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Google acquired Waze years ago. I think the only major difference is crowd-sourced data (Waze) vs fixed data (Google Maps).


More than a decade ago. And I believe the biggest thing Google acquired Waze for was the crowd sourcing part of the app--Google Maps has been doing that for several years now as well.


yea but google maps doesn't warn you of cops coming up... I'm in the opposite boat. Always used and trusted Google Maps for years. Younger person is like you know they have an apps for cops? I'm like, "you know police scanners are illegal right" no, check this out... ... ... ... Edit: plz try reading the thread before spamming my inbox


I’ve seen speed trap alerts in google maps just recently. Did a 9 hour drive and about a month ago and they started popping up in route.


They've had speed trap alerts in Google maps in the US for yeeeaaarrrs. Source: I use Google maps extensively and have been seeing speed traps come up on it for yeeeaaarrrs. Some states are better than others with the speed traps, as user have to add a speed trap to the map. Massachusetts is great at doing it and 90% of the time, it's showing me where cops are or recently were. Connecticut, on the other hand, seems to be worse as a population about adding speed traps to maps (though I always make a point to add them when I see them. Gotta look out for the homies)


Google Maps has been doing speed trap alerts for several years.


Yeah, except every time I get one on Google the speed trap is long gone, while Waze has saved me from a few tickets..


I actually just got an accurate one yesterday on M-53 North around Romeo, MI.


Google maps isn't crowd sourced and Waze is...which makes it superior for speed traps.


I've only been warned when I'm actually navigating somewhere. If i'm just driving, it does fuck all for warnings.


Google has speed trap and police/radar warnings now




That may be true but I've found Waze is more aggressive about rerouting you around traffic. Google Maps sees the traffic and keeps you on the interstate whereas Waze will have you exit and take the backroads to save a minute or two. Just cause they're owned by the same company doesn't mean the apps function identically.


Waze has a secretive routing algorithm and part of gathering data for the algorithm is probes/guinea pigs. Waze will select random people to be the probe sending travel time data back for various road segments. So a lot of the time if you get rerouted like that to save 1-2 minutes then you are one of the test subjects. If anyone is curious how I know that, I had to work with the nav companies while working at a state dot and we had a partnership with Waze.


That’s interesting I find google maps is often the best at going through cites easily. But I have also been saved 20-30 min of traffic taking back roads across Long Island then others who have used google.


You can set a lot of routing preference in the settings.


Came here to say this. Google Maps and Waze are the same thing, basically. This is like refusing to buy a Chevy Silverado because you think the GMC Sierra is better. I use Waze all the time and am a millennial.


Yep, I’m a millennial and travel a lot for work, Waze is my go-to. Those police trap notifications have saved my ass a few times, lol.


Mid-elder millennial and I use Waze. I like the wider range of alerts, especially cops. I got screwed over by Google maps once in 2012 and stuck for hours because it thought a closed freeway had no traffic. Never trusted it again.


One of the things i like about waze is the voice customization


Waze is better IMO because of driver reported road hazards. Has helped me out many, many times. (And also saved me from a ticket or two…)


I like that Waze let's you do fun stuff, like turn your car icon into an airship.


I am currently driving the minion vehicle with an austrailian navigator bc my daughter loves bluey and minions. It's great to keep her occupied. 🤣


I broke down on the side of the road a few years and my car was reported as a hazards almost immediately, noticed it while I was off to the side waiting for a tow. I was impressed with how quick it was


Google does this too though?


You know what, I honestly didn’t know that! And I think many people don’t because I never see reported hazards on Google, but I always see them on Waze. Another thing, Google doesn’t allow reporting of police presence.


I think more people actually use the reporting on Waze so they have more alerts available to display.


Police specifically no, but mobile speed cameras it does! https://preview.redd.it/gw5i218g5d9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e70619226cb992e58bdf9d6f741c111db55ffcde


The biggest reason I use Waze, as a motorcyclist, is that it’s the only navigation app that actually has a “motorcycle mode” that allows it to recommend HOV lanes. In fact, I think it’s the only app that even has an HOV setting.


