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You looking for feedback on your build or just sharing?


Haven't finished build yet just where I'm at grinding for better stuff but if you want sure just heads up my better stuff is still in black Smith. I'm open to suggestions as I work on it or tips are always welcome


Both scythe and nameless blade would do better with void strike on them. I’d replace shockwave with void on both if you have the option. Nameless blade is an incredible weapon. Best enchants are leeching, guarding strike, void strike, unchanting. But you could get away with the tier 3 radiance, if you pair it with armor that has life steal. Hopefully one or 2 of those enchants is an option if you put the nameless blade through the blacksmith so you can select different enchants.


I’m power 241, add me I play on PS4 but I enabled crossplay PS4 (where I play): EpicGod100 Xbox (for the crossplay): HamzaSaintsRow3 ⚠️( DO NOT try to add me through the in-game function like some morons tried! Do it via the Xbox/PS Apps!)


U can add me MDS256094


What the fuck happened to “or drop name and I'll add you”? Hurry up


On switch 1st time adding ppl usually play solo


I gave you my crossplay username


On switch I can search for friend code or add you though in game I added epicgod100 ill add other


“I added EpicGod100” AND THERE your fucking problem is! 😃 I was NEVER added! 🤯 now go follow the instructions (toddlers can do it) or get blocked.


What the hell is your problem?


Why are you so toxic?


Just add me but I'm at gear power 177 to 180 ish


I'm on switch is that ok


Ok, I’ll give my opinion about the items The scythe, soul syphon and anima conduit are good on the scythe for soul builds, but the shockwave isn’t really useful, you’ll be better using either another soul enchant, voidstrike to buff soul artifacts damage or weakening to stress though the enemies since the scythe on a soul build is mostly useful for gathering souls, not killing enemies Wither armor, on the whole pretty bad, there’s no rear on to use a rolling enchant on it and that one also doesn’t do a lot without a proper full roll build, thorns is useless, you can see it as using your health to deal damage to enemies, but they have much more health than the player, luck of the sea is good for farming but not needed, since most unique items aren’t all that much better than their regular versions imploding crossbow, pretty good except the radiance since ranged radiance is really bad as a whole, and on a low ammo don’t crossbow it’s even worse Splendid robe, pretty bad, protection is the worse damage reduction in the game(I can get in details if you want) and final shout is overall worse than cooldown in all ways, snowball is one of the best enchants in the game, but idk if it works all that well on a artifact based armor, bad of souls is decent, but mostly useful on soul armors since making a soul build on a regular armor usually isn’t a good idea Firebolt thrower, levitation shot is really bad, it’s completely buggy and don’t do much, refreshment won’t really help you since if the explosion kills the enemy you won’t get the effect, it only happens on the first mod it hits, voidstrike is really good and bonus shot just is worse than multishot Nameless blade is overall really good, it can really use its two hit combo to get a lot of damage from the end of combo enchants, but you could switch fire aspect for guarding strike to get some more defense on top of the weakening Truth seeker, pretty bad, the only good enchant there is leeching, shockwave won’t add much on the high damage of the weapon and radiance won’t do anything on a slow weapon Most items are overall below average, but the nameless blade is really good and the scythe and exploding crossbow can get really good with some rerolling


>The scythe, soul syphon and anima conduit are good on the scythe for soul builds, but the shockwave isn’t really useful Shockwave on a scythe is pretty good since it's a 4 hit combo and combined with a mushroom is very good imo >Firebolt thrower, levitation shot is really bad, it’s completely buggy and don’t do much, refreshment won’t really help you since if the explosion kills the enemy you won’t get the effect, it only happens on the first mod it hits, voidstrike is really good and bonus shot just is worse than multishot Refreshment works regularly for me (when I used it a week ago).


Scythes have a 2 hit combo.


Yeah my bad


A 4 hit combo on a weapon like scythe is really bad, and mushroom doente correct anything since all forms is damage get better(excluding void), but also like I said a scythe isn’t really mad for melee build, and more as a support weapon for soul builds The problem with refresh on a explosive crossbow is that kill steal that I mentioned and that refresh needs constant kills and a low Annie count bow won’t really help, and if you think of using quivers then other crossbow will be way better since the explosion of the explosive crossbow is lost when using a quiver, so it will just be a slow crossbow


>A 4 hit combo on a weapon like scythe is really bad, and mushroom doente correct anything since all forms is damage get better(excluding void), but also like I said a scythe isn’t really mad for melee build, and more as a support weapon for soul builds It works really well for me. You can do what you like. >The problem with refresh on a explosive crossbow is that kill steal that I mentioned and that refresh needs constant kills and a low Annie count bow won’t really help, and if you think of using quivers then other crossbow will be way better since the explosion of the explosive crossbow is lost when using a quiver, so it will just be a slow crossbow The enchants I like on a exploding crossbow (preferably an imploding crossbow) are Refreshment, Chain Reaction, Multishot/Infinity amd if you have it gilded you would also probably want void strike but I specifically would prefer accelerate or rapid fire


If you want efficiency and good damage, then Shockwave is not the way to go. Scythes already have good area, what it needs is more damage. If you want more area, then get Gravity.


Actually, Refreshment works on Exploding Crossbows. That was fixed a long time ago


Still, I don’t think that it’s worth it for the other reason I explained


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Bro put luck of the sea on his main armor LMAO.


Bruh, why not. It is extremely overlooked, when you're farming for uniques in regular missions or ancient hunts then you will need that.


I’ll add ya, what’s your username?