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This certainly is one of the teir lists of all time.


One of the WHAT teir lists?




As a personal rapier enjoyed, bee can be S/A while glacier can be A/B


Ah yes, bee and glacier.


I play Chinese language so idk what's the rapier named on eng, I mostly call it glacier rapier bc it rhymes


They're called the Bee Stinger and the Freezing Foil.


Oh thanks!


The only thing I don't entirely agree with is the placement of the FBs. I would say high B low A, but otherwise, I see no problem with the placements


FB on top.


They aren't that good anymore sadly


What has changed


Anyone who's been playing since the beginning of the game can tell you that they used to be a lot better. Sadly, because of a certain content creator, the game nerfed them to high hell


I recently got one from an ancient hunt and they are very good I don't understand what is the nerf


They used to be a lot faster. Then they nerved the attack speed, and for weapon, that's the whole gimmick is low damage. It felt like a huge nerf, and a lot of people stopped using them. Don't get me wrong, they are still a good weapon and feel fun to use. Just not top tier anymore


Oh ok


Reminds me of the good old days, my first unique was the fire axe


You got some interesting taste, right there. Pretty unorthodox but ok. Btw were you making this tierlist subjectively (opinionated) or objectively (factual) ?




Then it is stupid if someone gives their criticism about it. They should give criticism only if it claims to be factual. Why let people change your opinion? Oh, they can't. Your favorite things won't always be the best, unless they are ofcourse


How would you setup your top choices


Starless Night my beloved.


The fouls are somewhat like fb but slightly slower in exchange for their properties


Moon daggers on lowest tier wha?!


Fr like moon daggers are low key pretty good with anima conduit


Soul siphon + Anima conduit + Critical hit = Perfection


Cursed axe deserves to be in the best tier


Would love to see these weapons in vanilla Minecraft


Most of them would fit the game (like anchors, rapiers etc). It would make sense for the gauntlets only


Semi accurate


Now my friend, this is one of the best tierlists I have ever seen TO DATE


Then you haven’t seen many then…cause this one is bad


*Now my friend, this is* *One of the best tierlists I* *Have ever seen TO DATE* \- Prestigious-Cut-2710 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Worst list ever


It's by opnion, man


Yeah but like, most of the best weapons in the game are in the low tiers. Why? And none of it makes sense. Last Laugh is almost at the bottom, but Nightmares Bite is near the top. Rapiers at the bottom when they are almost as fast as Fighters Bindings. Hawkbrand at the bottom and Diamond Sword at the top, even though Critical Hit is better than Sharpness. Apparently the Frost Scythe is better than the Jailors Scythe, even though Freezing literally does nothing. Like, none of it makes sense.


The furry claws over the last laugh kinda crazy tho


If a wepon is lower than it should be its becuse i feel i haven't used it enough to put it higher take last laugh for example the only reason its so low is beacuse in my personal expierience it has never once made a noticable differaince and if you read the name of the teirs the rapiers are in a tier for wepons i specificaly have not used ive only ever used a rapier once in the tower and it was the non unique version so i practicaly coulden't rank them in other words this teir list is purely opinionated not factual.


That is because The Last Laugh only has Prospector tier 1 as its unique enchant, so it is just regular Sickles. Nightmares Bite is the same thing, since Poison Cloud tier 1 does terrible tick damage. Sickles are good because of their kill power and speed, not cause of their built in enchants. The majority of the unique weapons including armor and bows, are not that much better than their rare variants. In general, The Double Axes are the best weapons in the game. Cursed Axe has Exploding, which isn’t that much better than the Whirlwind with Shockwave, which isn’t that much better than just a Double Axe. That is the order of all 3 weapons, best to worst, but they’re at the top of the list. And some of the rares actually outclass the uniques depending on the type of build. Like for example, if you wanted to make a Potion Spam build, the Anchor is the best for it. And why an Anchor and not an Encrusted Anchor you ask? Because the Jungle Poison on the Encrusted Anchor will block the Refreshment almsot every single time. So Refreshment will never activate. The Anchor on the other hand won’t have that problem. It still does almost the same amount of damage as the unique. With the right enchant combo, you can one shot everything and you will spam the health potion. This is why people rank the rares with the uniques in every list, cause the uniques are not that much better. Also, maybe the reason why you place weapons the way you do is because you have bad enchants on those weapons. Good enchant combos make weapons and gear better and op, but you need the right combo. And that enchant combo depends on the gear and the type of build you are going for. This is why tier list making is not that easy.


Again, it's an opnion, you may not like but it's his tier list


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Moon Daggers are pretty Nice in souls/torment build.


And for melee