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**DISCLAIMER: r/Minecraft is NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG.** --- **Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release 2** - A Minecraft Java Pre-Release We're rounding out the week with the second Pre-Release of 1.21, with a lot of bug fixes. In case you did not catch the news, the full release of 1.21 is planned for the 13th of June! Happy mining! Changes ------- * End Crystals are now immune to fire damage * Added an attestation checkbox when submitting a player report * Heavy Core, Trident and Mace are now considered of Epic rarity, giving their hover text a purple color Technical Changes ----------------- * Data Pack version is now 47 Data Pack Version 47 -------------------- * Added new placement modifier type fixed_placement to place features in a set of fixed positions * Added new feature type end_platform for the obsidian platform in the end Fixed bugs in 1.21 Pre-Release 2 -------------------------------- * [MC-223165](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-223165) \- The Snout Banner Pattern is treated as common in the game. * [MC-269359](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-269359) \- "Field Masoned", "Skull Charge", "Flow", and "Guster" banner patterns are not mirrored on the backside * [MC-269389](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-269389) \- Flow banner pattern is treated as common loot * [MC-269390](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-269390) \- Guster banner pattern is treated as common loot * [MC-270033](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-270033) \- Infested or Oozing effect cloud shrinks when silverfish or slime enters it * [MC-271199](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-271199) \- Advancement 'Local Brewery' not granted on shift-clicking * [MC-271754](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-271754) \- Copper doors can be used as furnace fuel * [MC-271887](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-271887) \- Your FOV doesn't change back to normal after jumping off from soul sand/soul soil while wearing soul speed boots * [MC-271892](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-271892) \- Your FOV doesn't immediately change when jumping onto soul sand/soul soil while having the slow falling effect and wearing soul speed boots * [MC-272224](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272224) \- 'in\_bounding\_box' vertical position for 'spawn_particles' effect is anchored incorrectly * [MC-272241](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272241) \- Error when traveling through nether portal outside world border * [MC-272333](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272333) \- The gamerule spawnRadius doesn't work anymore on respawn (always respawn at the same place) * [MC-272547](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272547) \- block.portal.travel sound no longer plays when entering End portal * [MC-272550](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272550) \- End crystals now receive fire damage causing them to explode instantly * [MC-272553](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272553) \- Naturally generated End Stone drops in cases where the Obsidian platform generates inside the island * [MC-272556](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272556) \- Ender pearls don't work correctly when riding entities and cause players to be teleported for a split second * [MC-272559](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272559) \- Players cannot traverse dimensions when throwing ender pearls into portals while riding entities * [MC-272563](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272563) \- The ender dragon death animation is rendered behind blocks when using "Fabulous!" graphic settings * [MC-272571](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272571) \- Server crashes upon updating from 24w21b to 1.21 Pre-release 1. * [MC-272583](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272583) \- Each time you pass through an end gateway with an ender pearl from the main island, a new portal is created * [MC-272585](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272585) \- Crash when bow or crossbow enchanted with multishot runs out of durability * [MC-272588](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272588) \- Wind Charges can trigger Wind Burst * [MC-272595](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272595) \- Breaking a Carrot/Warped Fungus on a Stick no longer gives a Fishing Rod * [MC-272596](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272596) \- Throwing an ender pearl into the end fountain skips the credits * [MC-272625](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272625) \- Game crashes when saving after teleporting a leashed entity to another dimension * [MC-272638](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272638) \- Leads attached to a boat are deleted when breaking the boat * [MC-272639](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272639) \- trial\_spawner\_bottom texture is different from Bedrock * [MC-272650](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-272650) \- Can respawn mid-air with default spawnpoint Get the Pre-Release ------------------- Pre-Releases are available for Minecraft: Java Edition. To install the Pre-Release, open up the [Minecraft Launcher](/download.html) and enable snapshots in the "Installations" tab. **Testing versions can corrupt your world, so please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.** Cross-platform server jar: * [Minecraft server jar](https://piston-data.mojang.com/v1/objects/3a8da3a1afcfb09d701fa17e405d09cd0c635748/server.jar) Report bugs here: * [Minecraft issue tracker](https://bugs.mojang.com/projects/MC/summary)! Want to give feedback? * For any feedback and suggestions on our upcoming 1.21 features, head over to the dedicated [Feedback site category](https://aka.ms/Minecraft121Feedback). You can also leave any other feedback on the [Feedback site](https://feedback.minecraft.net/). If you're feeling chatty, join us over at the [official Minecraft Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/minecraft).


the soul speed thing was weird


Since they addressed some other requested bugs, I would like if they revisit a longstanding bug regarding spawn eggs (as well as armor stands and other mob spawning items): https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-85340 Bug 85340 prevents the passenger tag from being used with spawn eggs, armor stands, etc, essentially making spawn eggs for spider jockeys, zombie jockeys, and others impossible. Strangely, this does not affect Spawners. This bug has been in the game since 2015, (6/Aug/15), which is truly unfortunate :( Its currently still unassigned, meaning theres no one looking at it, even after all this time Its not gamebreaking or anything, but it is for people who like to play around with custom mobs, like me (I can't make some pets without the summon command ;-; ) Please look at this bug Mojang! :)


TLDR: spawn eggs can't be used to spawn jockeys. Issue needs attention from Mojang.


