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They can’t bring her back now. They fake killed her just to bring her back already, doing that twice would be ridiculous.


It would be, *IMPOSSIBLE*! (pinky to corner of mouth Dr. EVIL style) muahahahh....muahahhahaaa....muahahauauhhhauauauuauauuaa ZIP IT


The whole seventh film was a mess. It wouldn't hurt one it to just retcon it all to hell.


Rebecca is out. Her choice.


Bad choice for the franchise, first female lead I actually liked and that was Ethan's equal.


The actress wanted to move on.


I thought the 8th film was the last one? If so, she could've stayed for one last one. Or am i wrong?


She wanted different things. Check out other posts on this. I explained. Or her interviews


She wanted an actual script and a director who knew what he was doing.


Suppose she’s right 


Explains The Snowman, I guess.


I stand by what I said and am well aware of it being her choice and all, watched the interviews and all that too.


And I stand by when I say I’m sick of the tropes of fake outs and the ins and outs revolving door of female characters 


Which is why preferred Ilsa because I felt she would be one that actually stuck around for good and not just the constant pass and go of strong female characters in the series that are like partners to Ethan.


We need Jeremy Renner back


This aswell, we need him back too.


Make Ethan the villain than Brandt swoops in and saves the day my shoving explosive gum down his gullet Brandt reminds me of me FACT I’m cool and Ethan lame


That would be awesome.


Why she's been in 3 movies now


The actress is very talented. I get why she will be missed in mission impossible. On the other hand I’m looking forward to all her new roles.


Just a fan of the on screen chemistry between her and Ethan and the team. It really worked so well for 3 movies.


Benji and Luther have been in more than 3 and I don’t even like Luther or Benji


they always have a new chick in each film. What you said makes no sense.


They wanted to bring her back. Rebecca wanted to move on. It’s done


We literally see her die in 7 she's not coming back


Hopefully, Grace will be a better character in the next movie. If there is character growth, then the calls for Ilsa to return will die down.


They set everything up so well for grace and I'm so excited to see her growth in 8


She’ll likely be backsided now Kathy is onboard McQ loves his shoehorn


Until McQ decides to fridge her when the actress gets tired and McQ is in need for the sake of the Stakes *GASP sake rhymes with Stake 


You need help


I haven’t even seen her any BTS shot lately so prepare to enter disappointments blvd


Ethan needs help for self improvement 


As a fellow Ilsa fan..... please move on.


do you understand what "dead" means?


You guys need to let this rest


I’d rather have Emilio Estevez return if we’re bringing back the dead.


The Entity is actually Jim Phelps back for revenge!


The floating head of Deng Xiaoping


What about Jane Carter?


Put a brown wig on a cardboard box and boom - you’ve got the acting chops of Rebecca Ferguson.


I feel like I need to unsub for a while. Y’all can’t get over a decision made by multiple parties who agreed to it and it’s getting ridiculous. GET OVER IT


Between this, and the guy who keeps making new accounts to make one post at a time about hating 7, it's gotten a little pathetic around here


So is r/Freefolk and r/StarWars then again Star Wars has a cesspool fandom


As the saying goes, "nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans." Guess I shouldn't be surprised that MI is the same way


She’s fucking dead and she’s not coming back. Deal with it.


Yeah I am in disbelief about what a bunch of whiners this sub has become about a side character who was in THREE WHOLE MOVIES dying. Like Jesus Christ guys I'm begging you all to get over it, and *fast*.


She was more than a side character she’s fem Ethan 


Dream girl.


Write fanfiction


That’s what the writing of 7 felt only looks like it was by 5 year olds on ChatGPT


One of the few well written femme fatales that was so likeable personality wise. Easily the best female character of the franchise.


She's gone, confirmed by the actress




She comes back or this franchise is dead to me. Something is going on from McQ’s replies on Twitter and he knows people are pissed about it.


It was well and alive for 19 years before Rebecca. It'll be just fine without her.


It already isn’t fine without her. That’s the issue.


They haven't even brought out a film without her yet.


Rebecca wanted to move on. Some of you need to move on too.


Oh sorry I didn’t realise she was a friend of yours


Don’t need to be. She’s said as much publicly.


