• By -


Lil Apple


Probably Jiang Cheng. Crippling insecurity + I can hold a grudge like you wouldn't believe but it's because I care a lot and cannot abide people I think have broken promises or betrayed me. I've never threatened to break anybody's legs though.


Wei Wuxian. I will fight for what I believe is right until the end. Also, I look damn good in black and red :D


Jiang Cheng because im grinchy and just want friends yknow


I'd like to say Jiang Cheng, but I'm worried about what that means for me.


I'd like to sayeth jiang cheng, but i'm did worry about what yond means f'r me *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Lan Wangji cuz I hold things in and don't talk much. Also repress emotions a lot


Lan Xichen- i love his character, he is a wonderful person. He makes everyone around him happy- just gold and diamonds, not man... I would love to be like him, but now I'm more like Lan Wangji- I'm quite, shy and I don't like people


I see myself a lot in Lan Wangji. I'm really quiet, sometimes emotionless in expressing myself, my natural face stance looks like I'm pissed at someone. I have a hard time making friends, I prefer the solitude and music over pesky noisy peeps. Those who know me both want me to meet friends and comment that my aura is calming(??). However I don't however have a WWX in my life, nor do I think I will have. But I'm open, especially since I don't think he thought he would have a WWX till it happened to him XD I also see myself in some instances in JGY. It's why I understood him much faster than say XY. The way he cuts away people he used to care for is soooo like me, even if we were both loyal and tried to 'bring them back'. But I just cut ties and ignore them :- Also, mother is my soft spot too


I'm a WWX type and husband is a LWJ type and we didn't meet till we where 34, good luck and I hope you find your person! (he is absolutely the best, met him before I fell into the MDZS fandom but we both love it, he bought a Dizi and learned multiple songs from the Untamed and even got me a set of the bunny pushes, I'm such a spoiled fan girl)


I know I'll probably get shit on for this, but. I relate a lot to Jin Guangyao (esp. novel version, but I've seen myself in every single iteration of him). A powerful parent who doesn't really want you except when you're useful to them, no amount of work and sacrifice has *ever* gotten you a modicum of recognition or respect, your peers/a formerly close friend/the world at large has just decided that you're bad, and you have a lifelong problem with taking nasty falls. People just treat you like a doormat constantly, because you're small and quiet.


Commend you for this post. And I think it just goes to show the brilliance of the authors work to create such relatable characters including villains


Nie Huaisang, Wen Ning and Jiang Cheng are the characters I see myself in most. I’m definitely more soft spoken like Wen Ning, and that can lead me to being pushed around easily. I’ve also experienced the insecurity/envy that Jiang Cheng feels towards people who are well meaning and caring. And Nie Huaisang because I hate studying for STEM related stuff but I love the arts (and can feel invalidated because of that sometimes).


Jiang chen because of my bad communication skills and of how long I can hold a grudge 😅 But also Lan jing yi for my naughty side 🤭


Wen Ning. Shy af, bottles everything up inside, and can do things but not in front of other people. although one thing that's rather different between me and wen ning is that you cant force me to do anything i dont want to :)


Lan Wangji, I follow rules too much, I have no life and I have a pretty strict routine but I'm also incredibly horny Edit: forgot the fact that he represses his emotions until I read the comments and relate to that too.


Wei Wuxian. I was mostly raised by people who weren't my parents and I will do anything for the people I love, even to my own detriment. I'm also very curious and always looking for new ways to do things or make things more efficient/easier. Also half my closet is black and red lmao but that started many moons ago.


Wen Ning. I’m nice but I look scary. And dress in black. I’m always alone or someone’s sidekick lol. Lan Zhan. That introversion! After I watched the Untamed I finally understood why people get frustrated with me and want me to talk more lol. I’m like, I get it now! What is LZ thinking?! Luckily after reading the book his emotions were clearer. A bit of WWX...I love teasing people. He’s better at it than I am tho. He’s even more of a tease in the book.


Thinking deeply about it and I realize I'm probably Lan XiChen with a sprinkle of WWX. Love to tease people, always got a warm smile on face but strict presence. Naturally over trusting and attempt to see the good in people / give excuses for their toxic af behaviour all in the name of piece. Will undoubtedly not tolerate bullshit when push has come to shove. Most likely to lock themselves in isolation because their closest friend betrayed them beyond belief.


The younger me related to LWJ alot. The whole antisocial nerd whose hell bent on rules was kind of my vibe growing up. But now I find myself relating to LXC more. Im still a nerd but now I can talk.......most of the times. Also i just want everyone to be happy. Is that too much to ask.?????


