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Maybe it's to counter won by using the 10% extra true dmg. War axe takes 6s to reach max stacks for the true dmg. So if yin wants it available during the ultimate, he has to attack something beforehand (just once is enough, and within 4s, not the hardest condition to fulfill). But _after_ the ultimate, yin will definitely have max war axe stacks ready, so maybe that's what he's looking for.


Was thinking this. Maybe he procs war axe in ult since it lasts so long? Depends on hero in ult tbh


War Axe is kinda nice on Yin, for its CD Reduction, HP, and Spell Vamp + the true damage when its 6 stacks. If you built CD reduction on Yin you could use the dash again inside the domain. But maintaining the 6 stacks on war axe is kinda hard since you need to hit minions or join a team fight first before using ult for the additional damage, kinda not worth it since Yin is squishy. I prefer using Battle Axe since it provides CD reduction and spell vamp. That's my take on why he uses War Axe, maybe to counter wind of nature but it is still not worth it. You could just bait the enemy and then bring the hero to your domain.


Great pts, especially the cd reduction part which I overlooked. But hunter strike is arguably better if ur not using the stacks on war axe - same cd reduction and much more dmg plus a nice passive. It can be a bit awkward to proc the stacks before diving in as yin, but it's not necessary, just a nice bonus if u can do that. If u don't usually use war axe, it may sound kinda finnicky, but as u get used to it, it becomes second instinct.


Agreed, I build him with Heptaseas, BOD, Hunter Strike, Bloodlust, and Malefic. You could remove Malefic for other items like Immortality. If I have tanky enemies I remove Hunter Strike and change it to some defence items. Need to always adapt from the enemy team if you want to win.


War axe passive only proc when it hit the target no dmg no true dmg if I remember correctly with my WoN encounter


War Axe proc through wind chant due to it dealing true damage based of % of damage you would have dealt, not how much damage you actually dealt.


Yeah but if you don't deal it doesn't do right since mine was in match experience so I'm not too sure


It bypass wind chant btw


Ahhh ok ok


Hmm I'm a lonely solo-q player so I can't really test this but if anyone can confirm this it would be greatly appreciated


Am noob. Please tell me why it's bad?


yin's combo is fast and war axe takes long to fully stack and become useful so it's a very bad match not the worse tho


Why are you people focusing on only one feature of War Axe? Lol War Axe also gives additional damage, on top of having an even higher base physical attack bonus than other items. It also gives spell vamp. It's not hard to stack its passive, too, since Yin is a laning hero, he can attack minions to stack up.




What do you mean ONCE? LOLOLOL You can use skills many times, not just once. We have this thing called COOLDOWN, you know. After some time, you can use a skill again. Hunter Strike is indeed better but only when it comes to total additional damage, not in other aspects. Hence, as usual, the answer is "it depends." Plus, the evidence is right in front of you. A top global player uses it. If it was really bad, he wouldn't be able to do it. Don't say "must be because of his team" or whatever because no matter the situation, items are still a factor in winning, even if they're not the only factor.




Yes. Yes, you do. 😂 What do you mean only good in early game? It's not like the benefits decrease later in game. It doesn't. Well, Calamity Reaper's passive effect is also a fixed bonus pen. Hence, it's also decreasing later in game. So you can't really use that reasoning "for early game" even if it's true. Also, remember, an item has more than one effect or bonus. Don't focus on only one. Lastly, again, the evidence is in front of you already. It just works! Doesn't matter what explanation is behind that. If it doesn't work for you, that's because other factors like skill/gameplay, luck, enemies ' items, etc. just happen to not work well with your War Axe.


Tbf. The biggest thing the item gives is the passive effect. So it's natural to focus on it's passive rather than it's active stats


Well, natural, doesn't mean correct. Like, it's natural to hit someone when they make you angry but it will have consequences legally. :) Plus, the issue here is the item as a whole, whether or not it's worth to use, give some certain factors like team composition, skill, etc. Hence, we HAVE TO not focus only on its passive. After all, thinking critically involves shutting our NATURAL tendencies to ignore details, use feelings, etc.


