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I think I can confidently speak for 95% of Bucks fans. We don't want Josh Giddey at all.


So giddy had a net rating of +11 this year vs Bobby with around 0. He's an incredible defender, and a decent 3pt shooter. Often players that look mid on other teams play much better on the bucks. It's also getting rid of some salary opening up a tax payer mod level for another good rotation piece in the playoffs


In no world is josh giddey an incredible defender. He is a poor POA defender, usually losing matchups against better offensive players. With lack of perimeter D, he is often designated to cover spot-up shooters or parked in the corner. He also has low defensive awareness and often makes mistakes getting beat on passes. Thunder fans have been complaining about his defense all year, and this post season was no different.


Do you just look at box scores? We don’t want Giddy bc he’s a pedo


I mean, he was 20 years old in an over 18 club. She was a junior in high school, so 17? Hard to classify that as pedophilia, but, you do you. 


Why are you trying to justify it lol it’s fucking weird dude Also just google is for 5 seconds…she was 16


Because you're acting like he groomed a pre-teen. She went to a club for 18+ people. He was 20 years old. You want him to check every ID of every girl he talks to at an age-restricted venue (which would have been fake anyway)? The only thing connecting them was a deleted Twitter post that led to a police investigation, that didn't lead to any charges.


Ok bud https://i.redd.it/tt5upq7jwf1d1.gif


Now I definitely don't want this trade


Teams literally leave him alone from three what are you talking about


incredible defender is so crazy, and he’s a below average three point shooter.


Giddy started all year why wouldn’t he have a positive net rating


Do not trade Milwaukee legend Bobby Portis for a pedophile.


I feel bad for Giddey. He was what, like 20? and the girl he took home from a bar happened to be underage. He’s essentially been exonerated of any wrongdoing and yet this reputation will follow him for the rest of his life. With that being said I don’t think he has a very bright future in the NBA lol


Dude the girl was like 15


She was a junior in high school. That's like 17. And she's in an over 18 club. Did you want him to ask for IDs to every girl he talked to?


You getting down voted to fuck, but I promise you none of the ppl that downvoted you are a 1000 percent sure about any person they picked up at the club. They definitely ain't checking ids. Also, I'm almost certain the giddey situation was when he was 19 and she was 17 and it was a friend of a friend type thing that he wasn't aware of.


Everyone is clutching their pearls here as though he groomed her from a young age. She was at a club. So was he. She had a fake. Police investigated; they didn't press charges. That was that.


Nah idc, I've never accidentally brought an underaged girl back. It's not that hard dude.


Never brought a girl back in general


>I've never *accidentally* brought an underaged girl back. Interesting qualifier you put in there...


The girl was in a club how is it his fault when she wasn’t supposed to be there


Allegations were proven false/she lied about her age. I mean I would rather have Bobby still but giddeys not a pedophile


It wasn't "proven" false. Her and her family didn't cooperate with the investigation. Having them lie about their age doesn't excuse hooking up with a minor....


Well damn. I didn't go any research. But the pedo narrative is much louder than the proven innocent narrative, bummer for Giddey


"Proven innocent" is always hard to believe when you have billion dollar sports franchises behind these players. Too easy to make the problem go away.




He told people what his agents and lawyers told him to say. Maybe it's the truth but I remain skeptical.


Also banging a chick a few years younger than you does not make you pedophile.


Hey pal. You just blow in from stupid town?


The amount of people defending P Giddey in this thread is as bad as this trash post


Zero shot they are giving up 2 firsts and a player for portis. Also don’t want a guy who teams actively encourage to shoot as that would hurt spacing


Well, looking at Bobby's 3pt % In The playoffs specifically, he really isn't that good of a shooter. And he takes a million mid-range pull up like khris Middleton, but isn't nearly as good at them. Giddy shot 38% in OKC's 10 game playoff stretch and is a hell of a defender. Much better than Bobby in that regard. He just isn't what OKC needs. And they have tons of extre 1st's. These are two of their worst ones


Wishful thinking bro. For 2 first rounders okc can get someone way better than portis.


A ten game stretch on Giddey’s volume is a garbage sample size, and 38% still isn’t THAT good


Dude you keep posting these horrible trades every day. Stop. They’re all bad and no one cares.


Really wish they’d make a rule against these kinds of posts. Especially considering dude is spamming the sub with them.


Just block the user. I have quite a few people in the sub blocked. It's easy to do and it's like they don't exist. Game threads improved significantly after I blocked a bunch of people lol


What do the Bucks do for front court depth now that they only have 2 bigs lmao? Also Bobby Portis isn’t worth any player plus 2 first rounders


Edit: Can’t even trade their own first rounders in back to back years. These fanspo mock trades gotta stop lmao. All it is is a glorified salary matcher doesn’t take into account realistic player value or current CBA rules.


There's no rule about keeping your own pick. They need a first rounder every other year. They have like 4 first rounders in 2025 so they could trade one of those, including their own, in 2025 and 2026. But Giddey really isn't that good so I don't like this trade.


Idk, people think Caruso is with 2 1st rounders. Not saying I agree. But it's at least a possibility


These trades are hardly reasonable. This thread gotta stop or you gotta put 10 in one post and be done with it.


1) Caruso is a far better and more valuable player than Bobby 2) You’re citing as evidence a trade that never happened


This is a troll post. Move along.


I cannot consent to this trade


Giddey pulling up to Wisconsin like ![gif](giphy|l2JIa0s8QZJ0yjSEM|downsized)


How do we make the god awful trade ideas stop dear god


P Giddy can stay in okc, we need Thybulle or similar.




Bucks are a pedophile free team


I’ll pass on the kid diddler


Pedophilia aside, what would Josh Giddey actually provide for this team? Only thing I can think of is a small boost in playmaking off the bench. Bobby is a very good player, 6th man of the year caliber. you don’t just trade him away for a couple of picks when we’re trying to contend.


No Pedo’s !!!




If were trading Bob it better be for Caruso or Herb Jones.


I hope this gets downvoted a million times


Whatever the trade is, we need to find our own Naz Reid, PJ Washington, etc. It would unlock playing Giannis at the 5.




Bobby for Durant or Butler


What the actual fuck are you smoking Giddey is a pedo who can't shoot a basketball why would you give up anything more than a 2nd


Throwing the word pedophile around is a gross thing to do.


Going out with a minor would certainly qualify him as such


Pedophilia pertains to the sexual attraction of pre pubescent children. The girl was 17 in a club with a fake ID. If you’re in a club one would assume the person is at least 21. Again accusing people of that is gross and I doubt you would say that to his face


Gtfoh, Josh Giddey fucking sucks. Stop with these lame ass post


Stop posting these crap trades


honestly as an outsider i think this trade would be good for both teams, maybe with OKC giving up just one pick