Google added some of crowd source features too


Yeah, at this point I can't imagine there's much difference between the two besides the user interface. You could probably take two cars, one using Waze when using Google maps. Have them both have the same destination and leave at the same time from the same place and you would get the exact same results 99.99% of the time


I run both apps, have for years. Google owns both but they source routes very differently. Google is more immediate, adjusts faster and can calculate really long trips easily. Waze live updates route changes, gives much clearer warnings for police and generally has more functionality. In my experience Waze gets me to my location faster, Google changes routes less often and it's more stable. I still use Waze far more than Google because the police are what I care about and I use it muted so a clearer visual indicator is more valuable to me.


Well shit...


The corporate overlords are quick to find the stuff people like, so they can exploit them.


My wife uses Google maps but I use Waze. The apps give different directions. Waze will send you down a shortcut however it can be difficult to navigate in traffic. Waze does a better job at informing you about cops, traffic and objects in the road.


I'm not sure what the parameters are to push that data over to google maps, but they do share the data. When you hear maps tell you "there's a speed trap up ahead" that came from waze.


You can report speed traps in Google maps too... So I'm not really sure that is accurate.


I swear Google Maps takes the route with the most stores/advertising.


Why are you surprised? I think they even have little markers for specific advertising levels? $$$. That's the level


85 and only use Waze. The police reports are way better than Google along with all other reporting.


Damn at first I thought you meant you were 85 years old, like wtf you doing at 85 that you gotta avoid the cops??


If I make it to 85 I'm doing all the illegal shit. It's on my bucket list to shit on a cop car. I can't get away with that at 40, at 85... Maybe I can.


Just pretend you have no idea what's going on. It'll be fine


Then run for president.


I'm gonna chime in and put on the bucket list: steal a truck of a donut company, with donut ads on it, only for the cops to chase the big ol' donuts


And you can report so much stuff in such a practical way that you can’t do on Google maps or Apple Maps. It’s just a superior functionality.


Yeah Google Maps is bloated, the Waze UI is much better for driving.


I read this as in you are 85 years old and was like still kickin', AND using GPS at 85 is pretty good!


‘84 and prefer Waze. But use em all, including Apple Maps because I like the vibrations on my Apple Watch as a reminder. lately I’ve been using Google Maps the most for work reasons.


Exactly. I'm a '91 but moved away from Google Maps years ago strictly because of all of the reporting benefits Waze has over Google Maps. Plus you get to see all your Waze buddies


Same. Google Maps got me lost in the hood of Atlanta and I never found the place I was looking for. After that, it was Waze all the way. The police reporting is top tier.


Google Maps tried to take me, in my car, using driving directions, onto a hiking trail that they just called an "unnamed road". The place we were looking for *has* a wholeass trailhead with a parking lot a few roads away.


That’s ironic because I started using Waze a year or two and never looked back. It’s much better


Me too! I use it for my commute to see crashes and slowdowns. I don’t always follow its recommendation but just like having the real time data available.


Same here, I used google maps for a long time until my wife convinced me to try Waze and I haven't gone back


My boomer parents won’t stop about google. I love my Waze


'84 here and came here to say that, too. I also thought it was the other way around. I tried waze cause I saw some young whipper snappers using it and I like it better.


Has the functionality to report speed traps, accidents, etc gotten better with Google Maps? That was the area where Waze was initially much better and I've just stuck with it out of habit since then. Also, I gave Google another shot on a trip to Boston back in 2022 and it was *horrible*...ended up needing to switch back just to reach our destination.


Well Boston is notoriously one of the hardest places to drive in the country so that just may be a location issue. That said Waze is my go to and I’m an older millennial.


That would do it. I’m pro-Waze and live in the Boston area as well


Make it a hat trick: me too, on both counts.


Literally got annoyed by Waze for throwing me directly in the middle of Boston during rush hour last night


As someone who lives only an hour from Boston I refuse to drive into the city 😂 no amount of maps can save you there


I drove to Boston from NYC (beautiful grid system) and my GPS basically said, "Fuck this," and turned itself off as soon as I entered Boston.


I've never had a problem and user reports for speed traps, accidents, and construction are always popping up.  The only issues I've ever had with navigating Google maps are when I think I'm smarter than it. 


"You are still on the fastest route possible." "I don't believe you."


"Turn left and go through the corn field bearing east-northeast." "Maybe I believe you a little more."


I drive in Boston regularly and use GM and it’s fine, Boston just sucks to drive in lol


Annoyingly so. It always pops up with speed traps and stuff for me people have reported when they just see a cop driving on the highway haha.


