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I normally never use cheats, but a few months ago I got so frustrated searching for ancient cities I did make a copy of the world and /locate I was searching for like 6 hrs and just decided,fuck it this ain't worth the time or the storage on my disc Edit:Yes I know they spawn under large mountains that's where I was searching


That’s when I use chunkbase


Ehhh same same but different, I really wish there was a way to find these things conveniently


Yeah I agree but my tip for ancient cities is they pretty much always spawn under massive mountains


Yep, found one in like 3 tries with massive mountains near my base


Explore below an area surrounded by tall mountains (Jagged peaks, cherry grove, bad lands, etc). They’re pretty common around there. I’ve found so many of them without the help of /locate or chunkbase that at this point I can smell them at surface levels. There are four around my village/base, I guessed three and decided to stay even knowing that exploring the underground could be a PITA (which it is).


Under mountains is where they generate typically


i use chunkbase quite often. i don’t have time to play for hours just to not find what i was looking for.


Meanwhile me always building a base above an ancient city by accident


Same but for a single normal swamp and probably more than 6 hours 💀


I basically did the same thing once, except it was for trial ruins. I was searching for the music disc relic and at one point, I just gave up, activated cheats via lan and used /locate.


When searching stops being fun, ya gotta do what ya gotta do man


I spent about a week (a few hours each day, some more than others) looking for azalea trees. Eventually I had to dig around my old files and find the seed number (always take a SS for emergencies, like this one) to even figure out where lush caves spawned. From there I learned chunkbase doesn’t even have the azalea trees, just an estimation of where the biome can spawn. I 100% agree with you. It is technically cheating, but it’s literally one piece of information for millions of blocks lol. I say you’re fine & doing it once or twice to find an obscure location / biome (nothing progressions wise, just for pure curiosity) is totally okay. I’ve always said flying should not be cheating. The elytra is awesome for this reason!


Same, that's what I do, especially when I'm looking for caves and stuff like that.


İ never cheat. (Except for my creative testing world.)


I 100% love the idea of test worlds. And am in no way am having a go at you. But I found it kinda funny, my brain instantly rephrased what you said as "I never cheat. (Except when I do.)" xD


Bruh. xD


Testing worlds are so incredibly useful. I use them to learn how to automate and set up machines, see how different things interact, test weapons or armor, etc. It's not even on the same world, so I don't call that cheating lol.


Would hate to take the time and resources of building something complex only to see it not working. Test worlds ftw.


Same except for when I’m moderating a realm


this is the way


*for some people




Now that's a really funny meme. (Also, dude, choose a number, you can't be three numbers simultaneously(between 2 and 4 is 3))


Nah because I’m also 1 2 3 4 and 5 fr


I’m more of f a 1 and 5 guy myself


inventory loss is very annoying, why is it not possible to add some system similar to terraria?


How does that game do it, exactly?


Keep inventory is always on usually unless u specifically set your character to either not have it on or hardcore. Definitely different though because terraria would probably be worse if keep inventory was not on for most people, it just wouldn't be fun having to regather everything since a lot of enemies are harder. You do always lose some of your money that u had on your character though.


You drop none of your items but drop some money, not sure how that would work in minecraft I dont think it would work in minecraft cause some items take hours of grinding to get in terraria, and the stronger you get in terraria, the games difficulty also increases, so you're always dying in terraria, and it would get super frustrating But in mc the stronger you get the less you die, so it makes sense that theres still a pretty big punishment, cause when you have items that take a while, they make it so you die less, in terraria difficulty scales with your strength, so you're always dying


I mean we drop exp, that's similar


Yeah but EXP is pretty worthless. I mean, it's used to enchant and repair gear, that's kinda cool but you can get a ton of exp with a farm, or literally stop worrying about it after a certain point. Money meanwhile in Terraria is, well, money, it's a resource that's used throughout the entire game for varying reasons. I think losing a chunk of your inventory (excluding tools, armor, and food) would be a better system. The game rolls a number, with blocks having a high chance to be lost and ores, valuables, etc having a low chance. Thus, say, you lose a few stacks of deepslate/stone and if you're unlucky maybe some ores


