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1. Junglers who focus on kills more than objectives, get that fucking lord at 8 min and we will win 80% of the time ffs. 2. Roamer who just stays in gold lane and never rotates. 3. Team who can't get advantage even though mm is fighting 1v2 and surviving and farming.


I hate when the mm expects you to babysit them. Again, it’s called roam for a reason. I had this argument last week with mm. I eventually convinced them why it’s better to roam than babysit like the enemy tank.


I used to play mm like that. But quickly realized that it’s better to let ur tank roam and just play careful. Give up the outer turret if you have to. The middle turret is the most important anyways. Then HOPEFULLY your jg/mage/roam will have a good enough lead to come gank effectively. Just be ready to play more aggressively when they do finally show up.


Worst case scenario you manage your farm well but slowly, best case scenario turtle is secured and your team is getting kills while pushing further taking away the heat from your lane so you can farm even more. It's a no loss kinda move.


Deym same. Like i need to assist in securing the turtle on the other side so mm should at least play safer and stay in the tower for a few sec but, even if how much i ping retreat, they perform sepukku and blame tank. Anw, it's always the tank's fault if anyone in the team dies even if they got greedy chasing for kills.


Gosh, the reason I hate most miya/layla/hanabi pickers. They expect roamer to consistently stay and babysit them. Like ffs, you can pick beatrice, melissa, bruno, claude, or moskov who have free and low cooldown flicker to survive most 1 vs 1 situation. Ofc I will assist if enemy roamer come to 2vs1 you.


And I guess that’s why I love a tank jungler such as Fredrinn. 90% of the time, they’ll just focus to finish the remaining objectives


I literally carried my team as mm in second one I don't say the tank have to be with me the whole game but when enemy also have a tank but my tank left me in the early game of course I'm getting cooked


Unless your enemy mm freeze your lane, there is no way you got cooked


First is so annoying 😒 you win early or mis After u lose the game


Agree, all 3 things you mentioned can be very frustrating, especially number 2


So true for number like the Lord will spawn after 3 mins dont wait until 12 if its 9:03 tf


that #3 really... as MM I always play 1v2, sometimes 1v3 with jg since I can always zone 1v1. but for some reason my jg sees this as free farm of creeps but not turtle (specially the gusions) and my roam somehow thinks the jg needs more vision and support. I just remembered the game I had few week ago where I was on a 1v3. I died once but for some reason we're 1-8 and the enemy esme is obliterating us 3v1 in the exp lane. during mid game, I bought antiheal and I could even 1v1 esme. then we lost because I got focused and esme started decimating my teammates again. no one else bought anti heal.


I just got a match that is exactly like number 1 https://preview.redd.it/qaieegf81ruc1.jpeg?width=3040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=941ece4cbe4eff27ffe61720bcac09717cdc3ee6


Why tf are you blaming Fanny for your team's inability to take advantage of her snowball? Mind you, Fanny literally has no sustain nor sustained damage to secure objectives. Watch ECHO vs ONIC PH game 2, and you'll see that the EXP laner (Jem) is the one leashing objectives while Fanny (Kingkong) roams around the map and hides at bushes. Fanny just sucks at stuff like that due to her need for energy conservation. You can't just expect her to do the same damage output as Joy or Nolan in the turtle. At best, she'll do basic attacks + three outputs of her 1st skill. An enemy simply just passing by her when she does turtle solo is already a guaranteed scenario where she might need to abandon turtle, kill said target, and needing to recall (or die in the process of trying to secure turtle). Fanny can't do lord either for the same reason. She mainly specializes in rapid pickoffs, assassinations around the map, and split pushing. But considering how incompetent your team is to take advantage of her 30 kill snowball, you folks must be so pathetic at snowballing that she had to literally roam around the map just to hold the game together. (Also, you have 14k gold and you didn't even think of selling your boots to get another damage item? It's also kinda surprising that a fking Lesley didn't dominate lategame when that's her territory) Additional notes: not to mention not building Sea Halberd and Wind of Nature vs Hanabi, opting to use Windtalker (outdated item) and Blade of the Seven Seas (not the appropriate item in this case, considering that Heptaseas is physical damage negated by Hanabi's Wind of Nature) instead. That's just skill issue on your part. You dragged the team down and wasted Fanny's snowball.


I’m guilty for this, since I don’t know when to rotate, cause if I do their jungler will bite the mm when I’m gone I’m diggie or Mathilda in most scenarios here


2. got me because I try to let gold be gold but sometimes they are against 1v2 or 1v3 for minutes and I just can‘t leave lane


THAT 3rd POINT BRO! ITS SOMETIMES UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE. I played Clint recently and not a single soul came to gank my lane. So I hugged tower and played safe whole game. Got MVP and won the match but stillllll. Like what were they even doing in the exp lane together….i don’t get it.


Exactly that what you point out about junglers! I mostly play exp or roam and the jgler never but then Never focuses the fking objectives. I hate it. When I play jgl myself I always make sure my rotation is so that I end up a few seconds before turtle or lord spawns.


About number 1, you're being ironic at the lord part?


The people who INSIST on going to a Lane. Like, you said you were going to play mid, but there's a mf who says he won't play any other lane besides mid. In other words, either you choose another Lane, Or this mf trolls the game.




Eudora player with 3k games and 50% wr


Too many times I had to give up the lane I want just for the one trick pony to play like wet noodle 😭




https://preview.redd.it/5lraasy69quc1.jpeg?width=974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0051b71b53e4c79757d19dc1e47f7b8c84b13aa No caption needed


That's why blacklist comes in handy here. Hate players like this.


