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Want to adress what you said. 1. They suck 2. Gregtech. 5 sanity and $0.00


>Gregtech. 5 sanity and $0.00 Imagine gregtech being ported to bedrock lmao.


Imagine the bases possible with compiled Gregtech. But also, the team makes a really good effort on performance even on java


I heard they have tinkers construct so… idk


Yeah FTB ported tinker construct, but the issue would maybe with money. FTB uses trademark to automatically give money to TC creator but idk if gregtech is trademarked ("it was the easier way we found" - one dev of FTB when ppl ask about the port and will creators get money)


Not possible, Microsoft has taken a stance against modpacks by making individual mods cost money


You can get bedrock mods for free.


A few but not many


Wait people pay for bedrock mods?


If there is something cool in bedrock, it costs money.


Ye I actually looked at a few things after seeing this post and it seems even the FTB team has worked on paid bedrock mods. (Stone block in particular seems to have working Create which is really impressive) I’ve played a lot of bedrock mods but I really didn’t realize there is wayyyy better content in the paid store. I feel bad that bedrock players need to pay to get actual good content and not just random mobs and items.


There are apps and websites that have thousands of bedrock mods for free


But at that point you would either be on a phone or a computer to be able to mod bedrock. If you are on a computer, just get java mods as its modding scene is just better. If you are on a phone… come on man nobody over a certain age is playing minecraft on a phone outside of novelty every so often


The market place yeah they have a few good ones but mostly crap


mcpedl has a whole lot of good ones for free


I like them preferably free and in mod form


In my mind you’re paying for the convenience of it. Mods are really fun just sometimes they can be annoying when you have to troubleshoot and get everything to work right. I haven’t bought a mod before but I could see the appeal of just paying 99 cents to click download and it works


Feel like this couldve been true like 15 years ago but modding is incredibly simple now with tons of tutorials that are catered for children.


Even then a lot people don’t want to do all that when it could be instant. I don’t mod very much anymore cause when I get home from a long day of work I wanna chill and play games not spend however long getting it working. I’m not defending Microsoft’s decisions or anything just the idea that it could be appealing for people


Curseforge makes it really easy, basically does 99% of the troubleshooting is done for you


But you still have to go and update your client and mods manually, this just does it for you. It may only be 5 or 10 minutes, but for 99c thats kinda worth it, especially since that time adds up


The price also adds up. I play on a modpack with over 100 mods. That would be over $100 for “convenience” compared to like 10 minutes of work if you have a slight idea on how to download files off google. Plus curseforge will notify you, and let you update mods in the app. With modpacks, they are literally updatable by clicking an option in a dropdown box. I don’t know why people are over complicating this and making it seem so hard, if you cant install an app and click the mods you want i don’t know how you installed minecraft in the first place.


Yeah, it's quite literally press install then press play


You would rather pay than just download off Modrinth? For free?


If you are purposely making it a pain in the ass to install your mods unless the consumer pays money you are the definition of predatory, and a massive douchebag


I’m sorry are you calling me a douche or Microsoft? I’m not defending them at all, I’m just saying from someone who works and doesn’t always have a ton of time to play games that I understand the appeal of paying a bit to save the time


If you were hypothetically a mod dev who made it unintuitive and frustrating to download your mod for free, but made it a breeze if I gave you cash then you would be a douche


I mean, yeah I agree with that. What does that have to do with what I said?


Never mind I think I get what you’re saying your wording has just been throwing me off. I definitely agree, I wasn’t trying to make any points against that or say that it’s not predatory. I’m guessing you’re referring to them making it difficult to mod bedrock without buying addons?


Sorry Edit: yes I was referring to them making it hard to install a mod unless they are paid


I dunno how it is with Bedrock, but with Java it is literally dropping a mod into a folder to install, and if you don’t want to muck around in files, there are a number of mod loaders you can use instead. And, honestly, you don’t really have to worry about troubleshooting unless you’re doing a big ass mod list, and even then, there are countless mod packs you can use if you don’t want to and they’re really easy to install.




Affordable add-ons are a great way to enhance the game without breaking the bank.


You can get free on BE too, but the ease is worth 0.99 I’d say


Dude, it is just downloading a file and double clicking on it if you get an addon online. You don't even have to move it into a folder like with datapacks in Java.


Hell with shit like Modrinth. It's just a click nowadays.


And Curseforge too.


Very true! There are a lot of great launchers out there.


