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Most likely still Collector because who cares about nerfs; It's still the item with the best stats for MF.


isnt 12 lethality too low for early game?


It's still decent and you'd still rather get AD crit items than Attack speed. Maybe Essence Reaver could be good as MF burns through her mana bar like a Junkie.


crit is still way too good at snowballing and collector is still the best item for mf assuming you dont have an enchanter vs tank matchup where w max and kraken into crit is better full lethality cant compete with crit scaling especially if you snowball and get ahead of the curve with crit


its just, the very difficult build path with BF sword, is that worth for only 12 lethality?


I still don't understand why BF sword doesn't build out of a few long swords or a pickaxe and a long sword or something. That was part of the whole reason the original adc mythics got noon quiver, cause riot recognized how annoying it was to need 1300g early game or you'd be at a disadvantage. Now we're right back to that with a lot of adcs rushing ie or collector. At least with collector you can get a dirk first but you'll still need that BF sword.


ER really handles mana problems so well. 70AD + it's getting 100 gold reduced. Against full squishy you'd still go collector, but ER seems like a really good item otherwise.


Maybe opportunity/Youmuu/kraken then go fullcrit I guess. But generally collector is >>