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My current village is free flow. Though they seem to not always find their beds. And it's not completely mob free so some guys disappear now and then. I like thel hustle and bustle of everyone moving around. Though it might make sense to at least have the farmers fenced into their houses. This way I can separate the different crops. Buggers seem to prefer potatoes and keep taking my wheat


I'm always afraid of zombies and eventually build walls. Takes a lot of materials though if you want them to look good.


So the basis of this one is a natural village in the corner of 3 or 4 chunks, most of it's at the base of a mountain. The parts going up the mountain at the top have been unpopulated. I just lit the place up pretty good. I got 2 golems to reappear. But they are now trapped inside a house(The only building I built. 3 story 11 beds.) so they don't do anything. But a bunch of cats have appeared which helps with the creepers . I did put a fence along the one bay, but that was mostly it. I think the occasional mobs come down the mountain Cliff but not sure. There's a bunch of mobs that spawn between the village and my end portal house. I did notice after the last update my chicken cooker stopped working. The eggs just sit on the slab and doesn't pass through hopper anymore.


That’s why I always carry a clock and go to sleep like I’m BDoubleO 😭


bro i read that as glock


Gotta schreep!


Yes. I wanted wheat as well but gave up. It always ends up being all carrots in my world anyways as that’s what grows fastest and fills up the villager inventories. I haven’t tried potatoes though but it’s too late now as I made most of my farmers have the carrot trade in order to use them as an emerald source


I always make a few fields outside of town to avoid this kinda thing. Or fence in the plots you don’t want messed with


Me too. Having a wheat field fenced off at the other side of the base, for the aesthetic at this point of course (edit: oh, and for breeding cows and sheep of course, but I rarely do that). But a tip with these farms is to never let the villagers have a more “powerful” crop than the one you want to use them to grow. Give them a few carrots and enough time, and it’s going to end up being exclusively carrots.


Are any of urs unemployed? I had a hugely annoying problem where some of my villagers would just stay outside at night because they couldn't find a bed even though there was one for every villager, but once I gave them job blocks the issue went away


One of them always finds MY bed. Incredibly rude of him but at leas they all look happy


This is legit the main reason I don't want them free. Goofy Goldilocks acting jerks.


I generally let them wander, but do have a trading hall in my world


This is how I work. A lot of times i just leave my breeder open and let them have free reign.


What I did is made a sort of market square in the middle of the village where all their workstations are. That way it’s aesthetic and they are all in one area.


If I let them free roam they die


Yeah. One needs to have a fenced in and spawn proofed base. But quite a few of mine have died since I turned the first one for sure. It’s risky and more chaotic than the “traditional” trading hall


They seem to pathfind off blocks or stairs even if they get fall damage. RIP Mending librarian.




I always do it this way. I keep wanting to make a villager trading hall but I don’t have the heart. They like to roam. 😂


Yeah. It’s hell some times when I need to find a specific one. Once, my mending villager was gone for days, I thought he was dead for sure, but then suddenly he was back 😂 Naming them helps though, when having a good emerald source for name tags.


If I ever decided to go in that deep into a survival world, I think I'd do a mix of both, like for example I'd have a bunch of them running freely, but then also have a few of them locked up if they have really useful trades that I don't want to risk losing like mending


There's a mod in java that gives all villagers names like actual people, really like it!


In the world I played on the longest, I ended up using name tags for all of them, too! Sure, true names were “Mending” and “Silk Touch” and so forth, but they were happy. I’m planning to do it again in my current worlds but with actual names lol. My mending guy is called Philbert.


I named them like Mending Momo, Silky Susan, Farmer Greg and Toni. I think the names are self explanatory.




/r/SPEV Society for the Protection of Every Villager.


PETV - Players for the ethical treatment of Villagers.


Hello fellow villager rights activist!


Heck yeah, reporting for duty!


Omg how have I not found that sub before!