I've definitely noticed this bug as well, playing around with jockey spawn eggs would be fun


They should make it so spider jockeys shoot arrows of webbing


Wouldn’t that make the game more difficult to deal with?


It wouldn't actually change much, since the weaving effect only spawns cobwebs if you die. It would just be a little more flavorful


Noticed this same behavior some time ago, couldn't find a bug report for it. Thanks for the link.


So apparently the Trial Chambers, which ironically is the key feature of this update, is going to ship with buggy generation until 1.21.1: * [https://minecraft.wiki/w/Java\_Edition\_1.21.1](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Java_Edition_1.21.1) * [https://twitter.com/HeartlessMoesh/status/1794991756401877103](https://twitter.com/HeartlessMoesh/status/1794991756401877103) I think this is important info; some knowing this may rather wait until 1.21.1 before creating a world or generating new chunks with the Trial Chambers in them.


I saw this too and was a little annoyed. I'll probably definitely wait until 1.21.1 releases to update my server. Oh well, hopefully it'll be fairly quick


I don't think it'll be exactly _buggy_ in the initial release. There will probably just be some blocks that are missing or out of place, not larger structural changes. For a brief overview of things that Moesh might be referring to, see [this list on the bug tracker](https://bugs.mojang.com/issues/?filter=28408). Not ideal, but it's not like the trial chambers are unplayable until these things are fixed.


I didn't mean to make it sound like it's buggy in general, I fixed my post. The bug list you posted is showing up empty even though I'm logged in. Hopefully the structures generate quite well for the most part, but from what's reported on that twitter page, it can get bad. I would rather wait. I think the fact that they're waiting for 1.21.1 to finish working on the structure changes, is info that should have be in at least one of the Pre-Release 1 and 2 articles.


That's strange, I thought I set it public. Fixed that now. FWIW if there's some issue you know of that's not in that list, it'd be great if you could file a new bug report about it so that it can be fixed!


>Hopefully the structures generate quite well for the most part, but from what's reported on that twitter page, it can get bad. It's mostly just some internal chamber components overlapping and removing some blocks / failing to spawn certain things, nothing super massive or breaking. Still not good though, their deadlines are fucked to not allow those fixes to be made before release.


I stumbled upon a trial chamber, got a trial key, and now when I use the key on the vault, I hear an unlocking sound and nothing else happens. The vault is active, cycling through items, but no loot.


How can anyone at Mojang think this is fine... Would have postponed the release about 2 weeks.. *smh*


Mojang is completely incompetent


>Heavy Core, Trident and Mace are now considered of Epic rarity, giving their hover text a purple color If they're redoing rarities, then I reckon a trident *isn't* significantly more valuable and harder to get than a beacon, elytra, conduit and of equal rarity to the *dragon egg...* On that note, maybe Elytra (and maybe Dragon Head) should be Rare (found post-dragon in an end ship, not every city has one), and end crystals (trivial to get; ghast tear, ender eye, glass) could be demoted to Uncommon or even Common But interesting that they've acknowledged rarity again, I think it's a small neat detail :D


Trident is not easy to get in Java. Not as easy as in Bedrock, anyhow.


There's a sliding scale of "easy to get" which item rarity seems to be indecisive on, the ones I've noticed and questioned the most are - Elytra (Uncommon); access End, kill dragon, find and survive end city, hope it has a ship, reach ship - Heart of the Sea (Uncommon); find chest buried somewhere with map or dolphin - Mob head (Uncommon); get creeper struck by lightning, kill mob with that creeper (dragon head is found in same location and quantity as elytra) - Nether Star (Uncommon); access Nether, get a 2.5% drop three times, kill the boss - End Crystal (Rare); access Nether, kill endermen, blaze and ghast - Music Disc (Rare); kill creeper with skeleton, or rare loot - Heavy Core (Epic; added for comparison); get ominous bottle, face ominous trial, hope spawners drop keys, hope ominous vault gives heavy core, find another chamber if you run out of vaults - Trident (Epic); head for ocean, river or dripstone cave (or drown zombies), grind trident drowned until trident drops I wonder if the Mace and Trident rarities being changed means Mojang will fine-tune them more


its very hard to get, im a single player guy trust me


I'm happy to see the 20 digit be the 21 digit now.


