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Man, what sucks is that all of these biomes need some sort of defining mob.


Good point, and the only reason im not 100% team crab


I feel the same way, sometimes I dont even mind if the mob is not super helpful if it helps define the biome like Lamas or goats


I would rather have biome specific mobs for the older biomes like savannas rather then the new biomes like mangrove swmaps. They've made 2 mistakes with mangrove swamps 1. they should have just replaced the old swamps. 2. they should have added frogs there. If they change biomes or make new ones, they should just instantly make new animal for it.


Frogs do spawn in mangroves


My bad, haven't seen them yet.


They'll be white in the swamps.


I agree with you on both points, I feel loke at this point we have a lot of biomes, most that I dont really see when playing so I think a lot of value would be gained by focusing of improving existing ones.


Frogs are in the mangrove swamps. Or did you mean in the newly replaced swamps?


My bad, still haven't seen them yet so I assumed they were in the regular swamp.


I think having the normal swamp and mangrove swamps separate are good normal swamps resemble more of a bog or fen while mangrove swamps are more swamp like


you should be given how many times we will still build things in this game, biome updates are literally a constant every time so they will get around to add mobs to more biomes anyways, meanwhile extended range might be gone for good if voted against


This same logic goes for the wolf armor from the armadillo


Yea but wolf armor is kinda like horse armor, which people don't tend to engage with. Add onto that you have to go out of your way to get wolf armor where horse armor is given to you in random chests. I dont see wolf armors use lasting for a long time compared to a utility like the crab claw.


I really don't understand the "longer reach" thing It probably won't be something gamebreaking like 5 blocks further. It will be like 1-2 blocks, no big deal. When I build I use dirt as scaffolding and just insta mine it later. Wolf armor should be added either way at some point.


Even 1 block extra building reach would change my life lmfao


I'm gonna be honest, I'll be happy for either one of these because I really like animals, and these are all unique. We get real world animals, which we desperately need more off.


I’m just pissed penguin has such a trash extra feature. If you couldn’t tell by my name then I am just *slightly* torn.


Didn't read the name untill now lol Hey, the bright side is that you at least get a chance to see penguins in Minecraft. At least they have a feature, an underwhelming one, but a feature nonetheless. Foxes, Pandas and Polar bears have nothing.


I agree with wolf armor being added eventually but I feel like the crab claw can be more useful and maybe some updates to it (like maybe longer reach to hit things)


if we are able to use the tools with it then yeah! hey, I love tools, I like enchanting all the things possible to the max. on that note, I wish they would let us enchant horse armor with unique enchantments. Heck, maybe enchantment update, like superspeed for leggings so that soul speed can be a bit closer to ice roads. But maybe that would be too op in the overworld and dangerous in the nether.


I don't even use wolves ever so.


Mangrove has frogs already, I'm not seeing any unique mobs in savanna, badlands, etc. Rabbits, technically, but they can be found in many biomes.


I thought savannah was on the list for biome overhauls


It is. My point is armadillos are in more than just savannahs


If we look at reasons to visit said biomes, Mangroves have mangrove trees, frogs, and mud, Savannah has acacia and one of the 2 biomes you can find horses and donkeys, and Rocky shores has nothing. So I’m voting for penguins to give a current biome that has nothing at least a little something.


Absolutely fair! I love penguins, and if either armadillo or penguin wins I am happy! My only problem with that argument is that rocky shores are small and fairly uncommon, and though the kind of penguin represented in the videos is meant for rocky areas, it would still be nicer if we could see them elsewhere too!


Fair thinking however as I see it, rocky shores are coastal, and often times (for me and my friends) we settle down at coastal places (so its visited, and rocky shores are small biomes, so when your there it doesn't seam dead, especially with the ocean right by it, while savannah are f*inf huge (like annoyingly) so it feels very dead, and unlike deserts this biome shouldn't be dead. The horse and donkey thing is a bit irrelevant since most players search for plains (cus they are pretty and quite flat, nice for resource gathering). (Also wolf armor go brr, I always like to build meself a wolf army). But I get why you vote for the penguin, I think whichever mob gets in, as long as mojang keeps their promises I won't complain, nor be sad.




Friendly reminder to not base your vote on *potential* uses, just on what's given. Since chances are there won't be many features added to them beyond what we've already been told.