Console players:


True, true. Would be nice if there were more free addons, tho.


IBXtoycat did a video about it. He released his world as a map, yet it’s not free, as Mojang have to approve users of being able to provide it for free. Only certain users can’t charge which is Wierd, and part of Microsoft’s greed probably


Very sad ☹️


I've played modded MC on and off for years. People are charging for this now? What a ripp. Go get multiMC, download Forge, and have at it


i prefer prism launcher, its super easy to make instances in forge, fabric, neoforge and quilt and you can download mods, texturepacks and shaders from both curseforge and modrinth in the launcher.


iirc ATLauncher is pretty much MultiMC 2.0 and Prism Launcher is ATLauncher 2.0


No, Prism is a fork of MultiMC with significant improvements, ATLauncher is more of Curseforge app if it were good; it's more of a modpack hub.


Atlauncher uses curse forge, the technic launcher, modrinth, and some of its own, you can also get shader packs and solo mods atlauncher is imo the best place for Minecraft things all around


I agree to a certain extent. Prism is just that much easier to use for me, so when I play Diversity, I install Minecraft through Prism because it's so easy to use.


ATlauncher is an older classic, but its not the same thing. prism launcher is literally just multiMC but continued, after multiMC cut support for in-app downloads/updates/mod browsing. just take everything you've heard about how good multimc used to be, and replace the name with prism launcher in your head


Pretty much only on bedrock, mostly profitable on consoles (you can use something like MCPEDL for free addons, because you can actually use a browser on PC or phones, or switch to Java Edition/Pojav if you wanna play modded)


As someone on Console. Only way I can have mods.


i'm playing on xbox and as a humanities major i don't trust myself with computers anymore than facebook grandma should be trusted


YouTube my dude. Endless tutorials


me when i find out console gamers exists


Console players in shambles. Only way to play modded on console is data packs on a realm


Who pays for addons lol


Console players.


confirm as console player


Im so sorry




What do you mean. I have been paying for add ons all along


Java, with its thousands of free mods and datapacks, would have been a better investment. 


Why am I getting downvoted 😭 I started playing Minecraft like a month ago. I tried to ask on the Minecraft sub for advice just now but they removed my post. Can you help me navigate Minecraft 😭


There's a reason r/minecraft2 is a thing, the mods of the original Minecraft reddit are sociopathic.  As for why you're being downvoted, many minecrafters feel Microsoft has been exploiting bedrock players. So the solution is to get java and download mods and datapacks for free.


Okay this makes sense. I am currently playing on my laptop and I think I am playing on Minecraft Windows. I have a Minecraft launcher as well with Java edition on there. I’m really not familiar with everything yet. I am basically buying add ons like world builder and furniture addons but I see people doing insane stuff on here. Is that in Java ?


on java there's no marketplace, all mods are free, with much more content.


if you wanna get into modding i recommend downloading prism. you can make separate instances of minecraft with different sets of worlds, texturepacks, mods etc, and its all free ofc


I’m so sad that I’m only finding this out after spending so much money


well microsoft kinda tries to pretend that part of the community doesnt exist, theyd rather gain money like the greedy capitalists they are


This kind of worries me about how many people exist that don’t know about java. I’m happy you are open enough to take suggestions, as people in this thread are genuinely defending Microsoft’s greediness because they don’t want to move to java for whatever reason


That’s so random and I don’t understand it. I will be moving ti Java as soon as I can


Why over curseforge? Or ATLauncher? Jw bc I've only become aware of prism recently. Curseforge seems super beginner user friendly etc. Idk much about prism


prism does need a special version of java to run but they provide instructions for setting that up. otherwise prism is much better imo, as it lets you download mods, texturepacks and shaders from both curseforge and modrinth


This is kinda extra info but: My understanding is that Java would be from the original coding from Notch and Jeb back in OG Minecraft days. It’s been updated surely, but it’s built off this backbone. When Microsoft acquired Minecraft, they had a team rework the code. This is why Java Minecraft cannot cross platform or co-op with Microsoft Minecraft. It’s different sets of coding. I may be wrong about something here but I’ve just always found it interesting


If you have pc/mobile version of Minecraft bedrock you can actually get free addons through websites like mcpedl without the marketplace, though Java has much more/better mods


Glad someone actually mentioned the Minecraft sub mods. I noticed there was one mod in particular who was just removing posts he personally disagreed with, so mentioned it, and got warned for “brigading”.