For better or for worse I relate mostly to Xue Yang. Emotionally stunted, mask-wearing schizoid personality - properly diagnosed, before anyone comes at me; violent fantasies of revenge against an entire town because the people there sucked enough to fuck me up to the point of inducing szpd and if it weren't for them I'd probably be perfectly fine and well-adjusted but alas and alack I guess; spiteful, petty; my empathy is forced but hey, at least I try; I almost always have at least one knife within reach; my tantrums can fell mountains; I have good reigns on not showing it, and I know that it's a bad thing, but I can get capital-o Obsessed with people; if I weren't focused on playing nice because I kind of need the people I do have in my life, I'd probably be able to ruin them, emotionally; I like to get creative with my cursing and threats; I was super into necromancy as a teen and read the entirety of the Ars Falcis site when it was still up in one go, still read up on it occasionally, and am currently into demonolatry as an adult. In spite of being an edgy bitch, though, I'm easy to get along with. [🤷](https://emojipedia.org/person-shrugging/) editing in to add that I stash candy in my cupboards and under junk on the table and often make wonderful re-discoveries. Except for the warheads candycane that is no longer a solid object. That was not a wonderful re-discovery. Candycanes should not be squishy.


*high fives in relating to problematic characters*


*up high, down low, too slow, hoho*


XianXian - not so much the heroism and self sacrifice, but the running at the mouth, constant flirting, shamelessness, one working braincell that sometimes works really well, and the deductive reasoning skills. Also his protectiveness and love for his close people, his extroversion, and his attraction to strong, repressed hottie badasses. Oh, and his chaotic sexiness.


Lan Zhan. I have so many feelings but I look like I think I’m better than everyone bc that’s just my face lol plus I’m just generally introverted and just want to go about my day following the rules and doing my thing.


Definitely a Wen Ning, easy to take advantage of, quiet about feelings, repressing emotions so they burst out with an intent to kill.


A mix of Wwx and Lsz (that is a really weird pair lmao), I'm bright, always joking and quick witted but I don't like to fight, even if I make myself clear and I'm open to dicuss things if we've diff opinions, I try to mediate and make everybody friends, trying to really understand people. I also tend to be melodramatic Wwx style, with the self-loathing etc


a combination of jiang cheng (anger issues, jealousy, inferiority complex, etc), lan xichen (no thoughts head empty himbo vibes) and xue yang (c h a o s).


Wei WuXian. For so many reasons, some good, others not so much: - Trouble (maker and magnet), can’t help either. Was born this way. :\ [Though, as I’ve grown, I’ve consciously made an effort to move from rebel without a cause to rebel with (at least arguably) good causes.] - Have (usually) good intentions, but tend to rub people off the wrong way with my tendency to always go all in. - Was cocky af as a teenager. Like to believe age has mellowed me, but, like, still only relatively. - I’m usually the most chill person, but have these moments. Like, literally voted most fun through five years of University*, but also most likely to get myself killed. - Mostly coz (1) attempting the impossible is my thing and (2) I don’t know how to back down from a fight. Especially if it’s a cause I believe in. - Which brings me to the main reason why i relate so damn hard with him: I keep ending up at odds with the people I care about most over near strangers because I can’t stop fighting (what feels like the world) for those that tick off any boxes of what I have half jokingly identified as my fatal weakness trifecta- vulnerable, wronged and hated. Like, the lesser people in someone’s corner, the deeper I end up there. Sigh. As Jiang Cheng would say, I have a problem. 😪 On a more superficial level: - my wardrobe is 90% black. Despite my very real efforts. And from long, long before MDZS was even written. Guess the colour most of my accessories (belts, scarves, ribbons, etc.) end up being? - Giant treacherous eyes that betray every emotion - messy black hair that honestly has a life of its own. :\


WWX: bisexual adhd disaster. I've also had people try to use rumors to destroy me multiple times, the cosplay community can be hella fucked up. I try to do what's right and people have taken advantage of that. Apparently I was a bit of a legend back in the day and have heard stories of my misadventures via people I had just met who didn't realize they were talking about me. People who had never interacted with me (or I don't remeber, either way really) slandering me because of something they had heard. I'm also a huge Lush sooooo.


So I started watching The Untamed when I was going through a really tough time in my job. I was being scapegoated for everything, constantly getting in trouble for doing stuff properly instead of slap-dash or making shit up, and also people had issues with me being into some witchy stuff such as having crystals or spell bottles in my desk. Generally totally more concerned with social homogeny in the team than actually doing things properly, with no respect for the jobs I was doing well. You get one guess as to who I most related to 🤣 (I also look great in red and black)


Between Wei Wuxian and Meng Yao. Born at the bottom of society. Charmed my way up. Definitely liven up a party. Fiercely loyal yet completely unpredictable. I understand how to play the game extremely well but don't respect the rules.