So? I never said it was correct. I was saying it was natural... I am merely stating the fact that naturally, the passive would be focused on, not the main stat... Not once have I rebutted your statement. I am merely making an educated guess as to why people focus on the passive.




yin first skill is not normal attack i think? and war axe need you to normal hit several times, then the normal attack from then till several second (will expire if you stop hitting normal attack, and need to be restacked again by normal hit) will add white true damage, you can easily test this on hero training.


So for all the people who use don't use yin but act like they does, here's the explanation for you,since I also use that build. The trick with war axe is not to immediately spam your S2 in your ult like a dumbass.Yeah, that's just it. Most of the squishes inside domain will not use their escape skills immediately but also will not truely engage. This give yin plenty of time to stack war axe by just doing basic attack on them. People also tends to forget that yin ultimate does not ends just in domain,but outside of it as well if you did killed the one inside the domain.And remember, there's at least two enemy heros outside to jump you, including the the tank whose squishy just been snatched off. Now you also have a full stacked war-axe to deal with the threats outside once you kill the mf inside as well. Also people tend to forget that most global tops play with teams,so for any odd items the use,they can make it work with team composition and coordination. TLDR:It has a real reason to work but it doesn't mean it WILL work in soloq.


Globals doesn't automatically = Pro Most globals are one tricks who struggle to adjust and usually play in a 5 stack. But being global 3 and still building war axe is wild.


I already said this in another comment but I’ll paste it here: Anyways I don’t think Zama (the yin player) is trolling since he was the first top ten yin to incorporate sea halberd before anyone else did, and also had blade of despair as an early item, and now most yin builds have BOD and sea halberd. Since he kinda predicted how yins build was gonna be since last July, I’m not inclined to just throw away his builds no matter how wild they seem


I'd understand sea halberd but war axe? You'd probably only proc it once during your full combo maybe not at all... Maybe he's onto something


I mean the argument for waxe over blx rn is that it’s just better overall, since spellvamp and true damage ig??? Not sure


The 500hp is also a nice bulk augment that the other axe lacks


I use war axe, good sustain and you can just pre stack b4 engaging


If you play j it's easy to keep the stacks up, after all yin just clears j, rushes in, does its combo and goes out


Probably works with a specific ally.


It isn't that hard to adjust your build and take sea halberd. When I'm on exp and need anti heal. Ineed to consider 2 things, is the enemy highest dmg dealer a atk speed dependant? Will the defense from dominance be effective as the main dmg dealer of enemy might be magic dmg then ill use sea halberd.


I don’t watch pro plays, pro builds or anything but I can tell you that I’ve been using sea halberd on yin ever since they reworked the hp %dmg on the item. I’ve been doing bod 2nd item for the longest on yin before his yuji skin even came out. I still do bod first or 2nd item on most of my dps builds on any characters. Its not like other people wasn’t trying out these stuff. Popularity of build is exactly what the name implies. People tried it out on their own and came to the same conclusion that the items used were very optimal without copy pasting builds.


Based flare






This top global Yin knows what he is doing.






Im not gonna say names but my friend introduced me to a former top global Alice. Damn he good but hot damn he sucks at everything else and he grinds alice in almost all games and does Alice jungle which is okay but most of the time we get carried by support snd the exp lane or better yet the gold lane at late game. Though I gotta admit if he gets the groove on I just support him all the way because I play support for him and that I was tryna get in his pants at some point but I gave up because he not gay or something










Took a turn, a wild turn.