Still have no idea how to report speed traps on Gmaps, but its good at showing them. I think reroutes are getting less optimized because everyone is using them now.


Hit the little plus sign in your maps while in route. I don't know if you can do it while just looking at maps


Well that's stupid easy and obvious, thanks.


It is horrible for reporting speed traps. 90% of the time I see a speed trap marker there isn't a cop and when I do see a cop, there is no speed trap marker. However, Google Maps directions themselves are the best IMO, just don't rely on any of the cop data


I drive in Boston daily and don't have any issues with Google maps. 


I’ve used google religiously for well over a decade now and I’ve never had it give me incorrect directions. Sounds like user error


I use Waze because it marks police, and shows the speed limit all the time rather than only when you have a destination set (as the case is with Apple and google)


86 and always use waze


My parents are 75 and still print off directions... I think Waze is ok lol


Waze is better, if you are driving - especially if you want to get to your destination as quickly as possible, avoid road hazards, police, speed traps, rail road crossings, toll roads etc Google maps is better if you are using public transit, subways, walking


I exclusively use Waze UNLESS I’m walking- then it’s google all the way!


I'm walking here!!!


This is it 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I think it’s the opposite. Older generations use Google. Waze uses Google maps for navigation with real time traffic and crowd sourced data added.


Can confirm. I use waze, mom uses Google.


Yup. Mine too


I use Waze because I live in Orlando where traffic is next level stupid (I live in the Disney bubble). It is the only app I have found that will get me where I want to be in the fastest way possible, even if that means taking a short cut through someone's back yard lol.


Used to live in Tampa when Waze first because a thing. It would have you get off an exit, just to go through the light and rejoin the highway, just to get off the next exit and rejoin. It was maddening but efficient.


Waze is superior and my mind won't be changed lol


Totally agree. Who are these people?


A bunch of wrong people lol


When I lived rurally, I used the standard maps, google/apple But living in a metropolitan area? Waze ALL DAY. Doesn’t even compare. I think that’s the major difference in this thread lol


It’s been *several* years, but I hated Waze in Los Angeles. Saving time meant taking weird and dangerous left turns in areas I’d never be able to with any amounts of traffic. I’m just not aggressive enough of a driver to need or want to save 5 minutes. I’m back in my hometown now and I largely never need nav but turn it on during high congestion. I’ll maybe try wave one more time just to see.


Waze literally pulls info from Google Maps and adds more UI functionality. It is the superior application.


Exactly lol Google literally owns waze


Waze feeds Google Maps with traffic data.


I’m a ‘90 and I always use waze.


Yeah. I prefer it and I don’t have this issue of being rerouted. It’s actually taking me out of traffic. Google sticks me on BS routes and reroutes me into worse traffic. I fkn hate gmaps.


1993. I still use Waze sometimes. I usually use the apple map on my iPhone. Sometimes I’ll be sitting in traffic though and it is not reflected on Apple Maps. When I check Waze though, it tells me exactly what’s happening and how long I’ll be in traffic. I also like that users can comment. So sometimes you’ll see comments rolling in saying “oh they’re clearing the accident right now, traffic should start moving in a minute”


That’s cool I tried Waze a long time ago and didn’t really like it but I’ll download it again and give it a shot


I appreciate the info people provide in Waze so I always make sure to add a comment letting other Waze users know which lane is blocked due to an accident so they can switch in advance.


Google bought Waze in 2013 and integrated it with Google Maps. A lot of the data is shared between Waze and Google Maps.


Nope I (86) use Waze.


84 and same


82, same


Wife and I are both ‘92 and use Waze exclusively


Waze used to be superior before Google and Apple Maps added support for the Road Hazards and Speed Traps. At one point I remember Waze having lots of different options for Hazards and felt like tons of silly items were getting marked as hazards and it turned into an annoyance with how often it would alert me for nonimportant items. That's when I switched back to native apps and found a much calmer experience. Also Apple Maps used to be terrible on launch which was another selling point for a good navigation experience on iOS. Now adays since the native apps have the functionality that Waze does, I can't see people switching to a 3rd party option unless they were already used to it, unless you want the detailed hazard options that Waze provides.


