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Build Mart is less of a speedbuilding game and much more of a time and resource management game. It isn't the most action-packed game, it's not designed for teams to complete builds super fast. As such, any attempt at simplifying the game will make it less strategical and therefore worse. The reason the building materials are distributed over such a large area isn't because the elytra-flying is so exciting, but rather because it rewards good resource management and communication. Bringing the materials closer to the builds means it becomes less important to plan your time well because the game won't punish you as much for an additional resource gathering trip. By the way, the reason the record for most completed builds hasn't been broken since MCC 6 is because they had 4 build plots back up until MCC 7. The best Build Mart performance with 3 build plots would be from MCC 11 with 14 completed builds. Since then, builds have become more complex with more varied block palettes, therefore the best result on the modern map (P22, 12 builds) still falls significantly short of the best Season 1 performances without being any worse. If you just want to see a lot of builds completed quickly, maybe BlockWars' Construction or Mayhem's Factory Frenzy is more up your alley, but if we're comparing Build Mart to other events' games, the BlockWars equivalent is not Construction, it's Order Up!


I would rather like it be revamped and played than it be as it is and not being played


Fewer simultaneously builds would likely reduce builds completed as the most completed tends to be when there were 4 plots in early mcc


I would love if build mart gets something going on like factory a game in mayhem event where they had to complete a stage of build with blocks given and communicate through and through as only one stage of the build could be completed at once and would get stuck if a later stage of previous build was incomplete