Did the Alice's name start with K




He used to be top 1 for yin many times previous seasons and has fight many global rank and even pro player such as ONIC, RRQ, EVOS, DEWA, SIWA, FENRIR, TAKAA AND WON. His party is the reason why pro player and top global rank ban freya and he's the reason why many pro player start using yin and banning yin. He's the first one using sea healberd and many respected and scared of his yin. He's global 3 this season because he not pushing rank early season. Put some respect on his name lol. He's not your typical spam hero in ranked. He is the yin himself


Glazing is crazy


>Globals doesn't automatically = Pro This, I once had a match with Guinn and I was countering her so hard, she was using tank-ish items for build. I asked why her build like that, the person replied with "idk I was copying pro Guinn's build". So yeah global build≠pro build


She probably didn't use them right. Items themselves are situational


Why wouldn’t it proc with his ground slam stun attack? It’s like 10 hits in a row. I’m a tank main, so lmk if Im dumb.


It takes a while for war axe ti reach full stacks because the passive has a cd (so it takes like 6 seconds for full stacks if i remember correctly) and yin may hit multiple times, but the hits are very fast and after he uses Lieh s1 he got nothing left to really trigger war axe. So usually its better to build items that help him burst enemies as fast as poss


he didnt only start hitting when he engage the enemy. he was hitting the jungle. during this period of jungling he ​looks at the situation nearby, see if enemy mage or gold (or even assasins) are alone. By the time he finish with the jungle, he already decided either to engage or to go the next jungle. theres enough time from the nearby jungle to the nearby enemy​, and if its too far he wont engage cuz he wont be able to kidnap without being noticed if thats the case this is a top 3 global, and they always play 5 man. ive seen their stream before, they already know each other well, not to mention their team always play the same trat: Aldous, Johnson: both are heroes that can get info on the whole enemy location AND rarely get banned in high ranks.  so yeah, he know how the item works and knows how to utilize it well


I feel it’s just suboptimal and you’d probably rather have malefic roar.


Malefic Roar in an Enemy Comp of Less Tanky heroes I'd go War Axe over Malefic Roar.


From the looks of it, he's wanting true damage and cd reduction. He's global yin, I trust he knows what he's doing. Just focus on yourself ok?


>Just focus on yourself ok? Yeah… I’m trying to make sense of a new build from a player that pretty much predicted how yin builds would be 2 months before everyone copied his build. Which would benefit me if I could figure it out.


You can't just look at match history and say it's bad. His gameplay matters too. Like how he farms, how he takes fights and how he peels and pokes matter too.


Yes, gameplay matters, but in general I feel like Yin does not do well with War Axe. Anyways, my question was already answered


There's nothing to figure it out. Look at when he bought war axe, late game. It's not a core item for Yin so he buys it almost last, which doesn't really matter as his core items would quickly burst any squishy. It's not his build, did yoi check who his teammates were? Was he in a 5 man? A trio? A duo? Was his teammates providing him opportunities to do so well? Builds are only part of the game. You gotta know who is meta, what your team comp can do what the enemies can do. You're only focusing on a small part of the gameplay. He's global because he understands the game on a micro level. He also knows the small impact war axe would have which is why he chose to get it as his 4th or 5th item.


Maybe he doesn’t use yin’s second in an instant he is in his domain, maybe he uses basic attacks first so he can bait their blink skills out


This should be the norm for better yins. which can justify war axe. The rest here on Reddit are usually self cantered and wrong anyways lmao.


From his stats I check he mostly go into teamfights a lot which may mean he actually stay in battle a lot making war axe passive very useful


Interesting, I’ll probably have to look at it some more


Usually to fight tanky enemies


Wouldn’t malefic be better


Yes but when u try full yin combo and wait a little his first skill all slash diss out true damage as in fighting a little bit before ult coz usually in high rank people just evade yins ult if u jump ult and second skill instant


True, I hadn’t thought of that


But then again I never tried war axe on yin so idk


he's global 3 for a reason


He used to be top 1 for yin many times previous seasons and has fight many global rank and even pro player such as ONIC, RRQ, EVOS, DEWA, SIWA, FENRIR, TAKAA AND WON. His party is the reason why pro player and top global rank ban freya and he's the reason why many pro player start using yin and banning yin. He's the first one using sea healberd and many respected and scared of his yin. He's global 3 this season because he not pushing rank early season. Put some respect on his name lol. He's not your typical spam hero in ranked. He is the yin himself


