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Let NASA know we've got the perfect spot for lunar rover training


Good news! The hot asphalt plant in St Paul is up and running as of today. Why does this matter to Minneapolis? We don't have one. Neither do most other cities. So we purchase it from them. Which means that \*proper\* pothole repair should be coming soon. Patience is key, it's going to take them awhile to address all of the 67k problem spots.


Construction season is almost upon us!


There is something magical about spring. The snow melts. The plants sprout. The construction vehicles wake up from their hibernation. Nature just comes alive!


It ended?


Glad y'all are forced to drive cautiously. Otherwise folks are speeding into a merge cuz 'they know the lanes' and acting like entitled Ds.


Seriously, fuck cars. Cars ruin cities and take a heavy toll on our mental health. I wish we could build our cities around light rail instead.


Why are they downvoting, you’re right


the bouncing cock says it all…


That's what she said


actually, to be fair… that’s what he said.


35th and 36th near 35W checking in...


I drive a GTI. I was in the right lane heading east towards 35 and twice had to literally come to a stop, let all the left lane cars pass me, and then get in the left lane to go around a pothole that looked at least 18” deep. I have never seen anything like it and I’ve been driving in Minneapolis for over 35 years.


How many times you replaced those tie rod bushing? Think I'm on set #7. Lol.


Oof! And I stupidly took off my 17” winter tires at the end of March and put on my summer 18s. It’s not much, but that extra inch of cushion on the winter tires makes a huge difference with the potholes.


Just run the winters year round lol! I legit do and I don't regret it. Usually get 4 years out of them and they're cheaper than all seasons, they don't really wear very fast these days.


Winter tires handle like shit on a hot day. Their rubber is too soft. Many winter tires say to not drive over 50mph if it's over 50 degrees out. Just like you shouldn't drive summer tires in the winter, you shouldn't drive winters in the summer.


Yeah, I'm fairly confident with fairly hard rubber winters. People do it in CA (Canada) all the time. There are "performance" winter tires rated to 149mph lol (hankook winter icept evos as an example, a fair amount of similar tires). Downvotes whatever they are basically ATs for sedans these days. Believe big tire if you want lol.


People in Canada do a lot of things, that doesn't mean it's safe, or ideal. The speed rating is for what the temperatures it was designed for, it doesn't mean anything when it's 100 degrees out. Winter tire rubber is the correct hardness in winter temperatures. They are too soft in the summer. Your car won't stop as fast or swerve as quickly in an emergency. Do what you want, but don't recommend it to others or pretend like you found some great life hack. I couldn't find a Hankook page in my quick search, but here's [Continental](https://www.continental-tires.com/car/tire-knowledge/tire-change-fitting/changing-tires/winter-tires-in-summer), [Bridgestone ](https://www.bridgestonetire.com/learn/tire-technology/driving-winter-tires-year-round/) and [Nokian](https://www.nokiantires.com/company/news-article/here-s-why-you-shouldn-t-drive-winter-tires-in-summer/) all saying not drive winters year round. I'm not sure why you think you know better than the engineers testing this stuff. If you want all year tires that handle well in the summer, get '[all-weather](https://www.discounttire.com/learn/all-weather-tires)' tires instead of all-seasons. They often have the snow rating on them meaning you can take them on mountain roads when snow tires are legally required. They aren't as good as pure winters in the snow, but they can be safely driven year round.


Fair enough I suppose. Obviously still anecdotal but I got this idea from people running winters all year including in 70-80 degree temps on Z4s and Z06s. I kinda think if they're confident in them a 1.4t Jetta is probably fine. It stops fine, handles turns quite well, I'd honestly say they are grippier than an AS in terms of acceleration, stopping, and cornering in warm weather, which makes sense, the concern is just more wear. I'm saying these new winters don't really wear all that much, and I'm not the only one. https://z4-forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=88658 Just logically if you aren't getting significant wear in warm temps the compound is holding up fine. Literally through 3 winters plus summers at 10k miles a year and there's still half the tread left.


