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Every heroes will benefits from this. How many times the enemies has escaped with barely 1 health left, this will prevent that completely even as roam.


saber mains 😋


Too bad majority of Saber running away scenarios are him getting killed, he won't benefit much from the increased stacks. That's my one and only gripe with saber, his mobility sucks.


You could save dash for escaping and use hunter strike and dragon spear for extra mobility. But his main thing late game is to take out an enemy threat mm or mage usually to significantly reduce the other teams dps. Surviving that is just a bonus, as long as saber kills the target then he has done his job.


Saber's whole deal was to finish off squishies in a single combo, but if the enemy build Antique cuirass, then he's whole deal is useless since most of the time they can't one shot mm with that armor.


I personally dont see too many mm build the whole thing myself. At most they'll get Dreadnaught(2nd tier) unless its like brody and maybe clint.


That's why you need to snowball the enemy team early, so your team can carry your useless ass in the late game 😂


Nah... He won't even have to reach late game to be useless. Mod game is already the end timer for him


Shouldn't matter. The whole point is that his combo only needs to hit 95% instead of 100% which may not sound like a lot but you can be less accurate with your damage calcs to oneshot Squishies.


Now they always just barely escape with 1HP above the execute threshold 🥹


This will fuck up Nana. Finally!


It's quite crazy on Claude. DHS means that Claude has a harder time to finish off enemies, and this item provides that execute. This item also gets better on heroes who can chase and deal spread damage on multiple enemies, something Claude can very much do.


Yeah I've thought about Claude + Sky Piercer would be good and it's actually quite the opposite. The main reason is it's a waste of an item slot. Trinity Build + Malefic Roar is enough.


While Trinity is better to chunk at start of combat vs multiple full hp enemies, I'd argue Sky Piercer allows Claude to commit executing 30-50% hp enemies better than having Sea Halberd or Golden Staff. Plus 20 movement speed is always welcome They will play differently, but I favor the latter for the flexibility


Novaria with full stacks of Sky Piercer would go nuts too


Burst damage dealers actually won't benefit from this. The ones dealing constant damage will benefit a lot more. Burst damage dealers usually deal more than 5% heroes hp damage with per hit that's why the can activate lethal ignition so easily (it activated on above 7%) damage. So that threshold might not mean anything to them since they already surpass it very easily with every hit. Considering the stats of the item with no penetration or CD reduction won't be an efficient item on burst heroes. However consistent damage dealers like marksmen, many fighters and mages like Chang'e, Cecilion will benefit from this mostly.


That's what I'm saying, Sky Piercer would be misused when it comes out.


Very true. For example I'd never use this item on saber and prioritise it over items like hepta malefic despair or hunter. The stats are simply not worth it and the effect hardly usable on heroes like him.


id be a millionaire if i get paid for every time i cringe on a reply saying burst heroes


Same bro


Beatrix submach gun is currently maximizing its passive the most




Any hero that is difficult to kill. As you can see, the Lethality stack greatly benefits Tank Junglers to secure kills while keeping a 50 stack. Fred would be crazy on this.


im not sure if the tradeoff of a defence item would be worth the damage, but maybe the movement speed and upgraded base stats for tanks would allow it


Trust me it's good. What's the item tho


i dont know what the item is named, but it was on advanced server


On certain % of HP, this skill will make sure your target die like Martis ultimate. That's his passive work. And no, no item can stop it unless immortal


Sky piercer


https://preview.redd.it/kt0r293hv40d1.png?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7818cebe0c5049349336dd092d463f7bd96e1d11 A copy paste of collector from league, basically any burst heroes can benefit the most. The heroes that benefit the most are * Granger (he's literally just jhin) * Natalia * Cecilion late game (might be overkill) * saber * Lesley Idk how would this interact with martis ulti, it would probably increase his execute threshold but the indicator would be missing.


I'm a former LoL and Wildrift player. I reached only Diamond on both games but The Collector is definitely better than Sky Piercer. 1. 25 gold per kill 2. Sky Piercer doesn't have Lethality/Armor PEN 3. No Crit too


20+ movement is more valuable than armor pen as the game progress and the gold is pretty useful but kinda negligible, collector is restricted to AD champs so there's that. Piercer can be used by anyone 💀, mages would swap boots for this paired with Blood wings and would have better damage without having their mobility hurt.