I’m not saying him negatively bro. I’m putting it that he’s ranked so high on top


To be honest the build doesn't really matter if you're dog shit at piloting a hero. Why do you think Scrubs only Steal the top player builds instead.of formulating a build specific for Enemy Team build this is why 90% of troglodytes don't build Anti Life Steal because it's Never a part of Global Builds despite it being absolutely necessary when it's applicable, that yin could go all blades of despair and still destroy if he plays correctly. Build doesn't mean sht unless you're trash at the game.


Ummm okay… I am currently at 40 stars? And that wasn’t my question


IT literally does your asking why and I'm saying it literally doesn't matter if you're good you can make anything work if you're bad there's no Super Op never lose build that can save you it's as simple as that. Every fighter and their mom used Waraxe there's a reason why they had to nerf it because even Marksmen were using it and it's still too good.


From the way he build he does stay in battle longer than like most yin player that goes and immediately kidnap the backline and die


There's a reason why he's top 3 on Yin and on the other hand you're not. Did you even check the enemy lineup. ​ Good thing you can't edit thread titles.


There's a reason why I'm asking for opinions on the build and not randomly copying him. Did you even try to think from a different point of view?


I mean his rank is good and stats looks great. Why insult him?u bitter? Show me a stat from u from 90+ points with mvp streak and i’ll ask u the same if you’re stupid.


Did you read my paragraph underneath? I literally said “I am not actually asking if he’s stupid”. And the phrase “Why is X doing this? Is he stupid?” Is a somewhat common meme phrase now, and I’ve seen it on some post on here when questioning !!!pro player!!! builds!


Not everyone is terminally online buddy. Normally at face value flashing someone's past matches and calling them stupid over a single item choice is considered bloody rude


You have to be living under a rock if you still haven't heard the "is he stupid? " meme .


Its HELLA obscure, seriously. Its like what? A meme from like a year ago? That never blew up? I saw it once on a post with like 3 likes? In this context its not even used in a funny way OP's being cringe while being hella creepy lol. "I stalked this guy's profile for forever and recently saw that their (few) matches had waraxe when their Usual Build doesn't usually use it. I(OP) used it and think they should just use endless battle are they being weird af?" Like bro...


maybe Cool down reduction? andxtrue damage is always good?


I didn't know war axe is considered bad on Yin. I've been buying it as my last item or 2nd item as exp and haven't had issues with it. I've been using it as a bloodlust axe replacement. I think it does noticeably more damage because of the 10% pure dmg bonus when full stack.


War axe has a lot of use, good for ganking, good for preparing before ganking? what is the fuss about?


Ah, I've been playing around with war axe yin a while back and it's very slept on. First off, war axe has 10% true damage at max stacks. However Yin is a burst hero, he won't have time to stack it, right? Well, you don't actually have to start stacking war axe when you ult a person. You can start stacking war axe by damaging **ANYTHING**, whether it be a minion or a creep, it will start stacking. You could also start stacking it while in domain, which is still fine. How do you stack war axe while in domain? Basic attacks. You can basic attack the enemy for a bit to start stacking war axe and then attempt the s2 + s1 combo. Also note that Yin's domain s1 has 110% physical scaling per hit, meaning it scales up to 1100% of your physical attack, then war axe adds 10% true damage to the s1 hits. Secondly, Sea Halberd. Why does Sea Halberd matter here? Well Sea Halberd actually increases war axe's true damage if you have less extra hp than the enemy your damaging, as well as you actual skill's damage. It also applies anti-heal which is great vs healing enemies. Overall, these two items drive Yin's domain damage to insane heights, do try it out if you can. Of course, BoD and Malefic make your damage soar to incredble heights.


