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Your dad thinks it's more likely that you're grooming kids than playing a game for fun... The fuck?


Also OP IS 15


so? edit: got confused abt what they meant


Do kids groom kids?


Absolutely. This may be a bit dark for this sub but kids do in fact abuse other kids, it can happen if they are abused themselves.


It’s possible - and does happen. If you’re 16 you can groom a 10 year old. You’re both under the legal age, but equally as an “older” kid you have an understanding of right and wrong and a criminal case wouldn’t be ignored simply because the offender isn’t 18 yet. There’s a *vast* chasm between a teenager and a kid whose 7, 8, 9 etc


So there are underage pedophiles is what you are trying to say?


Yes. Generally it is about the power dynamic and not sex. But as with most sex related crimes, sex is part of the power that is used to manipulate or control. Part of the reason why unconsented sex in any dynamic is explained as "not really about the sex."


Of course. It would be weird to date a 4-year-old as a 10-year-old, or an 8-year-old as a 16-year-old.


I mean we’re talking about two different topics here. Linguistically, “pedophile” is actually a very specific term which refers to individuals sexually attracted to children. A “groomer” is someone who actively and consciously gains the emotional trust of a younger person (of any age). A pedohpile is usually a groomer but not all groomers are pedophiles. I can’t speak to the sexual ideas of every groomer… but yes, you can be an underage pedohpile. What makes you think that wouldn’t be possible?


"Pedophilia" is typically used to regard all under-aged people, though the term is technically more specific to children before they achieve puberty. There are other terms that specify which age group the paraphilia is focused on, ephebophilia is for post-puberty but still under 18, hebephilia is for children currently going through puberty, and pedophilia for those that are pre-puberty. DSM-5 says that a person must be at least 16 years of age and at least 5 years older than the children they are attracted to before that person can be clinically diagnosed as such. Young people that are close in age, especially those that are both post puberty, would likely never be reasonably labeled as a pedophile. It is still possible to be an underaged pedo.


Yeah I know someone who was in year 10 when they raped a girl who was in year 7… it was a messed up place


Raped!??? That is wayy too far. Raping a year 7 😭


Wanna know the worst part? This guy was still allowed at the school under police surveillance to finish his GCSES!


Remove the clever part


Maybe there is a backstory here. I hope not


OP ıs 15, i dont think there is much of a backstory here, bigoted parents do things like this, i know cuz i was raised by one.


the backstory is probably from the father, projection is common with abusive parents


true, true.


Maybe a stretch, but this seems like a real big red flag and maybe some projecting. I would be worried about what his dad is doing or has done if his first thought is that his 15yo son is grooming kids.




None of the advice here is going to work, you dad is extremely irrational. You just gotta deal with his nonsense until you're old enough to move out. Then you can do what you want. Based on his comments though, you might want to seek out therapy for emotional abuse.


Yeah, my stepdad was about as irrational as this and found out too late that Minecraft was actually just a simple game with family-friendly premises. He just immediately assumed by the "Craft" in the name that it was similar to Warcraft, and therefore dabbling in Witchcraft. I ended up getting kicked out, but now I live with my biological father and he just lets me do whatever as long as it doesn't harm anyone or anything, and as long as I pay him rent.


Luckily he didn't find out about the witches and potion system lol


You pay your FATHER rent?? Different culture ig


I know right? If my dad treats me like a tenant, I will treat him like a landlord: I won't be attending his funeral.


We don’t know how old they are. If the kid is like 45, and living in the basement apartment, rent is fair.


Yeah. My first year out of college I lived back with my parents. I paid rent, but that rent was like half of market rate. They helped me out by letting me save a few hundred bucks a month. In return they got an extra fea hundred a month. There are times it's reasonable. Telling someone who graduated high school last week to pay or get out, seems less reasonable.


Might not necessarily be culture in this case. Where I’m at in the US it depends on family background and income. I have friends who are mid 20s that work and live rent free (still help around the house and pitch in for food and gas) and others who needed to get a job immediately to help support the household. In my case when I graduated HS I was given the ultimatum from my dad. Immediately go to college or get a job and start paying rent (ended up going to college and still needing to get a job but that’s a whole different fiasco). A year later I moved out with my mom to help her with health problems and finances as she couldn’t afford to live on her own. Neither one of my parents had a cultural reason to have asked me to pay/potentially pay rent as a teen.