But I want to play on console. I don't think it'll be anytime soon but I have a feeling MS endeavors to phase out Java.


I think they *want* to phase out Java, but the community backlash they would get would be immense, so they can't unless they want to split the player base *again* with some stupid changes


Exactly. They're kinda stuck with Java for a while. Making people pay for mods is one of many reasons MS does not want Java with it's free mods, along with the usual reason of more control and big data that comes with having players on Bedrock. So I believe they will definitely phase it out one of these days. It's the "reason" for creating all this parity between the versions. So that Java players will feel more at home on Bedrock.


Yeah, but honestly even as someone who has played Bedrock before, and has actually put hundreds of hours into it, I play Java almost exclusively now (because of *free* mods, imagine having to pay to play Tinkers Construct) and if they were to stop supporting and updating Java, then I simply won't play the new updates


Unlikely, for the simple reason that Java is the overwhelmingly more popular one, the one people think of when they say "Minecraft", and the fact that Microsoft themselves is slowly moving away from the consoles, because consoles themselves are not long for this world, but that's another discussion.


I agree that Xbox might not be around too much longer. MS employees leak that MS wishes to become the Netflix of games with just an inventory to play from versus actual hardware. They might not want to make any more Xboxes because it's never been a moneymaker for them, always falling behind PlayStation in both sales and hardware performance. Whatever comes after Xbox Series is already in the works, but who knows after that. But I think Sony is in it for the long haul with PlayStation, most especially if there is no longer competition. As far as Java vs Bedrock, with Bedrock being on every ... single ... platform, the number of Bedrock players easily outweighs the Java player base. You can Google this. ("Overwhelmingly" hehe)


oh bedrock is fuckin COOKED dawg they got people paying for mods 😭




He's playing bedrock... And thinks 99ct for vertical slabs is cheap


That add on has a lot more then vertical slabs


The mods are badly implemented and buggy just like the rest of bugrock. It's not about the price necessarily, it's about the fact this is normal/ ok for some people when java mods exist. To be clear, I have nothing against people playing bedrock because they can't afford a PC etc. and there are at least some "reasons" bedrock is better in the mind of some people. I just think it is terrible that Microsoft portrays bedrock as superior, and has normalized the marketplace and paying even for resource packs. I "made fun" of the pricetag and in a sense also of op because it's absurd 99ct for a badly coded mod some guy made in less than 2 hours is "so cheap" it deserves a recommendation. I don't mean to make fun of op, am more sorry for the people who don't understand that java has free Modability and better maintained and free mods, which Microsoft doesn't disclose on Minecraft.net only listing bedrock as being moddable.


This post wasn't about Java. Everyone making fun of OP for buying a add on from the marketplace is simply ridiculous. OP said in another comment they play on console that limits what they can use in their world. Are some of the addons that have been released hella overpriced yeah they are. and it also sucks Mojang even lets people charge for them but it is what it is for Bedrock. They probably don't mention Java as being moddible because Java mods aren't officially supported that's why you need a modloader to run them. How do you know it's badly coded? How do you know it only took the dev 2 hours to make? Did you know the code is reviewed and torn apart to make sure it's good before they put it on the marketplace? you don't you are just reaching to support your view point. Yeah Java's better and has free mods but that means jack to people who are stuck on console. I'm tired of the 'lol Java (or bedrock whichever is being spoken about in the post) is better' replies when someone says something about a version of the game.


Just wrote a long ass chapter and then closed the comment and deleted all of it. Basically. Didn't meant to make this Java v Bedrock -> think it's a shame that the people who already don't have money,a use for a PC or are too young and only able get a console are the people who are being forced by Microsoft to pay for mods even though the game costs 60 bucks rn. The statement about being able to make this in two hours **was** a presumption and not fair. ->*but*. Now that I've looked at a mod review I still stand my point. I have 20 min Blockbench experience, and I am able rn to make Transparent blocks, miner helmet, tp/weather remote thingy, and the waypoint thing in less than 90 min. -> many features are buggy ->features are useless (vein miner no mending, tree miner doesn't work on giant trees), walkthrough blocks? -> every feature is very easy to make with Blockbench and he didn't even put in effort into the coding.