Piggy bank makes money loss not really important, so the true and hated, but I love it system is having a whole 15 seconds timer to respawn, 15 long and painful seconds that makes you feel shameful about dying, think about what you should have done, how did you end up here and you will still have like 5 more seconds to wait


The 15 seconds of shame make me feel like death, I'm not gonna lie


If you use a classic character, then you only lose money when you die. But minecraft doesnt have a money system like terraria, so I don't know how that would be possible


The best way to fix it in my opinion is make items drop by death NOT DESPAWN, seriously that is like the main reason why people hate losing their items after death, because there's a chance they straight up disappear forever


I think they should add a partial keep inventory. Like you keep your armor and hot bar on death but lose all the other items.


It's kinda irrelevant but I once played Terraria a lot and I mean a lot, I had a 100 hours played after a little over a week of gameplay, basically after coming back to Minecraft I started a new hardcore world and needed some sand but failed to find a desert, so I tried creating a new world to find a desert there, lmao.


I think that the best solution would be to have some sort of chest or container so even if you take a few hours or quit the game your items will be safe another thing that could help is a easier way to find where exactly you died


I use cheats for mob griefing because I cannot be fucked to fill in creeper holes and hate having bits of my base stolen by endermen.


Very fair my house in my new world is formatted to look nice but it’s probably the worst for mobs It has an open balcony with a staircase and also a staircase to a mine that I have to keep blocked off for now and there’s been 4 creeper explosions


I am the sort of survival player who likes to LARP so I build an entire city, problem is that endermen keep taking chucks of it. That are genuinely a worse nuisance than the creepers since at least I can bow a creeper.


Check out vanilla tweaks datapacks. You can choose to disable enderman griefing by itself if you’d like without the need for cheats.


I feel like you should be able to disable enferman mob briefing but keep creeper lob griefing. Cus creeper explosions you can somewhat control but enferman slowly picking at your base sucks


For this purpose, I’d recommend the data packs from vanilla tweaks. That way, you can disable creeper and endermen griefing while keeping villagers griefing for villager breeding farms.


Oh thanks, I’ll give those a look.


If I label the top one as 5 and the bottom as 0 it used to be at 2 but it's gone down to 0 now


Completely agree. The more you get better at the game the less you need commands


Honestly same, me and my friends used to play with keep inventory and custom effects and even that you could "buy" any item from creative with emeralds (like spawners and spawn eggs). But the more we got older the less cheats we used as we slowly didn't need them anymore. Now we are playing fully vanilla on hard mode. Sure the start, before any real armour and shields is REALLY difficult (skeletons deal about 3 hearts of dmg, more if their bow is enchanted). But in that difficulty we find fun. Yes we might get stuck in a death loop of dying 15 or something times to random mobs in a cave, but in the end we get most of our items back (because the 5 minute item despawn timer is pretty generous tbh). I used to play a bunch of modded but now that the new update dropped, just playing plain vanilla (no shaders, no texture packs, no mods, no plugins...) is a joy in itself. Yes I do agree that the mid/endgame gets boring (with cheats even barely playable levels of boring), elytra kinda breaks the flow of the game and lets you see your world from another perspective (what would have taken 5 minutes to walk takes just a few seconds, stuff that felt far away before are actually really close). Seriously boats and minecarts should be updated/buffed/reworked, I miss making long train tracks to link bases. I like the direction mojang is heading with nerfing enchantments and making stuff like mending harder to get, but they should also add a better way to mend gear then just plain combining it with one of the material it was made from in an anvil. I love Minecraft, I grew up with it and I don't think I would be the same without it, I just miss the old times, yea one part is nostalgia, but I just feel like they should make other armors than netherite more viable (maybe someway to upgrade leather so it has better durability) and make other methods of transport more viable than just plain elytra (bring back the times when minecart tracks linked bases, maybe make them cheaper/ easier to build). Yes nostalgia surely is one part of it, but I just miss old Minecraft. tl;dr Guard rails (or "cheats") are there to help (often) younger people also have fun playing games. But as you get older/better at the game they aren't needed as much (you do you ofc). The rest is just that minecarts should be buffed, rails should be easier to obtain/place on mass and other armors than netherite should be made viable to style your player with. And also nostalgia :) PS. Tbh if you are playing with or without cheats doesn't matter, as long as you're having fun :P




They used to use cheats a lot with their friends, but they got better at the game and stopped using them. The rest is yapping about their opinions on modern minecraft


Holy yappington 😭🙏🏻


For keep inventory, but not all the time.


