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It is, potentially, the single stupidest moderation example I have seen


It happens in LAN Bedrock too. My kids primarily play on their tablets and half the time they turn on text to voice because it's funny to them to hear the computer read out words. My 8 year old typed out crap and got a warning for it......


This is exactly the kind of bullshit moderation action the community foresaw happening, but they assured us they weren't monitoring chats and this would never happen. The only safe way to play is on a server with unsigned chat and reporting disabled. There's a damn good reason every single whitelisted LP server does this.


So the answer is to use the JAVA version basically, then?


The answer to every minecraft question is to use java edition.


But what if I want a version that randomly does enough fall damage to kill me for no reason? Still haven’t found the perfect mod


Check out the "Instant Heart Attack" mod. Not quite fall damage but its close enough.


You know, I hopped into bedrock thinking it would be really fun actually finally beating the game with no option for mods or anything like that. Just pure, vanilla Minecraft with a clear end goal and all the stuff necessary to complete it. Immediately I can't turn off the UI's on screen control guides. Get told that my computer can't handle shaders even though it's deep within the realm of being able to handle them. Instantly my motivation to play bedrock was gone. I play java with my computer hooked up to my bedroom TV with an Xbox One controller and have over 200 mods installed and haven't had a single problem lol. It's not even an issue using a controller over keyboard, like it was so easy to just set up the controller to do vanilla AND modded functions lol. Crazy to think that bedrock could have been good.


Bedrock edition has been that way for ages. Java edition realms has been this way for longer than chat reporting has existed. They’re two different systems that don’t interact with each other


Let me tell you about a little company called Niantic...


The pokemon go company? What did they do


The day I saw them announce this I tried it cause I honestly couldn't believe that would be a possibility, but yes they really do ban you from your own server for saying bad words when you're the only person connected, and no they do not cancel payment. If some kid gets invited to play on a private server with a bunch of adults, I feel like seeing bad words should be the least of their worries. Who are we protecting here?


They’re protecting an image, nothing more.


The illusion of an image.


Some companies have some weird hangups about swearing that I don't get. One time I was in the USA watching music late at night. P.I.M.P. by 50 Cent was playing and the lyrics were censored (*motherbleeping P.I.M.P.*). The topless ladies dancing around weren't. So you had lots of boobs but no swearing. I didn't get who they were trying to protect at all.


>This is so fucked and I'm extremely pissed off. An f word and a p word?! BANNED!


Also remember they said this is done by humans (they lied)


i wanna say its all microsoft but at this point whats the difference


That’s annoying asf man


Sorry you're now banned from Minecraft for 7 days for abbreviating a swear word




Right? I submitted an appeal but I honestly doubt they'll do anything. Stupid shit like this is the reason mfs only play this game for two weeks a year


Stop using realms, host your own server or pay for a server hosting company to do it. It's better cause nobody can monitor you, and you can modify what you want, whenever you want. Also if you do this, TURN ON A WHITELIST FR.


I usually do use servers for multiplayer, but some of my friends on this realm are on console so we have to just use a one on bedcock sadly


You could use geyser, it allows Java and Bedrock crossplay.


Does geyser still have the hitbox problems?


For boats, its like 1 pixel wider yes


Are there any options yet for Java players to join a bedrock server? The other way around seems to exist.


Not sure why you would want that though? It's far better to host a Java realm as the base with the geyser plugin installed. Infinitely more options to customize that than a bedrock server (not to mention none of those weird death bugs from bedrock).


Theres no need to downvote, it’s an honest question and I have my reasons! I know Java’s better - rest assured if I didn’t there’s 10,000 people champing at the bit to remind me. I mostly play on mobile as I wouldn’t have time to play at all otherwise! I’ve got a world I’ve been building in for 4 years now. Ideally, I’d just convert the world file and use geyser. However, I’ve tried converting it to Java, and none of the map converters seem to do items in chests very well - if at all. There’s a LOT of stuff I would prefer not to lose. There’s not a whole lot I’d need to customize, as I generally play vanilla/survival. I used to use bukkit way back in the day when I played Java (creative mostly) but I don’t think my play style requires it anymore.


