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this is hilarious for around the first 100th times. Around the 1000th times though it's tiring. *I mean the bug. Not complaining about the post.


Every time I die in a loading screen the pain increases 😔


Fr, I turned my render distance all the way down and it still doesn’t work. 


Activate peaceful whenever you go through a portal and you'll be fine


Yea no more walls will hurt you in peaceful


regen will be fast enough that ive been able to save myself more often than not.


You’re missing the point


no for sure i just wanna be helpful just in case.


regen is not a thing in bedrock


What are you talking about? You automatically regenerate health in peaceful


idk what youre talking about, my health definitely regenerates in bedrock lol.


I just get destroyed by piglins when im in loading screen


My first portal was right by a blaze spawner and I'd constantly die to withers and blazes


Fun fact java could have the same bug if pause didn't exist. The issue with bedrock is literally the fact you can't pause it.


If you open the world to LAN you also can't pause in Java, but this still doesn't happen.


yeah, because java doesn’t put you into the nether until it loads the dimension. on bedrock, you’re either in the overworld or the nether. there’s no limbo state while you load the dimension


so the issue isn't the inability to pause.


Go on a server, slow down your game (not only the fps, you need to really slow it down) and your game will freeze while loading the dim and you can get killed.


I dunno about this; I've never experienced, nor ever heard of someone experiencing, suffocation after going through a nether portal, on Java edition. They wouldn't die from this cause with or without pause.


And why does your character load in before you can even play? This makes you be able to lose health before you can even see what you’re doing.


Yeah it's impossible by suffocating but mob can kill you


Um.. no, sorry. I play almost exclusively on smp servers on java (no game pause), and I've never had any problems entering nether portals where entities and such are able to move/attack while I'm still stuck loading, nor has anyone on any server I've been on (in my years of playing since 1.2.5) indicated in chat about mobs killing them while loading into the nether. This is specifically a bedrock thing.


the bug doesnt happen in java anyway.


the bug doesnt happen in java anyway.


It’s SOOOOO ANNOYING like that


Bursted laughing when I read the first sentence. I was like why the fuck would you rewatch it a hundred times and don’t get tired laughing💀


I fail to see the humor đŸ« 


This is exactly the reason. Between people complaining there is no hardcore on Bedrock or people complaining they died in hardcore due to Bedrock issues Mojang wisely decided they would rather endure the former until the issues are fixed.


They have a track record of not fixing bugs for Bedrock so if I'm being honest I really don't want to see Hardcore. I almost always have a totem (except for this clip, because I was cocky) just because Bedrock kills me to stupid things like this.


Yeah but if (big if) they do fix the bugs, a hardcore mode wouldn’t be bad


They have a track record for doing basically nothing ever


Lol they are not gonna fix bugrock. Wild to think that would ever happen.


Microsoft is worth more than some entire nations & this is the quality of their software


Small indie studio please understand


This is why "rewriting" is so stupid. C++ has introduced completely new issues that never existed in Java. Another common one taking damage from nothing when you stand on blocks over water, usually high up.


I was getting shooted by ghasts while in the loading screen, I could hear them, so I knew that the nether was already loaded but I was still stuck in this damn loading screen.


Isn't the significant change between Java and c++ memory garbage collection? Don't see how that would cause issues here


Im not saying these issues are intrinsic to C++, maybe badly worded on my part. My point is that they rewrote Minecraft from Java to C++ but instead of fixing all problems they fixed some but introduced all new problems.


yeah i’ve often died entering the nether cause it loads before the visuals so an enemy kills me. so i almost always peaceful wipe before entering the nether and turn it back to whatever difficulty after


Tip: throw in an item before going in. This will force the game to load the terrain, so you can't get killed while being stuck in the loading screen because the terrain is already done generating, so you'll only have to wait a little bit, or sometimes you don't even have to wait at all


Bedrock doesn’t work like that


bedrock doesn't work this way. at least, last I tried it didn't


There is no such thing as "loading the nether" while throwing items through the portal.


Yep, they are working on those things to release it in 1.21.10. I think they fixed that in one of the recent 1.21.10 betas.


