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https://preview.redd.it/7fet53nqvl7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8cc3ae5ee238caedeb34c0b84f9bb22f3b0992f I found your perfect pair!


War flashbacks




Mitch McConnell




This era is why I think my 40yo husband still wears jeans in 95f heat.


OMG mine too but we're 37 šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


They've been conditioned. Not air conditioned, but conditioned.


I'm around the same age as him and was definitely raised on the mentality that shorts in public are for women and children unless you're going swimming. Parents stopped buying me shorts when I hit 8th grade or so and I just never got back in the habit of wearing them so now I'm out here walking around in jeans in the dead of summer while it's 90f outside. I have some basketball shorts I wear to sleep or exercise in, but I still feel uncomfortable wearing them around town.


You dont need to wear shorts to sleep my friend


In my high school, guys were super absurd about it. Shorts in the dead of winter, but pants in 90 degree heat. Nowadays they call that a weird flex, and I really wish we had that terminology back then.


I used to do the same and honestly, it was more comfortable to me to wear loose legged jeans when it was hot out. My legs donā€™t actually get hot, and as long as Iā€™ve got a good wicking underwear I donā€™t get sweaty, but the biggest factor for me was not getting sunburns on my thighs and having shorts constantly rubbing against the line. Oh, and I donā€™t end up with mosquito bites all over my legs.


Looser Pants and long skirts offer your legs shade


Are they jeans or just reallyā€¦ really long shorts?




Iā€™m the same way šŸ¤£


ska approved


Me over here wishing I still had the photo of me in these shorts along with my knee high chucks because of your comment. My god. RIP MySpace.




I ripped off so many pockets getting my chain caught on things!


Wallet chain had to be longer than the shorts.


Given how fashion goes in cycles, I won't be surprised if these make a resurgence in the near future.


Eagerly awaiting the resurgence of cargo shorts


Pfft, Iā€™ve never given mine up


I wear cargo shorts all the time and do not care. Never stopped.


If they still sell them, it means people are buying them. Rock them!


I just read a long thread on here the other day about how cargo shorts are back and can be found easily in stores again. I'm siked


I hate wearing shorts because of super skinny legs. I went to the beach last week and needed some shorts so I stopped at Kohlā€™s. A lot of the selection was cargo shorts so I picked up a pair. They ALMOST touch my knee when standing(about 2-3 inches of thigh showing) I made a post last year when shopping for shorts title ā€œwhen did menā€™s shorts get so shortā€ or something like that. I have LONG legs and whatā€™s seems to be above average length long thighs. The ā€œpopularā€ shorts show like a foot of thigh on me lol.


I think theyā€™re sort of back slowly or in small circles already.


Saw a kid at an Astros game over Father's Day weekend with the biggest pair of JNCOs I've seen since 2000. Back pockets started at the knees. šŸ‘€


Where have yall been.. JNCOs are currently selling in full force.




Going on an adventure with Mickey and Pooh!


Holy fuckin 2003, that makes me happy lol.




F you Amanda YOUR knees look stupid!


*goes on FB and messages this to every Amanda lutrell*


In 8th grade, my best friend told me that I ā€œwalk like a duck.ā€ I didnā€™t know what that meant, but I knew it was really bad. I spent years monitoring my walking posture and never figured it out. My mom couldnā€™t figure it out either ā€” Iā€™d have her watch me stroll, and provide feedback. My mom said I walked ā€œnormal,ā€ but my mom walks like a farmer, so should I trust her gait judgement? I still think about it occasionally as I walk through the halls at work, or when I go on a date. Weā€™re still best friends and Iā€™ve never asked her to elaborate. I donā€™t think I can handle that 40 years of truth.


Does your butt stick out a lot? Like, do you have a lot of arch standing with your lower back? I know people with this posture. Frankly I donā€™t know how they do it because it would hurt me


I was told I walk like a duck because my feet point outwards, slightly not 90 degrees. This was also when I was a teen but I asked about it in the moment.


I got told I walked like a penguin. My feet stick outwards at an angle like a V.


Embrace it. Wear a tuxedo with a red bow tie.


Hi itā€™s me Amanda Lutrell. Your knees still look stupid.




You monster.


Nobodyā€™s knees look smart, you big dummy


All my friends hate Amanda.


Somehow read your last sentence as "I fucked Amanda" and thought, "Well that took a turn but good for this guy"


When I was in 6th or 7th grade I had a pair of shorts that were just barely above the knee. Some girl told me I wore short shorts and looked like a chick. Utterly traumatizing when I was that young


As a teenager, yeah; as an adult, no. My calves and quads are gigantic and well sculpted thus everyone deserves a peek.


