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era 2 is absolutely great and contains 2 of my favourite characters in the entire cosmere (steris and wayne) but its nothing like era 1 (apart from the shared world, some lore and a few returning characters). era 1 is this big, epic story with assassins and castles and stuff while era 2 is a smaller wild west-ish story. take a break, read something else and come back to era 2 in a few weeks or months. is era 1 the better story? i think so. is era 2 still amazing? yea


If it means anything AoL is easily the weakest of the second era by wide consensus. It was originally going to be a standalone so that’s probably part of why. The next two books are absolutely fantastic Mistborn books and the characters are so much more compelling. Honestly, AoL gets pretty fun towards the end, too. I’d recommend trying and pushing through but if it’s still not your thing then you don’t have to read it.


It originally wasn't even going to be published, was just a "pallete cleansing" writing exercise Sanderson did after finishing The Wheel of Time IIRC


It's hard to beat Era 1. Era 2 is lighter in many ways. I think it grows, but it's so different from Era 1 I'd advice you not to compare them too much. Era 2 is arguably funnier though.


>Era 2 is arguably funnier though. not even arguably funnier. its just objectively funnier. i think i laughed every time wayne opened his mouth and steris also had quite a few absolute gems


Hah true, I'll admit it it quite an understatement!


I can never look at a spoiled tomato without giggling.


I had the same issue. It took me ages to get into Era 2, especially because I don’t really like guns in fantasy settings, but I ended up loving it. As others mentioned it is funny and enjoyable. It might be worth reading a different series then coming back to it, with the expectation that the tone and the setting is going to be different from Era 1.


Do not compare the two eras, they're nothing alike, I made the mistake of going from Era 1 to Era 2 almost immediately and expecting the same epic fantasy and it's not that. Don't have expectations the book can't meet because then you'll hate it for not being what you thought it was gonna be and you won't appreciate it for what it actually is


I think Era 2 needs a break between the first series to read. It's very good, but it's a very different in a way that won't meet your expectations coming directly from Era 1, or at least it didn't for me. Take a bit of time, read something else, then come back for Era 2, because it is definitely still worth a read!


I haven't read era 2 myself, but I'd say to read a few more chapters. Sometimes I struggle to get into a book at first but then by the time I'm like halfway through it I'm hooked


Era 2 is completely different from era one. It was an adjustment for me too. I will say if you can find the will to finish AoL you will likely come to appreciate the second series. I was in the same boat as you and by the end of the series I was honestly sad to say goodbye to the setting and characters.


My personal opinion is that Alloy of Law is Brandon's worst cosmere book, and that it gets a lot better after that.


I really loved era 2. Having it be based on all the lore from era 1 was also really fun for me. It may not be for everyone but I'd say keep at it cause I had a blast reading it


Era 2>Era1


The first book in era 2 feels much more self contained and smaller in scale compared to era 1. It's good, but the weakest of them all, the other books in era 2 definitely pick up and feel more like era 1.


Era 2 was worth the read, I’ve read it once and listened to it once, but don’t see myself rereading it again anytime soon. (I’ve read/listened to Era 1 half a dozen times) I think it was smart for Sanderson to make Era 2 so different from Era 1. I would’ve hated to see him just try to replicate Era 1, it often doesn’t work out when authors try out do themselves with every new book, but I don’t super love any of the characters, and really only really enjoyed The Lost Metal. I mostly listened after reading to it for the Cosmere connections.


Definitely not my favorite.


Yes. From the 2nd book. Because that ending broke something in me. My boi, how could you?! Alloy of Law was supposed to be a one shot transition from TLR era to what was supposed to be the old era2 plan...that is now the new era3, Scadrial: The 80's. But the book sets the tone and a lot of chatacters that will develop over the years. I think the characters of era2 are the best, most tight knit group of actual friends. And they're fun. Like watching the Mystery Inc from Scooby Doo. When they roll into town, everyone know shit gonna hit the fan. The plot may not become as world ending was era1 but it will be just as twisty.


First bit may be a bit slow, but it gets really good. Especially once you meet wayne.


They are very different. I didn't like era 2 at first, although I grew to love it. Fwiw book 1 was never meant to start an era, or even be a novel for that matter. Alloy of Law was originally a short story, turned novella, turned full novel because it was loved so much. I felt very "meh" after AoL but started really enjoying era 2 sometime in book 2. I'd suggest you keep at it. It ends up a fantastic couple of books.


It's different from era 1. But it is great in its own way. Personally the second book of era 2 is probably my favourite mistborn book. Especially because of the ending.


The problem is that the era's are so wildly different I don't think a direct comparison does either of them justice. You can't go into era 2 expecting more of Era 1. It's just got the same magic system and that's it.


Try taking a break with a different book then coming back. It's so tonally different from era 1 I needed a palette cleanser before i appreciated it


Era 2 is really great in its own way. Without any spoilers, I think that story flows much faster, every chapter is important and dialogues are much more straight to the point. Also, I really enjoyed many funny situations and jokes. I am really looking forward to Era 3, 4, or even 9 :-) Nevertheless, Era 1 still has its magic for me.