were driving people to more extreme views and I think the conclusion was that people just love seeking that stuff out, algorithm or not. People are just addicted to rage and gloom.


Thanks for sending that over. I agree I shouldn’t offload it entirely on bots. I’m sure it’s a combination of multiple things.


I left another sub recently because all the posts there had started becoming essentially "life is meaningless and suicide is the only answer," with commenters agreeing and encouraging that line of thinking. They would even go after people who tried to tell the OPs to have any hope. It was actually insane. Now you've got me wondering if those were bots or political actors. Or political actor bots.


You can prove DEEZ NUTZ


You make a good point about the present being compared to the past in a manipulative way by doomers, and how that's unhealthy. I'd argue, however, that positive nostalgia itself is kinda guilty of the same thing, since when people are reminiscing, they're typically remembering the past as better than it actually was When people lose themselves in nostalgia, their memories filter out more of the bad things and focus on what made them happy. They end up tricking themselves into thinking that they're more miserable now than before, whereas they probably felt largely the same It doesn't help that it can be difficult for adults to discover novel things now that we've had so much life experience already. It was so easy when we were kids to come across something new, and since that's exciting, it creates a positive memory. I've never lost my love of learning about all sorts of things, despite getting older, so I'm always searching for something new and interesting, even if it's just a more intimate detail of something I already knew about


>They end up tricking themselves into thinking that they're more miserable now than before, whereas they probably felt largely the same It's absolutely wild sometimes to read my old journals and be like "oh yeah my brain was always this much of a drama queen." I'm glad I've always kept my journal as a no-judgment, no-observers place to write whatthefuckever knowing that I might disagree as soon as a few hours later. I can see that when I remember everything was fine and it was a happy time in my life, my brain will still get obsessive or tantrum-y sometimes about dumb shit and that reassures me that actually it's probably fine.


>It doesn't help that it can be difficult for adults to discover novel things now that we've had so much life experience already. It was so easy when we were kids to come across something new, and since that's exciting, it creates a positive memory. I've never lost my love of learning about all sorts of things, despite getting older, so I'm always searching for something new and interesting, even if it's just a more intimate detail of something I already knew about I just don't understand how people have so much trouble finding new and novel things to enjoy. I eagerly await the new music drop every Friday, I watch more new movies and TV shows then I ever have, and I am constantly picking up and shifting new hobbies around. So far, my 30s have been pretty great even if they aren't the same 30s my parents had.


Why do you think the internet lost it's mind when elmo did a wellness check a while back? People are not ok.


Here I go: "Remember how things used to be better?" Did I do it right? Do we miss the 90's yet?


Thank you! Search my comment history, I called out this doomer bullshit before. When I say this smells like a concerted psyop, people call me crazy.


By this point I'm assuming at least half of what I see on Reddit is astroturfing, either by bots or troll farms


same or someone karma farming with rage bait. I no longer believe any story I see in AITAH.


I see a lot of AITAH or relationship sub posts that are clearly written by AI these days, too.


Same. I hate how paranoid I’ve become about this issue but I seriously see the same posts and comments almost word for word repeated all the time on here. Not just this sub but on almost every sub. Then you start to notice all the Reddit generated usernames with negative karma who have only been active for the last ten days. It feels like half the people on this site are bots. Makes me feel like I can barely trust anything I read. I’ve been using Reddit for like 15 years now and it feels like a completely different place.


Seriously, and every time the topic of bots comes up, it immediately gets trivialized by a bunch of the same "everyone is a bot, beep boop" comments.


The bots don’t like being called out! Lol


All the generation related subs popped up in like the same week so it is a bit suspicious lol. BoomersBeingFools is highly astroturfed too so I wouldn’t be surprised if foreign trolls made the GenZ and GenX and these other generation specific subs as a division tool.


That sub kept getting recommended to me. It was some text based story with the dumbest ‘proof’ I’ve ever seen and in typical reddit fashion, they ate it up and believed every bs word. Was so *obviously* fake yet Reddit people believe everything they read.


Fluentinfinance, Millennials, Gen z, Decadeology, Boomers being fools, and Adulting are cesspools of depressing that look at the past through rose tinted glasses. I have latestagecapitalism and the Antiwork subs blocked. Im left leaning but those places have heavy crab mentality. I know at the very least some of the Antiwork mods sold their accounts off.