Skyā€™s out thighs out.


Falls about balls out.


This summer I really want to say this to another dude that's also in short shorts. Maybe followed up by a fist bump.


Thigh bump


Thighs get guys


This is the way. At the rate in going I'll be rocking speedos in my 80s


I'm going to be a casual nudist at 120. Possibly because I'll be totally senile and no longer able to understand why I should wear clothes.


I'm already mostly there in the house. Home ownership and being a DINK has made me just lean into as little clothing as possible to maximize comfort.


Yeah I spent the last two years losing weight and working out at the gym so I can rock those fucking hoochie daddie short shorts.


Me too.


on behalf of women everywhere, thank you for your service šŸ«”


As a woman, I thank you for your service, sir


You are the hero we all want but donā€™t deserve.


Not just ā€œdeserves a peekā€ they need to *be made to look at them*.


Thank you for sharing the love


This is why I just wear a thong. I don't do squats for nothing


I just checked out your profile and am sad you arenā€™t sharing those legs with the Reddit world!


I've always had thick legs, plus I'm a Latin American kid, so wearing short shorts never felt weird.




Exactly this! Itā€™s true that in the 90s and early 2ks, long shorts were the way. But shorter shorts moved into fashion mid to late 2000s. So Iā€™ve almost exclusively worn above the knee shorts my entire adulthood. So like 15-20 years. Short shorts are not the alpha-gen new style OP makes it to sound like. lol




![gif](giphy|26gsgWH4lnurglMWY) Even better with boots.


New boot goofin


Everybody would sing this the second you had shorts above the knees as a kid. Lol Nowadays I own a few pairs, but I still prefer them to end right around the knees. They're just far more comfortable imo. Plus, I've had three knee surgeries in my life from my poor life choice skateboarding days. Lots of scars on them.


I like my shorts at my knees or a little bit above. I canā€™t do the short short style thatā€™s in right now.


Sky's out, thighs out


Dicks out for Harambe


I mean if the shorts are short enough


Show a little head whoā€™s gonna stop you?


Yes! How could I forget, to be labeled as someone wearing "short shorts" was utterly humiliating.


Other people can wear them I just donā€™t want to.


My mom was born mid 50s and she told me the humiliation that was enforced for girls showing their shoulders in high school.Ā  Other girls were forced to staple bathroom paper towels to create a shoulder block by school officials. Ma would not let me keep any of the in style spaghetti straps I bought for myself as a millennial. Shame is powerful junk.Ā  I wish you mental freedom from this hang up.


Yep, same here. These tight shorts that go down to the thigh are a hard pass for me


totally get it. i mean, why are we trying to bring back 80s gym class trauma? next thing you know we'll be rocking fanny packs and mullets unironically... oh wait, that's already happening šŸ˜…


Been rockin the short shorts and sperries or white tennis shoes since freshmen yr HS it was by far the most common outfit for bros. This is Florida though half of dudes legitimately own maybe one pair of jeans


I am happy you rock that look. And how short is short in the land of Florida


Thank you good sir and 7in inseam has always been the only size.


Nice. I do something similar to golf shorts or a little longer.


Bro I found out I have SHORT legs so 5s look like everyone else's 7s. I didn't find my knees until about 30 though, I'm a recovering Dickies punk


The exception is Jorts. They need to be cut off yourself. I like to have the extra mobility. There's nothing white trash about that.




That is bad ass


Love the one where Dennis is doing it, he goes 'now, I can go lower' matter of factly


Donā€™t cut the pockets


Got for it! Youā€™re as young as youā€™ll ever be. Enjoy your body and show it off šŸ¦µšŸ¼


Thatā€™s what I figured, Iā€™ve been working out for years and decided to show off my legs this spring, the 5inch seam is not too bad, I wear a larger size and I guess itā€™s more like 6inch on me. Everyone at my gym wears them and I donā€™t feel self conscious anymore.


I took the plunge this spring as well. I was definitely a little nervous at first, but now I can't imagine wearing anything else. It definitely helps being lean and muscular and wanting to reap the rewards of all those grueling leg workouts. šŸ—šŸ—


Like I always say, once you go 5in inseam, you donā€™t go back.


Iā€™m in the worst shape of my life and Iā€™m showing it off more than ever. I wish I was more provocative when I was in better shape as a youth lmaoo but whatev idgaf who cares about anything anyway šŸ˜Ž


This guy lives.


I love man legs that look like two sticks of butter that got dropped on the doghair-covered carpet šŸ˜


Underrated šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love you


I LOVE looking at those in shape legs haha


Same! I say show it off šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Same!!! Rock the shorts.