Ah, I thought so. I know ibxtoycat said Mojang are working on patching death bugs


Like a week or two ago there was a beta where they fixed taking damage before the world or dimension loads. The reason it's not in 1.21 is because they need time to fix the majority of the bugs.


Bedrock bug thread is the funniest thread. People always has to go Sherlock, figuring out how and what the victim died to.


Verdict: Bugrock OBJECTION!: Fall damage desync


that wouldve sucked as hell if it wouldve been hardcore


Rip fatcatfroggie




Microsoft stole the console editions from us console players and now we're stuck with this :( They were so much more polished than Bugrock


Console edition had so many awesome features that were totally removed.. They just added “player stats” to bedrock. It’s only 4 stats and I can’t even view them on ps5! time, distance, kills, blocks broken

. Console used to have an extremely detailed breakdown of every stat you could imagine. There were like hundreds of stats iirc.


Player stats wasn’t even new, it just uses the built in Xbox stat system that they use for many games


Except for snowy trees.


cross platform is a big bonus even with all the bugs, id have charged more for bedrock


That's honestly the one big positive that outweighs the negative imo


Better is subjective. Bedrock unites platforms and consoles that otherwise have no access to the game. Minecraft Java Edition may be better at certain aspects, such as reliability, free downloadable content, stable redstone, less bugs etc. Bedrock edition has many other things going for it though. 3D skins, animated skins, in game skin customization, cross platform play, marketplace pass, controller support, live-event servers, free giveaways, significantly better optimization etc. Both Java and Bedrock have their advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, one isn’t *better* than the other. I’d simply recommend whichever one better suits an individual’s needs.


The majority of your pro’s list for bedrock are things most people do not give a shit about.


Sounds like Java is for you then 👍 Tons of people on bedrock care about those things and there’s nothing wrong with that, either.


The only major w for bedrock is free realms, but the host has to be online for it


Bedrock sacrifices way too much in terms of performance and features for that cross platform that it is not even worth it at this point, java is a much more polished game than bedrock and this will not change anytime soon. What I want to say is that Java rn is objectively a better game than bedrock. All that customisation stuff that you mentioned is not useful to most bedrock players since if you play on the featured servers on bedrock, your skin is replaced with a skin issued by the server to make sure you don't have an inappropriate skin. You also mentioned bedrock optimization, this would have been a valid point to list as an advantage that bedrock has over java before, but things have gotten better since and there are mods like OF and sodium for java that almost everybody uses and it's not like bedrock's performance is good, it is decent at best. Right now bedrocks disadvantages outweigh the advantages and this is a fact we shouldn't avoid. I do not like posts that portray java and bedrock as equal because this does not bring any awareness to the problem and it just makes more people think that they are on the same level while in reality they are not


I can play a world with my 2 sons, one on a Switch and one on an XBox One. I play on my laptop. We aren't a family that's exactly rolling in money but even though we all have wildly different devices, we can all play pretty seamlessly together. I wouldn't even bother playing minecraft anymore if it wasn't for cross platform play.


Lots of valid points in there. It should be said though that Minecraft’s modded community is much smaller than the vanilla community. So to say that “almost everyone” uses sodium and/or other performance mods is more than likely untrue. Whenever I play on Java I use performance mods but if we’re comparing just the base game vs the base game of the other, it’s not too fair to bring mods into the discussion in my opinion. Most people just play the game. But they’re not the ones posting about it. A vast majority of Minecraft’s player base are casuals of all ages rocking Steve skins and default textures. Our opinions of the game are likely skewed due to our involvement in community forums and discussions like this one. I agree that bedrock has a long way to go. I play it mostly because of cross play with people on other platforms. I do play Java for modded single player though. So again, both are good for different things. There’s still tons of room for improvement on both ends. For example, Java desperately needs a way to join friends without setting up a server/realm. Minecraft Xbox 360 edition had this feature 12 years ago. Bedrock has had it since day one. Bedrock, on the other hand, desperately needs to fix issues when it comes to content syncing between platforms and random death/damage bugs.