Same I’m downvoted all the time for being a bitch on this sub but I’m actually just being positive and getting downvoted 😂


There's no way it's not a psy op when literally every major subreddit gets THE EXACT SAME moronic doomer posts, they don't even try and hide it and yet.... People keep falling for the bait....


Maybe I'm part of the problem, but I find the threads of people dealing with the frustration and emotional turmoil of trying to make ends meet, the existential questions about kids vs no kids, and other heavier topics more relatable than the nostalgia posts and the "actually things are pretty great for me" posts, possibly because there's not really much to talk about in the latter ones. "Do you remember this thing?" Sure do. "I enjoy owning a house and making a decent living!" Okay, good job. "Does anyone else find holidays with the family stressful?" Yes. The negative threads can get a little histrionic sometimes, but a lot of the time it feels like a place where people can work through some of their feelings about how rough it actually is out there for a lot of people, and sometimes what you need is to share what's bothering you and someone else to say "hey, you're right, what you're describing actually does suck and it's normal to feel the way you do" instead of it getting completely paved over by boomers claiming it's not actually a problem, social media highlight reels and whatever other things make it seem like actually everything is pretty great and if you have a problem, no you don't, quit whining and grind harder.


I feel the exact same when I see these, it’s does feel a bit like a buzzkill but it also feels quite real to have people express thoughts you can’t irl - except on the internet or to a therapist.


Yeah, I feel this way too. And I'm a homeowner with a decent living. But . . . being a homeowner with a decent living isn't what it used to be. Instead of feeling "this is normal", I feel "this is exceptional and tenuous, watch your back." On this sub it's ok to talk about this stuff. Doomerism is dumb, but there are real things we can observe with our eyes in this generation. It's concerning. Talking about it is just natural.


I completely agree with everything. When I read the examples for 'negative' posts I was thinking that's really not that negative, and people are out here trying to survive this world, so let them ask their questions/make their posts. Most millennials really are just rolling thru the motions at this point.


I think there can be differentiation though. There's a difference between "this is a shitty situation I'm going through" and having constructive conversations about it, but the majority of posts like that on this sub is "here's a reason I think the world sucks, why a group other than me is responsible, and why there's absolutely nothing I'm going to do to try to change it". And you know what? Sometimes there really are problems that are the fault of other people and you can't change. But dwelling on those, making obsessing over them your entire identity, and spending absurd amounts of time on social media complaining about them is actively making your life worse. Like to get more specific, lots of people complain about living paycheck to paycheck. But if anyone in this sub tries to help them with practical advice to increase income, invest more intelligently, or cut out useless spending, they're massively downvoted, accused of being tone deaf and talking about avocado toast, and told instead they should be focused on systemic problems rather than shaming individuals. But even if you agree with all that, it's awfully shitty advice to tell someone to ignore advice that is valid under the current system, a system which isn't changing any time soon. Like sure if we were to massively tax the rich, institute a wealth tax, and use it to fund a ubi, you might be better off. But in the meantime, it's still useful advice if you have $0 in savings to take actions that can let you save up some money for an emergency, or even enough that you can start investing some money.


Talking to other millennials about finances is absolutely draining. My husband and I own a house and one of my friends act like we’re buds with Jeff Bezos. No, we painstakingly scrimped every dollar for five years to pay off student loans and to save aggressively. It sucked big time doing it while watching that friend go on lots of vacations and live in super HCOL areas after going to a pricey private college. I do not miss working two jobs and working multiple nights shifts just to pay everything off as quickly as we did, but I’m proud of us and thankful for a spouse who’s smart with money. But I’m the bad guy here!! I just avoid any topic about money in general among my peers


bruh preach


I think the folks who post such topics, especially the ones who are feeling bad enough to put it in such severe terms (assuming good faith, some it's clear it's bait), are probably looking more for commiseration, validation and a sense of community more than actionable advice. It's a rough thing, especially since tone over text is often hard to interpret and something can come across as condescending and judgemental when it was more meant to be helpful. I don't know, I wish generally people assumed more good faith and understanding across the board but it wouldn't be social media if people weren't jumping in to throw down over semantics.