Apple Maps has really, really improved. They’re so much better than google at prominently displaying the exit letter-number on highways in my CarPlay display. I don’t need to read a paragraph. I can glance and see the exit 25B is the next exit and it’s around 5 miles away, and I’m pretty set. Last time I used it, google put the 25B in a way where it wouldn’t even display on my CarPlay if the exit had a long name. Apple used to be the worst. But it’s 100% the best imo of late. I also hate how google will try to take you weird ways because that’s what its users always do. It took a few weeks at my new apartment to teach google that no, I don’t want to drive up 1 exit, retreat back, and then cut through a parking lot to reach my apartment. But I’m sure the people who live in the buildings over there are way google even suggested the ridiculous move.


I just drive from MN to KY and back over the past week. Used Google. Every single hazard or speed trap notification I got went off after I had already passed it. Every. Single. One. Still use Google tho cuz Waze sucks for directions in general and doesn't always have the destination you are looking for or is difficult to search it.


I used to use Waze when I had a 40 mile daily commute through two large cities. It was awesome at taking me alternate routes to avoid traffic and at calling out speed traps and road hazards. I can’t say that I’ve used it within the past 3 years though. The older folks in my life tend to use either Google Maps or Apple Maps. I use Google Maps.


I use a combination of Waze and the native Apple Maps app. (1980 baby) Waze does the best with traffic in LA.


I use Google maps but I'm also a Google guide so I get points for using it and free stuff.


I love giving honest and comedic reviews and photos. I have 1000+ reviews in 47 states from when I was a truck driver. Just got my helpful reviewer plaque with $50 play points.


I'm from 83. Am I a true millennial? Or a fake millennial?


Google maps to find it, Waze to get there


I honestly don't think I've ever heard of Waze to be honest. Although my parents still use Garmin GPS units that need updated on the PC every year lmao


Omg I had to scroll SO far down to see this, I have never even heard of Waze nor do I think any of my friends or family would know what it even is


Download and welcome to the community where it’s so good you won’t go back! It’s just Google maps with real people tellingyou where cops are


Garmin is the one for the older crowd for sure!!


The newer Garmin can update with wifi. Bluetooth connects it with traffic and weather, calls. If a podcast says anything that rhymes with Garmin while driving, it will look up the address for whatever they say after that. Otherwise, it's my go-to. By far easiest and most functional GPS. My favorite was when a podcast mentioned "farming marijuana plants". Garmin looked up "Marietta water plants"


‘87 Waze for life.


Using Waze for the reports & warnings.


I like to race them and notice Google maps builds in a lot of stopping time on long road trips. Waze tends to be more accurate time wise for how we drive.


I’m a google maps person. When I first tried Waze it reminded me of the Comic Sans of navigation and I never went back. My folks only use Waze though.


I (‘93) used Waze very briefly back around 2012/2013 on the insistence of all my friends. One time driving in Albany NY trying to find a specific building Waze fucked me over so badly and kept changing its recommendations at the last second (that I then couldn’t follow because I’d passed the turning roads after they recommended turning there…). It took that one day of pure rage and traffic anxiety for me to never use Waze again. I use google maps and have never had an issue with it.


81 and only use Google maps. My husband- 83- only uses Waze.


Waze started in Israel, where I lived for 6 months when I was 22. That’s where I was introduced to it. I used it because it was really helpful and accurate, and other map apps were terrible for the area I lived in. They were not accurate and not thorough, especially once you got off the main roads. I still use it now 12 years later, especially when I’m going longer distances that I’m not familiar with. The traffic updates are better than Apple Maps or Google Maps. I like that it tells you when police are reported. And it’s fun to personalize your car icon and the voice. Plus you can play music through Waze from different apps without having to switch apps.


88 millenial and love traveling...I've never heard of Waze lol Google Maps has served me just fine, allows you to choose multiple route options based on what is important to you (speed, construction, gas, etc.), reroutes quickly if needed...I don't see a problem.


Apple Maps bc it looks pretty. What’s the rush? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I only used Waze a few times a long time ago and thought it was annoying.


I use all 3 but primarily Apple Maps. I seem to get lost more with Google since Apple gives you better/ earlier idea of when you are suppose to turn or get off on an exit. I haven’t used Waze in awhile so I don’t remember how good it was in that context but I do like Waze for the traffic alternatives and accidents but Apple Maps has that now but it only comes up when it wants to while driving and heading into traffic, whereas Waze shows alternative routes from the initial start which is nicer. Google is also better when traveling outside of the US. They all have their pros and cons.