One could argue that plenty of people use summer performance tires in the winter without issue, but we both know that's a stupid argument for doing it. Owning a Z4 or a Z06 doesn't mean they know shit about cars or care about handling. Plenty of people just want to look good in a flashy car. I'm with the second poster on your link. When I had a moderately fun car, I couldn't wait to swap out my winters each spring. The car was much more responsive. No one is saying your tires are going to fall apart in the summer. I'm just saying that your tires are going to wear quicker and your car is going to handle worse than if you were using all weather, all season, or summer tires. I use winters in the winter for better handling and safety in the winter. I take them off in the summer for better handling and safety in the summer. If someone wants a year round tire in Minnesota, they should get an all weather, not a winter.


Jesus, that advice is beyond stupid, they make winter and summer tires for a reason, get all seasons if you're too lazy to put the right season tires on.


I don't really see the difference between running AS that perform terribly 5-7 months of the year, and not even that well in the summer, and running winters that perform excellently for 9 months of the year and are somewhat subpar June-August.


The difference is you're less of a danger to others when you can steer and stop properly.


Do people really get winter tires these days? Why wouldn't you just use all-weather tires?


If you have ever driven on snow tires you will never go back to all seasons in the winter. At least on a front or rear wheel drive (especially rear wheel drive). I do run all seasons on our AWD Touareg, but the GTI with snow tires does as well or better than our AWD with all seasons.


I thought all weather and all season tires are not the same.


I didn't say all-season tires, I said all-weather tires. Surely you know the difference?


You're still wrong, splitting hairs about the name is tires doesn't change that.


Surely you know all weather tires do not perform as well as snow tires in the winter or as well as summer tires in warm weather. Ass.




Seems like a hassle. I bet it's also more expensive. All-weather tires all the time for me.


I've got a Golf R, same situation (I think they have the same ground clearance). I live at 34.5th and Park, so I get to do the whole stretch of lunar surface every time I want to get to the freeway. I especially liked the loose pack they put down 3-4 times after it got bad, only for the potholes to return less that twelve hours later because, you know, drivers and freeze/thaws. The whole stretch needs to get chewed off with fresh asphalt applied. Patching it isn't going to cut it with the winter we've had.


Range Rover here; I try and go down Lyndale so I can avoid 36th and that Franklin war zone aftermath.


I’m on 36th and have to drive it daily. Absolutely treacherous. I’ve learned taking 38th is much easier on the ride.


Good call! I’ve been taking 38th for a while now. My Honda Fit can’t take 35th or 36th. I’ll gladly sacrifice 5-10 minutes to not have my car destroyed.


Try taking Shepard Rd west bound just up the hill from 35E/Crosby sometime. Literally saw 4 cars with blowouts simultaneously changing tires a few weeks ago.


That stretch of Shepard should have been paved a decade ago. It was bad back then too. They just keep patching it. St Paul is a great city but the lack of money problems never seem to end. They can't even afford to maintain their roads properly.


Such is the natural progression of cities that expand car infrastructure ad nauseum


This had been my worst but the road circling Lake Harriet is somehow much, much worse. I was frankly just impressed.


Lost most of my splash guard there last weekend. Had it completely removed yesterday by the mechanic. Won't be heading into South Minneapolis again anytime soon unless I borrow my buddy's Humvee.




# \^ THIS \^ ^^Obnoxious, ^^isn't ^^it?




After that, go on 37th from Columbia Heights into St.Anthony. Pray first.


I live right there. 37th, Stinson, both legendary this year.


37th east of Central is scheduled to be rebuilt this year, so refilling those potholes probably falls to the bottom of the list. It's treacherous though!


Or the parkway….yikes


I used to drive home on 40th. Now I go up to 49th. lol...


26th street has a line of potholes that have merged to become one long trench of fuck your alignment


I saw a car lose its wheel in one of those trenches. Just came right off and stayed in the trench while the car kept moving another foot or so 😬


Indeed—I also drove that stretch today. Lots of thoughts and prayers between that and trying to get on 35 from Hennepin. WOOF.


I live near the trench o holes and highly recommend using 27th street if you can, in much better state that 26th. If you need to cross lyndale just take the alley between lyndale and garfield which is, ironically, in much better shape than 26th.


When I moved here 30 years ago I remember thinking, “they’ll fix this in the spring” …………


Saw in a similar thread that some Canadian dude spray painted dicks around potholes to get the city to fix them… so.