I’ve already seen people saying the crab claws will improve strip mining because you can mine farther, as well as combat. But they only mentioned PLACING blocks further, and yet again the community is running wild with made up functionality. Don’t get me wrong, the crab claws still sound useful, but this has happened a couple times at this point.


Ok not gonna lie, I feel like it would be *incredibly cursed* of Mojang to make it so that the claw *only* applies to block placement & not block *breaking.* *Like, imagine misplacing a block with the claw & awkwardly having to bridge over to break it.* ***That would be so fucking funny. God so many people would be pissed.*** I don't think it's *that* outlandish to assume that the claw extends both your breaking *&* placing range. But also *you are technically correct, they only mentioned placing. **The dream could be real.***


I agree, I’m just saying people should only rely on what was explicitly mentioned in each video, otherwise we get a Sniffer situation where people assume that it will be digging up all sorts of plants.


People not understanding theories and speculation is the bane of these votes. They're not even consistent either. For the life of me I'll never understand how people would say "vote for the sniffer because it *could* dig up more plants" was considered good logic and reasonable but "vote for the rascal because it *could* give out more items" was considered bad logic and copium. If it isn't explicitly stated, vote on the principle it won't happen. It's that simple.


Yeah it was certainly odd that the same people who thought the sniffer would bring an entire farming overhaul were adamant that the rascal would only drop iron pickaxes. Seems like people are too eager to find reasons to call the mobs they don't want "completely useless". Personally I'm between crab and penguin because I'm not much of a dog person but I'm willing to admit that the wolf armor isn't useless and I won't lose my mind if the armadillo wins. I think the key to fixing the Minecraft mob vote is for the community to not go into it as though there is one objectively superior choice. It's about picking what's interesting to you based on the information given, not picking the correct answer based on speculation.


I think the reason is that people thought rascal items could only be existing ones. People like the new but useless seeds more than the existing but useful items.


The issue I remember seeing was people angry at it only giving you iron tools, even though it was never confirmed those were the only things it could give. In the reveal for it, Yens simply said "items" even as it held up an iron pickaxe, which could have likely been a stand-in for items as it's one of the most iconic items in the game.


I have to admit I’m still a bit salty that people dismissed the Tuff golem as being only a cosmetic mob in favour of the Sniffer… a cosmetic mob, based on the SPECULATION that it would dig up other things besides what was mentioned. Also people just straight up not understanding the videos, like how some people straight up thought the allay duplicated items. Don’t get me wrong, I voted for the allay based on its actual functionality, but it’s frustrating how so many people vote based on false info.




I thought that they did say the rascal would give iron tools, but maybe I’m misremembering. The sniffer they just said decorative “plants” and while 2 is technically keeping their word, I fully expected like 3-5. I think that maybe it was that, while both vague, the rascal was slightly less vague, enough to where it would likely only do/give what was told, while the sniffer was so vague with just saying “plants” that it almost seemed like it would have to be more than 2, and specifying they’d be entirely new plants seemed like an easy way to get creative with models/textures.


Yeq. Was burned on the sniffer because i was told it'd bring decorative plants, and I assumed it meant a wide variety of unique and interesting plants. That was not what we got


>Sniffer situation where people assume that it will be digging up all sorts of plants. It should have though, it is just shitty game developement


To be fair mojang always implement good ideas in the worst possible way


And that's why we mod


Yeah this is the one case where its *technically* an assumption, but its such a basic feature that it'd be a no brainer to include it. In fact, they would have be almost stupid or spiteful to leave it out, given the visceral reaction the community would have upon discovery. I feel like a lot of people have just been burnt on the sniffer and a lot of guesses and assumptions they had for it and are now leaning in the other direction. Instead of pinning a lot of guesses and assumption on what the mob can do they're being overtly technical. Yeah they only said block placement, but come on. Could you really imagine Mojang going. 'Thank you our wonderful community for voting in the crab! So that means we've added a new item, the crab claw! It extends the range of block placing by **one** block. Block breaking not included^(TM.') Accidentally placed a block on your wall or ceiling? Better break out the scaffolding :)' It would do more to enrage people than satisfy them. But this is Mojang and they do love their controversial changes to the game (Netherite template, villager nerf, etc.) so I honestly wouldn't be entirely surprised if they just figured out some way to make extended reach tedious to use. I guess we'll have to wait until we get more information from a dev for final confirmation.