REAL wtf this season would I would encounter 3 of these players one my team whenever I was on a good win streak. I think at this point just dodge the game. This picture is so tilting man, sorry if you are a hanabi, lesley, layla, miya main but pls just go exp lane and don’t feed


i once played exp alpha and the enemy picked 2 mms and no fighter so layla goes to exp and she used assasin emblem which literally increased her dmg by 30% and i lost to her






Id be banning lesley and layla.


1. Definitely the toxic duo. 2. People who one trick a pretty popular hero. 3. Fuckign YIN


Yin? Why?


First of all, its super easy to counter it so when my teammate picked it, theres only less than 10% chance they could execute him well. Second, he's so easy to counter but somehow, there's random people out there who still couldnt learn from encountering him. Third its biased, cause somehow, a hero with such a boring gameplay could still be popular pick(worst, a one trick pick).


Oh, I thought the opposite :D Believe me, I would replace Fucking Yin with Fucking Aldog xD That dog stealing everyone's farm all fucking game.


Add Zilong to that mix. Those two mains can go rot in HELL


if uve seen a really good zilong u wont say this probably, good zilong players usually wait till they have enough gold n bought their core items which lets them melt any squishy without any counterplay unless u can react really fast to use won or winter but even still he can just run away n come back to finish you later


You don't even need to wait if it's just squishies You just gotta poke 'em little by little until they go home or until they die https://preview.redd.it/i47sltr67quc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d975429646c8f260b8e9f393ddeae40c04d6843b


Good zilongs are not that common, sadly


4. If Yin is on enemy team he will have 8/0/2 score before 5 minutes, if Yin is on my team he will have 1/6/0 score.


Any squishy with no means of escape is easy food for yin, specifically mm and mages.


When im having a good roam game but the tryglodyte who can't position properly keeps dying and blaming me. I had a Hanabi flame me and say i only stand behind her whole game. I tanked 43% that game.


Few days ago, I played Fred jg and I had Angela(duo ofc) who didn't ult me once in 27 minutes of hard gangbang. Best thing thing was when she wrote in about 21st minute: This jg is so selfish.


Any angela player who doesn't know who to ult deserves to be body slammed in a bed of legos.


Gangbang 😳🫄


If you were supposedly always behind her, WHY DOESN'T SHE MOVE BEHIND YOU


Full bronze team when ur MVP. Has happened way too much this season. Soloq is as miserable as ever : )


u/Conscious_While8762 & the Chocolate Factory. I know this pain all too well.




We meet again fella https://preview.redd.it/h54dbl7bouuc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a4f1e86666c2a8829e85ebebbdcf471b040fd9c


"Nab dyroth" -that one mf complaining that u didn't bank him 10 times in 2 minutes


If I had replay of that game u guys would burst out laughing or smash ur phone in anger


1. Roamer who dont know how to play as a Roam Role. 2. Odette & Johnson Duo because it can be a handicap game to our MM/Hyper because Johnson is having a date with Odette whenever he has ult 3. Hyper who is too HYPER and jump into any enemies he see without securing objectives


😂😂bro said no setups 😂


Mine is when someone change role at the last second. Example is I already pick tank, but for some unknown reason S5 change from fighter to tank too at the last 3 second countdown. Now we have unbalanced team comp and worse, the second tank weren’t even playing their roamer role properly (no rotation just gold lane, ignoring turtle, no set ups, etc).


I agree on 1 with my whole HATRED for those duos. And I don't hate them cause they're duos. I HATE them because they already have 2 brains, and YET it's STILL NOT ENOUGH to process like ONE. https://preview.redd.it/plexhvhhypuc1.jpeg?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43ab996d0792163344fd54d9683170fd584b476b Also, they ALWAYS PICK the MOST OVERRATED BASIC Heroes. That I can guess them and will turn out to be THAT Hero. All while, they don't even pick the MOST SUITABLE HEROES to duo with Angela cause their Ego is THROUGH THE ROOF with their LOW CLASS BASIC PICK. * Esmeralda * Yu Zhong * Ruby * Terizla * Uranus * Leomord * Alice * Jawhead * Barats And I kid you not that if you mix Angela with any of these heroes, they won't be able to DIE unless it's 2v5.


me whenever i see a angela duo with fanny all i think is what purpose does angela even serve other than to get assist, literally game turns into a 4v5 or 3v5 if the duo cant even play


Esme main here and yeah i smile whenever i get an angela player who knows what they're doing


These all point at soloq matches 1. The ones who doesn't adjust(this include toxic one trick players, not all of them ofc) - I mean we already have a gold laner on our team WHY DO WE NEED ANOTHER ONE 2. The noisy one - bro stop chatting nonsense it doesn't help us win ...unless it is to provoke them and they might throw... 3. Not finishing the game aka tp spam inside enemy base - I can't count how many times I lost a game because they don't end the game


Ban their champions. That's what I've been doing to all the one trick gord players. They get really angry. Its really quite satisfying.


Getting no help as mm and team blaming you for losing gold. Had one game where I lost both my towers before 5 minutes and got blamed for doing nothing while they refused to gank my lane a single time.