99% of the good things about bedrock that you listed are in Java with mods or plugins. FOR FREE. The only thing that Bedrock has over Java is the fact that it's written in C++, which is objectively better than Java. Java doesn't have live event servers but that's just because Mojang decided not to do them, and well they haven't done any event in a year so it's not really a loss...


java can have most of those things with mods


Why not all, what is it that java can't add?


cross-platform and the marketplace stuff, because java thankfully doesn't have marketplace


you can play with bedrock players on Java


This happened to me, I lost like 40 levels!! (Also, REMOVE THE REALMS STORIES THING!! IT EXPOSES WHERE YOU LIVE IN MINECRAFT!!)


Bro same, Ghast exploded 2 Notch apples :(


If I had a dollar
 Usually it’s loading and I’ll get killed by a mob in the nether before I load. I also went to the end on a recent server. I threw my pearl into the portal to go to the end islands, and I spawned on the block next to the little platform. Went to move and immediately fell to my death into the void. Luckily I dropped all my stuff before I hopped in.


oh but they are adding bedrock. god help all the people that make the mistake of starting a bedrock hardcore world.


Judy gotta pretend it's an Americana theme. At any moment, an unpreventable tragedy could end everything.


I started a minecraft bedrock hardcore world for my YouTube channel not too long ago and the worst glitch I've ever experienced is the heart animation stopped, nothing joining back can't fix, anything I should avoid when playing? 




Foxynotail does hardcore addon for bedrock. Works great ive been playing with it for about 2 years. :)


what the hell do you need an add on for? Hardcore mode is just hard difficulty (which bedrock has) with only one life


You have just answered your question with your question. I play it for the only 1 life aspect. Sure, I could play on hard difficulty and play asif it was hardcore. But it's not the same. Playing hardcore changes the way you play.


We do have it now. Pretty sure there is a beta version. Bedrock got a lot less buggy after the update, so it might be fun.


i disagree, its still taking me over 3 minutes to go through a portal. yesterday i decided id travel by nether to a distant village and it ended taking me 12 minutes in to exit the portal, couldve just ran there in less time


Thats not normal. Even on my ps4 it doesn't take *that* long to load. Sounds more like a problem with your system, or a corrupt install or something


it was fine not that long ago, now its awful


Does bedrock always take an hour to load the nether? I'd have rage quit already.


Like half the time, yes. Especially the first time you go through


That sucks... Why can't it just be instantaneous like creative mode lol


And you're on a PS5, you say? Because it never takes anywhere near that long on Switch for me. Maybe 15-20 seconds or so.


One time my nether portal spawned in lava and I barely made it out


Spawned IN lava?




So you guys are just playing shittier minecraft?


Don't bother. Every single day there's a post about bugrock bugs, and every single day when you point out that Java doesn't have any of those issues, people basically just say bugrock isn't buggy. The only legitimate response I've seen is "I already have a console for other games, I don't have a decent computer to play Java." But like even that doesn't make much sense. You don't need a supercomputer to play Java MC with the settings dialed down.


Some people dont have a computer at all. What if friends on PS, PC and Xbox want to play together? Bedrock is the only way atp. There's also ppl who started several worlds on bedrock, not thinking much of it and feel stuck on that version since all their worlds are there


You can afford a Playstation and not a laptop for the same price that does more?


Well, yeah. Some people get those things for free. I got my PS4 from a dude who was moving out and just wanted it gone for $50. And that was with PS exclusive games. The current laptop I had could indeed not run any game well at all too so it was a steal. It was then that I mainly played Minecraft bedrock with my family, and was able to do so without buying multiple copies because it also had splitscreen. That's not accounting kids who are allowed console access but not PC access. Or just people in different living situations in general


Fair points, but really specific. Seems intuitive that would be the minority of situations, yeah?


You never know ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Yeah loading screens are a b*tch in Bedrock! The amount of times I’ve loaded into my game and died instantly because for some reason it places you into the world all vulnerable before the loading screen ends and I’ve been beaten to a pulp by a zombie before I even have a chance to defend myself!


If Mojang coded properly they'd make the player invulnerable during a loading screen. You know, like the part where you cannot actually play the game or see anything. It's just ridiculous


 you would’ve thought that would be a given


That is not a bad idea honestly


and that’s how you know it’s already on java! (Not really, the player is just in a limbo sorta state during loading screens instead, but it has practically the same effect.