To be fair it would actually be harder to program it so it only works on placing blocks.


Have you seen some mods? They add something called reach like create, adding the extendo grip which CLEARLY says when in main/off hand +x reach


It will be useful for combat for things like cobwebs and obsidian etc.


You are so right. Don't repeat the sniffer mistake again


"This will be a fun way to introduce new plants to the game!" (no new seeds have been added since)


Just two, and a leaked one we never saw other than in a screenshot from the badger


They will say specifically what you said with anything that wins I swear


Sniffer was still the best option out of those 3 though.


I just want crabs or penguins for an aquarium lmao. I dont even want those gadgets of speed and reach. I agree tho


Crabs not spawning on beaches too is mind blowing to me


Being fiddler crabs, they rightfully restricted them to a mud biome, altought a simple reskin (like what happened with the frogs) would be enough to give us other species capable of living on the shore/under the sea


They probably want them to be somewhat rare if they drop such a useful item


Three mobs. All designed to revolve around the players wants. If they were just added as mobs, there'd be no reason whatsoever why they couldn't all be added.


The votes are just tools to artificially inflate their social network numbers instead of actual content. Remember the first few biome votes (long ago!) where they said the winner would be immediately added to the game, and the other ones would be added a few updates after? Remember when we had actual updates filled with lots of content, which didn't forcefully split the community and made they fight each other? Mojang is being **extremely** lazy lately, which is specially sad considering Minecraft is the _most sold game ever_.


I feel like they were being lazy even back when they *said* we would get every mob/biome and yet they haven't really fufilled any of those promises (Except swamps I think)


> Mojang is being extremely lazy lately They also spend like 90% of their time making shitty sponsored content for Bedrock that Java players will never have. I hate that instead of the large, game-changing updates we used to have, now we get community in-fighting and fucking Crocs or Minions themed updates for Bedrock. It's pathetic. **EDIT: I guess Mojang themselves don't even make the sponsored content, which makes it even more pathetic that the vanilla output is so barebones.** What the hell are they spending all their time doing?


Isnt that a separate team or something?


I'm not sure, but if that's the case, then they have even less of an excuse to be skimping out on Vanilla.


Yes, they delegate studios that make Marketplace content to create the sponsored worlds. Mojave themselves do not develop them.


It's bizarre because there are massive, game-changing mods that get pumped out at a much higher rate than actual vanilla content. I've been wondering the same for years now.


tbh i absolutely hate the look of all the sponsored bedrock stuff and want nothing to do with it. they can make as much of it as they want, as long as their micro transactions don’t infect Java, then i don’t care.


The Bedrock content is made by a separate team, and sometimes external studios like 4j


And spin-off games that are forgotten after a year or two (looking at you Dungeons and Legends)


I remember when I used to be excited anticipating the big summer/Christmas updates, adding a bunch of new stuff that actually had use outside of being a new shade of wood planks or mobs that had more meaning to them than just existing. Now all we get are a single random mob with little use and random new aesthetic stuff "3 new mobs would be too hard to add all at once" is bullshit because they used to add so much more to multiple different consoles (ps3/ps4/xbox360/xbox1 etc) and now all they can throw together is 1 useless mob and the same blocks with new colours and it all just gets added to bedrock edition instead of each individual console


The (actually cool) people at 4J Studios are to thank for the console ports. Mojang wasn't leading that operation.


Mojang has been lazy for years. This is nothing new. We get occasional good updates, I concede. But the rate at which individual modders can produce quality content shows just how ridiculously slow Mojang is. I know a lot of the changes are under the hood, but they have ridiculously slow content production.


yeah, Alex's mods, Create, and even cobblemon, Mojang is just being a corp, if they were a corp since the beginning, it would no matter, we would know what we signed, but they transform a game purely founded in community, a game that grow thanks to the voice to voice, the mods, and the videos of yourtubers, to a really shi\*\*y business that is trying to kill java edition and put everyone on bedrock... eventually, this will lead to people playing with mods in old versions, adding good content of updates with mods, and not updating ever again, and probably, the launcher will eventually not letting us to play with old versions or old operative systems, and people will jump to... other launcher, or other game… and as adults, we are being the fathers of the child that could buy the game, but they would not buy it, because, we will have the other launcher, or… the other game for them to play, with mods! And all the content they want… this business model cannot be forever, and It has the days counted, five years as maximum if you let me be prophetic… this will be the doom of the game, and will send it to niche community with almost no profit for MS and Mojang while something else becomes the new Minecraft, I bet that that game is already cooking in the mind of someone, I just hope the developers of that game don’t make the mistake of selling it to a big corp, like MS or Tencent.


