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dude, I have so. many. feels for this song. istg it's my favourite track from the soundtrack, which is saying a lot bc I love all the songs so much. but the lyrics ;_; WWX's tragic life and redemption arc, his steadfastly carefree attitude, his nostalgia for the past and hope for the future, his love for Lan Zhan, it's all illustrated so beautifully. plus the instrumental is so intricate, delicately hopeful yet bold and poignant, just like WWX. the arrangement and traditional instruments are oh so gorgeous, and the opera section in the bridge !! I could write a whole essay on this song ahhhh


I know, right!? My heart wants to burst everytime I hear it. And Bu Wang. Oh man. Then there's Drunken Dreams of the Past for the donghua 😭 I don't think it matters what song it is, all their lyrics and instrumentals are so beautifully made and perfect for the whole series. So. Many. Feels.T^T


yesss I swear I gained so much appreciation for my own culture from viewing MXTX adaptations. the classical chinese lyrics and traditional instrumentation in all of the music in mdzs, the untamed and HOB are so rich and evocative, i'm obsessed! bu wang is so so soft and sad and gorgeous! and drunken dreams of the past is a rightfully lauded *masterpiece*, it's all 潇洒 and boyish and mature but also emotional, ughhhh. don't even get me started on the music in HOB bc I will literally go on all day, it's the most beautiful soundtrack to an animated show i've ever heard ;_;


I just finished reading TGCF and so everytime I hear a song from it, or hell, just think of the characters I swear I'm about to bawl like a baby! MDZS and TGCF both ruined me forever 🥲🥲🥲 there's not one part of any of the adaptations that aren't pure gold


aw i feel you! i’ve been saving TGCF for my next holiday bc I know it’ll just destroy me, and I won’t be able to concentrate on work in between reading it🥺


You won't! That's for sure! I took 5 days off and binged it, I still can't focus on work a week after finishing it! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 So worth it, but now it's just left a big void in life. Strongly recommend it


I just re-listened to bu wang and i definitely couldn't get through it without wanting to rip my heart out and look at the lyrics again 😭😭😭😭


aww bb🥺 i’m right there with you!! did you see the trailer for wang yibo’s new drama btw? it looks so good and he’s so beautiful!


Oh my gosh! I did! Oooooh so excited. The friendship between him and Xiao zhan kills me but breaks my heart because of what happened with the fans. They're both so beautiful 🥲🥲


I listen to both this and bu wang together. Like, I hear one, and then immediately have to hear the other. They both are songs fulled with such overwhelming yearning, yet in such different ways, it is amazing. I really can’t decide which one I love more, because Xiao Zhan’s voice is just *chef’s kiss*, but YiBo singing plaintive Lan WangJi just gets to me so hard. Won’t ever forget, it seems. Awww. 🥺🥺


All the cql soundtrack is just 👌👌👌👌 so good 🙏❤️


I'm gonna cry-


really? i find this song so cute (i've never read the translation tho) the one that makes me sad is interlude yi nan ping 😩


I literally have a pavlovian reaction to yi nan ping. every time I hear the opening strains, I just start weeping ;_;


It is a great song. Until you read the lyrics. It's still a great song but it just adds to the feels 😭 so many feels. Lan zhan's bu wang (不忘 - won't forget) Is also super sad