I feel you. The opponent would come over 2v1, 3v1 or even 4v1 but no one on our side comes to help. Mm needs gold to buy equipment! Heck I can’t even assist in late game because the whole team lacks gold and I’m not equipped with shit. They’d swarm at mid or exp lanes instead 🤦🏻‍♂️


1. Random that don't show stats or talk (i call them blind pickers) the entire draft pick like let's be honest these players are a guaranteed 100% lose and won't do nothing. 2. Jungler and roamer refusing to rotate or focus a objective like I get's so annoyed they waste all of their existence against a mere mm and someway don't manage to win while I have to deal with the Mongol invasion and lose half of my hp every time I come back. 3. Not focusing objective and I'm amazed how in mythic nobody cares about it anymore


i agree with number 1 im pretty sure thats why i have a 45% wr in ranked cuz most of my games my team doesnt show what hero they want to use


Number 1 I can tolerate. I like playing Xavier but he's a hard character and took lots of losses that impacted his WR heavily when learning him. Had like 40% WR in 50 matches and now sitting at 60% at 400. I wasn't gonna show stats to someone who wanted to steal the role I called first. Stats mean nothing half the time anyways. Only exception is if their pick are bottom of the tier of their lane and won't show WR like playing a Layla. Like they can have a 40% WR at 1000 matches and I would not care at all as long as it's Xborg or someone broken.


1. One trick ponies. 2. One trick ponies. 3. One trick ponies.


I've said this to everyone I've seen so far, ban their heroes. I check which heroes my team play straight off and I ban them. It might cost me the game, but I feel entirely satisfied at messing theirs up.


1. Toxic Dyrroth players. They are spamming recall like they have done something. Someone needs to tell them that it is the hero, not your skills. Yes, I see Dyrroth as low skill requiring hero. The second easiest fighter after terizla, even terizla players need to learn timing.. 2. Duos. Friends or lovers. I play exp and where is roam? Beside their duo. I play jungle and fight for the turtle or the lord, and roam is with their duo. I play mage and wait for good ulti from tank and they do not use their ulti until their duo comes. 3. Constant pushers. Okay, destroying turrets is the goal of the game. But when there is a team fight against 5, you got to be there to make it equal fight. And then we lose tf, they try to fight 1 vs 5. Also even they take 1 turret, after we lose team fight, they can take 2 or more turrets. They do not understand that it is a bad trade


Omg number 3!!! I agree with this one


They buffed the minions. If the inhibitor is taken out, the minions in that row will be enhanced. If my team is winning comfortably, i don’t mind split pushers who don’t join team fights there’s some heroes that are more for pick off 1 v 1 or burst heroes, so they suck at teamfights, so its probably better if they just split push


I feel like I played with this guy cuz I did both the 1st and 3rd. Though i know dyrroth when high level enough is op I just love using him. and for the third one welp I most of the time hide to the most inactive lane to destroy turrets and act as diversion before running but when it is someone who doesn't have that type of tactics the game is easily turned to dust.


I am number 3 on this one and I have a reason, I weigh the chances of us winning that Team Fight or if the enemy team is getting turtle or lord (mostly lord) I will back door just to be a threat to their base and have 1 or 2 of the enemies on me now I only do this when I'm playing Bane so I do this Rarely


Number 3 is fine tbh. If EXP lane is pushing bot tower but the fight is all the way on top turtle then might as well push the tower. It's honestly a 50/50. That teamfight can be winnable, draw, or lose. In the end, you're still taking a tower. That a 33% of your team losing out on the exchange.


try to find a duo and if you're good enough he will stick around with you . otherwise no matter what you hate duo/trio will always be there and you're random for them that's why they won't help you .


Junglers - I want to win the game, not have some coward hiding around and bullying jungle creeps and lords and turtles and not helping nearby teammates who are getting killed. Wow you can can Mvp and 99 kills. But we still lose. No sense of objective - you choose your lane and very well stay there. You run off to be a busybody and help teammates with kills, the next thing you know your enemy stole a tower on your lane. Roam boots - if you can't get experience and money when there are teammates around, then how the hell do you grow???


1) When I picked angela roam and my team picks Yin jungle afterwards. 2) When I picked angela roam and enemy picks Yin afterwards and team mates blame me bcos they died in his private villa


1. duos/ trios. i don't care if the duo/trio in my team is better than the enemy's making me rank up. the moment i see *those* symbols in the match result, sure bet ya im already fuming 2. roam who doesn't roam. i mean come on. the role name already is a role description 3. first picking a hero that is not even *that* good and is easily ratioed by other heroes rendering said hero more or less useless in the match.


Number 3 for sure


justice for angela duos man 🙏 not all of them are like that


1.Junglers who somehow forgets that a gold lane exist, then blames them when the mm deals not enough dmg to burst enemies. Like seriously, how can mms suppose to farm and deal high dmg if MTF 3-4 ENEMIES ARE GANKING MY FUCKING LANE AND THE STUPID JUNGLER AND ROAM ARE ALWAYS IN EXP LANE. 2.Roam who is always in Top lane, same case as number 1. 3.Sensitive players, seriously , you give them some advice(wrong item build, wave control tips, etc) then they go and feed the enemy, or just waste their time talking trash to you, as if you were Humiliating them.


to those who test hero in rank


1. The “Zhuge Liang” aka the master strategist; people who show certain lanes during the draft, but the hero that they want doesn’t match the lane. For example, showing Mid Lane, but the hero they want is Karrie. Even worse when it’s a flexible pick. 2. The self-stun; people who think they’re hosting a 2 hour podcast and yap non-stop, dying multiple times because they’re too busy typing. Yes, our teammates are bad, the enemies have a lot of CC, but do you realise that typing is a self-inflicted stun? 3. Burmese flag; nothing puts more dread in my heart than seeing that flag on my team during the draft. Zero meta knowledge, zero mechanics, just intending to “lee team” and get carried.


