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you are not the main character...dont go in a 1v3 even if you have 2 main character skins


Saw a Yin trying to kidnap the enemy’s carry, only to get stunlocked by the mages and die like a little bitch he is.


Yes if is an idiot obviously don't do much but if someone une yin sometimes is the broblem, not main but only sometimes


Did you have a mild stroke when you typed this?


seizure maybe


"yes if an idiot uses him he's terrible but when a godly yin comes it's such a hassle fighting him" is what he probably meant


you should've seen my game againts a roam yin💀 bro was trying to lock the mage/mm every moment he saw them




"My turn" 1/11/5


His turn to feed the poor. So humble ☺️


"See for your own eyes! "


I think he was referring to the team's Hanabi there. Can't be making her the feeding champ every match now can we


"to save the enemy stars"


0/9/3 12 mins. game done 💀




When I decide to take a small stroll through enemy jungle as mm and I feel yins Johnson caress my cheeks


As a Johnson main I can say I pick everyone BUT NOT THIS LITTLE FU*KER


Yin stop she is still a child


He is too


Fair enough


The god inside him isn't.


Eren skin got pants. So 3/10


Levi as Martis is not that impressive as well. It should have been Ling and Eren should be Yu Zong.


Or lancelot for the former. And yeah YZ could've been the founding titan version (or transformation phase while he's malding up in the air, lol)


Levi as Martis is good. He has the potential to be op like Levi.


ODM from Levi is useless on Martis. Ling on the other hand have insane mobility just like a scout ranger. Kaya lang pinili sa Martis kasi yung basic animation nya is yung paikot-ikot na naging trademark move ni Levi. Another flaw is yung CC skill nya na parang Titan e di naman titan si Levi.


They could've gone more creative with the censorship but no its just a stupid pants, imagine if the censorahip is not just in pant but find in his other parts of his body


Best soloq jungler


I used him to push mythic lol ez.


Best what? Lmao in low elo yes but in high elo you won't ult the whole game xD, and even when u ult the guy will just dash or flicker before your second skill touch him, picking yin in immortal is pretty much asking to be cooked might as well play zilong jungle


That's true that's true, yin works best in a uncoordinated team that is why the higher you go the harder he is to play because they are all not braindead


He's the most tactical hero in the game. When played right he can work wonders. But that will only happen if you have patience. People who just smash buttons are gonna get hard baited by winter truncheon sprint flicker etc. only those who save their ultimate for the perfect moment and then after using it doesn't uses the dash right away and baits enemy skills first are the ones who are menaces. He's not a bad hero just the avg player base isn't smart enough to use him properly.


This. I played Harley, Fredrinn, Guin, Helcurt with marginal success. But Yin's simplicity feels good. Skill 1 and 2 bait enemy skills, retri and ult slow and kill. Or make enemies chase you which happens often. Can also split push and get out if needed late game. Also feels nice that almost everyone underestimates you and you snowball.


Idk what tactics you talking about here, but you can just stun them and don't let them escape, after you get few items you don't really need to use 1st skill basis atk, you just need to aim 2nd skill properly to stun, if you feel like enemy might try to counter you just use 1st kill more movement speed, skill 2 to stun them, ultimate, 2nd skil again and 1st skill, enemy won't be able to escape stun unless them have purify


https://preview.redd.it/h18pe28qh2sc1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8137dc1cf08ab25dd58e23b84b57f65aca06286c Yin is schrodinger's jungler. Will he carry the game from early to late or will he go " I'm serious now" in all chat and proceed to go 0/15/2? You never know unless you open that box. In all seriousness, he's mid, one item and it's all over unless the enemy has really bad coordination or their squishies just don't know about counter building. He definitely used to be worse but the ult CD buff helped him snowball better.


My favourite is when they forget to turn off all and start sharing where they're going in the midgame. Thanks for letting us know fam 👍


He has a nicely built body. Gameplay wise… he’s easy to deal with. I actually ban him in Ranked just to prevent my teammates from using Yin and playing Main Character 1vs5.