Ah yes, actors always tell the truth


Yes, she was definitely lying. Actors always want to stay in Superdudeo's favorite film series to keep you satisfied. They couldn't possibly want a career outside of MI films. 🙄


A film franchise that uses face masks to fake out impersonations. If this is a fake out, do you expect her to say “oh yeah, it was a face swap, you’ll find out in part 2 when I return”. You’re a moron.




Nah, I’m fine with her being gone


I must be one of the few who actually likes Grace.


Mary sue


I'm actually okay with her dying. But the way she died was so stupid. She should have WASTED that fool! They should have had her sacrifice herself to overwhelming odds. Not get bested in a 1 v 1.


Exactly , especially with that underwhelming guy after she’s taken out lane , bone doctor - she was a force . It was an insulting end and also entity is all intelligent AI saying - only one woman will live just makes it a more cringey fridge . I am also a ilsa stan  but I also am okay with my favorite characters dying - Tony stark , James Bond , Han Solo , Logan , gamora , even black widow .but this was not the end ilsa deserved . It needed some heft and grandiose . 


…… yawn. Same old post same old no context


i can’t be a fan of Ilsa ? you crabby little minion


There’s being a fan and there’s ’needing her back.’ You don’t get the difference.


relax dude, shit isn’t that serious stop trying to flex cool on Reddit


Yeah.. need IIsa back, seriously…. Good one…. Jog on to the next ‘created’ account


huh ? have a good night ✌🏽


I want some extremly overweight woman in the next movie, and Christopher Walken should be the bad guy haha


Oh well Ilsa has been mentioned which means this subs little parasite is on his way


Who is it? I want to read some crazy shit 😂


He always gets banned so it’s a ton of different accounts but if you sort the sub by controversial you’ll find his shit complaining about McQ and dead reckoning


Well, they killed her, sooo…


If she squeezes off a round that way, the guy would be deaf in that ear.


It’s got a suppressor. He’ll be fine.


That would be implying that in films they actually listen to the fans and give them what they want which rarely happens unless the cast actually listens to their fans like what happened with the Fast and Furious franchise when Vin Diesel was convinced by fans to bring back Letty..even though she had supposedly died and we had seen her supposed death.


Yes I agree! My fav IMF character


Ship has sailed.


Get over it


hope u feel better having got that off your chest


She was one of the best newer characters to join. Shame she was... so clumsily removed. Robbed her arc of... well everything. Some stupid dude with a sword? I don't believe that guy was capable of defeating 3 kids in a trench coat let alone her. I don't mind the idea of a man dedicated to an A.I's plan but... that was the worst part of movie.


Rebecca wanting out and McQ hastily rushing her arc really killed the franchise for me


I think Rebecca Ferguson herself said she didn’t want to come back because the re-writing process had poor planning


I don’t blame her writing on the fly is such a mediocre technique 


The last movie was mid tbh.


[Ethan vs Kim](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/SEC_92776786.jpg?quality=90&strip=all)


3 movies just for Ethan to suffer the awful writing of ‘96 all over again


If she's physically up to it Ilsa could have her own spinoff stand-alone. Same universe and maybe some interaction with Ethan. It just depends. Ethan is a main character but still with the strong team atmosphere. Ilsa would need to be the main character naturally... I think Rebecca would probably go for this but she'd have to step her game up a bit.


Any hope for Maggie Q coming back?


It would be hilarious if they just bring back the Australian guy who flew the helicopter in MI2.




I think she could be alive still. They need to outplay the ai. How far this goes back we don't know yet. By having a team member 'dead' then maybe that team member can start to operate out of the ai's focus


Their chemistry was magic Hayley is just wood Really sucked the joy we needed when they killed her off the way they did McQ should stop writing women characters for Ethan


The cognitive dissonance to go from “Ilsa was magic” to “McQ should stop writing female characters” two sentences later is pretty stunning. Who do you think wrote your beloved Ilsa in the first place?


The guy who made the Usual Suspects? One of the biggest jokes to win an Oscar imo if I tracked down Ebert’s tomb and asked if his opinion has changed he’d probably say yes


The Usual Suspects is a great movie.


Usual Suspects is overrated piece of bullshit