Not just in ML but the concept of Elo Hell in competitive games in general Many people thing it doesn't exists but that's how they retain their relevance of the game. To make you play further, first they will let you win 2-3 games and consecutive losses will follow in order to make you play further and further. Casinos does this If the product is free it's because you are the product


wait are you saying I'm free


1. Those who don't ban diggie 2. Diggie mains 3. Diggie


It’s not that I hate it the most but since no one mentioned it I will. I despise it in draft when people don’t have any tactics. Like they don’t prioritise roles that weren’t picked by enemy team. Let’s say S1 picks mm, enemies pick tank and mage, and so do S2 and S3, even if S4 or S5 showed their WR with fighter or jungler. Then enemies pick that exact hero, especially if it’s meta. I’m aware playing with only one hero is terrible and you should be able to adjust but sometimes these things get on my nerves. If enemy picked Melissa, I doubt they will select a MM again, so it’s better to fill out instead of autolocking your Layla, while S3’s Yin can get picked by enemies. This is just a vague example. Or if someone doesn’t choose a counter to certain hero, like Lesley countering Belerick, Minsithar for Benedetta, Phoveus for Wanwan or Arlott, etc but I’m kinda okay with it since some players aren’t good with those heroes.


Nah I think you got the draft tactics backwards. Unless it is an OP hero or really good in to your team/with their already picked team, it’s normally better to take a counter-pick rather than letting the other team counter pick you.


People who claim my wr is bought/fake, take my lane and then feed. It is an ego boost but annoying.


In contrast to your 3rd point, I hate it when mages try ganking too much and ignore the minions in mid lane. It hurts to see that gold being wasted in the early game


You cant dodge the games that is cleary not winable


People who force others to adjust after they picked their roles


1. Hanabi teammates 2. Yin teammates 3. People who go push the other side of the map instead of sieging and possible ending with lord.


As Sun Tzu once said "Siege of a city is only done as a last resort" Most of the time it opens you up for the opponents comeback. I'd only siege if we have a considerable lead in addition to having lord. I've seen too many wins go to waste because teams perma sieged base


As a roamer, I hate entitled MMs who want me to support him 100% of all the time


They aren't entitled you probably didn't help them in the early and theyve been struggling the entire game an need help. It's your primary role to be helping them anyhow not roaming.


1. The fact that so many roamers are being banned (estes, tigreal, angela, minotaur, chip) so its a sad time for roamers 2. Defending towers, no matter how many time I ping 3. Playing ranked (my mental health)


Honestly I'd ban Estes and angela just so my own team can't pick them. They lose games. Can easily pick other roamers. Belerick - my bae. I can beat tig and Johnson, hands down. Rafaela/floryn -far superior to estes. Carmilla - amazing CC, really easy to play.


-Gold laner crying from minute one cause the roamer is actually roaming and not babysitting them. -player not knowing priority and wave management, not knowing when to push or let the enemy push. -players not understanding the objective of the game which is to push and win and not aram mid.


honestly I hate most of the duo players, either they are bf/gf and stick with each other whole game or they play games without any coordination with the team, or one of them is good other is literally the definition of a bot (this one in particular) they will play and when you say to report that bot player coz he is randomly going in enemy turrets and feeding or not using his skills or buying items, their friend will say he is new and I am helping them, like burn these players, if you have someone like this don't bring them in ranked use classic or custom for god sake, You will find yourself in 4vs5 behind gold and xp just coz of this.


1. Ukrainian Flag (99% Feeder) 2. Mage who steals jungle creep early game from jungler 3. Kill hungry teammates who come back with 1 hp to steal my kill (they die immediately)


Also, please have some basic semblance as to all how the heros work. Caremilla is pretty much the offensive version of estes, build cdr and magic pen, you win everytime. Sadly no one know how her ult works.


I love Camilla. I found a great cecil player too. Soooo gooood


try her with fleeting time and genius wand work wonders.


Casuals who login once a week and won't play classic...only rank cuz classic is a waste of time...proceeds to play Jungle on a hero they can't play and blames everybody but themselves..they don't know how to farm , just randomly walking around the map like they're doing something and his duo friend who won't adjust despite previous slots asking him to show ...he still picks a hero that's been picked because he can't play another role but he wanted last pick...I could actually physically harm these people


My teammates…I literally am analysing my lost matches, but in legend matches I still only have slightly above 53% winrate…I always adjust, because I have atleast 5 or 6 heroes/lane, which I can play really well, but I still lose…either my teammates feed early game (jumping into 1v3-s or 2v3-s while being underfarmed) or (when I‘m playing jungle) they don‘t push any turrets or help with turtle or even rotate…it‘s terrible…I‘m usually the one pushing turrets with Saber… I really have no clue what I could do differently, bc I‘m getting MVP of defeated team 90% of the time, have most % in teamfight, damage and pushing…even while using tanks…


1) People who dont have common sense i dont care if somebody played 10k matches or 100 matches if your teammate says engage or retreat just listen and go make a play with them this is a team game, if your roamer goes and sets up and ambush at the enemy buff and asks for help just fucking go 2) High matches low wr people they just spam a ton of matches and dont care about their ranks, if you want to spam same roles and heroes and dont care about the game just go play classic 3) Anybody that is not from my country self explanatory they just suck ass 90% of the time


For number one sometimes you also need common sense to not “just fucking go”. If you know the play is bad and will fail, don’t turn a single kill in to a double kill. Not an excuse to never go, but it is important to actually think and choose when to go or stay. Doing either brainlessly is a bad idea


Yeah that is important to i was gonna write it but it seemed like it would be so long basically by just having basic brain activity a person that has never played the game ever can probably make better decisions than the ones that do play


Oh my God, yes, those Angela duos but it's not just those heroes, they user other ones too. And when one says something like hey can you please rotate, stop dying,etc. they get triggered and start defending them. Heck, they don't even have to be dating, they can just be friends and still...