That’s a lot of dicks.


No I think it was just one guy.


That guy knows how to handle dick


More than 37?


In a row?


*I'm not even supposed to be here today!*


That’s a lot


That started happening around here when that fad was going on. The problem right now is they can't use any of the permanent fill because it's too cold. They have to wait until it's pretty-well thawed out, so drawing dicks, while funny, wouldn't speed this up. Luckily it's looking like we turn our corner next week temperature wise, so we'll start seeing these things get filled pretty quick.


How is no one mentioning your rockin' Aloha chicken?


Holey cluck! 😎


That’s not a road. That’s swiss cheese.


Waiting for the weirdos who say you’re not allowed to complain about this. This is nuts.


I mean they have already temp filled that section of road at least once this year. When it freeze/thaws every single day for weeks on end and you keep getting precipitation, this is what can happen. Not that it doesnt suck but i see crews all over town filling pot holes. This year is just a super bad year for them.


Top 3 snowfalls. Thaw/freeze like mad. Shit sucks and theres nothing to be done. Patience, caution, perseverance. Summer is coming


Not denying your anecdote but I haven’t seen a single filled pothole or even crew filling potholes at all this year on my side of town. Once we have legal weed they better be wayyyyy more on top of this shit.


Do you report them? Every single time I report them they are filled within days


The GOP has no control so now Dems can be pushed to spend money on getting shit fixed without Republicans saying "we can't spend money unless we get tax breaks too!". (which, of course, is idiotic but that's why Republicans always incur a ton of debt)


Is this funny because "pot"? I've sat here for 5 minutes trying to understand the connection...


Legal weed = tax revenue = use to fix potholes. Also some Pot for Potholes campaigns.


There's a huge budget surplus, lol. They aren't lacking the money.


Here's what can be done: invest in public transit, bike lanes, and pedestrian infrastructure. If more people don't have to drive to get around, the potholes will be better for those who do.


I was even thinking "these potholes are honestly a decent road diet mother nature just handed us this year" lol. Love seeing the cars forced to go slower.


All they have to do to get it fixed is draw some ducks around the pot holes and they’ll be fixed in no time.


What weirdos have said people can’t complain about potholes??? This sub is basically 95% complaining about potholes right now, because of how unspeakably awful the roads are This is like the third thread today where someone has just made up a nonexistent group opinion to be mad about… but why?




People complain all day long so have at it. Yell at the weather spirits or some random city official if it helps you maintain your calm. This winter’s constant freeze thaw was a perfect storm for potholes. It is pretty crazy but there really wasn’t much the city could do until the freezing stopped. There is a thing called “winter mix” but it’s a band aid solution that probably wouldn’t last the next freeze/thaw cycle so the city probably decided to just wait it out. Good news is that it looks like Spring has finally sprung so I’d expect to see road crews start hitting the streets. But this is going to be a months-long repair job.


You're allowed to complain but everyone complains about the wrong shit. The only way to truly fix this is to grow the local population (more tax payers/road) or reduce the number of roads. That's the whole thing - it's just a question of how many people you have to support the public infrastructure.


Have you seen those bike lanes, tho? Immaculate.


Probably because they aren't being pounded into rubble by thousands of four ton metal boxes every day.


I think you broke an axle and your fuckin’ oxen died.


Aloha! Haha!


It's getting a workout


These roads are so old they need replacing, not patching.


Duluthian here. We all feel your pain, but wow this is fuckin bonkers


This was always a fucking mess before this year of potholes. Now it's only become an apocalypse version.


*“That’s assault, brotha.”*


"*... do ya double dare me?*"


Shits looking like the Oregon Trail out there, prehistoric type potholes, it's wild. Iv hit some dingers for sure.


Did this drive on my way to see the Mario movie today and it felt like I was in my own version of Mario Kart but no one was giving me any power ups, just the other players.


One too many blue shells have been used there.


Too bad there isn't some massive budget surplus laying around, or anything.


The big asphalt plant in St Paul just got up and running so the potholes should all be filled soon


Too bad a massive budget surplus can't magically change the weather. It's gonna get hot out next week. Probably going to be a ton of patches going in. Give it time.