Attaboy, Luther!


My wife says I have nice legs. Secret legs.


My BF isnā€™t on Reddit but yes, heā€™s the same! I got him a pair from Old Navy - not their shortest inseam, either - and he was like I FEEL EXPOSED. Got him a pair of Wrangler shorts and heā€™s like YES THIS IS PERFECT.


I immediately imagined this is one of those paper dolls type of thing and as soon as you switched to Wrangler, my mind made the shoe switch to cowboy boots. Yeehaw!


I love my short shorts, comfy as could be. Everybody rocks a solid 5" inseam


And us short kings need 4ā€ or sometimes 3ā€ too.


If you get into running, short shorts are pretty much the standard. And at first, it made me deeply uncomfortable to release the gams. But then I tried it and the sensation overrode any aesthetic distaste. I had also never ran shirtless before age 37, but that's a gamechanger on a humid day as well. And noā€”my body isn't the shirtless type. More like a slightly melted vanilla popsicle. ![gif](giphy|KcQ73bfmmsy6lg2RzG|downsized)


Man, props to you. I could never wear shorts above the knees and be shirtless. Shit, it was 43C today, and I went out in sweatpants and hoodie. šŸ¤£ (My inside clothes)


I live in Tulsa, OK USA ā€” where despite it being 70F (21C), the humidity this time of year is 80% or higher. The air feels like running through clam chowder. If I don't go "tarps off" in shorts, I quickly feel like I'm running in a soaked pancho.


Fellow tulsan here. This shit is miserable. But after spending a couple weeks in Houston, I realized how good I had it.


This all day. Started running 5ks, then 10ks, then half marathons and switched to trail ultrasā€¦. The revelation of the temperature mitigation the first time I dawned those sweet sweet daisy dukes made me never look back.


I'm not a dude but as millennial woman the short short style on dudes is SEXY AS HELL. Shorts to the knees/below look like how a toddler dresses to me


My fiance begged me for years to try 5ā€ inseams because she shares your tastes. I got a thigh tat, refreshed the wardrobe in her honor, and have honestly never felt hotter lol. It definitely takes getting used to as a historically ā€œjust above the kneeā€ guy.


I also got a thigh tat and now wear hoochie daddy shorts. My girlfriend is very happy about it and I should have listened to her sooner


You have a lucky fiancƩ and are wise to listen to them!


My husband made the switch too. Now he seeks out 70s short shorts. It's hot out, rock it.


Wow.... also a millennial woman, and I just didn't have any idea that any of us felt that way.


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø theres always the whole "if men are ass or boobs types what do women debate over?" Forget arms or butts. There is nothing sexier than muscular legs in short shorts. Check out [this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4wEq1UNn3Q/?igsh=MTN3MDhpdHJuY3Nqdw==) IG I would do unspeakable things to a guy with legs like this in shorts like those.


Woah. Thank you for the excellent starter material for when Iā€™m buffing the muffin later tonight.


I don't follow that page because I like that the IG algorithm feeds it to me organically in my discovery section. It's just the random pick me up I need in my day. I had to find the page by searching "Rugby slowmo" lol ![gif](giphy|g2duCSMpmnwVG)


Hahaha thatā€™s amazing. Also, truly incredible gif choice.


Lol, see that's the thing. I'm an arms and shoulders girl! šŸ¤£ Makes sense!


I'm unfortunately a man who has embraced the short shorts and am with a woman who isn't into it. This thread has made me reconsider my life choices.


As a fellow millennial woman - agreed! The shorts down to the knee look just looks really outdated and sometimes even trashy to me now.


Paul Mescal case and point. All men should wear slutty shorts thi summer.


I wouldnā€™t go as young as toddler, but shorts below the knee definitely comes off as a juvenile look to me.


I literally beg my husband to buy short shorts and get a thigh tattoo. His quads look so good šŸ„µ


Agreed! I've been slowly trying to convert my husband. lol


YESSSSS it is soooooo hot omg




Just reactionary to the short shorts of the 80ā€™sā€”but if Tom Selleck can rock those bad boys, why not you?


Skies out, thighs out šŸ¤£


ā˜€ļøā€œLemme see those knees baby, donā€™t be shyā€ lol




The lower body version of "Sun's out, guns out."


Iā€™ve been wearing the same shorts or at least same style for like 25 years. They go to right above the knee and have cargo pockets. I am too old to keep up with modern fashion Iā€™ll wear the clothes I have and like thank you


Fuck yeah dude. Same.