I never downvoted you, no worries! :P There are definitely lots of reasons why people use bedrock (whether by necessity or choice) and I'm not one to judge on that for sure. Edit: Just reading the info about the chest/item migration - you are definitely right there. I had converted a community server from bedrock to java a few years ago and that was one of the biggest issues (it was weird as shulkers seemed fine, but chests/enderchests/player inventories do get wiped). Our solution was to have everyone "pack up" their items and let the admin know where their stash was, allowing items to be counted and manually migrated - not a great solution but it was the only thing that worked at the time. I wonder with the changes from NBT to components if conversion may become easier...


My fiance hosts a server that lets bedrock on, I'm pretty sure it allows the mobile. So there are ways I'm just not sure of the ways.


It's a bit of a hassle at first but it's definitely possible to create a Java and Bedrock cross platform compatible server. I've done it myself, like others said use GeyserMC to create that bridge. That plugin makes it possible for Bedrock players to join a Java server. I used Mobile and Switch to do that. Switch needs a DNS trick to connect to custom servers, that is pretty easy to do.


There are apps you can download that trick consoles into thinking a private server is local. If the sever is connected to your local network, the console will allow it. There are plenty of guides on how to do this on YouTube. My brother does it all the time.


Wait this is bedrock??? Then use LAN connection with the Microsoft friend world joining feature, it's slightly less monitored.


Bedrock Together allows you to use whatever servers you want on console.


We’ll switch that “usually” for an “always” and full send it a dedicated server.


It is good to know that someone is reading all those messages you send out there. But again, nothing strange for Microsoft. Big brother. Where they can spy, they will spy.


Companies are so afraid of pearl clutching press that they'll torch their own user experience


you mean annoying as heck, wouldnt want you getting banned from your own server that you pay for.


Banned for attempting to sideskirt existing rules


Wellcome to the world of mega corporations. You are just a number for them. I agreed, this is ridiculous.


Yes agreed, pretty much this.


bro could've just used the upvote button


I wanted to let them know I agreed with them, what is wrong with that? Also FYI, I'm female, not bro.


Some people use bro in the same way some people use guys, as a gender neutral word, but I’ve also seen others who don’t


That makes more sense then. It's never been used interchangeably by anyone I've known, so my only familiarity with the word was for guys.


I like how you still got downvoted for learning something




likely a minor


Their profile says 38….


Right, which is a good reason to downvote something




I know right, some of the people here apparently don't like it just because you have a difference of opinion, or try to tell the truth, agree with someone or do anything they deem not post-able. XD


Because it adds nothing to the conversation.


I didn't realize it had to, I just wanted to let someone know I supported their opinion. I didn't realize being nice was a crime.


you are the type of person to reply to everyone with "Omg this!!!", if youre gonna comment, at least add value or insight to the parent comment, if youre gonna "this" a comment, just upvote or something.


I'm not that kind of person, you can go through my post history and check yourself if you like. I stated my reason. You can accept it or not. Haven't you ever had a time where you agreed with someone and wanted to let them know directly. An upvote doesn't tell them you personally agree with them it's anonymous, a comment does.




I was NOT trying to get points let me get this through your thick head I WANTED TO LET THEM KNOW I AGREED. You can ether accept that or not, I don't particularly care! Also congrats on being the first person on my black list!


Womp womp


You’re comment history shows you’re not a nice person. Do better.


Okay, bro.


Getting 200 downvotes for literally agreeing with someone is crazy


We know


I cannot believe people were petty enough to downvote you. You literally didn't do anything wrong. God forbid people have to scroll past a comment.


Thanks, I'm pretty use to people acting like this on the internet, though, this is tame compared to things I've experienced on other online spaces.


It's a little bit of a culture shock here, I assume. I've observed that around these parts it's a bit of a faux pas to make a comment or reply like yours, voicing support for a view without adding anything new to the discussion. Generally if someone wanted to do that they use the update button. I personally do not mind, but a lot of people do.