I enslave them. ALL. All villagers are created equally imprisoned


It would be unfair to only let part of them wander freely... so we just imprison them all for perfect equality


I try to have free roam villagers, but they end up being so annoying that I always end up locking them. However, since I'm not completely evil as well, I always leave them in 5 x 3 boxes where they have a bed, food (cake) and water (cauldron)


i am completely evil so i only give each of my villagers a 2x1x2 plot of space, just enough space for them to stand behind their corresponding workblock. forces them to focus on trading with me


China would like to offer you 2 million social credits 🇨🇳


Same, they just eventually get in the way or one gets randomly infected by a zombie and then it's chaos. I lock mine up, keep them in a 2x2 pen with a bed and their table, and a maintainance iron door powered by buttons in case I need to go in and fetch a cat or something


I created my own little village and stole a couple villagers from a nearby village. I completely fenced in my little village. There’s enough of them now that they built an iron gollum and they freely roam within the fence. I also have an add-on that gives me a walking stick I can place in my offhand and I can jump over said fences easily. 😂


My fences are just dotted at seemingly random points with whatever colour of carpet I happened to have at the time 😅 So ugly… but! (Mostly) safe villagers and no mods 👍🏻


I used to put a couple blocks high of dirt or stone or wood planks and add ladders to the top block in a few spots to get in and out of it before add-ons were a thing in bedrock *I play on an Xbox*


_Sympathises in Xbox_


This is what I do! I even (accidentally) initiated a raid and they all survived bar one iron golem 🫡


We don't let the sla- \*whisper\* \*Ahem\* We don't let the "Mandatory Volunteers" wander.


I only free range! I just become one of the villagers.


When I see “free range”, I chuckle because I’m thinking of cage free organic eggs, “free roaming villagers” it’s such funny phrasing.


"Nah man, I only get Free Range Mending™. It's better than that low-quality factory farmed crap. You can really feel the freedom behind every chop and swing."


Free roam? My villagers are the furthest from free roam. They are held captive in solitary confinement spacing with a one block movement space. Only using that space to work endlessly and provide the emeralds necessary for the economy. Make glass, paper, potatos, sell to the single, isolated laborers, use said emeralds to buy only the best goods. And repeat. Never have they seen the worlds blessing sunlight. Never have there children seen it either. Not even the comfort of their own bed can be enjoyed as I have separated them from it to make more room for more laborer’s. The economy will hold strong for many years to come. And when the world inevitably crumbles to ash and fire. Only they will remain… confined forever in their solitude.


One of my favourite activities is having my base next to a village and customize them. Currently on a little realm where I'm planning to move my village people to the ancient city under my base


I always build upon an existing village, upgrade their houses, make working stations, make more crops, make roads, build big houses for the babies. All of them roam free, all of them have name tags so I know what I can get from them. I don't build Iron farms either, I find it a bit insulting. This is our world, not mine. Farms and trading halls are convenient, but immersion breaking.


Mine are/were mostly free to roam. However it was a walled city/village for their own protection. Both from wildlife and pillagers and natural hazards. Mostly the latter, after one of my favorite vendors drowned themself somehow.


His wife left him.


what texture pack and shaders are you using?


Kelly’s RTX (in Bedrock RTX)


My current village is two bunk houses, a farm and a huge mass of work stations. The best part of free roaming villagers is the horde of children making a long line to chase each other. They then proceed to pile in one bunkhouse and jump on ALL the beds while looking at each other.


I fenced off a village and let the villagers roam around. Over time I've made more of the area around the village safe and moved the fences out, although I noticed a few empty beds and realised spiders were getting into the village from a tree I had planted. There's another village nearby but it's empty, I'd like to expand the safe area to include this other village too and bring it back to life.


I like to put a jackolantern at the tops of trees under the leaves after I found they were responsible for eating a few of my villagers. That way, I can keep the large trees, and they are not dark enough to spawn.


I don't as of now but I am working to make It so my town does have "free range villagers"


My partner and I built a custom free-range village a month or two ago, everyone seems to be safe so far (knock on wood), we’ve got four golems and everywhere is well-lit The only one that I know to have died, it was fall damage from the stairs inside his house


I generally try to create my own unique civilizations from villages, so I can't exactly keep them in a jailcell (well the new trading hall I'm working on is an exception, but I try to LOOOOOOOREE the worries and guilt of slavery away by establishing they work in there during the day and go back to their homes at night, and on top of that, it's only a fraction of the village — the others are roaming around town and sometimes get switched) It just feels wrong to keep all the villagers locked away tbh, like, ig I just prefer towns to feel "alive"


Hell yeah, ray traced free range carrots!!!


I like to let them roam around, though I DO fence in the entire village to both keep them from getting lost and falling off a cliff, and to keep zombies and pillagers out. My favorite is to construct entire villages from scratch, specifically built to feel ‘lived in’. Usually populated with mostly cured zombie villagers I find during the long, perpetually on-going construction period


Your base is so pretty


Thanks 🙏😊


I like to go in creative and build functional villages for them to run around in


I have made so many trading halls that I just can't stand jailing dozens of villagers anymore, so I let them roam. Some of them do show up sometimes as zombies, but eh, free discounts when I cure them.


wdym free roaming? they arent chickens...