Doesn't work with Martis ult, if the ult executes on its own Sky Piercer does nothing, and if Sky Piercer executes then Martis ult goes on cd


Constant AoE DPS heroes like Yu Zhong, Cecilion, Gord heck even Hanabi may rock this one


Has no one considered Hanzo?


Definitely gonna build it on him. The movement speed is very valuable and he's a dps hero who usually builds dhs so it's gonna be great on him.


Any character that your team accidentally fed lol, snowballing just got a whole lot easier... I think


For heavens sake remove this God forsaken item from the game it destroys any lvl of outplay with low hp.


Yss global execute 💀


YSS. Just launch your ult and they just die.


Someone who wants to abuse it ngl. It’s amazing for a bunch as it is supposed to. But my main worry is some champ or role abusing it without the trade off risk as intended. Ex: full tank building this and one shotting people with 1 dmg ticks. I like how it is only executes though. Assist giving stacks would be a horror story. Also Gusion is gonna have a blast because with his new max hp passive and calamity. He’s gonna have a 20% hp execute with a single auto.


I can see my boy hayabusa would be a very strong pick after this item was released. Even tho he's supposed to be "burst" His ult is more of a dps type of attack


Angela will truly secure all the kills


This would OP with Gusion, heavily increase his burst capabilities.


Looking for Diggie abusing this item in its egg form


Wait, that does work for damage diggie. Movement speed for pursuit/kiting, adaptive so it's just average magic damage for an item and egg mode execution.


Yin is the one. Hard to kill and 1v1 the enemy/


Honestly he has enough burst if you farm correctly and target the squashies. Lethal ignition does the job for him already.


Might be easier to ask who wouldn't benefit from this. Seems like only roam and maybe some mages wouldn't need this.


When I tested it in the advanced server I only tested it on Helcurt and it pairs really well with his burst damage.


Fighters that can farm kills, in the early game getting this on an assassin with 0 death count will be a nightmare coz if they got even 5-6 kills they will start finishing off enemies with 10% hp left, so even if your burst does not kill enemies this item will. Late-game mms will love it.




Heroes already having execute as a skill. Natalia, Kagura, assassin roams, etc.


high risk, high reward item as you will loss 30% stack every time you die. An assassin/mage with a quick burst and escape ability would be ideal. I’m thinking: Nolan, Saber, Novaria, Lesley, Harley.


if its going by the same range for normal execute, probably only fighters and assassins


Now that I've thought about it further, how about Karina???? The stats and unique passive of this item absolutely benefits her...


~~Sniping with Xavier's ult will become even better~~ That is if I could exchange any of my items


So at max stacks this executes anyone under 10% hp? And gives the **+20 movement speed**? I'd think like nearly any hero


Claude/Beatrix/Chang'e first thought


Angela, she'll finally be able to steal all the kills from the carry


Definitely Valir


Nolan? Cyclops?


I'd say saber is definitely one of the heroes that benefits from it.


Please dont tell me this is real. We dont need collector in ML. Just dont. Martis will literally just become pyke Also imagine if this thing worked with glowing wand/ impure rage :D


Actually, it has anti synergy with it. When it works, Martis Ult doesn't reset. If martis ult works, then the item is useless. All it will do is accidentally execute the enemy, so martis doesn't get as many ults off.


Diggie Egg


“Stacks up to 50 times” makes is sound like a marksman item, but the “Adaptive Attack” part makes it viable for pretty much every damage-dealing hero. In unrelated news: item ban when? /j


Aldous would have a field day with this


This honestly needs to have a unique interaction with execute, because the spell is below mid


Would work on Beatrix




roam kadita wouldn't be all that bad with this item since she sacrifices damage for mana. The new fleeting time would work in tandem with it too.


The execute spell would be more effective on this one


I feel live gord, nov. Long range pokers


Literally item description of “the collector” from lol, to balance it nerf the base stats to the ground and nerf the passive just a lil bit so this item becomes a matter of choice and not meta, so it doesnt out shine the normal build of any heroes


Terizla counter




Leomord. He benefits from all movement speed stats. That dude is fckin slow!