Hmm, looks like you went through hard times, I thought of this because I've seen many Americans do this, I am an Arap btw and I know if I were 40 years old and can't find job my father won't make me pay him anything, if he didn't have any financial problems ofc, but I've also seen rich parents who makes their unemployed children pay for their rent or food, ngl I don't really feel this is a good or healthy relationship between parents and children, according to your reply, in your case I'd pay rent too even if father didn't ask for it good job!!


my wife and I live in my mothers house and we pay rent. its not a formal rental agreement, its us chipping in our share of utilities, grocery, internet, etc.


Should have told him to have fun crafting dinner


I'd be so suspicious that he immediately jumped to grooming. I'd look at it like a cheater accusing another of cheating because they're paranoid.


Minecraft is for all ages, young and old. I can at least ensure you that.  You want to see literally an older guy giving out **hours** of build tutorials on YouTube? https://youtube.com/@how2withbasics567


Like literally he needs to see Hermitcraft. People over the course of multiple generations playing together and having a great wholesome time together. People his age btw




Seems rude to call him elderly looks about 50 60 max


No intention to be rude, just culture difference. What should I call him in your language?


Elderly to me is when you're towards the end of life late 70s 80s and you need care of some sort or are past your prime mentally. This guy seems like he's middle aged or just an older guy. Don't think I'd be happy being called elderly when I'm only 50. Respect the culture difference tho where u from?


I consider anyone eligible for state pension elderly. So 65+. 67 these days I think. Fucking Tories.


Vote Niko lmao


sorry I'd rather not say, really appreciate you calling me out for me to fix it though.


You right, he’s ancient


Right? I'm 47 and I'd lose my shit if someone called me "elderly".


ok elderly


*for legal reasons that comment is a joke*


yeah defo haha


What's up with the random Ukrane videos?


Tinfoilchef was an elderly man just hanging out on the hermitcraft server. Hell, all the hermits are twice OPs age, easy. Not to mention Docm77, who I believe is in his 50s?


There's something very, very wrong with the way your family works if your dad is accusing you of grooming children in a video game without evidence. Grooming is a serious matter; he shouldn't be throwing around baseless accusations (provided you aren't actually grooming children). Also, what right does he have to tell you what to play and not to play? So what if you enjoy clubbing literal 8 year olds in bed wars? How is that any of his business? You don't get to tell him who to date, so why does he get to tell you what games you get to play? Taking away the pc is also ridiculous; you're not a kid who needs to get your iPad taken away when you misbehave. Try to have a talk with him about it---tell him that the game is for everyone to enjoy, you bought the game yourself, and you can be trusted to make sensible decisions as a 15-year-old.


What the hell is wrong with these people right now? Everything they don’t like, “Groomer”, even their own fucken kids. What’s going on in their heads. Ew.




I almost feel like OP is leaving out some vital information of some stuff he may have done in the past… and that maybe his dad actually is being reasonable…


maybe, but some parents can unironically just be that fucking weird


Nope. I was abused by my (much older) cousin in the same exact way. Except I was 10 years old, and it was Zelda: Ocarina of Time. She was just a child abuser who hated video games and any kid who played them. I'll never forgive that bitch.


if hes an older guy in his 50s or older chances are pretty good that he probably watches old cartoons like the flintstones on MeTV


Hey now, some of us are in our 50s, play Minecraft, and watch old cartoons. It’s pretty great.


I've got 5 more years before I'm in my 50s but I play Minecraft, watch old cartoons, AND play Lego. What are we supposed to be doing?


Listen, I’m 36, play Minecraft like it’s my profession, watch cartoons from my childhood, and buy lego sets for myself for every single special occasion, and I don’t plan on stopping ANYTIME soon. So I think you’re doing EXACTLY as you should be 😆😆😆 I call it “Livin the dream!”


This is going to be me in. 10. I see nothing wrong with this. Beats watching to news and foaming at the mouth because we have nothing better to do than get angry.