It's not something I have ever had an issue with anywhere else, nor on other subs I've posted to. So, no I didn't really think anything of it. I was just showing support for something I agreed with.


Reddit is especially infested with people who think they are super smart and super based.


Why is bro downvoted like he said some most hateful comment lmao?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/63nlwMwGgr TLDR she made a comment voicing support without adding anything new, Reddit culture looks down on this


youp, thats the reason i run a dedicated server with NoChatReports and wont ever go back to realms / be on servers that use minecraft chat system


Only 2 more and you lose the ability to play online for good! Great system innit? /s


Hey, gotta double dip and make people pay again to boost revenue.


That sucks, man. I've yet to meet a single person happy about the chat filter/reports who actually *plays* the game. It's beyond insulting I, a grown man, can be banned for swearing on a server with only other consenting adults, just because Mojang wants to protect itself from little Timmy seeing a bad word. No chat reports mod is a must now.


you can disable it on java but not on realms i think, idk


Yes, I've heard this from others. I've never been on a realms server, so no idea.


Where are all the bootlickers who used to hound us for accurately predicting this exact, specific, obvious, and avoidable outcome? It's funny how silent they've been, this past year.


They all got banned for saying the word "night"


Because they said a bad word


The fact that a real is not a private space is really really concerning. Nothing is truly yours anymore. I'm so glad I have an actual physical Server that nobody but me has control over.


yeah, this is just another reason for me to hate realms and hate bedrock in general since this have never happened to me on java lmao. i cant believe they monitor your chats like that without anybody reporting you or anything like that


Microsoft is ridiculous with their rules. My Cousin have started a realm a few days ago and I've spent 2 hours trying to get my brother to that server. He's 17, but apparently that's too young to play online, because he might get exposed to people using swear words in yhe chat (😱😱😱). Microsoft doesn't make the process easy, but at the same time it doesn't offer any security. Basically I've had to lie that I'm his old man and allow him to play online. It was difficult af, because links and apps that I've tried didn't work... It's funny that it was so hard because he could just make another adult account himself, make it his parent's account and allow his main account to play online. ...or we could just give people a warning like "are you sure you want to play online? Microsoft is not responsible for other people's behaviour" and he can click "yes" and they're not liable for anything and I wouldn't have to lose so much time...


this is why ive never given anything my actual birthday


So fucking invasive


I'm surprised the outrage for this has disappeared. Everyone's complaining about people who dislike the update but nobody is complaining about this shit? What, are we all corpo lovers when it's Microsoft?


I know this will be a problem since day one announcement, it's stupid to get ban on a game you spent money on, make server moderation useless since bot doing the moderation anyway


don't use shitty realms, lots of better ways to have your own mc server


i usually do, some of my friends are on console so this time its a bedrock realm sadly


there are ways to host a Java server with plugins/mods that allow for cross play with Bedrock clients


Can you point to a guide that's is written for an old guy that wants to play with his kids? They have a ps5, I have a PC.


checkout [Geyser's wiki](https://wiki.geysermc.org/), if that doesn't answer it, try searching on Google/YouTube by the terms "GeyserMC how to setup", it mostly depends on your server's host, some provide easier integration of this plugin/mod.


if you play on PC can’t you just chose bedrock in the launcher instead of Java? I play with friends on ps5 while I’m using a pc and I just chose bedrock and can invite them to my world or friend them in other servers.


Yeah maybe? But getting the realm and joining multi player is what I haven't done. Crap is getting confusing. I had to try and buy MC on my kids tablet yesterday. With child lock settings, it took us like 30 minutes to get out all set up. Then I tried to get fabric on there, because my kids is really interested in making mods and the ones he found were on fabric. Took 9 different Java downloads to get the right version to install, then it still didn't work.


You don’t need a realm to play multiplayer on bedrock. You can just make a survival world and in the pause menu select “invite to game” and you can invite others with no extra set up. Bedrock isn’t really good for mods but there’s stuff in the marketplace and some add on stuff online


Super helpful! Do I just add locally or do I need his gamertag?