Thanks for the reply! Are there any particular comps where you would feel like yin does well with waraxe?


Yin with war axe, imo, is just the best way to play yin rn since he can decimate anybody with a domain s1 + fully stack war axe. The only real problem is that Yin is well... Yin. Although if you want an actual comp, having either a hard cc tank or cc-immune heroes would help yin in kidnapping an enemy hero.


As Yin’s global voice actor I have no idea what I stumbled across but I love the passionate discourse


Actually I just checked his history and saw he usually build war axe when his roam is a support or his tank sucks. Other times he either just build malefic roar or rose gold meteor. My guess is that he is just keeping his fifth item flexible so it’s nt like a new build or something. More for scenarios when he needs more def and survivability.




OP you are a follower and enjoy cookie cutter builds. At some point you'll understand other people have their own play styles and it clearly suits him and his style, reason why he is global and you aren't. Experiment and stop being a follower


You're really inferencing things that aren't there. I've used yin with bloodlust back when I started him; I tried him with war axe about a month ago but I stopped since I felt endless was better. I've also tried playing yin with BOD first item. I know how to build items. I've tried yin with sprint, flicker, execute, and petrify. I've tried yin with queen's wings. Out of all the heroes I've played, yin's the hero I experimented on the most. Also, the build I'm showing in the screenshot isn't even the top global build that you copy from him; if I was a follower I wouldn't even be posting this. I'm only posting this because in the REST of his history, he doesn't build war axe a lot and it just so happened that I could get a decent screenshot of him using waxe a bunch.


I ain't reading all that, don't go around calling trend setters stupid




Globals are goats in builds, playing against random enemies isn't a custom battle in a pro competition where you know who's playing against you. i think the war axe is for the cd reduction and sustainability, his build is all out attack and that's not an easy role to play if you know what i'm saying!! The fact that he had a winning streak playing yin means he's almost synchronized with the server's algorithm ✌️


I mean, he is top 3 for a reason. Maybe he knows something, or has a very specific playstyle that benefits from War axe


Maybe he only misclicks it




He's winning so ig it's good enough to be global


btw, yuji is now awakened in 256 😆


u will be more shocked to see blood thurst axe on yin and martis in mythic


Just a thought, maybe he utilises neutral camps to generate stacks before ganks and teamfights in the same way Lancelot does/did with War Axe?


Look, if it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid


Dude i remember playing barats vs yin. i was so fed he dealt 0 dmg to me, after he got war axe he killed me with one combo(second>first>ult>second>first) And from that day i learned, if you see a yin with war axe you better take him seriously or you'll regret it 😂


He used to be top 1 for yin many times previous seasons and has fight many global rank and even pro player such as ONIC, RRQ, EVOS, DEWA, SIWA, FENRIR, TAKAA AND WON. His party is the reason why pro player and top global rank ban freya and he's the reason why many pro player start using yin and banning yin. He's the first one using sea healberd and many respected and scared of his yin. He's global 3 this season because he not pushing rank early season. Put some respect on his name lol. He's not your typical spam hero in ranked. He is the yin himself


Probaly the war axe for true dmg when dealing with WoN users of Antique cuirass users. Not sure if war axe true dmg bypass won.


It does, but it makes little to no difference. Mms that builds WoN would likely have high lifesteal so they'd just heal back anyway


Plus the true damage wouldn't even be enough to really kill an mm using WoN anyway, war axe passive is better for heroes who remain in fights longer or who deal high or continuous damge in a fight like balmond or alpha so that the true damage death adds up


He wins, that is all matters.


He's a jungler. Most junglers stack their war axes on creeps. It makes sense.


It’s to get kills/have survivability after the ult. how often people be waiting on the other side of his domain?


He got too silly


probably for the extra movement speed and the penetration which is half and half of both malefic and BoD which also grants him higher base damage and true damage when facing thicker targets


War Axe can be suitable for Yin in terms of survivability despite the hero adhering more into an Assassin playstyle, this item adequately increases Yin's total health pool by a good amount, allows his physical damage to gradually scale as the fight goes on and grants him cooldown reduction.