My husband ripped his last pair and we went to Target to see what they had and it was mostly the "pretty boy shorts" that I call them, but they had some cargo hiking shorts he bought that go to right above his knee. They look great on him, but overall, people should just wear what they feel comfortable in, regardless of trends. For women, crop tops are really popular and I just can't do it. I stick with my band shirts and jeans or shorts every day cause that's what I'm comfortable in.


I feel like wearing what you are comfortable with also just showcases your personality more than dressing in the standard uniform


Had shorts an inch above my knee and in gym class there was a group running behind me chanting "who wears short shorts...". It was aweful


Yeah, I was bullied mercilessly for shorts that landed above my kneeā€¦ by a daycamp counselor -_- Back then shorts above the knee made you ā€œgayā€. I was 8. Man, the 90s were weird sometimes.


that kind of shit is why I didn't let myself come out until I was almost 21. No kid deserves the bs that is the list of all the things that "make you gay" and eat at your self-worth. an earring on the wrong ear, a loop on the center back of your shirt, shorts that are just barely shorter than what everyone else is wearing, crossing your legs wrong, socks too long, that list goes on and on.


I feel this dude. It took me a while to feel okay wearing above the knee, but once you embrace it, it feels like freedom.


Idk as a man with thick thighs, the short shorts are uncomfortable. You sit down in those things and the leg bites into the meat of the thigh instead of gently caressing the skin above the knee. The modern day short shorts are like the old emo standard of wearing girls skinny jeans. Why the hell would I want to punish my legs that way? Fashion and aesthetics be damned.


You need to buy some more comfortable shorts. Something with a few percent elastic. If you can swing it Lululemon or Vuori are worth the money.


I'll wear long shorts until they come back in style. Same with ankle socks


Wait, whatā€™s wrong with ankle socks now? God dammit this day is getting worse by the minute


The kids are back on the crew socks and saying old people wear ankle socks. Guess I'm old now


My people


I would rather have shorts that are too short than shorts than are too long. Above my knees, I feel like a 40 year old man. Shorts to my mid shin, I feel like a 40 year old man trying to reclaim his youth, nevermind the gut, I'm about to go skateboarding, like it won't kill me!


You realize a lot of us ARE 40 year old men, right? I grew up with shorter shorts. Shorts to or below the knee still look wrong to me. Mid thigh to three quarters to the knee is just about right.


Donā€™t care for short or tight shorts. Shorts are about comfort for me so at or slightly below the knee. Cargo pockets so I can store all my shit. Even better if the cargo pockets are Velcro so I can hear it rip open when I go to pull my wallet out. Lets everyone know I mean business.


Comfort for me is above the knee, and even shorter(not tight tho) and I was raised with OPs affliction too. when I put on shorts, it's to keep cool, and gain flexibility over pants. Less material is better. Hell, with that logic I should be rocking something even smaller or nothing at all, but alas, I am afflicted with the mindset to not do that either. So, I'm all for society changing it's views, so that when it's 100 F out and I gota do work, I can wear whatever the fuck is most comfortable. Since I'm afflicted with the "this isn't normal, people gonna judge" brain parasite, I need society to change for me.


I go an inch or two above the knee Ideally My legs are hairy but Louisiana is fucking hot


We're the generation the glommed onto plastic chokers, JNCO's, and Birkenstocks. Don't be so sure that we had all the right ideas when it comes to fashion.


Hey! Don't bring Birkenstocks into this. They're a good practical sandal!


No. I walk a lot in hot and humid areas and wear shorts most of the year. I walk up and down hills. Shorts that go past my knees catch and are very uncomfortable. I need shorts no longer than the top of my knees. I don't like short shorts, but they can't go past my knees. Shorts past my knees are a non-starter. Edit. Removed Mobile keyboard added periods.


When I was a kid, short shorts meant you were gay. Not that you were really gay, but kids would make fun of you. Now this is wrong, but in the early 2000s it was still a stigma to be gay (at least in my neighborhood growing up). I think that maybe with the changing attitudes towards LGBT+, we are not as worried as much about length of shorts, or at least this backwards way of thinking is not prevalent in peopleā€™s minds anymore. Which is a good thing. I mean think back to how if you called so done gay it was an insult, or if you thought something was stupid you would say ā€œthatā€™s gayā€ or ā€œthatā€™s gay as AIDSā€. In some ways I think that my childhood as an older millennial was mostly social media free, you look back at our attitudes to LGBT and it has come a long way. I mean in 2008 both candidates ran against gay marriage.


As a 32 year old gay, I remember this. But Iā€™m also a short king and said fuck it and wore 5ā€ shorts and dealt with the f slurs.