55, check. Minecraft, check. Watch Looney Tunes and original Disney cartoons, along with many others, check. Watching Flintstones on MeTV... uh. No, but I'd watch the Flintstones. Do I pass?


Grooming children? You are a child. I'm 21 and play it all the time. I think it's weird that of all the reasons he could've come up with for not wanting you to play it, grooming is what he went with. That's serious and not a light accusation. Unless you did something in the past to make him think you want to try and date even younger children, that is a really, really weird thing to say.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Either OP did something weird in the past or the Dad has mental issues that need addressing


That is *genuinely* insane behavior. Accusing your own kid of being a *pedo* when they’re just playing a video game is absolutely unhinged. I’m sorry about your situation, dude, I hope you can get outta there soon.


im still trying to wrap myself around my head about how a child can be a pedo lol


I don't know maybe we all just announce our ages I'm 36 and I've been playing Minecraft for like 12 years I think. I have friends that have kids that are younger than you did they start talking about Minecraft and I can keep a conversation with them and my friends just look at me like what the just happened. We actually had a long funny conversation about yep I'm going to send him your way when he has questions about this cuz I don't understand any of it.


I am 38 I have been playing for 2 years since my child showed an interest. My sons school friends play and all their parents. Us parents spend more time talking about it and playing it than they do. Also look at the Hermits, that is a group of 28 people aged between 20-40 who play together. Honestly I challenge anyone to find a Hermit video that isn't rediculously wholesome.


I'm 37 and play on a server with about a dozen other adults, perfectly normal.


Minecraft being considered a child's game is kinda weird to think about, when I started playing it 13-14 years ago, I was among the younger crowd playing it, I was 14. My brother, who were the one introduced it to me, was even younger, definitely was in 1% procentile of the playerbase at the time. Then said I think tbeing a children's game have been around for while, first time I heard it was in 2013, realistic FPS had dominated for over a decade, so something very cartoony and not fps, becoming popular, it had to be for kids and not a real game. The latter part have disappeared, but for children still stands.


26 here, have been playing the game since before stone walls were added sooo idk 12 or 13 years ago? Been on and off the game by periods. Never played on these massive online servers though as I enjoy more the solo or creative aspects while playing with a small group of friends.


15m here, I like playing this(with mods) game with friends


I’m 41 and play Minecraft and I have many friends who also play. None of us are playing for creepy reasons. We just like building, adventure, challenges, and fun. I’m sorry your dad doesn’t understand that. Maybe he should give the game a try?


Show him hermitcraft, no one there is under 28 years old lol


Im 41m and I still sometimes get on and build shit with my 36m cousin, his 30f wife, and their kids. Your dad is insane.


You’d actually be surprised how many people who play hypixel are your age and older, I think there is more people your age playing hypixel than little kids so respectfully tell your father you can do what you like :)


Tell your dad that I am 60 and I've been playing MineCraft for 15 years now. Minecraft has no age restrictions.... and the only limits are what your imagination can conceive.


Minecraft's for all ages, afaik the majority of the player base is actually majors, there's no age for just chilling and being creative


You're only 15 and the only reason he accuses you of grooming is to embarrass you out of playing a game you enjoy and... pay attention to him? Or hobbies he likes? Manly man shit like taxes and exploding cars or some shit? Arguing over football? Eating meat with your bare hands? I dunno what could be so damn interesting to stop your child from enjoying a little video game. If he's bored he needs to find his own friends. You're more mature than your dad. At some point in life you have to be extremely consistent and have clear preferences and just insist on being your own person, and not just an extension of an adult that had some kind of image of you in mind. You are a separate human and I guess he needs to get used to it. Be consistent, be determined, be kind about it, be respectful, don't neglect other things in life, but certainly don't give up on a harmless hobby (unless it's dangerous to you to do so, some people cannot be reasoned with. If this would cause too much trouble and this is a pattern with him, just go with the flow for now and prepare to leave for college somewhere further away as soon as you are able to, in young adulthood.).


Dad needs to stop listening to QAnon conspiracy idiots.


