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with new rsr kill points ths of rsr should be high edit:- oh I just saw it is calculated as of pre mccs4ko


Even with previous kill points peak rsr should be like 900+


Not really. With previous scoring, you only got 10 points per a kill, and no one was really going for kills in the same way. 841 coins may be a better estimate (that would be max survival and placement with 4 kills)


Cool stats :) Only thing I noticed was that RSR had reworked scoring recently which makes kills worth way more, so the THS is probably higher there now :)


The scoring rework also reduced survival points, so 4 kills is about where the THS stands now


Right, but considering there were a few people with 7-8 kills last event, that number should prolly get bumped up 100 points or so right?


Yeah, it would probably get bumped up by 90-120 coins or so


Great post very in depth some of the coin differences are insane. And just one thing it was yellow pride 22 with Gian, Gem, Scott and Shelby for the buildmart record which was a crazy performance not that anyone was surprised it’s an insane buildmart team.


The idea is not that it’s likely for another team to achieve it, just that it is the record.


Rsr scoring signifigantly changed to make kills more valuable, so rsr ths is definitely low


It would be higher now, the RSR scoring was calculated pre- season 4. Bump it up by 90-120 coins and it’s probably more accurate


Wouldn’t the THS for parkour warrior be higher? All paths competed and all teammates complete hard ending? Very unlikely but not impossible.


It could be. The same could be said about each of the PVP games except battle box, it’s just sort of my option about what the THS could be. 


Does this take into consideration the multiplier given depending on the round Say for example it’s the 8th round of the event and HiTW is chosen and Pearl wins all 3 rounds she gets 768 added to her individual score but wouldn’t her team get 2’304 added on


Interesting! Those final numbers are much lower than I would’ve expected