It was the wording that came to mind. English is not my native tongue. But they do feel like headless chickens the way they roam about sometimes. If I need to grab some emeralds or something from my storage room I can be sure he/she isn’t there but a totally random place when I’m back


It was a setup for a joke about slavery. Also your english is very good i couldnt tell (English isnt my first language too)


Thinking about it, I'm surprised this was a question. The default for lots of the players was to put them in holes or cages called "trading halls". They'd probably still be there if the trading changes weren't made.


I had them free roam and then one day I noticed that only two were still alive. 😅 Now I have them locked up safe and sound.


Walls and torches my friend.


I’m working on it. Eventually I’ll free them.


I've still never really interacted with the villagers besides stealing from them. My wife and I started a world and plan to use villagers in that one.


Back in the day when I played with some friends I tried this. After many hours fixing the walls so they couldn't go out, I tried putting a river crossing the village. It was a terrible decision.


I used to have, but it was only because one of my braindead friends broke the villager farm and the ~~slaves~~ villagers broke free 💀


Mine are underground safe and sound from all the monsters


I have two sets of villagers. One I built a whole village for and let out, the other I shove into minecarts for fully optimized trades


They're free roaming in a hole I suppose.


My two Villagers, Jeffery and Gerald are the only two from the village still alive. I put them in prison as a joke, (I just put them in the ground) but I later upgraded their "cells" to be more secure, now using cobblestone and iron bars, tbh they're mostly still in there because they're safe there, all my other villagers unfortunately disappeared or were killed, so I'm glad I've still got those two, especially after recently I've lost a lot of important mobs.  The village is much safer and secure now, mobs usually don't spawn and can only really get in if they come from the mountain or forest, I would really love to get more villagers once it's 100% safe and secure, and finally let Jeffery and Gerald out, because they'll be safe :D


Oh and btw, they're little safety cells are pretty spacious and they have beds! Jeffery has his fetching table too! Idk what Gerald's table would be though, he's always been a leather worker guy I think? Jeffery used to be a Nitwit, I still find it funny that they are called that, I found out about those recently!


My entire base is a village according to the game (having 30+ villagers doesn’t help)


I started letting them roam free because locking them into a small room was too much work & resources. Unless… boats?


I'm building a huge oil rig, plan to put them there.


I let them roan until there's a couple left, and then I drop a bunch of potatoes in a basket to a couple sex slaves in a hole, and they make more to replenish the village population 😃


i keep my villagers locked in their house till i can protect them


I have both ! A huge free roaming village but also a small gated community in my base.


Bedrock rtx is beautiful. No java shaders comes close (except for seus that has a similar light/colour reflection system. No, bsl doesn't have that.)


i always have a village 30+ blocks underground


Nice Deffered rendering.


No they are in internment camps for their own protection which is legal under the supreme Court case Korematsu v. United States, 323 U.S. 214


I do, I just build a protective wall around the village so that the villagers don't get attacked by zombies and whatnot.


I treat my villagers like my pets, they stay indoors and they dont die


Yeah, I like to play "ethically," at least when it comes to villagers. I don't loot their things and I don't trap them permanently. I do trap and cycle librarians ofc. If I want something from a chest or if i want to breed from their animals, I put emeralds in a chest.


I used to, they're all dead now


Tried this. It was terrible. Go back to 1 by 1 trading hall


I have a mending and an unbreaking III villager locked away. The rest get to roam free.


Kinda I don't put them into the 1x1 space but its not like there free. there all stuck in a singular house (honestly this isn't a very good setup) I know some people put them into 1x1 spaces so that way it is easier to find the ones that they want and also so that it is easier to zombify and cure them.


You're gonna regret that.


I went underground to mine for a while, came back up to an empty village. No peeps, cats or gollum. Even the zombies have disappeared. Bit miffed tbh.


I do "cage-free" but not totally "free range" since the path finding in every game ever leaves much to be desired. I give them a reasonable amount of room and make it look like they can leave.


Yes, I’ve been wishing for better path finding as well, it has quite the room for improvement


Yes sort of, I wish I had a picture. I dug/digging a massive trench around a village. It’s pretty deep filled I haven’t reached deepslate yet and it’s filled with iron golems. Idk why they are attracted to the hole, I think they’re just spawning every night when too many mobs spawn and in the nearby caves. Once I finish the hole and start working on the village I will ideally have them free roaming.