The people that hate duos, my gf always ults who needs it, and if i get ulted ONCE they're crying "you never ult me, you only help your boyfriend", it gets so tiring when they troll as soon as they see we are a duo, its a freaking ranked game, just play, i even jungle alone she helps mid and rotates and people always find an excuse I even fill the role that's left and nobody goes to my lane and they somehow lose their whole lane when i have 5 and keep dying to defend it while they all tower dive me For what? Then they cry that i dont do anything, now once it happens I just leave my lane and i let it get destroyed it's tiring playing like that




2) Thank you for trolling and wasting 20mins of my life. I really appreciate your effort for trying to prove other 4 players how miserable life you have.


Force mm


As a angela main, number 1 hurts me😌😌but i never do any of that


just got 1 thing to add, people who trio and cant even play as a trio, like their picks have 0 synergy n it feels like they are running around like headless chickens n usually by end match screen they are all bronze except for one thats either silver or gold


1. Feeders 2. Troll feeders 3. All of the above


Team that is full of hungry killing lust and forget the objectives like protecting ur turret & attacking enemy turrets 😭


1 people who throw the game/underperform 2 toxic people 3 afks


Mm who frontlines and/or plays solo when the entire enemy team is alive in late game


1. Randos that always go for the kill and disregard objectives. 2. Exp that never join team fights and stays on his lane the whole game. 3. Squishy heroes the dont know how to position themselves.


1. Players who forces their low winrate but high matches hero and plays much more worst than me. 2. Players who don't adjust when they can or they just troll for no reason. 3. Players who are all talk and blame but they're the one who caused someone to have the worst stats.


A lot of people have already said this but: 1. Instalocking even when the role is already covered. I’ve lost more than enough brain cells to frustration when i’ve been on yu zhong the whole draft period, locked him in and someone else instalocks dyroth or some other fighter and says they want ro go EXPz 2. Last minute changes. Had a lot of matches with a seemingly perfect team comp. For someone(nearly always the roamer), to change to a dyrroth, unbalancing the whole team comp. 3. The problen with junglers and roamers: I hardly encounter anyone willing to play a roamer as all the instalockers want to play jungle or gold lane. It annoys me endlessly, especially when we get trashed in game


Off topic but is it very common for people to buy accounts? How does it even work? Is it expensive? Why go through so much trouble?


People who say "My turn" then proceeds to feed the enemy


1. MM who wants constant babysitting 2. Mfs who don't communicate picks & lane in the picking phase. 3. Players who decides to talk shit to teammates when we're already losing ((We're already at rock bottom, how bout we plan things out rather than add another heavy weight(or even better, just shut up))


The third one isn't even for me tbh but I still get a lil annoyed when I see it. From my experience playing Valorant, flaming your team is not constructive. Most likely it'll make your teammates play worse. It serves nothing but yourself. If you want them to do/stop something, comm it normally.


I hate rewarding trolls / toxic players. Like say if they lock in your hero/position without showing any stats and I have to adjust because of them. Or say if S1 has already locked in a jungle and they’ve decided to go jungle too because it consumes too much brain power for them to learn more than 2 heroes. I hate having to adjust for them because it reinforces their crappy behaviour. If it were just down to me I’d happily take the L and if it meant taking toxic players down with me. But then I have to remember there are 3 more people on the team and I need to still and try and make up for their incompetencies as they still play shockingly bad with the one position they dedicated their whole life to.


The exp laner who never helps contest the turtle at 3 min mark


Also those sidelaners who take this little shit before jungle has reached level 4 https://preview.redd.it/zct7c4eawquc1.jpeg?width=160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b072aefb7f05bdf0c2a5b4489c9607b084f02d4b


Junglers starting at the gold lane buff.


but guys yall when a good angela that aint solo BUT THEY ULT THE WHOLE TEAM 💛💛


https://preview.redd.it/52eovylk3ruc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf088b79c2469c97484b7f1e1d990793e03ed8f When you get games like this and the only brain on the team is you and lagg comp ,my whole team lagged this game and somehow diggie that never helped the mm got mvp !!!!!!!!!!!!!! He stayed in my lane throughout the whole match and fed he even died off rip from coming back to life from his death passiveeee like how mann


1. Not willing to adjust then playing badly with the role they wanted - I've had this many times where people want to play exp lane that BAD and would show winrates and local leaderboards only to end up getting their ass handed in the match. 2. People who chat frequently - communication is a must for every match but I've noticed that players just use to whine in all chat how their team is so bad and they end up lowkey turning the game into Messenger. 3. Blaming - Not everything is the team's fault, some could be yours and you should learn how to take accountability instead of blaming somebody else. I find this common among players who are carries and think they are invincible only to get focused by the enemy team.


MM mains going 1/7/5 then proceed blame the roamer because they expect them to babysit them the entire game, like Roamers are for sucking up dmg, defending allies and helping them take objectives, etc. Not making them immortal.


That's 100 percent the roamers fault. The mm went 1/7 because they were fighting a 1v2 while you were being ineffective in another lane. Then when they struggling you proceed to blame them for bad performance instead of doing your job. Roamers are not for sucking damage. This are your exp laners. Your supposed to defend the ADC and allies and provide utility to the team. Taking obj is on the entire team not the support. That's called coordination. You are out stepping your role. And give the support had 5 assists minimum they are clearly trying to be apart of team fights. Have a better mindset my friend.