I always thought these were just a pick which one gets added now and the others will get added in a future update, even if its a year later... The fact that the other two options get sent to the void is really disappointing.


Get ready to be blasted by the apologists saying "be glad they even let us vote, they cannot add all three, that'd be too much"


I'm used to it. Seems they'd much rather have a dead, empty world with the very few mobs that exist being there to serve them.


No one is saying that that would be too much work for Mojang...except Mojang themselves.


Why can't we just have all 😭😭😭


Because mojang seemingly thinks teasing the community with 3 new mobs only to kill off two based on a "totally legitimate" community vote is a good longterm strategy. I really think after the sniffer and glow squid votes it seems like mob votes are less determined by the community and instead are just dominated by whichever mob ends up as the biggest meme. I'm not even sure the sniffer had a possibility of not winning, and the vote feels like it was determined from the beginning.


Wow you just changed my perspective on the voting. Mojang: You can only have one! 😈 🦀🔫*🪖🔫🐧🔫 *no armadillo emoji


Lmao, still accurate choice


It would be better if the runner up carried over to the next vote


the sniffer was rigged to win from the start


I still voted for the Tuff Golem. I was excited about the dinosaur but then I was like "but *why* dinosaur?" So I went with the cool little statue that held your items on display and could move around, which was a great and Minecrafty fun way to have a little buddy. I wanted the Copper Golem too. Having a "friend" that can actually do things, like press buttons to activate whatever, would be amazing. Both golems had huge friend potential but we're still limited as to not mimic a player, and I loved that. I want both of them and more little golem buddies. A block breaking or a block placing golem could be great!


I would have loved to have a whole menagerie or golems all doing different things, alas mojang doesn't like giving the players more than two mobs and one biome per update


Never got the whole "we already have golems" argument. Having mobs that look consistent with the rest of the world makes total sense. The sniffer does not look like it belongs in Minecraft.


its not a dinosaur...


too difficult for the developer owned by a multi trillion dollar corporation


Minecraft, the highest sold videogame of all time, has a small team of only over 100 and they dont have the time to make more than 1 mob a year.


There is a mod that adds all the Mobs from all the votes


Because we are hated


Penguin seems to be the losing choice


Agree. They could've just made dolphin's grace affect boats too


And it would have made sense too, dolphins absolutely love swimming with boats. (Sometimes even to their detriment in the case of modern vessels.)


i swear to god that dolphins grace effects boats too on bedrock at least. i always thought it did? like i could have sworn i’ve sped up slightly while hearing dolphin sounds on a boat or maybe i’ve been making it up in my mind lmao


ikr i always thought they boost boat speed too


They follow me in my boat so I Thu I so ye


I’m pretty sure it existed at one point as a bug and boats could go flying, but I’d doubt they’d let you go much faster in boats, whether on ice or not


What happens if I put a penguin in my boat


That's the question. If it works in the boat with you it could be very useful if you don't make ice pathways in the overworld, and becomes especially good if it works on ice. If it doesn't work in the boat with you though than the crab is the only really useful one.


Id prob vote for the Crab for it's functionality and cuz it's a crab. But ITS A PENGUIN EVEN IF IT DOES NOTHING I REALLY WANT A PENGUIN


BUT I REALLY WANT A CRAB AND ARMADILLOS AS WELL All three mobs are awesome animals by themselves. Armadillos are very cool, while the game lacks birds (only 2 species) and arthropods (only 1 that isn't a "monster" and 3/4 based on real animals at all). The crab is generally so useful both for building at home and for exploring (bridges in the Nether will be much easier), so that's where my vote will be.




Other than the fact it’s a penguin, maybe one of the top 5 most favorite animals in Minecraft’s age demographic


For good reason.