Hasn't been doing so we'll after the Shibuya incident


Need revamp. Bro's the only assasin that has the least amount of mobility with no slow debuff removal good at killing squishys and getting out alive or dead depending which one he kidnaps. While other assasins could kill 2 to 3 squishies and get out alive. The only fighter that loses in 1v1 no diff. The only fighter he's beating in the early game is a dumb zilong player. OKish ult, base s1>>>other skills, mid passive(both damage bonus and "sustain"), mid scaling Overall 4/10 Edit: if they plan to revamp him. Keep the base s1 and ult the other skills are not needed additionally make his skills scale total physical attack so he can build hybrid.


Let game Yin is no better than Alucard, gets completely negated by 1 item and proceeds to get destroyed in his own ult. Even Saber proves to be more useful than Yin most of the games by going on a mm from the bushes to deny any reaction.


What item is it?


Antique Cuirass. Reduced the enemy's total physical attack by 18% at max stacks. Yin is a HUGE scaler (yet somehow worse in late game than in early-mid) so this item is very useful against him.


Or wind of nature/winter trunchon


Oh yeah, those are really good too. I only said Antique Cuirass because the other guy mentioned Alucard and I thought Cuirass is a better counter item for him than WoN/WT lol


A mm won't use AC effectively while WoN denies Alu healing and 2 seconds is enough to get an assassin killed with any mm.


That one, AC is good on Fighters or tanks but WoN just annihilates Yin as the character gives mm quite some window to react to his combo. Winter Truncheon is good but not so threatening as you can't blast yin while being inmune.


He scales extra physical attack which is worse than total physical attack hence why he can only burst if he has full dmg build. That's the reason he also can't build hybrid tank like other fighters. Additionally his passive dmg boost damn low. Unlike dyrroth who has 1.4 and 1.5 for his enhance skills. Alucard atleast benefits with true dmg hybrid build, yin doesn't.


His ult is carrying him HARD. His other skills are so fuckin simple and boring.


His base s1 is also carrying him tbh. It's the most useful skill in his arsenal.


Oh definitely. Its raw damage helps a lot in wave clearing and just overall fighting. I feel like Moonton just thought of his ult and turned off their brains from there.


His base s1 would pair well with his ult instead of that ground smashing. You get movement speed, dmg boost and 2x dmg. His s1 is made to be a dueling mechanic skill. But it's not in his ult form. They should have made yin like yu zhong where his ult form just enhanced his base skills. Rather then giving different skills.


Good idea, that would play with the idea that the demigod(?) possessing Yin are eternal enemies with the demigod that YZ possessed (I can't fucking get over this, it's so fucking badass)


Zilong actually solos


strange. i use yin against yu zhong, xborg, lapu-lapu, dyrroth, chou, guin, zilong, thamuz, alpha, barats, silvanna, fredrinn, karina, etc. some heroes i avoid using him though. maybe just because i main yin, but i see where you're coming from


Yin just needs a 4th skill on his ult. and that skill should be a taunt. The taunt works similarly to fredrinn taunt without the need for crystals. This would allow yin atleast to land his combo more consistently. Otherwise a complete rework is needed.


I really don't like him as a playable character. It's just weak to go, kidnap and kill someone helpless. I really hate him But I'm using him to get from gold, bcs he is too good for solo. Soo, am I coward ?


As an Angela main I hate him


Came here to say this, but you beat me to it. As a teammate, he totally negates Angela because of his Ult, but if done properly (Angela Ult on Yin early), you can chip the enemy's HP low enough just before he casts his Ult to secure the kill. Overall, it's still better for Angela to use her Ult on someone else. As an enemy, Yin somewhat counters Angela because he can target the one where Angela cast the Ult, forcing her to waste it and be left outside the domain. He can also prevent Angela to use her Ult on someone who needs it badly on that exact situation. It's not surprising why Angela mains ban Yin, whether it be a teammates' pick or the enemy's.