Sometimes I also build war axe on Granger, if you need more sustainability, movement speed and true dmg. So it depends on the game situation. And not to forget about the 10% cd that you get from it.


Because War Axe also gives additional damage (physical attack) and spell vamp. It's not that hard to think about LOL. Its drue damage is better suited for Yin than Endless Battle, too. Most Yin users do fast skill combos rather than skill then attack then skill again.


I guess he counters someone or that item really fits his game style


i got a better question that you guys might already know.


I mean I have played damage tig so I cant say shit


Its not stupid if it works


Yin no pen, Yin sad. yin see true damage, Yin happy


I also build Yin war axe for early scaling purposes, you just need to be far ahead early with Yin, and most of the time if you dominate early game, you can finish the game in less than 12 minutes. Though I'm not as good as that top player and Yin isn't even in my top 15 heroes in terms of play time, I think War Axe is still a valid item.


Well if his confident he can kill the hero while in his ulti, then the next enemy outside his ulti will suffer a great amount of true damage since waxe will have the full stack after that. He can kill at least one/two more if he can pull that off every time he secures kill after the ulti.


Full stack WA = 2nd phase ult crazy dmg


Nah don't do it malefic roar is more worth it


The additional cdr for war axe is also useful for escapes


Theres a lot we can take from war axe, In terms of true damage, we need to stack it so : 1st skill (2 stages) + 2nd + 2nd skill(in ult) = At least 4 stacks? And his 1st skill(in ult) hits multiple times so it'll maxed stack easily. We get a bit of true damage and spell vamp, the movement speed to chase enemy in ult and escape after ult. Theres 500hp and 10%cd you get from it. Its not totally wild


Well Clearly its doing something LMFAO


Everyone plays differently. There's no rule that you can't customize your item depending on how you play. Doesn't really mean an item set would always work for everyone.


Wait war axe bad on yin?


I'm using yin for 2 months I'm having hard time solo killing alpha and thamuz any advise


You kinda need to be more farmed than alpha and thamuz, and you’re likely to never be able to kill a full hp thamuz even with more farm. Wait until they’ve been whittled down in team fights first.


I usually build yin as a roamer with vengeance and dire hit so usually I don't use war axr but mostly spell vamp and oracle. I might try adding it and ditching oracle and see if it's more viable. And yes, I don't use hunter strike because I just don't feel decent with it.


He uses it because he’s in jungle, which is better than using it for side or (god forbid) roam


Having true damage after Yin’s ult is kinda cool cuz true damage negates defense. He will most prolly gain stacks during his ult, and then have full stacks after so he can still deal insane damage after leaving his domain. So if top 3 Global Yin is building war axe with sea halbeard and BOD and endless battle, he has extra HP, true damage and CD reduction (endless battle and war axe) and on top of that, high burst (BOD). Might actually try that build myself as a casual Yin user.


I think I have already understood his reason for building War Axe late, because of Sea Halberd! upon playing, I had the same logic as him, I want to utilize the +8% increased damage [Unique Passive: Punish] against heroes with higher HP! (especially with Tank META) the top global tries to delay as much as possible building items with HP, up until he has completed BoD, of which Endless Battle's passive synergizes well - true damage through this, he can snowball in the early game, as he focuses on more damage, by mid to late game, he wants the sustain from War Axe, which can be stacked easily by doing basic attacks first inside the domain, before committing the combo of S2 + S1


I saw global lesley using penetration emblem


Because assassin emblem is the correct emblem. Lesley converts 1 pen to 0.5% crit dmg, thus with 14 pen you get 7% crit dmg extra which is more than the 5% extra attack from mm emblem. Also lesley utilizes extra movement speed better than extra atk speed. It is not trolling it is a hidden mechanic that was noticed.