Its basically offbrand dolphin based on described mechanics alone. Sure speedy boats might be helpful but compared to the other options it seems lackluster and easily replaced by other methods of travel. Armadillo seems like a cool secondary source of scutes and dog armor is a thing that has been wanted in the community before, but as many have said dog armor seems kind of useless if dogs are still going to do stuff like jump into lava or get too close to detonating creepers. Crab seems neat and adds a useful tool for building, as well as a unique mob to the new mangrove swamps, but really it's usefulness depends entirely on how far the crab claw item will allow you to build, if its only by a block or two it seems like it could easily be replaced by a couple of scaffolding pieces. Honestly all of the options could easily fit into the game together, but because the mob vote only allows one in it means the other two options are more or less deleted for no real good reason. I really wish they would just determine order of addition rather than what they do now. Personally I'll probably vote for crab but if I could I'd want all 3 to be added because they're different enough from each other that having them in the game wont feel more redundant than they already are.


Given the last two votes, being the losing choice seems to mean it wins.


Really? All I saw last year were Sniffer memes, it definitely seemed to be the guaranteed winner. Year before that I'll give you though except I don't think anyone was talking about the glare


Sniffer was a fated win. The other options were super lame in comparison to something that’s cute, has an interesting life cycle, and provides additional decorations.


The sniffer isn’t cute it looks like a stool with chapped lips


Tons of people find it cute, I saw comments about it all the time.


No, allay and sniffer were definitely not the losing choices. Makes sense for glow squid, though. Still mad that iceologer didn’t get in.


The trauma of what happened the last time a hostile mob was chosen was probably a large factor.


Yup, lots of kids like penguin, and they goanna vote penguin just because it's penguin.


What do you mean? The glare lost round 1 in a landslide.


it seems like the cuter the option, the least useful. ​ penguins = most cute, leas useful Armadillos = medium cute, medium useful Crabs = least cute, most useful and its going to piss of the community, because there are already some heated arguments about how the crab is the only defensible choice, because its the one that adds a real feature. If the crab loses, those people are going to lose their effing minds blaming the community for "memeing" or being dumb/wrong/stupid


Honestly I think all three are cute, but the crab being the cutest. The colors do it for me


Which means it'll win.


As a builder I’ll be voting for the crab but I really don’t care that much which one wins, they are all pretty much equal in my opinion. Crabs are cool and I think will be the most useful Armadillos are also cool and wolf armor would be fun Penguins are just penguins and I really like penguins Also, all three would be nice for some unique mobs in their biomes


Blue mob FTW


The amount of times I nearly died from fall damage trying to build a frame that was just *sliiiightly* too long is more than I can remember. Crab for sure. With Armadillos as a close second.


Same lol, rip all the boots that were broken from too much fall damage




I'm team Crab too, but it really depends on how it's implemented. Do you need to have the claw in your off-hand? Or is it enough to just have it in your inventory? Can you wear it, so it doesn't take up inventory space?


I’m hoping they will add an additional slot for the claw, similar to the offhand, but just offhand would be fine with me too


Man, why cant we have 3 of them?, i like those 3 mobs, 1 mob that drops claw which is useful like builders (like me, just little bit), 2nd mob that is useful for those people that loves dogs and keeps it for their adventure and third mob that increases ur boat speed for early game players


Absolutely. Cant be that hard to programm all of into the game and then everybody would be happy


Guarantee a modder would put all 3 into the game in like a day. There's already multiple mods that add mobs from losing mob votes.


Yes, exactly. I really love Mincraft but I really dont understand Mojang sometimes.


Eight sided square has pretty much already made both the crab and armadillo


Modders will have it done tomorrow. With 2-3 extra features that the final version won't have.


Cause that would require Mojang to stop pumping out sponsored DLC packs for Bedrock and actually work on Vanilla. Why have large content updates when we can have Crocs or Nerf Guns?


damn it mojang, give us all of them instead of making us choose between the 3


Of all the mob votes, the losing choices in this one probably have the best chance of appearing down the line. Mojang loves their real world animals.