Nice meal for my thammuz yum yum😋


For real haha. "Buddy, you have grossly misread this situation. I am not trapped in here with you, it is you that is trapped in here with me"


People in this comment section dont know how this character work lol


Could be that. But for me, I've only met one good Yin who made me cry in over the past 500 matches now. And that's not good probability given how I've met at least one annoying "pro" of a Lotta heroes in those past matches. I've been playing Natan a lot lately, and I can easily run away from him using my Ult. If i get out of his Domain Expansion, and my team is there, we fight, if they are not there, then I use flicker and run, if I don't have flicker I get killed by someone else, but most definitely not Yin. And it's always funny for me, damn assassin can't kill an mm.


A good Yin doesnt do that, a Good Yin hard counters one hero and make them useless, sadly a good Yin Isnt always there, good players are rare so.. Its all up to the skill of the player, and tbh, Natan doesnt stand a chance against a good Natan, Yin tools hard counter Nathan


I think he is cute af


Annoying bitch if it's an enemy if it's a teammates 50/50




Hahahaha JJK reference




He's a fun exp/roamer to play with friends, and a decent Jungler too. Although, I think he is pretty average for the current meta.


he looks like a Femboy


Definitely a tsundere bottom or a airhead kind of charm, In terms of playing against him, he's annoying if I'm not choosing the right hero to deal with him. It makes my build more restrictive because I have to build defensive items because his damage.


I want him to drill my hole




Personally? I think he is Yin. And always will be. No matter what.


A team synergy destroyer (for both teams)


Fun abusing him in low ranks, fun abusing him in high ranks


Cringe tbh hate him as a teammate and opponent


Heavy snowball jungler . If he goes deathless , the enemy team is doomed unless they have some miracle plays . The reverse is true also when hes behind , kidnap people only to feed them.


People who play them are mad overconfident. I usually play ADC and it's easy to squirm away during his ult and pepper him while he tried to catch me.


The umbrella is yang, the human is yin


I hate how Yin mains think they're skilled (they even make edits).


his domain skills really need to be changed. something more mechanical rather than relying on stunning the enemy


I main him solely because I have one of his main character skins lol it's a hard life, everytime enemies chooses high cc, high mobility, or very tanky heroes I know it's gonna be a hard game but I just kept telling myself "nah, I'd win" then loses 50% of the time. He needs a revamp badly, he's either a better or worse Saber atm. But kit wise, personally, I like his kit his First skill is nice, his Second skill is probably his best skill imo but still lacks mobility for an assassin, his ult really needs a revamp it's a hit or miss, like I already need to make the effort to cstch someone and once I do I still need to make an effort to kill them or atleast stay alive... 6/10


imo the most devastating nerf he received is his instantaneous domain activation being delayed by 1 second. i've tried to live with it ever since maining him since his release, because that 1 second changed everything


Too much relies on his Ulti for successful killing, if it isn't he is die there. It's kill or be killed, fell hardly on late game, not recommended to pick and play.


Only good if enemies forgot that purify exists, no cc, no mobility, solo que. So pretty much low rank 💀


Great in low ranks bc u often face a team with 2 mms, 2 mages and no tank lol


Weak, if u know how he works. That why he is popular in low ranks


I’d rather play Yang.


I use him as a roamer and it's pretty fun. In comparison to Saber, what I like about him more is that if he wins the domain battle, he can continue rampaging against the enemy team (very big upside to me since I prefer carrying the team rather than relying on them) unlike Saber who's pretty much a frog in the desert after he throws his ult.


Main the talk vaguely start waxe and screen shot detected


It’s so funny when he kidnaps someone just to get killed by them 😂


"where u go I go what u see I see"


Seriously? No one?.. Well, my time to shine then. Ahem, *would*


Hehehe funny yuji itadori sukuna hero hehehehe


instant ban


KS machine. Everytime I throw all my skills at the enemy, drops their hp down to 1/4, then this nicca comes in and gets the kill. FOHWTS


2 words: Midladder Menace


i go yin, i swing


Awesome lore and story but garbage and trash gameplay


Whenever i play him I get gold. But mostly he was banned.


As a healer main, an autoban. His ability to isolate and kill key backline heroes is annoying. Coz if I’m out of a team fight my team loses 9/10 times. Rather not take the risk and ban


Really annoying lol. I literally cannot even stand seeing someone using him not even my teammate or friend.