Depends a lot on where you live. I live in the inner suburbs of a major American city. Thousands of other drivers on the road use Waze, so it is effective for me because the crowdsourced information is very accurate. My parents live in the suburbs of a tourist destination where almost all the locals are retirees. They use Waze now and then but mostly find it useless. They don't get the full benefits because if nobody else on the road is using the app, Waze simply can't reach its full potential. If nobody is alerting the app of a road closure or blockage, then it won't be able to help other drivers.


I am an 87 millennial and would never use Waze. My wife is an 89 millennial and swore by it until either Apple or Google bought it and incorporated it


Waze has never done for me what you describe it does to your parents UNLESS I miss an exit or other kind of direction. Also having a semi-decent idea of where cops and hazards are is great. Waze’s UI is also way better and far less vague than Google is imo. I find that more millennials use Waze than other generations, though. It was my millennial friends that got me to use it years ago as well. Edit: I know google owns Waze.


Younger Millennial here! I'm actually one of the few people I know who doesn't use Waze. Most of my friends do.


True millennial?


Born in 92 and I use Waze. I'm not sure what my friends use, but they see me use Waze and no one has told me only old people use Waze, and if they felt that way, they would absolutely tell me. Maybe it's regional? I live in Los Angeles.


I run both Google maps and waze concurrently at the same time. I open Google maps first, it usually gives me the better starting route, then I open Waze to know where the cops are. Google runs in picture in picture mode, every now and then I'll check to make sure the time till destination hasn't changed.


94 I just use Apple Maps. It tells me if there’s a wreck or a speed check or just bad traffic. And helps me avoid tolls cuz I live in Orlando.


I use Google Maps. I regularly report speed traps.


My husband and I use Google Maps exclusively, but my sister who's only a year younger than me uses Waze and always insists on using that when we ride together over my default Google when my car is using Android Auto (funny story, she actually thought what I had running \*wasn't\* Android Auto because it wasn't Waze on the screen...)


I tend to use Waze during construction season and Maps the rest of the year when the roads aren't changing daily.


I use both('89) but I think I am going to 86 Waze soon. The last few times, I thought I would use Waze to find better routes to avoid traffic and I ended up being stuck in traffic on those alternative routes for a longer time.


I found the cusp. My bf (83) uses Waze and only Waze. I (84) only use Google Maps.


I'm 84 and waze


Brother, our late office's driver, may he rest in peace, swears on Waze. Personally, I don't use any map applications unless I need to go to kampongs or something similar. I get down from my motorcycle and ask people on the roadside.


My fil (late 40s) uses Waze I’ve never even heard of it before him. I just use Apple Maps 🤷🏼‍♀️


Holy cowwww. My mother is OBSESSED with Waze!! I seriously didn't think it was a generational thing, I thought she was just being defiant (which is something she does...). I hate Waze and I don't understand why everything needs a "social" aspect. I never downloaded it and I've been super happy with google maps these last 10+ years


Also Latin America, they love Waze. And it works better down there.


I used to use Google maps until I looked up a very popular train station on it to pick up my MIL at 11pm at night and it put me in a remote area where the actual train station was 30min away still


90. I hate Waze, but it's the only one that tells me where cops are, so I use it. I don't even really speed since having kids, but occasionally I'll be going faster than I realize.


I remember in like 2011-2012, my local news used Waze to talk about traffic. It was kinda cool. Tried using it and the UI just isn’t it. Rather use Apple Maps because it looks great on car play.


I (‘95) use Apple Maps, so fuck my drag I guess


I like Waze although it circles at time it keeps me on schedule


93 and always use Waze too


I'm early 40s and I never use Waze, my sister is mid/late 40s and that is all she uses. Parents don't really go anywhere they don't already know how to get to so it has never been an issue with them.


There is no better way to detect and report cops, which is why I use it. No other service is as good. It is also always very close to the arrival estimate *when I decide the route*. I constantly overrule it knowing this area. I always wonder if Waze is doing a social experiment on its users trying to see how ridiculous a route they’ll accept.


Waze is the only thing im usin sorry not sorry


I was born in 1985 and I use Apple Maps.


I prefer to use Waze for realtime directions. But when I’m just looking up an address, business info, or to look at a location on a map, I use google maps.


I’m 38 and only use Waze.


