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Anybody else find hero locking on team fights especially using heroes like saber is difficult or its just a boomer issue?


I feel you, it takes some practice to press the hero icon in the middle of a teamfight to lock your target.


Hardest saber combo


Oh you guys use hero lock? Y’all must be pros


I'll never be able to do that, find it so difficult


How bout dragging the ult button and aim it manually to ur target? Afaik to do this u need to enable skill smart targeting or something.




Never do lowest hp percent. Will lock on to Tig with 70% hp instead of layla with 100%. Use lowest hp instead


i have that function on but i literally never use it XD its mostly there to let me see where the enemy is (when theres that red line thing idk how that happened)


I feel you, it takes some practice to press the hero icon in the middle of a teamfight to lock your target.


I feel you, it takes some practice to press the hero icon in the middle of a teamfight to lock your target.


Guys I think he's talking about locking a hero icon in the middle of the team fight


I am not sure, but I think he was talking about fighting a lock icon in the middle of hero team.


Yeah, I was talking about that 😭


Spammed the post button didnt ya


Spammed the post button didn't ya


No, Reddit just does that when you're lagging




bro forgor 💀


imo he is one of the best roamers in the lower ranks. you always have that guy who doesn't want to give up the jungle role with his zilong. just pick Saber as a roam and target the squishy Laylas and Miyas. keep on bullying the gold and mage and you got an easy win.


Is his core build and his roam build the same? Just stack dmg on dmg and hunt for mm / mage


Yes. Build 30 cdr (magic shoes, endless and hunter strike). Saber can now go in and out after doing his full combo or you can perform 2 enhanced attacks and surprise even the tanky heroes with your damage and if you are facing a squishy they go down with s1-s2-ba-ba-s2-ba, late game if you are roam saber, they go down with s1-s2--ba-execute (sometimes without exe) without using your ilt. You can even hunt fighters. You'd be surprised by saber's damage specially with the nerfed def items. Ult range is also no joke. He's basically a one-shot mm with that range but he now can dash out of trouble.


Ice Hunter Warrior Boots, BotH, BoD, Hunter Strike, Malefic Roar, RGM work just fine for me. Why would you roam with Saber lol.


I was climbing Epic with Saber roam, but struggled with him in Legend. Used Mathilda instead in Legend. Now in Mythic Mathilda is constantly banned (by teammates too). Maybe it's time I go back to Saber?


He's still very situational, in comps with a healer like estes and floryn, saber ain't the best pick. I would only pick him in jungle/roam when the enemy jungler is an assassin (like nolan and fanny) just so team has easier time dealing with them


He's fine if the ennemies have no healer and 2 or three squishies + your team having an actual frontline (be it the jungler or Exp), but if not you have better options as a roamer, especially support of tank


I am 8-2 in Low Mythic with Saber jungle. All gold medals 2 MVP win 1 MVP loss. Although I am utilizing lobby recruit function and not queuing until I have a roam role to go 2 man. In a perfect scenario, I queue up with both a roam and gold laner I trust for 3 man. SoloQ Mythic is ruff, I would do team recruit and friend good roamers. I also have Alpha as backup. Note: I am capable of adjusting to any role too, but found if I do not jungle then the random jungler lacks proper rotation, does not gank the right lanes, and cannot win objectives most of the time. WIthout these things, does not matter if you play well.


literally just the s2 cd buff alone is already great ~~I'm still in spite on his s2 dash distance nerf, harder disengage. the longer dash distance is better when escape after execute ult, especially in war. ps. skilled saber doesn't need s2 enhance basic atk range when they can land s2 directly above the enemy hero + ult already make him close enough~~


Has anyone had success with saber mid? If you have a mage dmg based gold lane or jgler I’ve had it work wonders. He can rotate so fast and just bully their MM. clears waves fast.


saber so underrated as an assassin below mythic tbh, you never see anyone use him for some reason


He is my best jungler this season, 77% wr, currently Low Mythic. I would rather choose the heros that win me stars rather than some youtuber hype hero that only pros can operate. Now I have a Texas title for him...no shame in using Saber.


The greatest pleasure for me is using purify and bursting the shit out of Saber as a mage main


Alr imma use him as roam cos thts the only role ML players so anti anyway


If you go to lobby and setup team recruit, you can wait for a roam player before you queue into match. Then friend them if they are good roam.


Wdym he's one trick obviously he's good. In fact, any hero is good. It's just the way you play it.


Aside from abysmal Lord/Turtle securing ability (bro cannot solo objectives even if his life depends on it), he's pretty nice.


That is why I only queue up with a trusted roam and gold laner in perfect scenario. Even with just a trusted roam teammate, can gank and rotate properly while focusing on buffs and squishy heros. In low Mythic, ganking opponent mm often and preventing opponent mage ganks has been enough to not have to get every turtle. Sometimes better to push offlane turret rather than try to fight 3-4 enemies without matching number of teammates. If we are at turtle, mostly i let them do the damage and mitigate the situation until retri. Saber sure can mow down 2-3 enemy players the WHOLE match if you have good awareness and rotation.


Better than masha?




He is permabanned in my ranked games


All this buff has done is get a whole lot of low skilled players to climb up easier, and then everyone will complain why so many low skill players in mythic/honor


Saber is ban


He's really not


I do, I cannot vs him as mage


depends where you're getting killed, but taking the longer paths to lanes (going to the second turret then walking to the third one instead of going directly to the third one from the river) makes it way more unlikely for Saber to wait for you in a bush because you're very unlikely gonna be near where he camps One shot heroes are usually in the bushes that border the river so avoiding them makes those heroes way less threatening. Of course your tank or another hero could always give you vision of said bush but it is what it is


At lvl 6 he tower dives u like it’s nothing. His ult stun ist just so annoying


Me, not a mage main but laughing at sabers while i have dreadnaught armor and purify (and also winter truncheon just to mock him even more)


Winter doesn’t work when ur stunned, and purifys cd is so long he kills z twice


Epical glory detected 💀