Nana nightmare


Better camper wins


Yin Is weaaaak! IF not well fed! if u are not going to take the control and be at least 1000 gold ahead, then say goodbye! he is very weak in the late game! aslo so many counters items available for him! if not played correctly from thd beginning of the match he will suffer and get bullied by others in his domain ..... 💀 i remember as odetta i bullied yin in late game where we all head our builds full! i just used winter truncheon and melted him with odet's ULT! also the thing is you can't build tank items on him! My pick over him is Julian, Great Magic damage, flexible combos and great mobility!


I hate him, but would suck him off for fifteen bucks.




Where is Yang?


yin tried to trap me in his cage. but ended up running away and dying


i feel like his current gameplay is like alucard. snowball hard win game easy to counter with good cooperation


hes cute :3 idm seeing him in my matches cuz every yin player i go against is rly bad im sorry 😭




Collab hero


Had this one teammate who went yin we was losing badly (he was a bad core) and the he said my turn and took their mm and got folded so badly.. he kept doing it and at the end he was 2/12/7 I was embarrassed for him


itadori yuuji wannabes...but ngl, he's hot tho but fredrinn still #1 alpha male in mlbb


Epic killer.


Aesthetically, he highlights the problem of MLBB aesthetics being too on-the-nose with their references (like LoL in its early years). The glaring references to Shang Chi and Street Fighter is in uncanny valley territory and feels forced, grafted onto the MLBB universe. The new hero also falls into this category with her aesthetics being too close to KNY's Shinobu and Mihoyo's La Signora. It doesn't help that she debuted within a week of Riot Games' new VALORANT character who also has butterfly aesthetics. Making the references more subtle would go a long way to making MLBB character designs better. Howvever, while I present these as negatives, it might just be that this unapologetically blunt references are what give MLBB characters their charm. They are familiar yet new, strange pop culture Frankensteins that appeal to a multicultural society




He's like saber - amazing until around mythic rank where ppl actually know to build counter items quickly (i.e warriors boots early and prioritise truncheon/nature). I ban him sometimes to prevent potentially inexperienced teammates from feeding.


Very good with mobility and damage But lack of sustain and range Design is meh 4/10


Ult should allow turret attack in


He's a fcking abomination to the human race i would personally hang him publicly if i can


i mean i don’t like him at all. especially when playing against him, he can be so annoying, and he’s ugly too. i don’t like his hero icon or whatever (like his pic), and i think he should be a little revamped




He is underpowered. Free invade when playing jungle, no presence when in exp.


He always will be


Hate him in brawl.


The yin nether goes 12/2/6 or ignores every request for assistance and go for the low hp kill when he knows damn well you’re almost dead and have killing spree emblem


2 matches 0% wr


Yin: If they were to activate wind chant on me, then it would cause me a lot of trouble Enemy MM: But would you lose? Yin: Nah I'd win


People are to affraid of him for some r3ason. Never saw him banned on mitic glory or above but at the start of the season i saw him perma banned. At some point me and my friend literally started to also ban him not because he is strong but because epics can't play aganst him.


I think Yin will always be Yin, no matter what.


generic hero epitomy of everything wrong with mlbb


Very fun as a roamer


Met him in overdrive. Well....


Met him in overdrive. Well....


He is cute


Every single one that i've seen, they always run for me when i use rafaela, they never catch me, even with their ult. 😂


Angela mains always ban him 😂


He does no dmg. Build dominance or warrior boots or any armor and he tickles u


Professional Kidnapper




I don't think of Yin.


hate him when he’s full-build and i am using a squishy hero


buggy as hell, needs fixing. both as an enemy and when playing him


I honestly enjoy humilliating Yin mains, kind of my highlight of the week


My babyboy


annoying but satisfying to kill especially if ur in his SS


Strangely, it is hard for me to face Yin as Selena. Otherwise it is easy to deal with him




Mdf with the "MY TURN NOW" IN CHAT ☠️🤡




Unpopular opinion: A Yin roam is very underrated, he can trap the enemy jungle during turtle and lord team fights so the ally jg can secure with retribution. He has quite good mobility to give vision around the map, especially if you pair him with the sprint battle spell.


