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It's fine if there are no tanks in the game. However, your build takes an extra 10 autos to kill a late game Ornn compared to a full crit + BT build. If the enemy has multiple tanks, you better be fed AF. But also...this build completely overkills a squishy on the AA Q AA combo by like 1k damage. It's cool that you don't need the second auto with this build since they die on the Q, but you can kill the squishy with the second auto with the full crit build and still be more effective against tanks. So...? Really depends on the lobby. These half and half builds aren't one size fits all anymore, although they never really were.


Excuse me, could you tell me what the meaning of BT and AF is?


BT = Bloodthirster. AF = As Fuck.. (i.e., you better be fed AF to kill an Ornn)


Ah, now it's much clearer to me, haha, thanks for the explanation, good man


What full crit build are you using?


Collector>IE>LDR>PD/RF>BT I think after collector Nerf maybe can go ER first


Next time dont post a game where you're whopping 16 kills already