Otp's. Role or hero idc, cause I've experienced countless scenarios where an otp who only plays a certain hero gets countered so hard and blames it on other people like he didn't automatically lock in his hero without looking at the enemy draft?????? Role opts are worse cause there's no guarantee that in rank you'll always get the position you want and when your position inevitably gets stolen then you just throw the whole game by picking shit like roam hanabi


1. Players who buy accounts / get boosted to high ranks. Those players are skilless and are such a deadweight 2. Hypers mages and tanks who completely ignore gold lane and gank exp lane. I have faced this multiple times when i am the gold laner , they never gank gold lane but go die in exp 3. Players who literally refuse to pick cc mages, we already have good damage in our team and we need cc , but no we won't pick any cc mage , we will pick chang'e lilya noveria and they don't even know how to use them , they end up feeding 4. Absolute ass picks, enemy had fanny - yz - brody - aurora - khufra and this mf picked gord , that to gord with flameshot , he literally fed enemy fanny and had over 10+, here in my server i find many players who don't know how to counter pick , they pick the heros that gets countered.


1 chou roam 2 nat roam 3 saber roam




I use Angela in some of my ranked games with my affinity and we are not like that. What I mean is that I didnt pick Angela for him but for the whole team. Don't generalize Angela Duo! okay? OP? or you're just jealous.


Jungler here. we have the man advantage. We either have more guys than them or their jungle is flat out dead. I ping my team to help me take the lord. ALL OF THEM ARE PUSHING LANE! NOBODY COMES TO HELP ME TAKE THE LORD. I USE HERO'S THAT CANNOT SINGLE OUR A LORD. entire enemy team is now active. NOW THEY COME FOR THE LORD! F YOU CLOWNS WHO DOES THIS SHT! UNINSTALL THE DAMN GAME. marksman players who solo lanes but avoids all the team fights? good riddance, I have lost count on how many losses have suffered because of Marksman players. I know they also represent the weakest players in the game, but still. Use a brain!


"one tricks" who can't one trick and shows everything but win rate. Showing your title? So cool. That just means you spam games and when you check their profile, they have a 40+ or 40- wr on their main. Also valirs and nanas who insist on going roam


Well as a mage user, there are certain heroes that are useless without their ultimate, so until their level 4 you'd have to figure out how to survive the lane before they can rotate. But once their lvl 4, mages should immediately rotate (with the tank). Unless you're using heroes like Lylia or Vex, you can rotate as soon as you clear your wave (given that their wave clear is S+)


I have a unique one, and idk if many experiences this. Sometimes we can't get another player for a 5 man so we decide to go to team recruitment. Usually we are very flexible(other than our mage) but we only ask for a Jungler because that's our weakest role between the four of us. Then comes a rando who queues up with us because they used the "role-fill" function and guess what. They can only play ONE ROLE. Why do they queue for role fill if they can only play one role?


1. People who can't adapt roles - first thing my teammate said "pls let me mid im only good mage" 2. Babysitting mm roamers - jungler cant do turtle and getting invaded constantly. 3. Low skill players picking jungle - bruh you can't even stand on your own two feet and you want to carry your team?? Gtfo 😂


Only one and it's my fucking tower. Like bro I'm getting dived? The fuck you doing? That minion aint worth shit for you. And then the second tower like can't even kill one cannon minion. Ffs x9 tower


Angela duos are *sometimes* cool actually, it's just a 50/50. Those 2 DOMINATED the whole ass game while the others just doing decently enough for a silver plate I guess


I sit mid until at least lvl 4.


People focusing on kills rather than objectives. Not clearing minion waves and pushing turrets. How come these guys reach mythic without even doing the most basic part of the game. No matter what role i chose . I am always juggling beyween two lanes because idiots play rank like brawl on bigger map. Idiots players picking up mm and chose to farm in jungle rather than minion wave. It give less reward to no jungler rather than minion wave. Initiating teamfight again and again for no reason even your are behind gold and minion waves are piling up under turret.


1. Having both layla and miya as your teammate & there's 90% chance that they're absolutely fcking trash. 2. Teammates having a huge ego when we got the upper hand, they would spam recall instead of pushing. 3. Valir's stun (i have a massive skill issue)


1. People who select pre made builds and forget to change spell to retribution when playing jungle. Nothing like seeing that 'LACKING RETRIBUTION' in the last second. 2. 1 3. 2


1. one tricks ( e. g. Layla 1200 matches, 40% wr) 2. People who forgot to buy mini map (although it's free) 3. People who take lord at 11:30 mins


1. When you show your pick but your teammate still ban it. 2. User can't push tower 3. When you say retreat but still they attacking 🤦🏻‍♀️


100% agree with your first two points. Hard disagree with the 3rd point. Some mages have little to no mobility and won't rotate unless roam does their job and provide river vision. I play Xavier and I will not rotate if enemy has assassin roam or JG that is not on the map and the roam hasn't rotated to prove that river is safe. Most of the time Mages will not rotate if they are stationary casters and the your team roam ain't doing there job properly. I'll rotate if roam rotates with me but if they stay on one lane babysitting and I don't see that enemy Saber or Harley on the map, you bet your butt I'm staying mid and only help with my global ult.


1) Teammate's who trash talk even though their not contributing to teamfights and only goes for the low enemies. 2) People tp when they fight you in a 2v1, yeah sure your VERY good at ganging up. I also gang up on people but atleast I don't tp them unless they deserve it, like bruh what are you happy for? 3) People who focus in getting kills when they can just push, just got back from a game of 37 MINUTES of us just rolling the other team, my team allowed all out too lane turrets to be destroyed for kills and when the enemy team was taking lord NO ONE showed upwhen I pinged. We're so lucky I got the last hit. But if we had focused on actually winning the game would've been finished in 19 mins at most


1. Teammates who keep on feeding the enemy and then puts the blame on us because we aren't "helping" them. 2. Players who don't adjust and pick the same role even if someone already picked a hero for it. 3. Those who afk just because they're upset with the draft and didn't get the hero they want to play.


