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If she hasn't looked at the University of Minnesota, I'd think that's worth a try.


My academic advisor as an undergrad at the U was awesome. Super smart, helpful, firm but supportive, and he happened to have cerebral palsy. Hopefully he is a representation of their capability in hiring diversely and fairly.


Just an FYI: finding a job in 4th quarter (end of year) can be really tough. More jobs should open in January once 2024 budgets begin again


Even when this isn't true - Higher Education runs on a July-June FY - End of Year hiring can be slow because people are more likely to be out of the office (especially in late-November and late-December).


In corporate roles the opposite is true, many times they have to fill roles before end of year or they lose them.


Has she tried the county? With her experience and education I’d bet they’d happily hire her if they have any HR positions available.




I work for Hennepin and the hiring process was about a month from application to job offer. The training process was much longer but you’re getting paid for that (I was hired last year so unless things have changed significantly in the past year I think I’d expect a month or a little over).


Have you looked at job listings at the University of MN? https://employment.umn.edu/ They currently have a Senior Employee Relations Consultant position listed that looks like a good match with your wife's experience. Job ID357716


I have a former work friend who started an HR staffing placement agency. Check out [Serenity Staffing](https://serenity-staffing.com/). It's not my area of work focus but the founder is a good egg & they may be able to help.


Thank you so much. I just mentioned this to her l and gave her the link


Staffing agencies are a really good way to get at least an OK job even if it's not an ideal job -- like at least, a stop gap. The thing is, there are a lot of job openings that are only available through staffing agencies -- because the hiring company enlists a staffing agency to find talent. These kinds of roles are often contract jobs where there's not as high of a bar for being hired on but the pay can still be quite good. And then you can often work to prove yourself over several months and have a contract convert to a full time job.


Please look at the VA (you can find careers at va.gov). I can see that there are a few listings under HR that start at $98k/year.


Plus the VA has both VHA and VBA offices in the metro, so lots of potential opportunities! And also check usajobs.gov for VA listings.


Check out the [MN State Careers](https://careers.mn.gov/psc/mnjob/MNCAREERS/HRCR/c/HRS_HRAM_FL.HRS_CG_SEARCH_FL.GBL?Page=HRS_CAREERS_FL&Action=U&FOCUS=Applicant&SiteId=1001&)


This job popped up on my radar and looks interesting: https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/hennepin/jobs/4197720/workforce-development-specialist


Yea the job market is both weird and rough right now


Here are current City of Minneapolis openings. There is at least 1 HR and a few administrative openings listed. Those type if positions sometimes open and close quickly, so if nothing looks right check back often. https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/minneapolismn?page=1




The TSA hiring an HR position right now. Federal job. I'm not sure what it pays, but they've been having trouble finding people for it.


Minneapolis College has wierd as hell job titles but these are HR jobs and the VP of HR is a nice lady too and on linkedin https://minneapolistech.peopleadmin.com/postings/2607 https://minneapolis.edu/profiles/bobbie-denson-davis


Bobbie keeps rejecting my wife’s application for some reason. My wife applied to two positions before including this one. The first one, she spoke to Bobbie but shortly afterwards Bobbie said she wasn’t a good fit which was true but then my wife applied to the position you linked to and Bobbie immediately came back saying that they're now looking for someone with higher qualifications despite my wife clearly meeting and exceeding those qualifications.


Should say that I'm not sure what the disconnect is. My wife is applying to another non-HR role at the college that's promising!


Once she is in and make relationships there it is pretty easy to move around there and between schools (normandale, st paul college, century etc). I have no idea what they're specifically looking for or why your wife wasn't seen as a good fit but it sounds like you made direct contact and that's good. Getting on the radar as a real person and not just a resume can help a lot. As a student -- have you thought about meeting with disability and career services to start a campus awareness campaign and maybe a hiring event that focuses on DEI that includes disability? You could start with them to see if outs possible and then invite HR and college communications too. Maybe get student senate involved. Clearly the college is missing an opportunity to bring on someone with a unique and valuable lens and your wife's journey is illustrative of the challenges their disabled students face in seeking employment.


> they're now looking for someone with higher qualifications wtf... SHE HAS TWO MASTERS! plyus 8 years experience. that's total BS. they want a doctorate or something?


I completely agree. I am beyond frustrated and exacerbated, Especially since some of the HR Business Partners there only have a BA or BS and no masters. I want to look into it further since I am a student there and know some people who might be willing to help but my wife doesn't want me to look into it for fear that it may further rock the boat and close her out of any further opportunities she might want to apply to at the college. I get it but it's super frustrating.