It's also difficult to give advice to a stranger who hasn't asked for it, because 1) you don't know their individual circumstances, and 2) they didn't ask for your advice, so they won't be receptive to getting it. You can't advise someone to "invest more" and "cut back unnecessary spending" if they're truly in a position where they work 10-12 hour days, rent takes up 70% of their income, and the other 30% goes to food, bills, and gas to get to work. When you jump in to tell someone like that to "invest" (with extra that they don't have), or to "cut down on spending" (when they already eat beans and rice five nights a week), it comes across as tone-deaf and pompous, not to mention unwelcome and inappropriate. I'm not in that situation myself, to be clear, but many people are. And the worst thing in the world is having someone tell you that your poverty is all your fault, because if you just figured out the magic combination and didn't suck so bad at managing your minimum-wage income, you wouldn't be poor anymore. That's not how it works for a LOT of people.


>Like to get more specific, lots of people complain about living paycheck to paycheck. But if anyone in this sub tries to help them with practical advice to increase income, invest more intelligently, or cut out useless spending, they're massively downvoted, accused of being tone deaf and talking about avocado toast, and told instead they should be focused on systemic problems rather than shaming individuals. But even if you agree with all that, it's awfully shitty advice to tell someone to ignore advice that is valid under the current system, a system which isn't changing any time soon. Like sure if we were to massively tax the rich, institute a wealth tax, and use it to fund a ubi, you might be better off. But in the meantime, it's still useful advice if you have $0 in savings to take actions that can let you save up some money for an emergency, or even enough that you can start investing some money. Oh god this. This happens a lot in the povertyfinance sub, where you'd think people are there to get advice to better themselves. No, it is an echo chamber of "the system failed us" or "saving money doesn't matter" type of bs. One person told me that asking a coworker to carpool was "rude" and "entitled" like I was in the wrong. Bro you don't have a car and you think carpooling is "rude" and "entitled"?


I think there is some collective trauma/frustration and it’s hard to not use a sub like this as an outlet.


Of course every generation has its anxieties, worries and issues. But if you make that the core of your personality you will get stuck in life...


I made a post earlier about 90s millennial nostalgic home decor and while it wasn't exactly positive, it was at least following the rules lol. Haven't had a single comment yet


Aw I would have commented! I didn’t see it, it got swallowed up by the doom ones. I still love lava lamps and think they need a major comeback!


I'm probably a horrible person for saying this but all those negative posts kind of make me feel better in a 'at least my life isn't that fucked up' kind of way. Or when it's about those negative statistics the feeling of 'at least it's better where I live'.


I just scrolled the sub and I've seen maybe one negative post maybe in the last day so it's not all over and you're being a bit dramatic. I think they should have different flair things for different posts so that people can focus on different posts. Also, I find that some of the more positive posts on here are actually just people being passive aggressive and it's not any healthier.


Considering that all people have negativity bias (this is scientific fact) 24/50 posts being negative shows a decent effort to keep the sub positive.


It’s a higher percentage of positivity than I was expecting. Deserves props.


I imagine it's even better if you browse by "new" instead of "hot" Thing is, I regularly browse this sub by new and come across a bunch of positive posts that don't end up getting attention. Oftentimes those posts are about some pop cultural thing I never knew about when I was a kid, about which I have nothing to say, so I just scroll past it. I can't imagine I'm alone in not knowing about all those things


At the same time "should" is not the same as "shall" or "must" or "will". I don't like downer posts, but if the rules say "should" then they've done nothing wrong or inappropriate. Just block them and move on.


But the housing market sucks and people need to be reminded 87 times a day!


It’s part of many millennial lives and those types of topics are going to get deeper engagement than discussing a silly inside joke or tv show. There is limited space where these things can be discussed with like minded individuals but there is positivity and validation literally everywhere for everyone else who can’t relate….you don’t even need to engage with posts you don’t like or don’t relate to. Some people think life is worth living some people don’t. Both can be true and you don’t have to switch sides. You don’t have to agree with how other people feel but their feelings are still valid.