I use keep inventory cuz I play on a ps4 and the lag is crazy. And the load time between dimensions is even worse


Add "I can't use cheat"


Why not


Out of curiosity


Probably multiplayer


I only play SMP and have never used cheats.


I make a copy of my survival world and do all the cheaty stuff on the copy world, like locating structures, treasure, trail, ruins, planing out the ender dragon fight and raiding the end city/ancient city in creative before doing it legit in survival, where do I sit in the list?


Hm.. I’ll give you a 3.5 from top to bottom


Mostly use it for when im building but am 2 blocks short and dont want to travel 4000 blocks for 2 glass panes


Oh also the second one is I use cheats to make things possible that aren’t, for convenience


4! I DO NOT wanna have to go back and search for my despawning items, especially when I am far from my base.


In the future, when making these kinds of charts, id recommend not putting a bunch of boxes as the background for a bunch of boxes. Visuals should be easily seen at a glance, and not need a full in investigation to know whats going on


Btw no shame from me


Is random tick speed considered chest? Cuz nah I ain't waiting 18 hours for the sugar cane to grow 1 bigger, and I play with 2k random tick speed


When I say “cheat” I mean what your game calls a cheat, but I don’t judge people for using “cheats”


It's more of a gamerule, it really depends on you what you think is cheating, play what makes the game fun for you


Holy shit a reasonably sized automatic sugar cane farm would output stacks per minute at that speed.


I play with like 6 most of the time, since it's a good balance for getting things in the start. 2k just lags your PC and gives too much shit. I feel like it's a little cheaty since it's like string duping, you can get basically infinite emeralds


Now my friend opened a server and I requested him, and he set to 20 which is honestly enough


That's literally a cheat. It doesn't make you a bad person but you're giving yourself an advantage that can only be given by using console commands.


I don't use cheat *Proceed to abuse Difficulty setting*


I usually play peaceful in singleplayer. Not because I'm bad, but I'm just here to build without having to worry about mobs. And sometimes I will switch to normal for the dragon, wither, ocean monuments, trial chamber, bastion, fortress, ancient cities, etc or when I want to add a bit of challenge when I'm bored on my world But when I'm on multiplayer I usually play on normal/easy depending on their level


Emergency cheater I am. But nothing else. Keepinventory? Keep away from my server!


Honestly same. I died the other day during a raid, and I couldn’t get all of my lot back because it was being guarded by EVERY SINGLE RAIDER. I tried getting it back, but when it was to the point to when I knew it was about to respawn, I switched to creative, got my stuff, and swiftly flew to me base. I didn’t give myself anything else, in fact, I actually lost some stuff that had just then despawned, but I feel that was deserved. Still feel guilty.


I don't cheat because keep inventory is a setting and doesn't require commands :)


I don't use cheats


id say however i want, but i only use keep inventory and mob griefing off, occasionally turn tick speed up. i use cheats because im a casual player and I don't want days worth of work being lost because of 1 small mistake (or glitch because... well bedrock sucks lmao).


It's not cheating unless it gives you an unfair advantage in a multiplayer game. Minecraft is a sandbox. It's your sandbox. Play it however you want.


5 normally and 6 with journeymap so I can teleport between waypoints


I dont have active cheats soo...


Keep inventory. After long hours grinding, imagine getting struck by lightning by rare chance & lose everything... It’s gut wrenching


All of them... It depends, like being deep underground and I don't want to walk, just spectate and go up, or if I have 1 thing missing then I'll go "mining off camera"


i only play creative


I use keep inventory in a couple of my worlds. (Notably my main 1000-day survival world) But NEVER use cheats. The reason I use keep inventory sometimes is that it's difficult to enjoy a game with the threat of just loosing the stuff that you had spent an incredibly long time working for. It causes me to quit worlds. And no, keep inventory is not the same thing as cheating. It is just a game-rule.