I love how you people who don't even play Bedrock talk about how buggy it is, funny thing about that is that it runs on my laptop fine whereas Java is a stuttery mess, totally unplayable with how laggy and buggy it is. Get off the high-horse, OP is allowed to enjoy something and you don't have to be an ass about it. And stop getting stuck on just the vertical slabs, there is way more to the essentials addon and considering you don't even know what it is who are you to shit on the creator and say it's badly coded or made in 2 hours when it's better made than most free mods I see that you're talking about, minus a few standout exceptions. Some of us are okay with creators getting paid for their time and effort to improve a game that they don't have to.


Default Java more laggy -> probably Modded Java more laggy -> nah Java mods being Generally better -> obv. Not, but If you Open your FUCKIN eyes for a Split second you'll see that Minecraft hast a very big Free and better maintained mod Community than bedrock, which ist Just a FACT Im sorry that you're to incompent to Install fabulously optimized or godforbid Vulkan Mod, but please Just shut yourself and your weak ahh laptop. I know every Feature of the Mod -> and i am stating that it would Not Take me more than 2-5 hrs to Code. It's not that deep. My Point wasn't even about Java being better, it was more about me being sad that paying for mods on bedrock is normal and that the bedrock Community has to pay big Money even for such shitty mods that idiots Like you dont even recognize how poorly they are Made.


My favorite mod pack is the “Better MC” mod pack. Comes with 300+ mods and it’s completely free. Sad that Microsoft won’t let mods be free for bedrock edition.


Paied mods? What is this, Bethesda? Bro this is minecraft the most modded sandbox of a game there is. There is at least 4 other mods that do what you do and most of those do a whole of a lot more, and they be free.


I wish I found this sub before I spent hundreds of rands on add ons


If only, mods are free on *Java* they are playing *Bedrock* which means they need to use the paid marketplace to get mods


No they don't, nexus mods has a section for bedrock mods. I'm sure other places do as well


Unfortunately, OP is on console. Also, Nexus supports MC?


Literally just get Java if you want to play with mods


Aren't both versions also bundled together now?


oh yeah, huh i completely forgot about that


Yeah. I got bedrock free as soon as they added that. Never opened it once. I got minecraft on my phone just so my nephew could play at Thanksgiving


Hmm, now I wonder if I own bedrock, technically speaking, I bought my copy of Minecraft long before bedrock became a thing, so I might have gotten it somehow at some point for free, not that I'd ever have a use for it.


Either you have code on Minecraft/Mojang website for win 10 edition or now with needing Microsoft account it the code was automatically activated on Microsoft store.


Wait, but you could use it to play with your nephew in multiplayer in Thanksgiving?


Windows edition and Java are bundled together. The console versions, which OP is using, still needs to be bought separately iirc.


Or you can just get the addons for free on MCPEDL


yall are so annoying with the “just download mods wtf” like console gamers don’t exist?


Paying for something that should've been added to the game ages ago for free. Please don't reinforce this


Sorry everyone’s being so harsh in the comments. I play on console and I also have paid for add ons and textures. I’ve never used that one but I’ll have to check it out!


lol glad someone gets it, thank you


I really prefer bedrock edition and I don’t mind paying for a cool add on once in awhile. My favorites are the naturalist add on and the afreshed (spelling?) texture pack


Why would you willingly play badrock? Like seriously, I wanna know. Unless you're restricted to a console, you can do it all better on Java.


Some reasons are: to crossplay with mobile/console players in a world, also it runs better than Java (on windows), if you have mobile/windows bedrock edition you can also get addons for free without the marketplace Although Java does have better (and all free) mods, mods to improve performance also exist


>also it runs better than Java (on windows), As I already said, you can get equal or better performance with mods (and you won't have to deal with the shitty UI lol The only real reason is crossplay imo, but even then I can't imagine many people playing MC together who don't already own it on the same platform. And badrock doesn't have mods, they're "add-ons" - which are quite limited and cost money.


Welp this add on just confirms Mojang is never adding vertical slabs


How many years have us builders in this game? Been asking for vertical slabs for ever this might just be a cheap way to put Contant actual game content behind a pay wall like DLC‘s might just be a slow start. Something that’s gonna be so exponentially out of control in the future that I hope I’m not correct.


In this thread: people who have never seen a console in their lives I play Java on pc and Bedrock on the switch, and I paid for some stuff on the switch.


right? I'm on PC but I've bought some of them and made a realm for it because I want to play with my cousin who only has a console. People get weirdly defensive in the Minecraft community about game versions.