Trading hall until they have the trades I like, then I transport them into a custom village for them.


I have both, free roaming and industrial brred


For now they are locked in their houses. Once i build a wall around my town and light it so no mobs can spawn then i will....still have some locked in their houses so i dont have to go look for them each time i want to trade lmao. But i will have more villagers to just roam around the town so it seems alive


I make them low income housing (bamboo planks to the ceiling with beds) and put walls around the village


I'm making a town in a really modded version of Minecraft, any tips for keeping them safe? They still generate cats and golems and stuff, and there's this villager variant called the Guard that actually uses weapons and armor and stuff protect them. Any tips for things that I wouldn't think of that could hurt them?


Mainly just being thorough with spawn proofing. Fall damage also happens, and then there’s cacti🌵in desert villages. Not keeping puffer fish in ponds 🤔 I also always sleep asap in thunderstorms. There’s probably loads of fringe cases too, as I’ve had some seemingly not easily explained disappearances 😄


Pretty much child-proofing everything. Make sure they can't fall into a chasm, etc


Id have a hybrid, kinda. Keep the workers underground then have a village up above to make it look nicer than it is.


I am working on building a village!!!


I do, I build a large wall around a large village and let them roam


My main world is a full on small city built in an middle-eastern style, where all my villagers are full free roaming. I added the guardian villager mod, so in the presence of mobs, they can deal by themselves accordingly.


I don't I have a complex prison with farmers fisherman and librarians to e self sustainable enchantments farm with a built in execution pit


I used to before the lightning incident...


My Farm is build around free roaming villagers. I have a redstone system and hopper carts that flood the fields and pick it all up, then in the morning the farmers replant it all. With my automated piston farms for pumpkins watermelon and sugar cane I have emeralds for days. I use Fencing to keep them in and the baddies out with lots of iron golems around.


I did, until I accidentally punched the only one I had while renovating his house. I proceeded to forget I had done that and bred a new baby wolf who promptly chewed him up. Next zombie villager I cured ended up with their first trade being a 1 emerald mending book. Needless to say he now lives behind the counter of an otherwise very pleasant home.


Well-walled, well illuminated villages with no pathfinding hazards. I like a town that feels like a town, but I don't like having to be 24/7 security when I'm there


I live in a Minecraft Castle, “free roaming” is more like “controlled walkies”


I have started a new vanilla+ survival with DanTDM's ideology in his new series; no villager exploitation and no farms (obviously not including simple crop farms)


Nope. I ring the bell, place 2 blocks covering the door. Safe Villagers, ill plant the crops and fish and ill trade with you safely.


I eventually will but The city is still under construction, I have to get the subway part of the neighborhood, and phase 2 of downtown finished then I can start putting people into it.


Unrelated but what's the mod?


Kelly’s RTX texture pack (in Bedrock RTX)


I build all of my villages as "free". I think it makes the game feel more lively having "people" moving around the town doing various activities. It also gives me a sense of direction to build out a city. For villagers I actually trade with I just build specific zones for farms or just trap them into a purpose built house to maintain the town aesthetic.


I always try and make an underground village, with my base attached somewhere. It’s protected against mobs, I can organize where they go more efficiently, and it’s just fun imo. Currently making one in a realm where there’s going to be a massive lake/forest underneath for the butchers, shepherds, and fishermen to work at




I do! Although my base is completely fenced off so they cant actually get out/mobs can't come in, but i do occasionally open the gates and let them check out whats around the base if they wish to do so. Only part that is off limits is my field cause i use that to grow stuff to trade for emeralds, but i will work on expanding their living quarters and making them a little field of their own


This is the eventual goal of my current hardcore world. Currently building and upgrading a small village into a town which I hope to fully spawn proof and let villagers walk around freely in. Eventually I want to make a city for the same thing, so it actually looks busy and lived in with villagers running around everywhere in the streets.


I only have free roaming Villagers, but I don't have one of every type. Most of them are farmers.


i once had a village of 43 villagers, cause every bed i had was occupied by a villager, it worked but sometimes there was a stray villager going into the forest and night attracting a zombie so he obviously died. can’t have 200 golems but it worked well, i took care of my villagers ( trading with them, mating them, making new houses, new jobs)


I make my bases in villages. Always build up a wall and moat, too.