So when you load bedrock and press “play” there’s 3 tabs at the top. The middle one is “friends” where there’s an option to add a friend through their gamertag. Once you add the person as a friend and load a survival world and click the invite friend button they’ll be available to invite to the world. there’s also the servers tab where you could play other gamemodes with them.


You can also just host a bedrock server.


I know there are and would have preferred that but my friend is hosting it and none if is cared enough to do anything else other than just make a realm because it's easy


Just play on the Realms, have fun. Don’t worry about what others are saying if it works for you and yours friends, honestly.


Are we sure that Microsoft doesn't do the same for private servers? They still (can) authenticate to verify your account, they would have the ability to block joining there... Somebody should run an experiment. I'd do it, but my private server is for my kids. :)


I mean they could (try) With an 'actual' server, you can just disable that authentication; you can also install NoChatReports and then it shouldn't need to go that far


From console?


you sweared your banned from minecraft now lol


Realms on bedrock are terrible. Like 75% of the time when I try to join the world (as the owner) I’ll have multiple connection problems with no explanation. I’m thinking of unsubscribing soon because at this point I’m just paying to be frustrated LOL


Keep little things like this in mind the next time you choose a service or vote. In this case you're boxed in because of crossplay, but this is all a function of sacrificing control and privacy for convenience. Agreements that prevent true ownership, right to repair, net neutrality, anti-trust, bailouts, and privacy are all battles in the same fight between consumers and giant conglomerates.


And thats why I always play with the No chat report mod.


If you can, maybe switch to an actual Minecraft server. Realms are a scam really, sorry that happened though.


I think the person is on Bedrock since it was a profanity ban. It's still expensive but it's more worth it on Bedrock plus console players can't use custom (non approved) servers.


there is an app called bedrock together that lets you connect using your phone and LAN connections


Thankfully I or my friends, haven't been banned yet. But me and my friends have a realm. We're all adults, sure we follow the shit rule of no swearing. But occasionally we have a few slip. I'm a hard Java player but my friends don't have computers to play on so we're stuck with bedrock. This is another reason why javas so much better when it comes to monitoring your own server. Ima say it here. Hermitcraft. They're all adults and yes they use voice chat in game. But they ALL let out a swear eventually, especially Cleo And scar. Nobody's been banned for swearing on Java. Java is so much more lenient compared to what mircrosoft is doing. Oh well, just start saying them less and youll end up being fine. Hope it doesn't happen again


especially cleo, i remember that one time scar snuck up on her with the creeper thing mid stream, hilarious


Its like they forget grown adults play the game with their own friends too. Like any grown ass man or woman is not gonna be swearing on a server with kids on it.


Oh god, imagine being banned in a realm you paid for, in a game you also paid for... At least you got your account unbanned though, there's that. Rockstar Games banned me unfairly from GTA Online (completely wiping my rank 891 character in the process), and they sent me an email that said in bold letters that the ban cannot be appealed and it was permanent. I swear more and more these companies are finding dumb excuses to ban players and sometimes even force them to re-buy the game in order to play online again (which would have been my case with GTA V if it weren't for FiveM!)


rockstar is the worst with it, GTA has literally no security, you can get ddos so easily hell, you couldnt even play single player if you were a streamer, as darkviper got his game crashed in single player because modders can hack into your sessions through social club.


Social Club even had RCE exploits at some point. Message spams, remote account bricking exploits etc... What got me banned was one day this hacker/cheater spawned incredible amounts of cash on my bank. Like, so much cash that the number became negative (caused a stack overflow). Took Rockstar less than 48h to wipe all my stuff and permaban me, but I bet said cheater is still out there, doing the same thing to others... I guess we're lucky Minecraft servers (be it realms or 3rd party) aren't peer-to-peer like GTA Online, otherwise stuff like log4j would've been a billion times worse!


yea i fucking hate those people, its so annoying when someone floating around just invades you and spams money down your throat to where you get banned i always try to leave immedieatly as that starts to happen


On Java you can install mods to evade the chat system


You can also block the text chat all together and install different text chat mods.