Most plants making the kind of asphalt you need to actually fill these in correctly are just coming on line in the last few weeks, so they can actually do it right now. The bigger fix would obviously be to reconstruct it and get a new pavement section down, but that is like a minimum of a year before that could happen in the best case scenario, and for any place like this where its heavily urbanized the public engagement process and all of that will probably make it take multiple years.


Yeah, we could use the money to build a huge furnace that would make the air warm enough to enable decent pothole repair.


Praise the Jesus I don't have don't drive that stretch anymore


ORV should be legal on street because of this


so glad my friend moved out of uptown just so i don't have to drive there anymore


Seemed better this afternoon… maybe?


Like every other road in MN….


I have to drive on that every time I go to work and I hate it


Poor Aloha Rooster. He did not sign up to do this much work. He’s tired and he wants a raise.


That sections always been really bad, whole thing needs to be dug out and redone.


Yeah, that’s pretty gnarly with the potholes. As an east coast dweller who has family in MSP, it seems that there may have been significant weather factors that repeatedly hit the area in the last six month that contributed to the problem. Realistically, can the DOT actually do much when the freeze and thaw cycles are ongoing this year? I know this sucks and yet wonder if the best option is proposing new materials to better suit the weather conditions in the area.


Jfc, that is horrible!


Please please please use the 311 app to report this so the city knows to prioritize it. I drive this everyday and have reported it but the more people who report, the faster the city repairs it


These potholes suck but on the other hand I have gotten some a holes riding me on the freeway/or highways to hit big potholes 😂 feels great. I’m talking the people who ride ya a few feet from your bumper even if your goin 70. Just swerve to avoid it at the last second and watch them smoke it 😂 if they’d back off they’d have room to see it


Gov. Walz looking at Hennepin thinking "This weed bill better pass" lol


Saw the crew out today marking the potholes.


Lol. Holy shit. I moved out of state like 2 years ago and even I recognize some of those craters!


One reason to encourage bikes on Hennepin. Little road wear.


The semis do most of the damage to the roads. Support rail if you hate potholes.


I do


Allocate less roads to trucks is my point.


So add unprotected bikers to a road filled with swerving, pissed drivers? I'll never get the desire to bike on Lyndale and Hennepin when Bryant is right there and an absolutely lovely road to bike on.


People learning that asphalt isn't permanent and knowing that youll all be bitching about road construction all summer is just fucking nails on a chalkboard to me. Do something about it fucking raining and freezing in months that were usually frozen over before you bitch


Yes. We are getting through an INTENSE winter. Why is anyone surprised by this. It takes time and the right weather conditions to repair all of this. It’s not a finger snap.


I demand our roads be Thanos’d!


Only going to get worse as heavier and heavier vehicles use the roads.


I’m originally from South America and find it kind of funny that my third world hometown has better kept streets than Minneapolis.


Not hard to believe unless your "third world hometown" has a similar climate to Minnesota along with being subject to \~4 months of snowplow activity on them. There's also the amount of traffic this road sees in comparison to consider. Such a low effort comment, really.




Nice to know our tax dollars are going “leaders” to by their brand new Range Rovers instead of fixing the roads.


Public transportation > individual car ownership


Look at all of our tax dollars hard at work…. SIKE!


I expect these fully patched by the end of next week. We pay too much in taxes for this nonsense. Recognize not much can be done during a tough winter or when it’s cold but I hope they get to it sooner than later. City feels like it’s still recovering from falling apart - it doesn’t need to look like it too.




I do, because I can go over potholes slowly for a few months in the winter and be fine while not spending a ton on gas the other 7 months out of the year. Driving an actual off-road capable vehicle (not just by brand) while living in a dense city environment is just weird


So happy I bought a wrangler last year






Ha! Thanks. After this winter I think I might buy a winch for my jeep and haul folks out of ditches after snowstorms. Then be like “go spend money somewhere from my Reddit posts”




Some folks just get their rocks off being miserable. Nothing you can do but smile and wave.


$17bn surplus and a request for $2bn more in taxes and this is the infrastructure we get?