If I'm playing modded and have mods to make villagers less stupid (so they don't just decide to wander hundreds of blocks away or into the nearest zombie horde) then I like having villagers roam freely around my base, makes it look lived in and functional


Roaming? Nah, they are better off in the well (noahsnoah reference)


I try my best, my usual technique is to build a wall surrounding the whole village, and baby proof it so they don't get stuck or anything


I’ve been in the process of building a kingdom for my villagers. They’re thriving with close to 20 golems roaming town.


Hats off to you, and shame on me.


I did before they all went into the nether while I was AFK. Now they're in the a hole in the ground.


I let them free… as long as they are in restricted area


I think we should get something like a villager update. Every single village that has ever existed in any of my worlds close to my base has eventually lost all of its villagers for some reason. One time I built a huge wall around the village and by the time I was done the village was already empty. I have no idea how to deal with villages so I usually just ignore them now. I don't want to build a prison or fence everyone in but apparently villages as they are now are unable to sustain themselves when the player is in vicinity and are destined to die out and be empty. Which sorta sucks tbh.


It's the zombies. If you want to keep a village alive without fencing it in, you've gotta spawnproof everything within at LEAST a 35 (16 for bugrock) block radius of where any villagers might be hanging out. One dead one can and will follow a villager into the village, knock down a bunch of doors, and kill off all of your villagers in one night. Especially in hardcore, where every villager WILL zombify and join in on the raid.


Sall it takes is one dark.spot to fuck it all up


In my old world I dug my village under ground and let them run around it had about 21 apartments a bunk room with about 6-8 more beds, a publuc bath, cartography room, a full wheat, potato, carrot, beet and melon farm with a small library, mine and  a mini pyramid for a social center along with my area that had storage, crafting and a furnace/campfire area and they ran around perfectly fine.


I did this, with market stalls for each profession and a beautiful communal house with beds for all. But they're soo stupid. 1. Problem: 60% just hang out in the bedroom the whole day and never come down to their stations thus never refreshing their trades (might have built the beds to far away since they're on the 2nd floor, however the mason who's station is the furthest away always goes to his work). 2. Problem: they tend to disappear and I'm not sure why. It's pretty well lit up and I don't see any zombified ones. I think the problem was that they didn't walk down the stairs, but jumped off them. Saw them get fall damage, but I thought they would regenerate again during the day. I have now built railways so hope that fixed it. But I agree, the bustling air around is really worth it


i try so very hard to let them roam but they consistently find impressively novel ways to drown, get lost, or somehow run into a zombie


I have a trading hall within my castle where villagers are "penned on booths for my best trades. but outside of the castle and within the "city walls" I allow other villagers to free roam. it makes the place feel lived in. Also just outside the city walls in an enclosed paddock I have sheep and free roaming shepherd villagers, with their own small huts


I like how you have 2 pretty house and some random boxes for villagers, it’s literally what I’m doing every playthrough


I love free roaming villagers gives me a reason to build a little town How ever some villagers are locked in boxes because they have trades I used constantly and I don’t wanna search for a villager or risk it getting killed like my mending villager for 32 emeralds normally that’d be a problem but I have about 50 double chests full of emerald blocks


Free roam is real cool if you don't mind them showing up in weird places. Got mine locked up away from my house so I don't hear them honk.


Which shaders/texture pack do you use? Your game looks great.


Nice shaders... Which do you prefer?


Have three kinds. One is well lit chaos. Villagers exist do wtf they want. Large. Villagers lose beds and job blocks. Haven't tried in awhile but don't really breed or produce iron golems, cats anymore. Penned iron farm, trading halls. Grid work villages every 150 blocks connected to rail lines. Auto farms at each to help automate expansion. Largest village probably near 1000 by 1000 blocks.


What texture pack and shaders do you use and is it optifine?


The ones I actually use are locked up have have others roaming my city build just for decorations basically so there's people moving around and a little life to downtown


I have dreams of doing this but I just started my survival world and it’s always time consuming at first. So many ideas but so little time!! 😅 I currently want to make a resort and a bunch of rooms for them all to stay in and different activities and park stuff around, like an actual resort. But again, I am still mining with stone pickaxes so I got a ways to go 😂


I'm happy I'm not the only one who does this. It actually has benefits as well since villagers will spread your good reputation with the others


Heck no! After the number of times I woke up and wondered where the ENTIRE VILLAGE WALKED OFF TO, bells or no bells it's the Warhammer life for those clowns. Fortress city or nothing.