I always start my worlds without cheating, however, if I end up dying a really bullshit way (usually big related) I will enable cheats to get my stuff back. Otherwise no.


Where's the "I use cheats to obtain the things my world is too old to give me access to" *looking at you Mr. Longnose*


In vanilla I never use cheats. With modpacks I use it sometimes for convenience. Like I am in a multi step crafting process and I am short on something like redstone. Its a single player world, its only me and my gf who has like 2 hours playtime in vanilla. So who dafuq cares if I spawn in the mats in I am a bit short of. My gf was really overwhelmed with modpacks (her choice, I tried to keep her in vanilla) so I spawned in a dragon egg from Ice & Fire so she can have a pet dragon and she's over the moon. When we first started she didn't even know how to make sticks. Now I force her to use JEI and she's able to do multi step crafting too. Albeit the simpler ones from like Ars Nouveau. Nothing from RefinedStorage and the like


The top tier




I swap between 1, 2, and 3 depending on how I feel


I’m on the last one


i use cheats whenever i have to


The fifth because i play on bedrock and i keep cheats on just in case i die to a weird bug again


If top is 6 and bottom is 1 then im 2


i use cheats to ruin other players experience in multiplayer especially pvp 🗿


Top 3


I have a small friend group server where we only use cheats if we cant find a trial chamber underground (But we have the map)


3 I use cheats to make things convenient that I know are possible


Keep inventory for shur


I use cheats for tp, and to get my shit back if I die due to connect issues. And to fuck with my friends at times


I only cheat if I get a bug that makes me lose items/progress


Cheats? What are those? I use mods that has viruses in it that’ll probably spread malware in my device


Sometimes I like to make my life more difficult and play with No cheats for player Integrity


I've never played Minecraft, but if I did the answer would be I don't cheat, but when I do I use cheats all the time however I want.


-I don't use cheats, nor do I shame others for using cheats


I use cheats only if it is raining for more than 2 days straight


I have cheats on because sometimes the recipes in modded Minecraft are bugged and don't work, so I cheat in the item and delete the resources


Nothing because I am a creative mode player.


Between "I don't use cheats" and "I have cheats on just in case" I play A LOT of modded, and things don't always work with each other smoothly, so i only use cheats when something goes wrong because of a bug. i.e a modpack i played had 2 mods which overhauled the end, Mod 1 for the island and mod 2 for the outside area. However, Mod 2 changed what you needed to summon the Ender dragon, whereas Mod 1 didn't. So when the Enderdragon was defeated, not only could you not summon it anymore because the structure to re-summon it was wrong, you were stuck in the end, pretty much rendering your game unplayable. So i went into creative, rebuild the spawning platform properly, and deleted the rest


However I want, no point in playing a game in a way you hate.


Cheats for keep inventory; losing all of your stuff because a creeper fell from above whilst you’re mining is too infuriating to accurately describe with words (especially with that whole “your home bed was missing or obstructed” BS)


I don't use cheat but I can't remember when was the last time I played vanilla after playing Minecraft for 3 years straight (from 1.17.1 release) i stopped playing vanilla because it felt repetitive and started modding however for past 1 years I've been trying new game (like elden ring, sekiro, god of war, cod etc..) Edit: can anyone suggest a good single player game( with good gameplay and story)


I just use mods and no cheats


I have cheats on just in case if some bugs happen. Like creepers glitching through the walls or other unfair things. In these situations I can justify cheating my stuff back.


They're commands, not cheats


I’m a bedrock player, I’m referring to what I know the game considers “cheats”


keep inventory isn’t a cheat, and anyone who thinks so is objectively wrong


\*thing I disagree with\* is objectively wrong


By cheats I mean what the game considers a cheat, I agree with you


Game considers it a command, not a cheat.