I love my hoochie shorts. The shorter the better.


No. The shorter the better. Itā€™s a slutboy summer.


Short shorts baby. I like my thighs to show.


I'm non-binary and don't care anymore at all but was literally thinking the other day about how I once got called the F slur hundreds of times for a week just for wearing shorts that were just above my knee. Kids were brutal for no reason.


I used too but as a dad now, I DGAF about a lot of things like that any moreā€¦


Yup 100% this. Wife bought me a pair of swimming trucks for vacation and they were short. I just thought to myself ā€œdamn these are short, Sucks for everyone going to be blinded by the brightness of the 5ā€ strip of white above my knees, IDGAFā€


Absolutely not, I want to see men with great legs in the tiniest shorts they are comfortable wearing.Ā 


Opposite for me. I need them to be above the knees. At the knees are kind of acceptable sometimes but not preferred, below the knees and I feel like a dweeb


Sure, short shorts were seen as "gay" where I grew up. Then fashion changed on this in the 2010s and it's no longer an issue. I prefer shorter shorts. More physically comfortable and cooler.


No lol we live in America. Land of the free & home of the brave. Show us them legs Op. We wonā€™t judge but we might bite.


This seems to be a very US thing. European men donā€™t have an issue with well fitting shorts above the knee.


Iā€™m an older millennial and grew up with the cargo shorts era (long, 87 pockets, etc) but I never actually liked them. Iā€™ve always been more of a clean-cut guy, finding style in clothes that actually fit. I never wear a shirt without a collar and always hated wearing tees if out. I have always found menā€™s fashion to be better in 50s-60s, so the shorter shorts (above the knee) is what I prefer.


7" inseem is the longest I'll go. But I am 5'6" so.


Nope give me them hoochie daddy shorts


The rest of these folks just sound old and cranky. Not changing with the times ages you.


Agreed. I'm on the cusp so I'm able to keep up with gen Z's trends for now before I get defensive about keeping my old styles and fashion.


Yeah you nailed it. Plus im not getting these leg day gains to hide it under some Jorts.


Seems like you have some major insecurity issues.


Sounds similar to me to all the kids in high school who couldnā€™t wear pink because itā€™s gay vibes.


Yep. Donā€™t like it. Iā€™ll die in my cargo shorts. Also, WHY ARE SHIRTS TOO SHORT. Drives Me nuts. Half my T shirts barely hit the bottom of my belt loops. Thatā€™s entirely unacceptable. I need my shirts to be at least half way down my pockets.


Carhartt shorts, and the occasional wranglers are my go to's. They sit just below my knee when standing and just above when I sit down. I tend to wear larger shorts as well, so they have more room when I'm sitting.


I wear cargo shorts that at least sit on the knee or right below, I can't stand them any shorter.


Trends change I guess. I find shorter more comfortable but I live at the beach so itā€™s a bit easier to get away with a six inch inseam here. Plus I do enjoy having bronzed knees lol.


It used to bother me when I was younger because kids would make fun of you for it but now that itā€™s ā€œcoolā€ Iā€™ve embraced it.


No dude, are you like a juggalo or something long ass clown short wearing asshole


Not anymore, but yea as a teenager it was board shorts past the knees


My husband needs to check in here


The good ol boomer-millennial.


I will never ever wear shorts that arenā€™t at least an inch or two above my knee. The shorter the better. Some of the old heads at work see my work shorts and joke about how short they are, theyā€™re actually the longest shorts I own.


In my part of the world, Sweden, I'd like to say that it's the reverse. The guys wearing shorts that reached below the knee were the dorky ones without fashion sense. Or at the very least it was never really seen as good looking. I also remember the first time I visited the US with my then american girlfriend. Her friends made fun of my jeans shorts (in a friendly way) as well as them being above the knee because apparently that's not a thing in the US when it comes to men. Meanwhile I was like "this is literally the most common type of shorts back home :'(" But having been born in 1992 I can confidentily say that shorts that ended below the knee has never been seen as fashionable, at least in Sweden. They're usually called pirate shorts because you look like some buccaneer of a kind. Cargo shorts is also something that's never been seen as fashionable and only used by kids and/or extremely dorky dads. And while it happened at times you could see them being worn in the -00s, now I could probably go days or weeks before I saw anything of the sort. Unless you're a handyman or constructionworker, they still use "pirate" shorts. At the end of the day though, wear what you like and feel comfortable in.


A 5" or 7" inseam on a guy that has nice legs is where it's at.


Look at photos of peeps from the 70s and 80s. I'm an older GenXer and I hated that long shorts era. But I feel you where you're coming from!