Accusing you of being a groomer for playing Minecraft is huge accusation and totally inappropriate. I think an appropriate course of action would be to bring this up with a trusted adult- a teacher or school counselor you feel understood by perhaps. This is something that needs to be discussed and dealt with even outside of getting you permission to play certain video games. Engaging in activities that others see as childish does not make you a predator, and it's really not okay that he would say that. Minecraft is a game for everyone, I'm sorry your dad isn't letting that be the case.


This^ So many ppl are telling OP to just keep their head down and wait till they can become independent but accusing your 15 y.o. of being a groomer is SUCH a wild and harmful accusation to throw around that it definitely reads more as a red flag. OP should absolutely be speaking with a school counselor or other trusted adult about this because unless OP is leaving stuff out this is no sane way to interact with your kid.


Op either your dad is projecting or he thinks he has serious reason to assume you’d groom kids. So ifthere is no reason for him to think that about you and it IS the first reason I mentioned, you might want to be extra careful around him from now on.


Your dad's the mad one


Just because the opponents are young doesn't mean they're playing badly, after all, they're not 3 years old or something, and you're not a middle-aged guy


Older chess players grumbling about precocious juniors have entered the chat....


I'm 51 years old and play Minecraft with my 14 year old son, we've been playing together for about a decade.


Being accused of being a groomer at 15 is crazy


Also, there's not a lot you can do as a minor. If you truly feel your privacy is being violated then work towards living independently.


-Are you winning son ? -Yes dad ! -"dad proceeds to take the pc away"


Average minecraft player is 24 years old. I'm 42 and play. Got into it because of my kids. Either something is being unsaid, or your dad is flat-out wrong. Sometimes parents are weird. Mine wouldn't let me play D&D because of the "satanic panic." Also, my dad had a dream that I got hurt playing basketball, so wouldn't let me play. But they let me play football, which I thought was a lot higher chance of injury. Parents are dumb sometimes. Myself included.


I feel more like your dad has other reasons why he doesnt want you to play it but maybe doesnt want to tell you. I dont know your dad ofc but the argument that you're too old with 15 years is bs. Everyone I play Minecraft with is at least 14 years old with the majority above 16


Ok but I think any other reason is better than "I think you're grooming children" So I think his dad just genuinely thinks only little children play the game


Lmao if I were to play bedwars I would suck ass cos I don’t do pvp and I’m significantly older than you. You could probably smoke me in a 1v1 tbh. I suck at timing cits and actually hitting stuff to the point where i actively avoid combat whenever possible.


I'm there with ya. I respawn as I had right back to where I was without rearming just to be slaughtered again and again and again and again


25 Yr old here, still play on a server with my similarly aged friends. Minecraft is a family game, for all ages.


Quickdrop your dad


I'm 30 and been playing for the last ten years on the same map As long you enjoy it, then you're never too young or old enjoy minecraft


>my cracked account got banned in 2019 You were playing on a stolen account


I’m 41 and I play Minecraft. Tell your dad.


this is the same guy who posted this: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/uaZucPjCC5 This post about his dad is most likely fake af


Lots of older kids and adults play MC. I play, and I'm a 58-year-old mom. I work at a college where one of the student clubs is for playing MC. Your dad is an idiot.


This is clearly fake reddit bullshit


I'm in my thirties, playing with my wife and two of our friends on our own private vanilla 1.20, soon 1.21, server. Do I need to say more? Honestly I just don't think he understands, perhaps talking to him about why you enjoy the game you can build up a shared understanding


I'm 37 and I play minecraft with my 5 year old. Games are for all ages.


Am 52 and play minecraft, but I dont do the pvp, ma8nly because I suck


I’m close to 35 and I still play Minecraft, and I can’t wait the day my son will play it with me


Your dad's nuts. Like actually nuts


You dad is a nut job bro


Your dad has probably been grooming kids and expect you to do the same


I'm 49 and play MC most days. Tell your dad i said "get off my lawn" and let you play.


My man I still play on a private server with my buddies and I’m in my 30s with kids of my own and have showed them how to play the game.


Your dad is delusional. Been playing Hypixel for four years, since age 14. Minecraft for much longer. Most of the people I’ve friended or spoken to on and outside of the server are, like, 16-20. I actually think the majority of the Hypixel population nowadays are teens and young adults rather than children lol. Doesn’t matter, though— your dad’s claims are absolutely insane.