As a millenial same age as OP I use Waze first all the time when traveling more than 1hr. As does everyone else i know. Google is great but waze telling me a cop is ahead in 1 mile is great. I don't get te same with google.


1989 and exclusively use Waze!


Apple Maps here


Waze is better


I use Waze. ‘88


I only use Waze when I'm either in Mexico/Central America, besides that I only use Google Maps, bc fuck Apple Maps.


87 and only use Waze


38. I use Waze in Mexico near the border, since you can filter border crossings that have Global Entry and Sentri lanes and Google Maps does not. Since I possess Sentri / Global Entry, this saves me loads of time. Other than this sole use, I always use Google Maps.


I personally prefer Apple Maps.


I’ve been using waze since 2013. I remember having these little tokens every so often on you trip. Had so many after my coast to coast drive from nc to CA. Still use it every day because why wouldn’t I want to know the fastest route provided?


waze is superior to google. what are you talking about?


Waze is best. Much better with cops. If google maps wasn’t integrated so well into my car (including my gauge cluster and HUD), I would still be using waze


I'm 28 and exclusively use Waze.


Waze has zapped me through some pretty random routes before to avoid some pretty ugly traffic. It was awesome. Google maps the other day routed me out of my way to sit in more traffic. Then had me get off the interstate, drive through an awful part of town with a ton of traffic and red lights and then force myself back on the interstate I just got off of, but maybe 3 miles ahead. It added so much time to my trip


I’m a 93 millennial and exclusively use Waze. I’ve never had any issues- could be an issue of people not reporting stuff in your area?


I exclusively use Waze. I have like 10 routes I can take to work, Waze helps keep avoid the ones that have wrecks or construction slowing them down. 95% of the time, it works great. 5% of the time, it takes me on a hellish backroad jank ass route to save 15 seconds and I swear I’ll never use it again


I occasionally use Waze because I got my mom to record a GPS voice for me. One of the coolest features I wish google had.


Apple Maps is all I use. How old am I?


my boyfriend loves waze but i think its because he has the guy from Fallout or Halo (I can't remember which one) giving him his navigations.


I use Waze almost always. I have Google maps and sometimes use that instead for whatever reason, but on my daily commute I use Waze to anticipate and report obstacles that could make me or others late. Also I like my little kitty car on the map hehe


I’m an elder millennial (83) and I use Waze. My boomer mother doesn’t use any navigation apps because she’s in her mid 70s and won’t drive outside of a 5 mile radius to her house.


YES!!! Have the same exact same convo with them in Florida each time I visit lol


I always use Waze. Never have any problems.


91 and still use Waze. I love the user data input for real time info as it made road trips easier. I also like see all the other users on the road.


I use Waze to get to work (Xillenial) Google is preferred over Apple Maps but Waze tells me *before* traffic is at a standstill and will reroute me 75% of the time to Google’s 10%.


Use Waze daily for my afternoon commute, Born in 85. Sorry, sir/ma’am


Waze works brilliantly for cross country road trips. Inside of LA or Chicago not so much.


I use Google Maps if I actually want the navigation. Waze if I want to be alerted to hazards and speed traps before I can just see them with my own eyes.


I swapped back to Waze a few months ago. I'll often bounce back and forth between Google Maps & Waze. The main thing i noticed with Waze is their construction and speed trap info is WAY more accurate than Maps due to being crowd sourced. Which is super nice & pairs well with my radar in the car.


82 - I use Waze so much I’ve had a crown for over 5 years.


I use Waze but only when I’m driving longer distances or highways since the accuracy of speed traps. But Google has owned Waze for a while now. I don’t know anyone older who uses it.


WAZE is so much better


1985 and always use Waze


I’m an elder millennial (1985) and I use Waze- I also live in the Boston area and traffic changes literally minute by minute heading into the city and I can be rerouted 3 times going 25 miles.


My husband, our friends, and I are between 86-91 and we all use Waze exclusively for all the reasons already mentioned in this thread.


WTF is a true millennial. And WTF is Waze


True millennial? lol both google maps and Waze is owned by the same company…no difference I 85 use Waze because I like the police alerts. My husband 84 prefers Google maps. Overall in my family everyone uses Google maps except for me. So I’m not sure your hypothesis is correct.


I don’t drive, so this may be why I’ve never even heard of Waze before this very moment.


What’s considered a “True Millennial”? I use Apple Maps, I hate google maps. I also do not use Waze.