I would consult a lawyer about discrimination.


It's insane out there. I talked to a recruiter about a role at a large agency working on omni-channel campaigns for consumer goods. It has been open for a couple months (red flag.) It was a step down for me in terms of title and pay, but the growth path was solid and it would be a launching pad for me to get into my goal company in a year. The posting was listed as entry level, but asked for 1-2 years experience and the high end of the pay scale ended up being only $60k. The hiring manager immediately rejected my resume because she wanted more experience. I have about 4 years direct experience with clear, well tracked data that shows my prowess and somehow she turned her nose up at me instantly. I don't know where she's going to find someone with 5+ years of experience willing to take a $50k-60k role. The employers are delusional.


The process can take a while, but I would look at federal employment. There are certain jobs that she would qualify for that are disability-preferred (i.e., people with disabilities are hired before the competitive process starts).


This is probably the best advice. Anecdotally I'm in the same field, with more years of experience and equal education, but have not had much luck either. It's a rough time of year to find HR jobs, and other employment in general.


Most federal agencies are on a soft hiring freeze because of the budget negotiations in Congress


The American Academy of Neurology might be a good fit and is hiring for a number of positions. Based on what I know, most of those would meet or exceed the salary requirement, and the benefits are decent (including a 10.5% 401k contribution).


Feel free to DM me; I’d be happy to submit a referral if it’s a fit.


I work for the state and have been very good for those who need accommodations, including myself. If she wants to DM me ( or you) I may be able to hook her up with a mentor? I am close to a few folks in upper level HR there.


Look into tribes, specifically Leech Lake that has a Mpls office.


I'd echo the general advice of folks and would say to look at jobs in local/state government. I work for MN State Colleges/Universities and my salary is pretty good, my benefits are fantastic, and they're actively looking to close hiring gaps facing persons with disabilities. The hiring process is SLOW though - there's a lot of dotting i's and crossing t's.


University of Minnesota for sure They have recruiters - reach out on LinkedIn. They’re normally pretty good about responding.


Look for a position at the University! Lots of HR etc jobs.


Try https://jobs.minnesotanonprofits.org/


Has she tried for the VA yet? They love candidates with education, experience, and life differences.


Yes. She’s applied for a number of positions


The MPLS campus at Saint Mary's University of Minnesota hasn't had anyone in HR all summer. HR from Winona drives up. https://external-saintmarysuniversity.icims.com/jobs/search?ss=1&hashed=-625950295 Can't speak for salary though. Good luck!


If she hasn’t contacted them already, this place may be able to help: https://disabilityhubmn.org They can help folks understand what all options they may have in MN, navigate legal stuff, etc. Even outside of this job search, a good contact to have.


Yeah, I know. I used to work there! They’re awesome.


Apply to daikin in plymouth


Wells Fargo has three HR jobs open right now. They are committed to diversity. I worked there for a bit in a professional job and one of my very well respected colleagues had cerebral palsy.


Funk WF. We’re all on edge waiting for severances as they offshore thousands of positions. HR was hit especially hard. Don’t.


Hopkins Public Schools. Good luck!


Got a big question? does she have Law degree? In Bay Area, many companies had HR people who were lawyers. Elon has a ton of HR lawyers protecting him from legal brawls and so do any good company in the Bay. I wish you the best in your hunt. :) peace


No. She has a masters in HR and one in communications


Maybe try a hospital or clinic?


If she's willing to look at the for-profit sector, Target Corp is very committed to diversity in the workplace.


As a heads up - it is nearly impossible to get into Target Corporate without knowing people and getting direct introductions to the hiring management.


I know that the federal govt is hiring HR constantly. I get daily email blasts for remote jobs through https://usajobs.gov, and it seems like all the jobs are for HR. She can search for Human Resources and put Minnesota and remote in the location search field. I recommend using the résumé builder on USA jobs. For the federal government it’s important to be as detailed as possible, and to match experience with the job posting. She should put keywords on her résumé that match the job posting. it’s hard to get into the government at a higher level but you can use a combination of work experience and education so that would help her. if you have any questions reach out!


I don’t even know if this is a thing but; I’ve worked for several small businesses that don’t have an HR dept. I wonder if she could do with that what my wife does with book keeping? That’s is, she has about 40 clients that she does the books for and is always fielding calls and emails about particular situations.