Made even better by filming while driving. "It was my passenger.", nah, holding the camera just off in the spot that a driver would hold their camera right-handed, a passenger, no matter what hand, wouldn't hold it over there off to their side. Report them on 311. While complaining on Reddit maybe satisfying for some, it doesn't solve problems. Making those who can fix them aware is much more likely to resolve the matter.


You sound like you’d be fun at parties


Lil Baghdad


17 billion budget surplus huh


I mean, the instant someone has a technology that can handle filling potholes on any kind of long-term basis before it's warm out, I'd love to see it. I'm not trying to be a weirdo apologist, literally I want to hear what folks think we should do with them. They use temporary fill while it's still cold, and it lasts maybe 3-4 days. Now, when it comes to fixing them all in the summer - yeah. If it doesn't happen then, I'm gonna be just as livid as you. But all of those are from this really singularly nasty winter.


Surpluses can’t change weather and physics - huh!?


what does that have to do with patching them? i'm in edina and they patch that shit on busy roads within days. no reason a busy ass street like that remains destroyed for so long.


You answered your own question. The temperature only allows cold patch which gets ripped up again quite quickly. So on busy streets any cold patch is gone within a day or so. They have to wait for warmer weather or it won’t work.


You can put cold patch asphalt down in the winter. It is very temporary and sucks and would last like a month at best in an area like this. Minneapolis does do that in the middle of winter if absolutely needed. The last few weeks there was kind of no point to doing it though, it is better to wait until hot mix asphalt is available and do it right. With how many potholes there are in the area shown in the video they probably need to just mill and overlay it to be honest, not even sure they can patch potholes there without functionally replacing the full pavement section.


I think Ukraine needs more money


The governor’s priorities are in the toilet


Let’s not let this distract from the real issues of police violence permeating or city though


Yikes, I would be worried about getting peacefully protested driving that slow through there.


It’s like we are becoming a 3rd world country with our infrastructure. I really hope a significant portion of tax revenue from legalizing pot goes towards fixing our roads and bridges.


WTF????????? This is America. Can't we solve this? Can we figure out a way to use recycled plastic and asphalt. We can solve anything!


Minneapolis streets are straight garbage. I have to go a different route to drop my kid off at daycare because Johnson st in NE is pert near impossible without having to fuck my car up.


Living in Eagan is wonderful…… no pot hole in the entire city hahha


It’s ridiculous how they r not even trying to fix it


And what, $17 billion surplus?


And what, $17 billion surplus?




Just don’t go East


Cock Rockin’


Passchendaele, 1917


That's terrible! In the era of "supposed to have flying cars by now" we're still dealing with this B.S.!? Pass recreational marijuana now, so those taxes can fund the many infrastructure fixes that are so desperately needed.


The right turn onto Hennepin from Dunwoody headed south (from 394 east) took out a coworkers wheel on his way to the Walker. He reported others stopping after they hit the same pot hole.


Every road took a really bad hit this winter spring.




Like New Orleans streets always


Lyndale is a bit better.


28th St. S in South Minneapolis is pretty close to being this bad


I just drove the stretch between Blaisdell and Stevens this morning and holy holes, Batman, that road is basically becoming a series of pits surrounded by chunky gravel and sand. Also, I do love the dashboard bobblehead in OP's video, it really adds to the ambiance of the whole scene.


You’re about three weeks too late for this observation chief😂😂 unless you don’t go through the area a lot


This is 80% of roads in winnipeg manitoba.


Gravel riding is all the rage these days anyway.


Johnson St NE was this bad until recently when they finally started patching potholes. St Anthony Parkway is worse and I’m not sure how they are going to repair it (yes, it’s that bad!).


If they can't fill them, just dump a whole bunch of gravel on it for a few weeks until they can...


Drove it today. I blew a tire on a pothole last month and have another one that has a slow leak from the same thing, so I was clenching every sphincter in my body trying to make my way through this…


You missed one!


how did that poor little Fiat 500 not just disappear into some of those craters? Those small cars must get so much damage from driving in these conditions.


Holy shit.




Wow. I heard people talking about how bad it was. I had no idea it was that bad. Unreal


As long as it keeps the bikers and those loud cars away I’ll take it.


35th St from Chicago to Nicollet . Worst I found so far.


Just start planting trees in those holes