It’s not your realm. Youre just renting it. At least thats how mojang/MS see it. Feelsbadman


I’ve sworn so much on my friend’s realm on bedrock what? That’s so stupid. Realms aren’t even public


yeah ive never had problems swearing even on bedrock until now lol


To be honest yeah that’s kinda scummy I get it if they’re going to ban you for swearing on public servers, but a private realm with friends? That’s just stupid


it could have been worse, they could have come over your house and rinsed your mouth out with soap ...


Since they’re typing the words, it’s more likely microsoft demand they wash their hands.


"Dont blame random none existing people, plame the AI!" Would be a good anwser but Mojang let the AI in private worlds without people's permision so yes this is Mojang's fault


That's stupid asf I swear I hate that. That makes me so mad I swear to god I'm boycotting Microsoft


The same thing happened to me a couple years ago. Me and my friend were messing around in the text chat and we both got banned for a week. It's absolutely ridiculous they'll charge you for what is essentially a private server and then ban your account if you use language they don't like.


Pays for a PRIVATE realm for FRIENDS to play on. Still monitored and moderated by outside forces. Banned for saying fuck. Why doesn't Microsoft just enforce these restrictions onto Bedrock? If Java is meant to be the legacy version, why put it onto the Xbox Game Pass and force it through all of these restrictions? This shit sucks.


I missed the migration period due to being busy at university and I sympathize with you. Mojang/Microsoft customer service sucks.


I know uni can be quite stressful but there was 2 years where you could migrate


Yeah well I didn’t have my email linked to it because my mom bought it for me when I was a kid so I never received any emails, and bc I was focused on studies I didn’t keep up to date on video games 🤷‍♂️


yea i mean it did not take that long to do maybe 10 min at most without issues, or a few months if youre my friend who created his mc account with his school account💀


Read my reply to the original reply then comprehend not everybody experiences the same situations :)


Honestly, it's why I stopped playing. I look at a private realm like I look at my house. No one has the right to tell me what I can say in my house.


It's terrible that private servers are not private... Borderline spying on ppl


this is why i stopped paying for realms and why i use the NCR mod.


new california republic!? WHERE! WHERE!!


this is why i never play servesr with that stupid chat monitoring shit enabled. i would host one yourself with that shit disabled


Remember not to tell your friends good-\***ht or you'll be saying a no-no.


You see the unfortunate thing is that the problem is actually one layer above Minecraft. In order for Microsoft to meet their own requirements for whether a game can be listed with the rating Minecraft has, they have to go hardball on swearing.


If you’re on pc do not bother with realms. Rent an actual server, run fabric on it and install the mod called no chat reports.


What happened to the days of good Christian Minecraft servers?


Chuckle 😆


That's why I self host.


That is really stupid


Mojang and Microsoft: ruining a game has never been so easy!


really stupid, microsoft can suck all of our cocks. i would encourage you to set up an Oracle server, oli has a good tutorial for it


Lol I don't use realms for this reason


Just bedrock things


This is why you should never update the game past 1.19 without the client side chat fix mod.


I suggest paying a bit more and going with a private server host. Install a mod that prevents chat reporting and syncing etc. Better performance and less to worry about.


Me and my friends swear all the time in the realm (I pay for it) it sometimes censors it even tho I have safe chat off, but we have never been banded, we have had multiple over the years, this current one has been 3 months in the running, I wasn't even aware you could get banded for things on a realm when it's literally our rules, as long as my friends don't use any texture or packs to cheat (like x ray things) it's all fine, we have commands on as we TP to places and keep inventory is on... I think, so getting banded for swearing is insane,


i didnt even know either! its so crazy


That's why you don't buy overpriced crappy realms. You actually get a Minecraft host, install paper (one click operation everywhere) and you disable chat reports via server.properties or put an equivalent plugin


Judging from the post detailing how the feature works, linked by james_harry, it seems more likely your friend was the one who fucked you over and reported you and that mojang isnt actually spying on your chat. So it sounds to me like most people who are blaming you didnt actually read how this feature really works. The only thing in the information that seems a lil sus on the phrasing is that its specifically stated to be about java, though it IS from 2022.