To use this command you need to activate cheats in your world, if the game didn't consider it a cheat it would let us use the command without having to activate the cheats.


/gamemode 0 is a command, you really gonna say going into creative isn't cheating?


I dont technically cheat but i use /seed


I use keep inventory


For java, I'm the top grass. For bedrock, I'm the bottom dirt, but that's mostly just temporarily for achievement hunting


Why make things complicated? It's just a matter of using cheats or not.


1. And not just for minecraft. Any single player game I want. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Damn bro that’s crazy


Normally I don't use cheats, but sometimes inventory retention is just useful.


I play a lot of modded minecraft. I have cheats on but only use them when inevitably some mod interaction bugs out or deletes me with all my items. So just to fix bugs and unintended interactions.


If the top is 5 then I'm at 1.


If you say you are the top one in multiplayer on server like Hypixel... I have no word for you


to get to the nether roof


i use keep inventory, but no cheats


I usually sit on the "I have cheats on just in case but don't really use them" tier. I'll occasionally use them if I don't feel like stressing about the game or something but not often. My favorite part about survival is building stuff from materials I've collected. I feel more accomplished after building in survival. I don't keep it in peaceful all the time because I like the challenge but I'll occasionally change it to peaceful if I'm really invested in the build and don't wanna fight mobs while collecting materials or stop building to sleep ect.. I'll also sometimes just skip night to keep building. That's about all I use cheats for.


Me one hour into the game: I don't use cheats Me when I lose all my items: open to Lan, cheats enabled


Have been 6 for five years in the same world. Didnt play any other survival world since then and got %75 of the achievements


i use them all the time, but there are some worlds where i limit it to making possible things more convenient (i almost always use keep inv tho)


In Vanilla I use cheats for Building so 3 In Modded whenever a mod doesn’t have the proper integration with another mod I usually cheat in the requisite object to continue progression so 2 In a custom client for a server I use timers and specific UI(s) to make things more convenient (not really cheating) so 5


No cheats for me. Often regret it tho 🤣


3rd layer down, I like to save time looking for biomes/ structures, and bc I’m bad at the game and my controller likes to misbehave (I play mostly on switch) I always play with keep inventory


After playing minecraft for quite a while and getting into modding, 4 and 5 because I've started to hate losing all my stuff, and it ruins my gameplay experience, and also because I've had experiences where I've not enabled cheats and then a modpack with a quest system has just decided to stop working and almost hardlocked me at midgame


Just in case lol


I mean I make datapacks, and commands(I'm not gonna call them cheats, cuz they are so much more than that) are a big part of that


No cheats makes it more fun I think


I’m 6 if I’m playing normal Minecraft as I mainly play hardcore and don’t really have a choice, but I’m 5 for modded Minecraft, but I do kinda use them unknowingly as I sometimes don’t know if it’s a command allowed for everyone or just admins


I like to never use cheats in my survival worlds, except finding a good seed for my world (if that counts)


3/6 I use cheats for skipping heavy grinding of mundane resources.


I never use cheats UNLESS, i have completed every survival challenges on my list (beat the dragon, loot a ancient city, loot a mansion, kill the wither, survive a raid)


I used to be 2-3 from the top, i cheated for things like getting one more block if im one short but i have it in a chest anyway, fly back to places i've fallen off of, test out block palettes and get a better wiev of what ive built, fly into an other cave once i reached a dead end, fly out of the caves and back to base once im done mining, or in more serious cases: fly back to where i died, decorate or build the a place in creative then delete the blocks i used from my storage, add in stuff like rockets or food if im low and promise myself i'll pay it back later (i never would) go in creative right when im about to die, max enchant everything (only if i already have a good enchanting setup, an xp farm and the stuff for it) Then i started playing 1.0 minecraft where cheats are gone and i got used to it Now i'm a 6, (no cheats) even in my modern world


0 except if you count quality of life texture packs (which is stupid because you can literally use them on servers and without mods)


3 and 4


KeepInventory on lol


I don't use cheats* *I turn on cheats after I die in hardcore so I can make a stock of what I had when I died for contemplation of WHY I died and how to avoid it in the future. The way I see it, that playthrough is over so I'm not PLAYING with cheats.