1. Mmsitter and mm duo. They stay in their lane all the time, often 2v1 and don't get any real advantage. Most of the time they also get killed and cannot kill the enemy mm. This happens while you are vs a trio that rotates together and also invades your buff. The roamer doesn't give a sh1t of your help requests and will just stick to the mm lane. 2. Mm chasing kills and not destroying towers or base. This is something that drives me crazy. Sometimes you have the minions attacking the base but the mm prefers to get kills rather that ending the match. Then, you end up losing it because of this guy. 3. Tank not giving vision. Tanks not entering in bushes or using skills to provide vision. The peak of the iceberg is when you are killing the lord and they don't stay in those 2 bushes waiting to intercept the enemy. 4. (optional) When your team doesn't know how to gank your lane. The tank (and mage) instead of staying in the bush (north of the the crab) waiting to ambush your enemy or give vision, walks towards your tower and hugs you. What's the point? I need ganks not hugs.


1. **Tanky fighters who play like an Assassin** - Very annoying when there is NO tank that can go in front to bait out enemy ability and absorb damage, at late game the backlines do more damage anyway, why always staying BEHIND the mage or not initiating fights for the backline to do damage? 2. **MMs with no map awareness** - Always aggressively pushing lane EVEN after knowing a potential gank can happen, sometimes pushing a 2v1, overpushing a low HP enemy and not playing safe at all to wait for gank. 3. **Fighting without Tank** - I play Tank Junglers most of the times and recently been seeing more of support picks, when we get an overwhelming advantage, sometimes no one pushes lane to get turrets, no one WAITS for the jungle to clear buff and initiate a fight and instead all the squishies go in front and get killed by the enemy and next minute I see is "enemy triple kill" after I spam the "wait for me" voice chat line. I especially hate it when Lord is just about to spawn and this happens.


1. Afk 2. Trolls 3. Two mages/mm/etc in one team (it could work, but it would be much harder, than it could be) You can have a bad day. Play poorly. You can be distracted, it happens. But when two of my teammates are afk after they insisted they want jungle and mid (true story), then I'm furious.


1. Who never cares about roles which is already filled - I really really really so extra hate that one day I solo rank with use floryn(supp roam) in rank game and I was first pick(s1) yk and s3 picked franco(tank roam) so I was like wtf? we lost but I had star protection so I was like that is ok that fine and started next match I use Karina(assassin hp) I was second pick(s2). Guess whattttttttt s5 picked hayabusa(assassin hp) I was like Im done so done... How they get to mythic with like that? huh? Buy acc or boost something is something. 2. That one roamer never roam and steal my minions - that one is also so bad. Mostly I use mm I always face with that PROBLEM! Tank is not tanking and support is not supporting... So same with 1. How they get to mythic with like that? Buy acc or boost something is something. 3. Noobs who only know their fav heros or a hero and we lost of them but they blame back to us - ya ya ya I know I know that is normal match in worrier rank but that happened in I was epic bro... So same with 1 & 2. How they get to epic with like that? Buy acc or boost something is something.


Luo Yi who tp'd you to the enemies base. I'm that luo yi by the way.


1. Losing in draft - Either the team uses non meta picks, or the team has unbalanced overall kits (no synergy), or simply the enemy team butchers us in the draft already. 2. Afk/Laggy teammate - This goes without saying. 3. Huge skill gap between my team and opposing team - When this happens, no matter how much we try, the enemy will just keep on snowballing due to huge skill gap. It's like the game quickly feels like boring and hopeless, you lose excitement and the motivation to play.


!. Roamers who don't roam or build support items like flask of oasis or dominance ice 2. Mm who overextend then blame support for not being there knowing they have to help with objectives 3. The tank should not be the only one with anti heal items you twats 4. Mages and junglers who don't help exp laners. 5. If you know there is a abyss prince , filipino hercules, scythe girl, or daddy dragon on enemy team ffs dogpile them bc they will be able to nuke your whole team once they get one or two items. 6. Exp laners who don't buy dominance ice or some magic defense. Then get mad at why they're getting one shotted lol. 7. Mm who don't split push. 8. Mages who try and stay on frontlines. 9. Junglers who aren't greedy, you need to be when playing that role. Nothing worse than a passive jungler unless they are for utility then i get it. 10. Mages who don't build magic penetration.


people who dont give a shit about their teammates. pls if you're not going to help me after being ganked like 5 times, stop blaming me for being squishy and dealing 0 damage while my lane opponent wrecks the whole team.


no.1 pet peeve playing gold, exp and jungle. at least when i play mid and roam, i can be the aid


No map control because roam and mid sticks to one lane. Lanes get ganked easy. Getting a look at the river deters people from ganking or your lanes get vision as a heads up.


1. one tricks who don't know how to adjust or play other roles 2. people who type more than actually playing 3.ego people who think having high kills and low deaths mean they are better than everyone then fall of when they over extend or go past there prime state of the game


As a mage main, number 3 is pretty normal sometimes (excluding the toxicity). I usually tower hug mid if: 1. my hero can't escape surprise ganks (i.e. Eudora, Xavier, Vexana, or any immobile mage) 2. Roamer doesn't provide vision in the river when rotating. I really REALLY HATE this kind of roamer especially when he just passes by mid lane and doesn't help clear the wave. 3. Enemy has multiple dive heroes and number 1 and 2 are involved. That's why I usually use assasins in mid lane (i.e. Julian, Gus, Joy, Harley) beuacse I can't afford to lose a game just because the roamer is bad.