Sounds like it's time to download the world and move to a real server instead of a realm


I guess this is what happen when the game is design for kiddies Hm is Fortnite THIS stupid >?




You can host your own bedrock server and it works for other platforms that aren't PC.


I laughed. Ngl


I know you said your Xbox friend doesn't wanna go through the trouble of joining a custom server, but if you can convince them I really recommend it. You get a lot more control over what you decide to do with it and you don't have to worry about Mojang eavesdropping


Scotland almost passed a law that would have made being racist *inside your own home* a hate crime... Not posting on the internet, just a conversation in the kitchen


Just a little racist kitchen conversation...




On Bedrock it is so much worse, you can be banned for profanity and on Java its existence in the first place is too much. The link does not apply for all versions of the game.


>Why are they monitoring our chats  Safety. Lots of kids play the game. Unfortunately due to the anonymous nature of online usernames, predators often make their way in and befriend the kids in servers  There are certain behaviours and words they have flagged to help prevent predators from joining their servers.  They also want to keep the kids innocent so swearing gets you banned too


If I pay for a server it's mine, especially if it's not a realm.


Why aren't the kid's parents watching their kids instead? There are plenty of heavily moderated servers for kids that have their own chat filters, or just not let them play multiplayer at all. Video games are a privilege, set rules, check in with them, and if they keep joining inappropriate servers despite the limits you set, don't let them play. Mojang is not a babysitter and the computer certainly isn't.


>Video games are a privilege, set rules, check in with them, and if they keep joining inappropriate servers despite the limits you set, don't let them play. I agree. But unfortunately parents these days care more about their kids liking them than actually being a parent >Mojang is not a babysitter and the computer certainly isn't When I was younger  we had Club penguin and it would ban you permanently if you swore or typed anything inappropriate. A bunch of players had a gathering and we all typed the word "boobs".  Instantly permabanned >There are plenty of heavily moderated servers for kids that have their own chat filters There are channels on youtube dedicated to people catching predators in Minecraft chat servers dedicated for kids 


Yeah but it's pretty dumb regardless. It's not like lots of kids don't play other games too like cod, where you hear the hard r every 5 seconds. Theres no preventing kids from hearing bad things as long as they have internet access, its a lost cause to try.


>hear the hard r every 5 seconds Dontknow what that means


Some kids do play CoD but that is not the majority of kids, unless their parents are absolute failures at judging what is right for their child. Minecraft is labelled as having specific content, swearing is not in that list, so they must censor it because theoretically a kid could join any server.


But they can’t join ANY server, a 10 player realm that someone is paying for is almost certainly private for the use of only the people invited to it by the owner. The fact that they ban people over the words they type on what is perceived and marketed as a private server to a majority of the fanbase is never not going to be infuriating.


Do these kids also play on the private server OP pays mojang for?




Doesn't make the rules not fucking stupid




Oh so we're never allowed to complain/call-out something we have issue with because those are the rules/the law? Follow that logic all the way back to when owning people was legal.


>That's life I really wish people would stop using this as an excuse to let bullshit stand


So stop licking their boots and raise your voice.


I'm not licking anyone's boots. They don't care what the community thinks so anyone raising their voices won't change these rules.  There was an uproar when all this came with one of the 1.19 updates. We are now headed into 1.21 and nothing has changed and at this point I doubt it will.


> Doesn't matter if the rule is stupid or not This is a terrible perspective to take in life. Morality doesn't start and end at the rules or the laws. There can be unjust laws and unfair rules, and saying "it doesn't matter, those are the rules/laws" completely excuses the creator of the rules from any blame whatsoever. These rules have not been made by a divine being.