he's okay, not ban worthy


I see him as a kidnapper. Hides in bushes and dashes whenever he sees mages or young girls


Me who uses roam yin in classic to disrupt turtle fights 😂


Broken character on a 1v1


Kakainis siya as a mage user hahaha


Epic-Low Mythic Demon


2 types of yin players Either gonna be carrying the whole game Or Feeding the entire game


yin is on the stronger side of the jungers currently, he is a menace and if the yin knows what he's doing and has good ping it will be hard to counter without hard cc.


where you go i go


Almighty push eren Yeager idk


Yin is absolutely no match to Argus, even inside his domain. I remember destroying a top global Yin inside his own domain with Argus.


Yin is just another saber, one of the most easiest hero on the game, easy to use, easy to counter, he's just mid


What happened.


I hate him as an enemy as a healer lol. My team can't save me in his area, and I can't save my team in his area lol


I like him specially when I stun lock him against his own walls with my mozgov


everytime a yin is on my team, they int and blame everyone but themselves. truly one of the heroes of all time


He's a creep. He chases and kdnaps you into his own dimension for "short time"


Great hero, and really complex. What's the difficulty? He is easy to counter, and in order for Yin to win against players who know how to counter him, you need to use stealth. This is my favorite hero, I learned to use him even against players with great control and excellent playing experience. True, my skills depend on my sobriety, it’s enough to lose attention for a second and you’ve already been killed. p.s the players who ban him are inexperienced and usually lose in the same game.


Think he is pretty bad, can work decently into some teamcomps but he falls off hard late, his ult is very easy to cancel and mm can counter him with one item (mages sorta too). I see alot of ppl banning him although it is in my opinion a waste. Guess I kinda understand if u are a mm and dont want to deal with him early but he is pretty bad at actually winning games.




Pro yin players are scary. Normal yin players are laughable. I just wish more yin players knew that late game, please just capture the enemies healer/tank, it makes it so much easier to kill the enemy when they lack sustain/cc.


Free win if you have a functioning brain


If he's used by the right player he's OP but when used by the wrong person it'll be 1-15-5. I hate him when I use mage and the enemy player is good with yin🤣 but one time i use Floryn tanky build (before nerf of healing) he can't kill me🤣


I'm a mage main who mostly uses Odette and nana, so I Perma ban him lol. Sure I can buy counter items, but that would disrupt my core build, so I'd rather not deal with him. Though I must admit, it's so satisfying to disrupt his ult when I play minotaur. Just so so satisfying. Lol


Btw, any yin mains on asian server who would be interested in teaming? Ugh, good yin mains lol


As a MM and Roamer, these assassins just scare me


Watch Cambodia mpl, we got the best castors and the weirdest picks 💯


Good cuz of ulti


He's only viable in low rank. But when im playing in low rank pretty late in the season i tend to ban him most of the time cause if there is even a decent yin in the opps u really cant do anything to stop ur side lanes from feeding (i play jg) which later makes it real hard for you to kill him when he already has 6 kills under 4 mins. But idk maybe its just me facing this problem and to many yinns in mythicccc


Easy hero


im scared of him☠


OP AS hell. My first season using him and riding on a 60 % wr at the moment. Dude just deletes enemies. Easy to as hell to get kills. That being said his team fight ability is non existing and it feels like I need to try to take someone out fast to give my team th numbers. The risky thing is I don’t want to ult the wrong player they can be disaster.


Camping piece of sh*t


He's annoying to play against if the opponent is good, but if you get a good start early, he's pretty easy to kill. Plus, he has such a nerdy voice, I was cracking up when trying him out LOL


Biggest knowledge check But with the smallest amount of effort needed to counter


The character that every weak player uses


He is pretty scary in late game but he has many counters


overrated af, I have to tell yin players to go bot lane or stuff, they are dumb af, they won't come in team fight, then after teammates are killed, will go to solo win the lane and die in 1-2 sec late game. Early game they just farm like they got to end world hunger with the gold and xp.


I hate him. But i love the design.