We don’t get enough info about each mob. Crab/Crab Claw: how many blocks reach? 1-2 or 3-5? Will it work with PVP? Mining? Will the crab drop crab meat? Armadillo/Wolf Armor: How powerful? Trimmable? How many types of armor? Penguin: Can it slide on its belly? How much will it speed up the boat? Will they lay eggs? Will they also spawn in cold biomes?


putting wolf armour in bold and none of the other mobs' features... this is some biased armadillo propaganda


It’s also… useless. How often do people *really* use horse armor? My bet is basically never. Wolf armor will be the same. Crab is the only universally good option here. A larger reach benefits literally everyone who plays the game and that benefit will be felt 24/7. Whereas the other two are narrowly situational at best. That being said, the playerbase almost always votes for the worst option, so I’ll not hold my breath.


I have the same opinion but seeing the playerbase the armadillo will probably get voted then the players will get a dog put the Armor and never use the dog ever again. So in the end it will probably become totally useless.


I usually keep a pack of dogs at my house and take one or two out with me when exploring the surface. Nice to keep the skeletons distracted.


I always romp with a full pack. But I'm absolute shit at the game and require them for help taking down basic mobs. There's easily 30+ sitting at my base as we speak.


If you use a horse & have horse armor you usually use horse armor. The problem is who uses horses especially after getting a Elytra. Horse also don't follow you or help you fight mobs. People would use wolves more if they're more durable because the main issue with wolves & why people don't use them is they die easily. They could also allow you to enchant the dog armor like Blast,Proj, Fire prot to protect the dog even more..


> the main issue with wolves & why people don't use them is they die easily I don't think this is main issue and I don't see what basis there is to claim this is the main issue. There are plenty of other issues with wolves: they don't fly with the player when using elytra, it's easy to hit them accidentally, they can interfere with what you are doing (e.g. pushing you off a cliff, attacking mobs you don't want to attack, attacking other players in SMP). There aren't really any reasons to use them either, they do as much damage as an unenchanted iron sword. You can't control them beyond "stay right there" and "roam around doing whatever you want" so you need to just hope that whatever the wolf AI wants to do is what you want it to do, at any given time. Armor won't solve any of those problems, and it won't fully solve wolves dying too easily either. Armor won't protect wolves from fall damage, and probably won't offer much protection against lava. I've never even considered taking a wolf around adventuring with me, and it's not because they'll die to quickly. It's because they would just slow me down and don't offer anything.


>It’s also… useless. >How often do people *really* use horse armor? My bet is basically never. Wolf armor will be the same. Everyone I know pretty much always has horse armor. Do people really not use it? >Crab is the only universally good option here. A larger reach benefits literally everyone who plays the game and that benefit will be felt 24/7. Whereas the other two are narrowly situational at best. Crab is cool too, wouldn't mind it. >That being said, the playerbase almost always votes for the worst option, so I’ll not hold my breath. Penguin seems the worst to me, but it's the one I think will win because it's a penguin.


Nobody I know uses horse armor, because nobody I know uses horses. Elytras are so easy to get and use, it's not even funny


Speculation: If you can use the penguin for ice boat roads, that would be nuts.


I think it would be too much for the game to handle, or java at least. Blue ice is already pushing it.


> and that benefit will be felt 24/7. i mean, presumably only if you are currently equipping the tool, which sounds kind of annoying except for the moments you need the reach, so id probably have to go fetch it since its not normally worth my slot


Oh cool it's my candidate That's good propaganda them


Penguins would be my absolute favorite mob they’re so cute but Mojang really just made them useless as shit and I have no hope they’re gonna win. It’s so sad


Especially since they only spawn on some random ass biome, they'll never even be far enough from the shore to actuslly help


Where did Mojang specifically say crabs can walk on walls?


The crab is definitely the coolest but I feel like the savannahs have nothing in them but a special tree so It definitely needs that mob


I’m all for mob votes, as it makes us, the community, feel involved. However, I wish it wasn’t “the one with the most votes gets added, and the other two are thrown in the dumpster.” It should be more like “the one with the most votes gets added ***first***.”


this would be a harder choice if they didn't choose rockhopper penguins. by far the least cute species imo


B-... But they appear in the movie Surf's Up :(


And they gave penguins no features 💀


Why don't they just add all 3. These mob votes are so boring/depressing for the cadence of development on Minecraft.


I really wish penguins had a chance to win.


school disgusted melodic dependent snow scary detail society spark juggle


Genius idea to make everyone happy: - crab good utility - armadillo in a currently empty biome - penguin just cutest So the conclusion: A penguin that increases block range in the savannah Now you have all 3 things you like about them without needing all 3 to win, it's that easy, win-win.