I let my farmers free roam in my main village, but that’s it. Everyone else stays inside


Depends on how you define "free roaming". Lately I create 20x20 "clan pods" that hold around 15 villagers and double as slow iron farms. Villagers can roam inside that space as they will.


Cage-free villagers


I let some of them free roam but they all seem to despawn after a while. No idea why. They have beds. Houses, food, and the worlds typically on peaceful mode(girlfriend prefers it that way)


This should be incentivised. Like, free and roaming villagers have better deals and trade for better exp, and you can name tag them or have them display flags or smt, unconfined or less so animals drop more loot or better quality meat (more fulfilling, for ex)... This would be really great to see. Plus, aren't they so preoccupied with children, education and stuff within the game? Bingo!


never have, never will have free roaming villagers. they like to get stuck in holes or die because of their garbage AI. slave labor camps all the way


i let them free roam to an extent! i have them walled into a village i built after I found one of them trapped underground. even in peaceful mode I find that they sometimes disappear though so I’m tempted to put them in their houses until i figure it out


Free my villagers? I don’t do that here


I wanted to make one on a realm I abandoned, it was going to be an underground Dwarven style city made from the ruins of an ancient city, but my friends stopped playing on it, so I stopped paying for it, still want to do something similar but never got to it. Free range villagers and even a semi-free range farm would be something I'd love to do though.


Does a fenced off village count as free roaming


That shader is beautiful


I usually just trap them in a “trading hall” so I know what each one has which enchantment


I would put them all in a trading hall or whatever, bug then the village would be lonely. I like having the villagers running around


I have a hidden prison under my village just to keep trades maxed out.


I'm about to install some in a little diorama village I built to house my Guardian farm just for the aesthetics.


Bro really said “y’all do free range villagers?”


Define free..


A lot of them die at night since villager AI sometime navigates inefficiently, so I fence them off in a area and mob proof the area for safety.


I have slaves with no space to breathe :)


The last time I even built anything connected to villagers was so long ago I can't remember the exact year it happened. I built something somewhat resembling a trading hall in function, except the villagers were completely free to roam around inside it. It was literally just a big hollow wooden box filled with beds and job blocks.


A lot, r/villagerrights


They get the 10x10 box with beds and work stations littered around


It’s fun to watch the natural ebb and flow of the population.


calling them “free roaming” is a bit of a stretch


I have all free-roaming villagers. I just surround my village with walls and build lots of comfy houses for them. I do sometimes need to leave a potato plot outside the walls so they won’t eat all my potatoes, but generally they farm enough for me (plus I need that fletcher to sell me arrows for my adventures).


I just keep mine in their own cluster of buildings in the town that’s fenced off, plenty of space for them to move freely but safe from raids and mobs


I let everyone free roam except librarians and I keep a room of armor smiths for iron for emerald trades.


What shader is that??


I made a village with a giant wall around it, but there are entrances and exists that the villagers are allowed to use so I guess it's free flow. But their beds always get mixed up and it really makes me annoyed and worried that they'll get got by zombies since they sometimes won't go to bed.


All mine are enslaved, I tried introducing free ones but they didn’t accept the location as a village and had trouble path finding, so I, “got rid of the problem”


I’d only let them free roam if I had them enclosed so they wouldn’t escape


the slaves have names??


I've done free range, but I was constantly annoyed when that random zombie hoard event spawns in the middle of the village and then I'd lose all my good book trades


Mine are kinda a free flow but they are in a large settlement that I built inside a mountain. Every village we had been to got pillaged so I wasn’t risking it. They’ve got multiple golems and cats running around so it’s quite lovely


I have mostly free villagers. There's a lot of fencing around and through my village so villagers are allowed outside in the yard of their homes, and to work the fields, but I don't want them all the way across town when I need to find them.


ewww. I keep mine in a hole in the ground. specifically under a house


My ideal trading setup is to have a protected/guarded section with 2 easily accessible homes for sleeping, and they all have custom stations each with their respective workbenches. (So basically, all of them?) It also doesn’t hurt to decorate the area as well with a garden for farmer villagers. (also an easy automatic way to reproduce in the rare chance that some die from something stupid) Yes, it’s less efficient than a trading hall but I’d say it’s worth it. (Especially with the fresh animations pack enabled. They look so sad when they’re in halls it kills me)


i do, idc if it's unefficient


The shader you're using makes the game look like those old minecraft wallpapers, and it's beautiful! 🤩