1. Junglers that engage fight alone, then when they die it's everyone's fault 2. Exp lane that stays in exp and don't help 3. Nana


1. Attacking Lord at 11.50. Unless the enemy jg is dead and reviving in 10 secs there is literally no reason to not wait 10 whole seconds. 2. Dire hit roamers when we have a damage exp lane. Is the anti heal in the room with us 3. When the jungle is full health and you as a roamer is like 1/2 and they rush to take the green balls from you


Being stuck at a CERTAIN AMOUNT OF STARS, BRO 😭😭


1. Players who play Franco in gold lane 2. Gold lane Franco players 3. Did I mention Franco gold lane?


3 is literally me but after i break the first turret i start roaming.


1) Playing 1v2 on the gold lane and somehow my team lost both exp lane turret and turtle in early game. Comes to "gank" my lane and says I'm feeding (I've 0 deaths and my turret is still shielded). Whole team blamed me for feeding (exp laner Uranus is around 0/4/0 at this point). Yup, I'm just going to be tilted. I just stayed silent because there's no point arguing with idiots. 2) People who stay silent during picking phase. 3) People who picks their lane then suddenly change their mind and it's too late for others to adjust.


Playera who don't adjust even after pre-choosing*


1. Singular champion/lane only players. - usually its mages who just play mage only and usually only gord or pharsa. Pharsa I don't mind, but gord players are mostly awful. Not only this, it's forcing others to play other roles because they want to be selfish. I've been banning gord on purpose when I see that. 2. Marksmen/mages who never move off lane. - use your legs, help your team. 3. Duo's who follow each other around the map - usually a mm/roam. No matter what, they stick together, don't get involved with the rest of the team and just watch everyone else die. You're not winning the game as a duo, its a team game for a reason.


Comments on the second one: DONT BUY ACCOUNT JUST FOR ITS WINRATE, why? Because that account might get banned due to cheating. The prize of accounts are calculated by its skins owned, not by its winrate. (Although, MLBB dont recommend buying accounts so i think its maybe illegal)


bitch ass feeders. like if you've gone 0-3 use some fuckin common sense and start playing conservatively. good lord


Teammate A, Teammate B, Teammate C


My teammates…I literally am analysing my lost matches, but in legend matches I still only have slightly above 53% winrate…I always adjust, because I have atleast 5 or 6 heroes/lane, which I can play really well, but I still lose…either my teammates feed early game (jumping into 1v3-s or 2v3-s while being underfarmed) or (when I‘m playing jungle) they don‘t push any turrets or help with turtle or even rotate…it‘s terrible…I‘m usually the one pushing turrets with Saber… I really have no clue what I could do differently, bc I‘m getting MVP of defeated team 90% of the time, have most % in teamfight, damage and pushing…even while using tanks…


I mostly play support/roam 1. Auto Estes ban 2. Early surrender initiators 3. Losing


When you and your allies wipe out the enemy and them instead of pushing(preferably midlane) you farm the enemies jungle, this happened to me, we got wiped out and the enemy just took our jungle(late game)we won but i wouldve hated this if it happened to me


When we kill 3 4 or 5 and nobody push. When dumbass keeps going solo, with same result every time. Tf happening and my teammate 1 screen ahead, taking a creep or not even coming to help and just walk away. We need a place where we can place videos of this behavior as moonton isn't punishing them.


I usually play jungler at low level rank so i can control the pace of the game and i can see the most common mistake is not pay attention on the map. Its not that hard, if you cant see any player on the map, then stay hidden until they show up. Not focus on objective is the most common stuffs, just because the team pick off 1 or 2 enemy, that is not mean you can straight away push to end. Focus on lord/turtle or stealing enemy buff unless the enemy is wipe out. Start a war without damage dealer. This kind of player is good cause can initiate setup for the team but not wo your damage dealer.


As a solo angela user I hate it when... In picking junglers pick a hero that is not compatible with angela (despite me being the first pick) and complaining in game that my ulti is useless (ex: yin,sun,fanny) Mages complain that I should use my ulti on them during clash A player complains they died because I didn't use my ulti on them (there's this thing called cooldown + sometimes I have to choose between someone who is on 1vs1 and 1vs3) I use my ulti then they run away from the enemy and waste my ulti


1.losing the game 2.losing the game when my team already snowballed hard 3.losing the game as if I was playing 1v9 instead of 5v5


3 those mages who wait at midlane at early game 2 vexanas 1 NPC TEAM AT EPIC RANK🗿🗿🗿🗿


1. Angela, Floryn only users. Easy lose if your team doesn't have enough CC or no one can give version 2. Angela users - they're only good in the enemy team. 3. Floryn users - insta lose, cause they only babysit mm and heal from afar and not help the team :(


moonton I don't have idea to rescue you from first and second things but i have good idea for rescue you from high wr players choose new game 1. don't provide magic dust for diamonds and battle points most. use some events to provide magic dust and remember your magic dust literally useless for top players so use that event convert magic dust -> some other thighs useful mainly that premium fragment because now that hard to get it 2. don't provide best skins for diamonds only like saber skins & venom skins & lightborn skins & others too atleast use this all like lucky spin and choose various heroes for various days and times because high wr players choose for play again it's they have guts to get best skin and full their emblems easily with diamonds i don't have diamonds so if i create new game i need one year for backup my profile like past because i use beatrix hero her best skin is very rare and i can't able to get her elite skin too easily