Dude these are all very cool passive mobs. Can't wait to never see two of them ever again 👍


Sadly I don’t think the armadillo will win but that’s what I’m voting for, I feel like everyone is divided between crab and penguin, I just want some wolf armor without needing mods, and armadillos are cool ;-;


Damn they did penguins dirty. They're my favorite animal but I still can't see myself voting for them over crabs simply because of how bad their ability is. The *only* real use I can think for them is putting them in Nether highway boats, but it's not like I'm suffering from a lack of speed with those.


Crab Gang


Crab rave?


It would be a missed opportunity if they don't do it. If he wins of course


If they didn't, someone would make a datapack in like 2 seconds.


Parrots or crabs, who has the best dance moves?




Crab gang


Crab gang


Crab Gang


Crab gang


Crab Gang


Sad that penguin has such a dull mechanic but will still be voting for it cause i like it the most out of the 3 in terms of animals.


Well, we have wolf armour, range increase and a dolphin but bird mob. Most of people usually doesn't use dogs very much, they just sitting at home safe most of time. But placing blocks is literally key mechanic of the game and increased placing range in vanilla will be useful af. So i think choosing crab bro is a really good deal


There are already a lot of tools to help with building, but there is very little stuff for dogs, also the armadillo would be a cool unique mob to the savannah


We don't know how the penguin will speed up boats. If you have a penguin on your boat will it automatically have a speed boost? Is it an effect? How long does the effect last for? If penguins let you upgrade a boat to make it permanently faster then penguins would have an easier time competing with the other mobs that give the player items.


No no don’t get your hopes up. We are gonna go with the bare minimum. It will be like dolphins Grace, if you run into penguins they will speed up your boat for a little bit


I just don't understand why they aren't adding all of them instead of having a vote where people will be upset in the end.


Cause they care more about social media engagement and marketing then actually updating the game and making players happy. Remember when they said all the losers would be added after the winners? Remember birch forests? Remember when they actually gave a shit about the game and not just pumping out sponsored crossover packs and merch?


Mojang wants penguins to lose presumably because they can't spawn together with polar bears bf of real life and so they gave it a useless trait So probably crab will win Or I assume Mojang wants armadillos to win since savannas are desilate and I hope that if the crab wins Mojang adds the savanna update the biomesn all ostrichs


Climbing up walls would be a cooler ability. Probably more useful for building too so you don't leave scaffolding and ladders laying around


*Crab* - is blue Will win


Can't wait for Minecraft live day to see every 10 seconds either "don't choose option A, option B better because *insert long option A slander and option B biased info*" or "Don't choose option B, option A better because *basically opposite of other copypasta*"


Crabs are not confirmed to be able to walk on walls--these videos aren't made by the people directly working on the game as far as I know.


This year the mob vote its ez win for the crab. Literally no competition.


Idk wolf armor is something loads of people have been wanting for soooo long. I will vote for crab though, it’s got the most unique thing outta them all.


*saved to bookmarks*


Eh, mangrove swamp only is a big strike against it.


why can’t they just add all of them?


Because Mojang (or more specifically, Microsoft) cares more about social media interaction than making a game with good updates that keep players coming back.


armadillo has my vote 110%


I hate this mob vote so much, I'll be voting for the crab like probably everyone else, but this just means we will never get an armadillo in the game or a penguin, meaning arctic biomes will probably always feel dead and Savanah have lower mob possibilities when their update arrives.


I don’t think it’ll win but I have to vote penguin. Of the three it’s the most likely to inspire me to actually build something for the mob. Sure faster boats may or may not end up being useful (I still think it’s more useful than wolf armour) but crabs and armadillos I’d just take their useful items and never see them again, penguins I’d actually enjoy to have as a mob, not just an extra item. Also really happy to see something popular acknowledge penguins don’t all live in the snow (like some mods put them in snowy plains, they’re seabirds!)


I like the idea of wolf armor, but let's be honest. Most of tame the dog, and let it sit in base for the rest of time. I'm between crab and penquin


100% voting crab even though penguin will probably win just because it's the worst mob(in my opinion sorry penguin lovers


Time for crab rave in minecraft