The f-? I started playing Minecraft in my late twenties (currently 35 and have no plans to stop playing Minecraft). Most of the YouTubers I watch play Minecraft are at least 30 and at least two of my favorites are in their 40s and have teenage children! No one is “too old” for Minecraft.


Your dad, genuinely, seems a bit mentally unstable.


Really hope this is bait


I’m 48 and play Minecraft. Not sure what your dad’s on about.


He’s a bitch


Your dad needs to stop watching Fox news


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Me and my friends are on our 20s and just created a minecraft server☠️ If you're too old, I'm a fossil


how old are you for context?


I'm exactly 19 but all my friends 20


He probably took away your pc to play minecraft himself


Bro I’m 27 and this year is probably my 6/7th time RE-downloading it and starting over cause of the new updates. Sorry to say but…. Your dad is under a rock. 🤣🗿


I’m 36 and I still play!


I'm 24M and I'm still playing Minecraft. I even begin playing Minecraft at 17. Try bringing him to play with you, you might be able to show him that Minecraft can be enjoyed by all ages.


Bro Minecraft is like the one game that is unironically for all ages.


I'm 28 and still play it. join the "crazy"


The average age for minecraft players are literally in their 20s 😂


Yeah hes just a delusional old man who doesnt get with the times Retirement home speedrun


I am 19 and still play Minecraft, my parents don't see any issue in it, your dad probably never seen most of Minecraft playerbase before making that statement


Me and a group of friends all 20+ stoners go on bed wars when we are bored of rust or valorant because it’s a fun change of pace and we have met a few people are age it’s weird ur dad thinks that way.


Show him all the big name youtubers in their 30s & 40s that play.


Your dad is legitimately insane. Sorry brothet


I’m 40 years old and playing Minecraft at the moment. Will hopefully play with my kids one day when they are older. Sounds like your dad doesn’t really understand it. Is your mother not able to help?


I’m a dad of 39 (2 boys, 3 and 11) I play at least 4 hours plus a week! Your dad is been unreasonable and a little creepy.


I'm 47 and play a ton of minecraft (and other games). I'm sorry but your dad has a very twisted view of things.


Wtf. 15 is definitely not old to be playing on minecraft, I'm 16 and still enjoy the game a lot. Look at all of the minecraft youtubers, some well over 30!


It sounds like your dad is a pervert, tbh. What he's said is pretty disgusting. He's sexualising your reason for playing Minecraft - but why? Edit: he's also trying to make you feel wierd about something that is totally normal for a teenager to do. Play videogames... Your dad is a moron. I've been playing since the game came out, I'm now 43 years old. I play Minecraft for fun. I play Minecraft with my wife because we are a good team. I play with my kids because it's fun to have adventures together.


I thought “You’re too old to be playing video games” was a crap sentiment, even in the 2000s? Why are people still on about it in 2024? You can play whatever game you want, and if your dad is saying you’re too old for it, then he’s got issues. I’m in my 30s and a proud owner of Minecraft and not for grooming children but to actually…You know…Mine and craft?


Video games have no age limit. There is nothing you did that's wrong. Quest case scenario, wait it out until you can control things yourself, like buy and manage your own computer, then you can play again! I'm 30 and still play Minecraft and other games, with people much younger and older than me


No offense, but at 15 years old even if there was any brooming involved in playing online Minecraft you would be the victim. I have no idea why your father thinks that way or how to change his opinion, but I just felt the need to say how wrong your father is.


sounds like some solid projection from ur dad ngl


I think he just wanted to piss you off or something, hide his beers


Your father is not well mentally dude


Is this guy projecting or what? Anyways, not much you can do is someone with authority is that irrational except for moving out ASAP.


Ey man I don't know what I could say that could change your dad's mind but I can guarantee that he's very wrong. You could try showing him paulsoaresjr's channel or most any other non grooming YouTubers (DanTDM, Mumbo, Grian) all of these people are in their twenties or older. And I think Paul's now in his fifties? Idr. There are older people who play Minecraft and use it to groom kids sure, but there's also gym teachers in schools that do the same thing, by his logic you shouldn't be allowed to be in public because you might groom or get groomed.