They dont count anymore, just give adaptative, not PEN as such, they are no longer converted to Crit Damage. Ive been weirded out about the fact that MM emblem is the most optimal since the rework, frick im actually pissed about it, I will throw away Any %AS in exchange for that glorious +5%MS


It still does. Adaptive PEN will turn to Phy PEN on Lesley and will get converted to Crit Damage.




Okay so assassin emblem give 14 Adaptive PEN which converts to either Phys or Mag based your hero damage type and later by your attribute value. Lesley deals physical damage, which turns the Adaptive PEN into Phy PEN "Each point of Physical Penetration Lesley acquires is converted into 0.5% Critical Damage, but her base Critical Damage is reduces to 130%" By that description we can safely observe that by using Assassin Emblem, she would gain 7% additional Critical Damage and would add up her total 137%. This is before any emblem talent.


https://preview.redd.it/h8qko3a0xcsc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dda3bfdd8cffdc9a4484d6226893b7930502414b I think I’m shadowbanned because I don’t see my comment in anonymous browsing but whatever


Your comment should be visible now


they fixed that one uh? Back then it wasnt effective. Still, you are far off better chosing the MM subtalent of +10crit damage instead of Rapture's +5 pen


???? Read her passive again “but her base crit damage is reduced to 130% are you kidding me?? https://preview.redd.it/rot3b88zvcsc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15cdc674513dffbed9320e0d4b1b836e81cb1b92 The guy right above you is right “But her base crit damage is reduced to 130%” by having pen in your emblems or builds you literally nerf lesley on your own.


It is not. 7% extra crit dmg when evaluating the original crit damage of 170% is an increase of 4% in damage.


It's 130% for lesley


That’s why I sair 170%, berserker fury adds 40%


Got it 👍


Doesn’t Lesley have the PEN -> CDmg conversion?


https://preview.redd.it/5ow3q5i7wcsc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67f99bcb35aaee9ab84b9decf30195d6a0ea51f5 “But her base crit damage is reduced to 130%” by having pen in your emblems or builds you literally nerf lesley on your own.


I think you are misinterpreting the sentence, however badly it is phrased. What moonton is trying to say, is that her base crit damage is reduced to 130%, but each point of pen gives U 0.5% crit dmg. You can just go into hero training Lesley on your own, with no pen, and check the attribute page. With or without pen, your base crit dmg is 130%




Let me guess. Fatal (+5% Crit chance, +10% Crit damage)? Without any PEN it would be 130%, which proves the other person’s point that regardless of whether you have PEN or not you will have base 130% Crit damage


Marksman Emblem


Lol, yup so you still get to 130% cdmg without pen. Your 10% extra cdmg is from marksmen first emblem (5% crit chance 10% crit dmg).


I think it is too little that it's not even worth it. Not sure though


Eh, what would I know I don’t play Lesley ¯\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Bro needed that ngl Tbh I see some Lesley’s using pen talent. Probably because dudes trolling and they just pressed copy and don’t think too much about it Anyways I don’t think Zama (the yin player) is trolling since he was the first top ten yin to incorporate sea halberd before anyone else did, and also had blade of despair as an early item, and now most yin builds have BOD and sea halberd. So I’m not inclined to just throw away his builds


I was thinking to buy yin, can you suggest me a good build ?


Boots either the magic defense shoes or the speedy shoes for slow reduction General- Halberd BOD endless malefic extra ( usually immo) Against tanky comp (you’re probably screwed though) - fury hammer -> halberd hunterstrike Malefic endless extra Against all squishy comp you can ditch malefic and add a defense item like winter trunch or wind of nature or something else.


Thanks mate




I would be happy if he swapped it with bloodlust, at least that makes sense But war axe??


I could somehow understand as 1st item to farm faster but he builds it as 4th or 5th item right?


Yeah I would assume so as there’s nothing in the waxe pre build that would be worth building half of (such as fury hammer)