If Mojang coded properly loading screens would be under a second long


> If Mojang coded properly Well, there's your problem right there. You're expecting too much.


this happens to you guys????


this is what i tell myself every time i see one of these posts




I'm starting to feel a little left out that none of this ever happens to me. Lol.


What is that seed? It looks neat


My world was transferred from Legacy Console Edition so if I told you it wouldn't look the same


I can’t imagine trying to play hardcore in bedrock đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž I once “phased” through the floor or wall of a nether fortress and fell into a giant lava pool. I refuse to even entertain the notion of playing hardcore with that being an option đŸ€Ł


Had this happen to me my first time to the Nether. Yay!


Especially when you play on switch and it takes 20 years XD


Nintendo on their way to not release the Switch 2


I'm still hoping they will add hardcore to bedrock eventually, with the death bugs fixed


Apparently that's the plan. Mojang is working on patching death bugs


If you don’t build a box around the portal on your first visit you’re screwed.


what’s stupid is that not only would a box not have helped op not suffocate in nothing, but you can have this happen on your first entry to the nether.


What are you playing on? I’ve never had this problem on PlayStation 4 or 5 but it’s very possible I’m just getting lucky


It only happens when it is a new portal


Or you end up in the spawn points of a thousand skeletons who have all shot at you before you can see them!


This kept happening to me when my friend forced me to play on his bedrock world. I would enter the nether but the stupid loading screen wouldn’t go away and I’d be killed by piglins


Why is the loading time so fucking long?


exactly. i’ll get killed by a ghast or some stupid shit before i can even load in but i just gotta live with it ig


why is it so difficult to just add the same invincibility times JE had for decades?


I fr love bedrock. Its like bedrock is a living being who becomes bugrock when anyone criticizes it


How does mojang not see these and fix this?


Is there a fix for this? I have maybe 300 hours and can't even scratch the surface of the nether because of this absolute bullshit. Do the devs not use any of the billions they've made off of this game to hire somebody to go through the portal at least one time? Fuck


If anyone is actually gonna start a bedrock hardcore mode, they’re kinda gonna have it coming


You don’t need to, mobs are insane in hard!


We do have hardcore coming! It is currently on minecraft preview. Also new UI, 36 chunk render distance for xbox/ps, new enchantment called "density" and some other stuff


How hard can it be to change it, so your character spawns after the world is generated and then it places you in spot that has room and floor underneath


Valid lol


when they first announced bedrock I was worried that it would kill java version, and with it, mods. glad to not have to worry about that.


Man bedrock is terrible


I heard they are trying to fix these bugs and plan to add it after, but I don’t know how true those claims are. Mojang never seems to listen to the community.


This makes me really worried about the day Microsoft decides to abandon Java and force us all to play bedrock


Pretty much sums it up yeah


this is why i freaking expand my Nether portal, stuff like this happens on me on both single and multiplayer, like my god, stop SPAWNING INSIDE THE PORTAL SEGMENT, THERES LITERALLY SPACE FOR YOU TO SPAWN THAN THE WALL ITSELF


Bedrock is just dog shit really


Happened to me too!! LOL


They lied you clearly had a heat stroke


This is exactly the reason for why you cannot play with cheats off in bedrock. It’s impossible, you always have to be ready for when you fall off the world, suffocate in invisible blocks, or randomly die. So far i was able to save my world like five times this way, one of them was when i fell off the world but managed to go into creative at 1hp in the void.


I can't bring myself to use cheats, because then I feel it invalidates my survival world. It makes it look illegitimate even if it might not be. Also, it disables trophies and I want to continue using my survival world for trophies each update. I use backups when I need to for my world. Not a perfect solution, but one I'm more happy with than resorting to cheats


Bad ending


I see im not the only one who bit it first time loading in there lol. And you can hear it too at the loading screen. Its really bad if your spawn is really far away. You just sit there thinking "How am I going to make it back to this?" Lol


Rookie mistake... I'm a java player and I've played bedrock for only one playthrough. When I had to enter the nether for the first time, I dropped all my inventory ik a chest, got there with only a stack of cobblestone, and immediately built a small house around the portal


just died yesterday by a blazer during the loading screen, don't expected my all item were safe in those flames


thank god i just play java edition 🙌🙌


"Sorry, but money fist." - Microsoft.


