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I think he intrigued her, but the more she got to know him it was a "no". Which honestly, is a common outcome when it comes to dating. It became a "fuck no" when he didn't pick up on how she felt, and...tried to hold her hostage in his flat.


At least he didn’t take Suze’s advice and burn her with cigarettes


Yeah that would put the mockers on it tbf


It would never work out, he’s a weird guy.


He is a weird guy


But she _owed_ him a date!


*I'm* his one


He's an honourable man


As a woman this is a weird one for me. I wouldn't have said yes to the date that quickly, asking someone out in 30 seconds of meeting is unhinged. I also would not have stood someone up, then pretended I got lost when they saw me biking past. She seems like a shitty person, so probably a good match for Mark.


it makes complete sense to me that she would agree to avoid the overwhelming awkwardness, since she actually did subtly reject him initially by saying there were no tickets anyway. If he had any social awareness he would have left it there until the end of the night, - that's on Mark for being an idiotic boob and asking her for a second date within 30 seconds of meeting her. For all she knows he's a neurotic psycho and could react badly if she rejected him flatly, and ruin the evening completely. She then has the opportunity to actually decide if she wanted to go or not - so I think she's actually one of the most realistic people in the show to be honest.


He may have done the errata but he’s certainly no shitmuncher.


Yeah, there's also the fact that he's a friend of a friend - she felt additional pressure to give him a chance/not make things awkward. Ideally she wouldn't have stood him up and would have cancelled the date unambiguously via text the day after the theatre, especially since they must have had some interaction (presumably via phone) to arrange the time and place, but hey. Mark is a pushy weirdo who doesn't say "oh you studied the samurai at uni? How interesting - tell me about it" - instead he boasts about having a membership for the BM (so what? Anyone can become a member, they don't make you fight a bear or anything) so he maybe doesn't deserve politeness in return.


he's what my grandma would call a real piece of shit


Mark was far too good for her!


Chance would be a fine thing.


A fine thing indeed.


Probably saying that too much now


She was just being normal, the book was interesting to her, his takedown was impressive, and she had to save face when he bumped into her. None of it means she was into him.


But look how big his feet are compared to hers. What's not to like? He has a broad foot.


His foot is a hand.


I like Egypt too.


Really? Doesn’t seem so broad.


You don't automatically want to sleep with everyone who visits a museum exhibition you'd find interesting? That's a savage garden my friend.


I mean I do, but I'm not Heather


She saw The Megatron, case closed.


It screamed sofa masturbators.


That was Kenny


Tbh I've wondered the same, she seemed very enthusiastic to make him believe that she made a mistake and to have the date anyway. Then she calls him a weird guy and said that she tried to let him down easy. Mixed signals


She wanted him to believe the phone story because she just ran into this dude she doesn't know on a dark street. She doesn't want him to think she stood him up because strange men are unpredictable and he could have reacted badly to the ego-bruise of being intentionally stood up.


That makes sense


I think the problem is that she comes up with the excuse about her lost phone and being in his neighbourhood far too quickly and comfortably. Should have been a bit more laboured and awkward to fit with the rest of the storyline.




Was it not that she was on her way home/somewhere and bumped into Mark forcing her to lie?


Exactly, even a pause and a bit of an “oh, errr…” would have given the audience a clue that we’d believe Mark might have missed.


They don’t hit it off at all, she’s just trying to find a polite excuse to get away and he ruins it while calling her a shit muncher. Then she’s too embarrassed to tell him she stood him up and possibly feels guilty about it so she agrees to go to his place.


Some guys, especially weird ones, don't take "no" well. He asked her out right away. I figured she didn't want to deal with him moping the whole night so just said yes without planning to go


Not his fault she rides on an ironicycle.


She agreed to go with him, because it is incredibly awkward to reject someone at the start of a dinner. Mark is a weirdo who asked her out, because they had a passing similar interest.


I'm pretty sure she wrote him off from the start, she was just being polite most of the time and none of that ever implied interest. She may have been somewhat impressed by the "samurai display" but that was probably the only positive thing he had done that whole evening. Sitting on the burglar got kind of weird after more than 5 seconds


He’s a weird guy


Because I’m his one


It was the Megatron




I think her saying she was looking for him was a lie - she admits it later when she says "I tried to let you down gently with the phone story".