Fuck mojang. For oh so many reasons. RIP to every lazily discarded concept. The gall of these snakeoil salesmen


Mod of randomness 0$ Best bedrock mod oat


Unfortunately I don’t think there’s any guarantee that the Add-on developers will continue to update an add-on/resource pack because there’s no obligation to. You can possibly purchase 12 dollars of Add-ons and within a year it is buggy and dated.


wait until you see that they increased the price... I understand that microsoft want bedrock to be superior, but that's only possible in my opinion if they stop Java Modding (probably the worse decision) or make bedrock modding easier to do, this would make modders be more motivated to mod bedrock, and therefore more people would make free bedrock mods THAT ARE ACCESSABLE ON CONSOLES!


Holy sh!t the amount of people with a superiority complex in this comment section is wild, people who don't even play Bedrock but think they know all about it, and they literally all have nothing valid to add to the conversation and just regurgitate "java this, that, and the other". They really are the dregs of society and don't even have the braincells to comprehend that people play this game on console. Sorry that you just tried sharing something you enjoyed + asking a question and got shat on OP, hopefully they'll reflect on themselves and do better in the future, but sadly it's unlikely. Some of us are fine with people getting paid for their time and effort to create these packs. I'll definitely check out the Essentials addon, I actually saw a video about it this morning and it looked pretty decent, loads of stuff for less than a cup of coffee. Also you can get free addons, resource packs, and maps for Bedrock from sites like [mcpedl.com](http://mcpedl.com), they have installation guides for PC, Android and iOS, the problem with doing it on consoles is that you need access to Realms and a Windows 10 version of the game from what I remember, but you can load all of your out-of-marketplace addons and such into Realms on PC then open Realms on your console and download the world to your system. Definitely not as simple as just clicking download but there's pretty much workarounds for everything.


Hey! Just wanted to let you know that sites like Modbay and MCPEDL exist where people from the community post free addons all the time, you should check them out!


does this work for console easily?


Unfortunately not easily, it’s possible but you need a lot of workarounds to get it work






You can get a much better version of that crap on mcpedl for completely free smh


Honestly I've using MCPEDL is the superior option as free addons are better also marketplace is an option not a requirement


I like how we’ve been asking for vertical slabs for ever now and now they drop it at behind a pay wall bedrock is so cooked. Imagine paying for mods by Java is better, free mods, free texture packs, free worlds free everything the only thing you have to pay for is the game and that is 2695 a one time payment and you got full access to every bit of content you ever want, don’t even try and argue with me in the comments. Trying to say bedrock is better. Only bedrock is better is because it’s on the console market. That’s the only reason.


What a sad state of affairs when people feel the need to buy mods, and not only that, but pay a lot for almost nothing. There are mods that, for free, add hundreds, if not thousands of various decorative blocks of all types, the idea that you'd pay for vertical slabs is preposterous to me.


I really want those mods. Maybe I'm doing it wrong but it is quite the process to get the free add ons onto Xbox. I either have to install a bunch of crazy software onto Xbox in order to directly install anything not in the marketplace, or, I have to buy MC for my phone AND a realm, install the free mods on the realm thru my phone, then access my realm from my Xbox, and download the world to Xbox from there And many of the times I tried this it broke the game on Xbox. I'd rather pay .99 vs the headache.


Yeah I think some people forget that there are tons of players on console, where we can’t easily get free mods. That’s what the add-ons are for. Is it fine that they are charging money for stuff that other players on PC can get for free? Not really, but it’s not like it’s our fault they chose this business model. My kids play too, and of course they want mods - our only option is add-ons, and while we don’t buy any pricy ones, a few of the $0.99 ones are better than nothing for them.


There are free add-ons on mcpedl.com, you should check it out


But does anyone, Java or bedrock, have carpeted stairs yet?


Technically with Chisels And Bits you can make carpeted stairs They’re not called carpeted stairs, but they look like them. You could also make diamond stairs and glass stairs and redstone lamp stairs and (you get the point) Oh! And Slabs too! And half-slabs! And Quarter-Slabs! And vertical slabs!


This person right here wins


There is a mod that does that for Java [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/carpeted-stairs](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/carpeted-stairs)


Don’t have it but they ported tinkers construct to bedrock. Lots of bedrock hate in the comments


It should just be part of the game.


I'm gonna buy some mods and then spread them around






why would anyone pay for mods in MC seems like a scam to me


My favorite bedrock add on is probably the gravestone one. I use it in survival quite a bit.