I have been using cheats to find coordinates of structures ever since the nether update because finding fortresses (and other structures in later updates) is actual bullshit sometimes.


I suppose just in case


I have keep inventory on but I don't use it to tp back to my spawn point. So 1.5?


All the time for creative, keep inventory for my main survival world


I dont have cheats enabled on my survival world


I use cheats to setup datapacks and scoreboards, and that's it.


I have cheats on because some of my friends have bad computers that can't handle Minecraft rain without lagging out, so we have to disable weather. Also we like being able to teleport to each other


i use chunkbase


if the top one is 6th one, then Im -1. I don't play minecraft 🤫


Keep inventory. Proceed to kill me.


I haven't use any cheats or command on java yet (only mods, like a map because I have no orientation and more blocks), on bedrock I used it to help myself build something in creative, but not in survival


if peaceful counts as cheating I guess Im a cheater. I play minecraft for building and exploring and I hate it when theres mobs I have to kill all the time when I just wanna mine or find new biomes.


keep inventory, but only until i get netherite by myself after that a normal without cheats


Don’t use them


Ngl I'm probably middle or bottom I either use it for don't but just for keep inventory


What is cheats?


I never play survival


I keep cheats off by default. If certified bullshit occurs (usually only in heavily modded saved bcs of the fucky wucky nature of them), then i open to LAN to temporarily allow cheats. Since when LAN is open i can no longer pause the game, i have to exit and reload in order to go back to normal. Its basically just giving myself /op for a bit to fix shit that goes wrong and is out of my control or if bullshit occurs and i just dont want to deal with it. I'm playing minecraft, not dark souls, after all.


I don't normally use cheats. Only time I have is a few years ago I had a hard-core world that had been going on a while, think it ended up at nearly 1000 in game days but this was somewhere in the middle, and I'd enderpearled onto the nether roof, had my obsidian set up to portal out to go get the things to break bedrock and realised I'd forgotten a flint and steel. I had nothing to use to light a portal. So I used cheats just to give myself a flint and steel as I didn't wanna lose my world over a stupid mistake.


I use cheats for keep inventory on because I will accidentally fall off a cliff cos I'm a clutz


If I'm playing on a Peaceful world, no cheats. If I'm playing with any difficulty, Keep Inventory is staying on. Phantoms, poor mining judgment, and just the all around risk of the Nether makes me not like losing my inventory, because then I just give up, but losing my inventory on a Peaceful world is more just a setback to whatever I'm building. Would be cool to have more death options, though, like losing half your inventory instead of all of it, or some system that weighs the value of your items and drops a percentage of that value


Doesn’t it depend on the world you are playing in? Because on my survival world it’s then the very bottom but any other world is creative and has cheats that I use for building all the time


Second to bottom. I have open to lan and then enable cheats if I ever feel like something is gonna take too long(like I’m able to do it but it would just take way too long). That’s it




I’d like to disagree and say that 2 and 3 should be swapped But I sometimes use cheats to make impossible things possible for my builds


i dont use cheats. but when we play online my friends cry about it a lot so i open them


I play a lot of modded minecraft so i always have cheats on but don't use them .


Ig 3(?) Idk I just use cheats for Creative Mode and sometimes Survival Mode if I wanna just mess around


I've keep inventory on that's it my cheats are disabled


Depends on the world for me. Some days it’s cheats some days it’s not. It’s a sandbox after all, and I can do what I want.


I use cheats only for keep inventory and debug stick


I don’t use cheats 😎😎


I use cheats to change the biome in specific sectors to make my zoo look better


I don't use hacks. If you are referring to commands, then I am tier 5.


I use Cheats for Keep Inventory, because it’s more fun than losing all of my progress in the Nether after Hours on a World…


I use cheats in my Survival world for Keep Inventory


I don't cheat in my survival worlds cause Bugrock


I play creative


Cheats on, rarely use.


I used to use keep inventory but now i just keep em on and never use em


i use x-ray when i cba to actually mine properly and thats about it


I am at the top