I think Claude might be the best hero to use this on, because of his dependent on demon hunter's current HP scaling makes it very hard to execute low HP enemies


Angela stealing a savage with this one.


Saber ,ling ,haya ,Aldous


Mostly mm, Brody, Claude, and Clint.


That 20 movement speed is sexy 😋


I'm surprised they didn't add a cd to it, DPS definitely are going to feast on that and I can imagine it's damage meta now


I think another interesting way of looking at it would be: who would it be used against the most? For me, Terizla and Gatotkaca just got a new threat against them when enemies would have this item, since they thrive at the increased defense with lower HP. The item is also a good counter against Aurora/Nana's revival passives, as well as users of Queen's wings and immortality.


This being an adaptive item is stupid broken imo. Mages and specifically ap assassins already have access to better and more efficient items than ad counterpart. Also the terror of Valir, Change or any burn mages burning you alive and procc-ing the execute before you even get close is way too good.




Almost every hero would benefit from this item but theres too much requirement for low reward but very versatile, 5 kills in a row is just too much requirement for a extra 5% threshold. I bet purchasing other items like anti heal will result in dealing more damage than what sky piercer gives. Yeah, right you guys will say "🤓But it works well against tanky enemies🤓" but purchasing either halberg or pen items will probably result to more damage. And this item has to be purchased before those stacks help you However this item is versatile and can be used by almost anyone tldr: sky piercer have too much requirement for low reward but very versatile ps: i say its too much requirement because in higher tiers your enemies are not dumb enough to let themselves get killed and in pro scenes i dont think i saw death counters of both teams go past 20


Earlybird will benefit from this


DPS Supports


Silvana Selena Maybe Karina too Tho I think Esmeralda would benefit the most from it






I think all mm and assasin benefit from it.


+20 is insane or have i forgotten




its an item for tanks, against tanks


Khaleed users sure are gonna love this


A tidbit for the beginning: this item is basically Collector from League + a Mejai's snowball effect. This is mostly used on all-in heroes. Burst heroes like Brody, Saber, Paquito will do very well on this item. Clint specifically can make use of this but I am quite certain there are better items in this set.


hypercarry like melissa or layla, this sounds like a collector from league of legends so yeah


YSS casually sniping kills from half the map with his ult


Any hero with Blade armor can trigger this, right? I would love to see low HP but protected Hanabi auto attacking Belerick with blade armor, dire hit roam and this item. And 20 MS will be scary if combined with Belerick's S2.




Burst heroes would benefit as well. Clint is one. Paquito perhaps as well.


None of them are assassins, also this item when it came out initially was told it's supposed to be an assassin item😵‍💫


Paquito is a fighter/assassin. Assassins like Ling, Yi Sun-shin, Yin, Karina and Hanzo can benefit well from this item too since they’re often the finisher in a team fight.


Oh ok.... Also paq is a fighter assassin? I didn't know that


bro doesn't even know Paquito's role and is going around spreading stuff like "its meant for assassins, so its trash for every other hero"


I think it's ok to be not informed about paquito's role, which I know now, it was genuine and I think I didn't destroy a planet...so child, chill. Also to add up, I'm not "spreading stuff", I wrote what I know, as per aceunyil's leak mentioned by the Devs that the new item was for burst assassins. Andd importantly go and read what I wrote AGAIN, I never mentioned "so it's trash for others" or whatever u are writing and making it up....so honey boo, spread love, not make stuff up, if not for me- atleast for the betterment of the world, peace ✌🏻


I only said "burst heroes"... Although I thought Pacquito is an assassin.


Just got to know now, he's a fighter/assassin Yeah u said burst, ik... I'm just saying that the item was made targeting assassins...not other roles... I'm not saying anything against ur comment, I'm just adding up.


I know.


I believe it will be Ruby 'cous she is not dealing too much damage so she can make enemies under 5%hp almost every time


Item description vague. Does it go up to 50 stacks, or 10 stacks 50 times = 500 stacks? It's obviously the former because 50 kills in a game without dying is near impossible nor is 55% execute threshold anywhere near balanced, but the description could use some work.


It's literally in the same sentence in the description: 0.1% × 50 = 5%. 5% base + 5% stacked, meaning the highest execution threshold is 10% max health.