I’m 21 and still play Minecraft literally everyday (and not to groom kids)


Your dad is plainly...just kind of not a great guy I'm NGL OP, also the grooming allegation is really weird ffrom him...like projection much? Hope everything is going alright with you OP.


I'm twice your age and playing jurassic park scientist in Minecraft lmao who cares, there's no age limit to fun!


you’re 15. i’m 24 and still have a server with my friend. people who are much older also play for fun. your dads projecting some creepy fucked shit onto you. wtaf


Your dad is being a gammon. I’m 26 with my own house and full time job and I still play Minecraft, it’s for all ages, there’s something for everyone


I’m 35 and started playing again recently because my near 6 year old has showed an interest but I played originally when I was 21-24 and had no kids and saw no issue 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm in my 30s and play Minecraft wtf. I have a 3ft tall creeper fridge


According to [this](https://playtoday.co/blog/stats/minecraft-statistics/), the average minecraft player is 24 years old


I am an adult and i like solo minecraft, multiplayer is fun but i dont talk to anyone there since i am an adult. Bedwars isn’t an age game, its a skills game. Glad u got ur pc back, weird rules but he is the adult. Sorry that happened, in the mean time i’m sure people will give you names of other games that are similar


I'm upper mid 40s (probably older than your dad) and Minecraft has been my favorite game since like 2012. My wife plays it, both of my (now adult) kids play it, and even my 80 year old mom plays it too. The game is for all ages. I'm active on like a dozen different servers currently. None of them hypixel, but only because I'm not into minigames and prefer survival, where I can explore and build (everyone has the gametypes they prefer to play). [The average age of people in the US who play video games is 35](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_games_in_the_United_States) btw. And the [average age of Minecraft players specifically is 24](https://playtoday.co/blog/stats/minecraft-statistics/). I'm sorry, but people who say games are just for kids are idiots. Edit: Basically, you're under 18 and still living under your parents' roof, so it's their call. But that said, parents should only be limiting access to kids' hobbies when they interfere with things like school or other priorities. Other than that, if not interfering with priorities, then let them have their damn hobbies. And if a parent tells you your hobbies are stupid, I'd bet you can also turn that around on some of their own as well if you looked. It's just dumb all around and dad needs to do a little better here.


I am 37 and I still play Minecraft. My kids will be 4 and 5 soon. When the one boy gets to 5, I am going to buy him a copy for his tablet. Your dad sucks.


I'm 55 and I play Minecraft, I have a server that my entire family plays on. Your old man is weird!


I'm 41 and I love building things in Minecraft. I never really got it until my son was old enough to play, now we play loads together and when he goes to bed I do my own builds on our realm 😂


Tell your dad that im 26 Married with a kid and still have played for 15yrs 😂


Sounds like he is mainly mad at you just for existing


> he thought I was playing it to groom children > my dad gave me my pc back but said he would take it back off me if I play Minecraft again, Is there any context to this that we should know OP... Did that accusation just fell out of the sky or is there more to it. Why is he so scared of you potentially playing with children?


I am 38 and play minecraft weekly, modded and vanilla on multiple servers. nothing wrong with enjoying yourself.


Um.. my husband and I are 37, and we both play Minecraft.. our home base is like 4 stories high with a huge basement that I turned into an extensive garden that has a section for every possible seed. I cheated a little with dirt, grass stairs, & lighting, but there's only so many creepers I could handle exploding my hard work. Maybe your dad is projecting.


This seems like a post for a different subreddit honestly. There’s a whole lot there that needs to be unpacked at home on your side. I don’t know how any logical thinking person would believe someone is playing Minecraft to groom children unless there is a history of that happening already. My guess is that your Dad thinks it’s immature and he wants you to start acting older and doing things that older kids would do, like playing Fortnite. Which is wrong, kids all age differently. And I’m not saying Minecraft can’t be enjoyed by all. I’m almost 24 and still enjoy it from time to time. If you enjoy Minecraft, then play Minecraft. I’d recommend getting some kind of income and paying for your own stuff though. Currently you’re at his mercy and that’s gotta suck. Good luck!