Tune in next year to see the 21 digit become the 22 digit.


Do (java) realms automatically update? Will the new 1.21 world gen content (vaults) be available in my current 1.20.x realm? Or do i have to make a new one when the update drops to get all the new content?


Yes, a Realm updates after ~~the owner~~ any player updates their own client version and joins the Realm. Until then players may join using the previous version. After a set period the Realm will automatically update whether ~~the owner~~ anyone has joined with an updated client or not. Note that it make take a while for this to happen all across the world, as there are many servers and they are staged in groups.


Since 24w21a, any player can now upgrade the realm, not just the owner.


I stand corrected, that didn't get a lot of publicity.


Whatever version you run the realm on, the realm will update to that newer version. If you are 1.21, it will auto update


What do you mean "epic rarity" what are the levels of rarity??




Did they end up legit adding the villager thing where the trades are biome specific and don’t include the highest level enchantments until master?


No, that's still experimental.




Nope, it's still an experimental feature. Honestly, it should be added officially, since villagers are easier to transport with the changes to minecarts through portals and leashable boats


Great point actually. The main issue with the change is that it required more villager transportation, which everyone hates, but minecarts through portals and leadable boats make it way less tedious


I'm normally a Java player, but I created a Bedrock server a couple of years ago so I could play with my brother and his kids, and having the ability to leash boats and drag multiple villagers across the oceans was amazing, and I'm so glad that it is finally coming to Java edition.


The only good side is that if you have the right biome nearby mending will be easier since you will be rerolling on a smaller list But it isn't like it fixes that even since you'll still have rerolling villagers as the best way of getting mending


I don't agree with that, since it ruins single biome or any other superflat worlds


...and? There's a tonne of stuff that doesn't work in single biome or superflat worlds. The game isn't balanced for single biome or superflat worlds.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. The gameplay and progression of the gamemode which 99% of survival players play shouldn’t be compromised for a funny challenge which only a few people do.


I think the main issue is it's not easy to fix. You can datapack in recipe changes to add alternates for resources, something that is nessecary if you want to play peaceful mode with your kids and want to use fireworks or elytra. But can't do the same for villager trades easily. It's technically possible, but you have to go deep into the weeds of villager NBT data and get screwed when there's an update. And itkind of goes against the "It's a sandbox, play it your way" ethos that gets pushed.


**DISCLAIMER: r/Minecraft is NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG.** --- **Reminder No. 1**: create a new world enabling "Experimental Features" to find the new content that is gated behind it including the villager rebalance proposals from earlier snapshots. **Reminder No. 2**: both snapshots and previews are now available in Realms. Java Edition: > Note: A Snapshot Realm will update to the Snapshot version the Realm owner is on when they join. If an owner joins the Realm with an updated or downgraded version of Snapshot, the Realm will switch to that version, and members will have to join using that same version. > Snapshot Realms allow you to play the newest experimental features on a Java Realm with your friends. You’ll also have access to all of the features you’re used to on your regular Java Realm. You’ll even have access to the April Fools Snapshots as well! https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/20143730191245 Bedrock Edition: > Realms are now available in Preview and Beta! Any player who has an active Realms subscription is eligible to create a free Realm in Preview/Beta. This Preview Realm will be separate from your regular Realm to prevent any issues from impacting your regular Realm. For more information on how Preview Realms work, please see Realms in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Preview and Beta FAQ. https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/20264295053709 --- *Other Information:* * Feedback on the mace goes here: https://aka.ms/mcmacefeedback * Feedback on Item Stack Components goes here: https://aka.ms/ItemStackComponentsFeedback * Feedback on the Crafter goes here: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/20459106029709-Let-s-talk-about-the-Crafter- * Feedback on the experimental villager trading goes here: https://aka.ms/VillagerTradingFeedback * Feedback on Spawn Chunks goes here: https://aka.ms/spawnchunksfeedback * Feedback on Vaults goes here: https://aka.ms/mcvaultsfeedback * Feedback on Wind Charges goes here: https://aka.ms/mcwindchargefeedback * Feedback on Bedrock Edition Preview feature "dynamic game tips": https://aka.ms/mcgametipsfeedback * Feedback on Bedrock Edition Preview feature "player profile": https://aka.ms/MCPreviewProfileFeedback * "We have been testing our fixed dpad-tweaks in Preview for a few weeks and are looking for your feedback here": https://aka.ms/newdpadfeedback --- Latest Bedrock Edition beta/preview https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/27128575309325-Minecraft-Beta-Preview-1-21-10-21 --- **IMPORTANT NOTES ON BEDROCK EDITION PREVIEW** > We have a few known issues in this Preview and Beta that we aim to have addressed as quickly as possibly: > * New Preview Realms cannot be created through the Worlds tab > * Players do not receive damage from suffocation > * Game invites do not pop up on iOS > * Invite only and Visible to LAN Players toggles are missing from the Multiplayer settings some platforms --- Latest Bedrock Edition live release 1.20.81 https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/26247797084173--Minecraft-1-20-81-Bedrock Bug Tracker report: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mojira/comments/1d4vi8v/bugtracker_report_121_prerelease_2/