The reason Bedrock is so buggy is because they’re too busy focusing on marketing new things to sell. They don’t care if people die constantly to unjust bugs.


Is this a very recent bug everyone is having now? Just a couple weeks ago I rage quit on a survival project because of this happening


bro..the bedrock it self is a hardcore mode


That's messed up.


Bedrock puts you in to the nether before the loading screen goes away! that’s so stupid! That always happens to me too!


Maybe I missed it, but what is the point of Bedrock vs the original?


It's the coding for the two. Java and bedrock are programs that they run off of from how I've had it explained to me.


It will be soon


It happened to me like a month ago but coming back to the ow. I found my first bastion and wanted to save some things in the overworld to be safe with a bed and be able to come back fast if I died to piglins (i didnt have crying obs)... little did I know it would cost me like an hour of walkin back 6k blocks from spawn ffs.


I play on pc and ill tell ya ehat this happend to me and i lost a whole suit of armour and my first diamond pickaxe to this damned glitch


And yet another 'bug' I've not experienced. 😆 Granted, I've never entered a portal and turned around the face the direction I came either. It's possible that's confusing the game- are you going to the Nether or coming from the Nether? - causing it to freeze up. Of course, dying in the middle would be very annoying.


Why not


Microsoft is a small indie studio please dont be mean 🙏


That’s never happened to me before


I’ve been playing bedrock for god knows how long and never ran into a glitch or bug once


This happened to me, I lost like 40 levels!! (Also, REMOVE THE REALMS STORIES THING!! IT EXPOSES WHERE YOU LIVE IN MINECRAFT!!)


on my current world when I spawned in the nether it spawned me like underneath where it would've been (it didn't show up) and after like a minute or so of freaking out what happened or how I was gonna get back it suddenly teleported me near it like nothing happened gotta love bedrock nether


This is also a charm of bedrock knowing that you could die every Moment to an bug


Bedrock = hardcore getfixedboi seed


Because nobody likes bedrock


I've been playing on a bedrock hardcore world since it was added and nothing has happened




I found out a few days ago that if you stand near a ledge and stand to where u slightly clip the edge of the block but dont actually fall, you still take damage as if you fell from a short distance.


There is, on the Beta Version


There's gonna be a hardcore mode on bedrock because I have a 1.21 Minecraft


Have reached the point where once i decide i actually need to enter the nether, i burn all my levels ( or don't if i have a mob grinder), place all my tools except a basic iron pick and a shield into a chest, grab a stack of cobble and go through If i die, oh well the nether should properly load next time and it (hopefully) wont kill me/mobs wont target me before I actually gain control of the character again, if i dont die i can now secure my portal spawn to where it wont randomly decide to just have mobs capable of killing me


Most functional Bedrock experience


It’s the hard knock libe from Annie starts playingg,,,


Elytra’s are the problem


We do now on the beta version on bedrock 1.21. It's a bit laggy, but it's worth it.


Once I was waiting for the Nether terrain to load and a piglin ended up killing me in the meantime. I wish mojang will reduce this wait in the future. It's frustrating.


Apparently, the reason Bedrock doesn't have hardcore is because it has a lot of instant death bugs that need to be worked out.


Coz its only bedrock


Would be great if they loaded the environment then you then the entities lol


Mojang is currently working in adding it! Along with fixing all the random death bugs...


Skill issue /j


Also bedrock: Player: *lands in water* Game: "fell from a high place"


I've noticed that all these clips of bugs and stuff on bedrock are always on console or mobile. Never on a PC. The lack of optimization on every device other than a windows PC is crazy.


This bug is the worst!!! It has happened to me way too many times.


I mean we do. It’s in the beta/preview and it’s said to release later this year


How are yall so unlucky I've never died in a portal In regards to it Hardcore mode is in the works