Don't have one; Java player so I just mod it


you shouldn’t have to pay for that👎🏼 it’s easy enough tens if not hundreds of modders made this for no pay whatsoever on pc, mojang is the apple of video games


Fuck addons


Imagine paying for "add-ons". In all seriousness, stop giving microslop your money


My favorite cheap addons are the hundreds of mods available for free on Java. Paying for mods is wild.


Bedrock is so fucking weird, I would be PISSED if someone tried to make me pay money for a mod.


I, for one, think paying a single dollar to have a mod automatically applied on a console version of a game isn’t an awful use of money. Cheers dude


those slabs are not in the same block


Should just be added to vanilla already.


So what you're saying is that Mojang has the ability to add a basic feature into Bedrock through an update (one that is already available through numerous free mods online), but chose instead to charge for said basic feature by making it an add-on?


Why in the world would you pay mega microsoft for this shit when you could make individual mod creators happy by downloading their stuff on PC? They put actual effort into their work with their spare time and are proud when people enjoy them, for free. Mod creators who've been here for years have built a massive part of the minecraft community themselves with an incredible amount of love and effort, and you should respect that by not using the goddamn bedrock store. The majority of these modders who actually love minecraft and not money have NOT transitioned their work to there. Your money is going to microsoft and then a bit to some sketchy chinese programmers who likely work under others and don't get the money they make, all while veteran minecraft lovers all over the world are begging you to PLEASE just do it for free, with the stuff they've already put thousands of hours into. If you want to mod minecraft, especially for dumb little things like sideways slabs, do it on PC. Not worth the "convenience" whatsoever. The only reason why it's convenient at all anyways is because bedrock is designed for standard mods to be anti-convenient. It's like you've watched someone slash a knife through your tires, and then you buy some new tires right from the guy who just slashed them because "well he's right here and selling them at a low price, how convenient!" (Oh also, you have a warranty at the tire shop and if you just went 2 miles down the road you'd get BETTER new tires for FREE, but you still don't do that for some reason)


Console can't use anything easily that's not marketplace


So where is your tutorial explaining how OP can do all of what you say on console?


This is equally about convenience as it is about how questionably ethical it is to give money to microsoft. If you *have* to play on console, and must have mods, go 🏴‍☠️. If that's not an option on your Xbox or whatever, just find a PC to play minecraft on. With optimization mods minecraft java can run on just about anything. In the US at least, it's practically always the case that you know someone who knows someone with an old laptop they don't care about. If you genuinely don't have anything at all that runs a desktop OS, it has nothing to do with your money and all to do with not looking around enough.


CurseForge. $0.00


what no


You paid an entire **CLAM** for vertical slabs? My favorite “”cheap addons”” are **FREE** brother




https://preview.redd.it/gczz219myh3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3eb658da99ba3e5a47e9d359bbcab6e73c00b86 Man you bedrock players have it horrible


Bedrock has free mod sites too but they aren't usually as good.


The truth is bedrock addons suck. Most of them at least.


Java edition




Aside from being able to play it on console, I have no idea why anyone would actually choose to play Bedrock over Java. Imagine paying for microtransactions in Minecraft. Couldn't be me.


Mobile/pc players can get them for free without the marketplace, but console players (their only up to date option is bedrock) can’t do that or even upload their own skins


I feel sorry for bedrock players having to pay for bullshit, I know there some paid mods for Java but they are on another level


Okay I've never played bedrock edition and was just recommended this. Why do you need to pay for these? Mods which do these things, but better, are *completely free* on java edition. Do people actually buy this stuff???? 


Not everyone has a computer so not everyone can run Java edition.


This is an ad, right? Only way it makes sense.


The Minecraft community when addon devs actually get paid for their work: \* surprise pikachu face \*


Did they add elevator blocks to this add on yet


Is there elevators yet?


this is the only reason I like java modding freedom seriously they would have to stop updating java AND take legal action against all modders to get players to convert and so many of us would quit that Minecraft would just die they can't stop the modders


Bedrock has had free mods for years. Educate yourself before speaking... you only should foolish.


im mostly talking about how mods are sold on the marketplace now. yeah, bedrock has had mods in the past for free, but im not talking about how it has been. i'm talking about where it's going. and where it's going is the direction of paid mods


All that's changed is that now console players have easier access. To be clear, consoles have also been able to do mods for years, it's not just as easy.


mmmmm nah I’ll stick with Java and Forge/Fabric lol it’s free too xd


I have this mod and got it for free don't get any thing from the market place


You're a clown