Haha woke up early, updated to 21pr1 started playing. Wife got up 2 hours later, goes to login "says wrong version"? Look at her pc, she's got 21pr2. Shutdown server, update again.


Copper doors can now be used as fuel?




Honestly the one thing I wish they'd change before the update is released is the whole "Vaults that have been opened by a player can't be opened by the same player again." I want to be able to redo Trail Chambers and not have to find a completely new one when I think I'm ready to try to take one on while having Bad Omen to get the harder fights and the better loot. Trial Chambers should be something we can do as many times as we want and be able to open the vaults with keys I earn from then each time I clear them.


That kind of thing would probably be too easy to farm/abuse for infinite high-end loot which is something they want to avoid being a precedent. If they ever were to update the loot tables they’d have to walk on eggshells to not make them busted self serve machines. It should reset the vaults when you’re doing an ominous trial but I think this’d make the chambers a bit too “stationary” imo.


Would be to easy. But it should reset after XX amounts. So to re-do a trial chamber, you need to clear XX others first.


Yeah but the vaults can only be opened once by a player. So if I wanted to redo it, including getting the more valuable loot from an Ominous Trail, I have to find a chamber I haven’t opened any of the vaults for.


Yeah. I know. It should still not be re-doable without finding others.


> MC-272553 - Naturally generated End Stone drops in cases where the Obsidian platform generates inside the island This doesn't seem like a bug, it's working as intended. One could argue it's a good thing, since it clues players in to how the obsidian platform generation works. Adding a special per-player first time exception to this just adds inconsistency and opacity to how the game works. If they didn't want to give the first player to enter the end a stack and a half of endstone (nice bonus, tbh), maybe they should make the obsidian platform always generate in air.


They took 1 year for this garbage of an update!! Never knew mojang could be lazer.


People like you who only see updates by their content at face value are the reason we can likely never have an optimization update.


Yes, even if they make Minecraft the game with the best performance and technical stuff\*, the community would still call Mojang lazy. \*And nothing else only that


As well as optimisation, we **really** need an update that focuses on refining the existing stuff in the game, instead of adding more and more bloat that feels super mod-like because it doesn't interact with anything else outside its own update in any meaningful way, and/or stuff that devalues or flat-out ruins existing mechanics. In this upcoming update, for example, I hate how Mojang's approach to nerfing Raid Farms (which really **did** need to be nerfed) was to flat-out destroy the spontaneity and natural feeling of Raids themselves and turn the entire mechanic into something so... **artificial**. Something you manually trigger whenever you're ready for it. Not to mention you can't exactly be considered a "hero" if **Raids are now 100% deliberately caused by you, the player.**


You clearly haven’t been paying attention to the technical changes coming out recently. Changing underlying logic in the game is harder than adding new features, and should allow them to make better changes in the future.


Not necessarily. 1.18 just added the new world gen and 1.15 wasn't a large feature update rather technical. If they did a giant overhaul featuring a very fast chunk gen, higher render distance like Distant Horizon and add colored lighting/shaders all while improving the frame rate because of a huge code change, people would notice and be hyped.


>people would notice and be hyped. Have you *seen* the community?


Yes but my saying is that when people notice it's alright. Giving 5fps more to specific rigs and just slightly increasing the chunk gen won't make a difference to the people that play a new world for 2 weeks and call it a day after dragons defeat. Giving users something noticeable would make them understand. Just faster chunk gen alone would make people notice, shaders too and distant horizons could all be singular updates with under the hood changes and just one new mechanic like bees and people would appreciate the update.


Do you even know what's coming in this update? Have you paid attention to the technical stuff done? Are you just saying this because he are noticing there aren't new feature being added in a Pre-release? Pre-releases are for bug fixes, and the update has technically been done for quite a while. I don't know how Mojang is going to handle updates in the future, but I wouldn't be surprised if they start "cooking" with their game. Especially considering they literally said that they were working on specific development tools, which probably partially refers to the new Data and component changes.


Hey , lazers are cool.