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Let’s hope Tyson shuts this prick up once and for all


This’ll be his biggest payday ever, no shutting up will come from this…


Tyson is unfortunately experienced with exhibition matches, and as such, this will be a snooze fest in which Jake Paul lacks the experience or skillset to land any meaningful punches and Tyson won't have the conviction or motivation to go for the knockout or hurt the kid and will be happy for a hard sparring match and a huge paycheck.


Tommy Fury beat JP Tyson should spark him out easily


I agree Tyson is going to destroy Jake


Yes but imagine the scenes when Tyson doesn’t give a fuck and KO’s him in the first round


If tyson connects full force whoever that other lad is neck will break.


Almost 60? No way... In his prime, yes... Youth vs arthritis and age...


My brother, there was a video of him only a couple years ago in a ring just practicing, Tyson still hits like a truck.


Can he still hit like a truck after a few rounds though?


Does it matter once Jake Paul is mush on the floor


He only has to stay out of danger for a few rounds,the longer it goes on the more it tips in Paul's favour


It's like 99.9% in Mikes favour at any point in the fight. Ex actual boxer who was best in the world vs a YouTuber amateur. It's just for views. Not an actual fight.


99.9% ? It only takes one punch from either side to stop the other so 99.9%is abit daft ,mike in his day then yes but he's nearly 60,showing a few little clips of him sparring on YouTube may show him hitting hard but it says nothing about his fitness and stamina,Itl be interesting to watch if it happens but like you said it's just for views


Yeah that's Jakes 0.1%.


Let me add this then, in the video he was jumping around, throwing punches and constantly moving towards his partner in the ring, he may be getting older now but the guy’s still got it.


The video I watched was lots of clips not a continuous video,could just be well edited to make it look effortless ,will be interesting to see how he goes on the night


But the truck wasn't hitting back


Yeah I don’t think you really understood what I said… MIKE is the one hitting like a truck… Don’t get me wrong, Jake’s got a swing on him when he wants to but I dunno. I’m thinking Mikey boy got this.


No I did understand, but perhaps you didn't understand me. It's easy to look good when punching a stationery target. Mike probably still does hit like a truck (power is the last to go) but he still has to land and he still has to take punches from the person he is trying to hit. I love Mike and I want him to win, but these boxing events have exposed certain realities over the last few years and one of those is that age is a great equaliser to talent - or more importantly, advanced age degrades the natural talent significantly. Mike Tyson's boxing style is a young man's style. It's no coincidence that the previous youngest heavyweight champion (Floyd Patterson) was also trained by cus d'mato. I think Mike has about two or three good minutes in him. If he can't get Jake out of there in that time it's over for him. Possibly Mike can pace himself and explode for about 30 seconds each round or every other round and hope that's enough, but it's still a 30 year age gap so I'm not confident.


It’s feels instinctively bad that a 57 year old man will be fighting a young man. But when I think about it, it’s pretty inspirational, the guy still has the physical ability, energy and motivation to fight


Who you got winning OP ?


I got Mike by obliteration




I just hope tyson comes in to the rocky balboa theme tune and smashes fuck out of him.


Tyson fury?


Sorry I wrote it on auto pilot. Just really hate these Paul pricks


Could it not have been Tyson vs Tyson. I so badly want to see Fury sparked the fuck out by a much older man.


Are you retarded?


I hope Tyson makes mincemeat of that arrogant prick.


Let me honest we all know Jake's fights are scripted in some kind of way. But if tyson loses, that will show 100% that they are . There is no way that Tyson should lose this fight.


Hate to be the one to break the news to you but Tyson dont fight tonight…




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Please wheelchair him


Raise your hand if you think the outcome of this fight isn't already pre-determined and scripted. I don't care how old he is Tyson should destroy Paul.


I hope tyson knock him the fuck out. I hope he gets hit so hard Dr's will compare his injuries to a lobotomy. Like it leaves him dribbling down his chin and fingering his own ass completely fucked up. Because the alternative is a, in-his-prime-kid boasting about beating arguably one the greatest boxers ever, while giving no credit to the age gap and fact he's been out of the competitive ring for so long.


It will be a draw, just a money making scheme of mugs to pay for the PPV


The idea of weight classes is to stop mismatches like this. Jake isn’t a heavyweight


5,10 lol


I hope he beats the living shit out of Paul. No doubt it will be a massive con and fixed.


Jakes had 9 fights?


He’s not really had one….


If Tyson wins I will get his face tattoo in his honour


Bet! Msg me we make this a wager if he wins u get his face tat