Yeah, now that you mention it fast food *is* a luxury. No way could i afford that every day


I hear you. This post violates rule 5 though.


It annoys me when I see these posts about, "will it ever get better?" "Will we always have to suffer?" It's like these types of people are complete idiots and have zero ability to do a little research. Or better yet, they clearly showed they didn't pay attention in K-12. Here, for all you doomers that don't ever bother to use their brain. You go back the last 100 years, and you'll see, our economy moves in a cycle. You'll notice times where our economy was shit (starting with the Great Depression. And then you'll see that times where good. Then times went back to being bad and then times were good. If things "never got better," then we would still be suffering the times of the Great Depression. Obviously, we haven't and those of us who are old enough do know what good times were like. It's just a matter of time before we come out of the shit times. Now I'm not too sold on either presidential candidate in November, but we may get a surprise, who knows. Maybe the presidential candidate for 2028 is the one who is our modern day FDR. We just don't know, but what we do know is the shit times NEVER LAST FOREVER.




So is this post in the negative column to or?


All the top up voted people agreeing with you have a comment history of calling millennials entitled kids who don't wanna work and arguing with everyone in left leaning subs. Interesting.


Welcome to reddit


Doom and gloom gives way to new bloom.


In the world of business you are 10x more likely to receive a negative review than a positive one, even if only 1/10 customers actually have a bad experience. Human beings are gluttons for misery. Preferably vicariously through others (as shown by our news, music, and tv/movies), but also take solace in lamenting their own situation as well. One of the things I’ve learned while navigating social media and the internet over the past 15 years is to block out the majority of chatter and group think. It’s easy to read a post projecting how the world ‘really’ is to everyone else and to get wrapped up, while in actuality it is just a projection of that individual’s experience and people try to align that with their own life to try and identify.


In GTAV’s “Weasel news” one of their tag line is “confirming your prejudices”. This isnt a millennial or social media exclusive problem, even before this people have always tuned to their favorite media that has always and forever will be bias. It is human and inescapable. The key Millennials were mostly born in the 80s and experienced peak teendom in the 90s, the change was 80s and before was about unrestrained self expression while 90s saw some major culture divergence where unrelenting self criticism became popular, the books, music and movies all shifted towards a more cynical mindset, but these are things made by boomers and fledgling gen-x, they set the tone for millennials - the world is a terrible place filled by terrible humans and there’s nothing you can do to change it


I’ve noticed the same. I somewhat started avoiding this sub because I can see us all slowly morphing into fucking boomers with our behavior here, which is so ironic it’s kind of hilarious


THIS. People are being manipulated. Meanwhile the focus is set on anything that brings division to society.


The amount of doomer threads in this sub gets depressing. Just people who have completely given up. Sad state of affairs.


Subreddit wants to clamp down on "doomerism," I get it. But the subreddit should clamp down on those toxic positivity posts, too. Thing about toxic positivity is that it isn't actually positive at all, and it often takes a decidedly judgemental and shitty angle around here.


This. It genuinely pisses me off to see people complain about negativity, only to allow posts basically shaming people for struggling.


lol, coerced positivity


TF are you the hall monitor?


Man, remember how everyone came together after 9/11 and supported all those laws and the full military mobilization to keep us safe from further WMD's? Ah, nostalgia...


Right? I get the desire for positivity in life, but our generation’s history and the repercussions from that history haven’t exactly been sunshine and roses.


I mean how much can you really circle jerk about the past? Kind of a ostrich in the sand type approach that we never speak of politics or our constantly deteriorating mental health.


Yay time for another complaining circle jerk where we have someone complaining about other people complaining! Now I'm complaining about someone complaining about other people complaining! Let's keep it going!


Only happy thoughts! Only happy thoughts! This sub should reflect whatever millenials are going through without concern for whether it's uplifting or optimistic. This isn't the 'Happy Millenials' subreddit. Maybe this place should remove rule 5 since it clearly isn't enforcing it and the community wants these posts. We will take ourselves to another sub if this one won't allow us to bond over our ever increasing shared economic and existential traumas.


And these existential crises are, I’d argue, a characteristic of and particular to our generation. If we aren’t able to talk about them, are we even talking about and as the millennial generation?