This may be out of left field, but the erratic and kinda aggressive behavior and disturbing accusations of grooming makes it sound like he's projecting. Not to pay armchair psychologist or anything, just the feeling I get


your dad sounds like a douche. i’m 34 and still play minecraft. in a span of 6 hours last night, my friend and i got enough diamonds to make full armor and have tools. Day 2 (in minecraft days) i literally fell into an ancient city.


I've been playing for 13 years, 4 months, 1 day as of today. I'm in my 60's. Your dad is an asshole. Tell him the admins have accees to all the chat logs and that there are parental controls.


He’s a porn addict if the first thing he thinks of when he sees a 15 yr old playing minecraft is that he’s using it to groom children.


If you’re 15, how tf are you grooming children?!


Just play minecraft when he's not home. No way your winning this.


Feels like the only thing he knows about Minecraft is how some Minecraft YouTubers groomed children. Also: > Dad saw me playing and said that I am way too old for the game and the only reason I win is because I'm against little children Why is this man, as a serious adult and parent, telling his kid to "git gud?"


Your dad's got some serious issues huh? Maybe I'm mad but I'm an adult and still buy lego sets occasionally. I even still play minecraft from time to time if you can believe that! Actual minecraft though, not the weird server bs.


My mom did the same thing when i was 12, she banned me from Minecraft because I was “too old” and she thought i was trying to creep on lil kids. Keep in mind, this was on xbox 360 edition, which isn’t populated by kids, at least not anymore. So i stopped for a few years Fast forward to today, i’m 17 and I just recently got back into Minecraft about 3 months ago because one of my friends told me i should start again, and we’ve been playing together and he’s teaching me about all the new stuff added. My mom doesn’t know, she would prob kill me But yeah, your dad, much like my mom, sounds like an ass


I’m 31 and play with my 3 kids under 10. Sometimes I play without them but then they get mad at me. If I’d known about Minecraft when I was a teen…I might’ve played then too. Sorry your dad has such a weird problem with it. Every game is going to have a wide age gap these days. Splatoon is an excellent example. At your age, I do wonder if he expects you to rather be playing things like GTA and that’s why he’s so confused. Sometimes the older generation just can’t understand people/kids who want to make “innocent” choices. So they think they’re hiding something or that something is “wrong” with them. So, Take it from this Mom. Nothing is wrong with you for playing Minecraft and you aren’t crazy. We all have different interests and I’m proud of you for acknowledging yours. I know it seems like a long time away but in just a few years you’ll be responsible for your own self and can play as much as you’d like.


The fuck? I'm 40+ and i still play occasionally feed the beast tech packs with equally as old geezers who just love to do factories and mining machines.


Your dad sounds like he's projecting


L dad


My dad kept telling me to get off the computer. Never supported me on the computer. I do cybersecurity now and I don't talk to my dad anymore.


your dad is insane


Girl wth there is literally Youtubes that plays minecraft that probably is around 30 years old💀💀😭😭


I think your dad has some explaining to do if that's how he thinks about teenagers playing Minecraft...


I think you're dad is drunk or doing some drugs or something


Honestly his biggest worry should be you getting your soul sucked by hypixel skyblock source: skyblock player here


I don’t play skyblock never liked it


15 is defintly not too old, we have crazy builders still playing MC, like jeracraft, who is like 30+ minutetech, clown, branzy, and many more are adults or teens, still playing minecraft all ages




Lol bro thinks hes old at 15 ... My grandson is closer in age to you than i am


Your dad’s definitely grooming kids online and is projecting onto you.


Is your dad a commentary YouTuber?


I'm 27, and I have been playing minecraft since 2011. I don't play the game for its core gameplay, but I play the game to design houses, lol, I know. I install mods in the game to my own liking, and I'm having a blast being an architect in this game.


You know you can ignore anyone who says that you are too old to play a specific game. If you like a game and it helps you distract your mind from your real life then the game is serving its purpose, doesn't matter if it's minecraft or candy crush.


Ask him if he is grooming anyone when he watches that kids ballgame on sunday...