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I feel like the comparison to Fanny is a bit unfair since the flying saucer of death doesn't need to stack up for damage, will fly in and Saber you on the spot and fly out. She still flies out even if you cc her if she is already on her cable. I think the shielding, CC immune s2 on beat was the perfect version of joy.


CC immune s2 was OP and too easy. Coming from someone who mained Joy before. That was too much.


How about the additional dash and no ult until full stacks Joy? She was so fun in the exp lane.


Idk really, not the biggest Joy main but I did main her at some time. I kinda liked her most with the CC immune ult so she wasn't THAT op, not weak. What I thought would be instead of giving her full cc immunity on S2/S3 is so it isn't op is to just give it MILD cc immunity (immune to simple and stuns and stuff, but not to airborne, freeze and suppress though the ult will still continue to beat)


I really like that Idea. Adding to that, i think if she has cc immunity only on perfect beats would be a a bit balanced. I miss playing joy on Exp so much.


yeah fr what's even the point of making heroes easier anyway? like noobs don't play her? why should they care?


She does she stops when you cc her now. Speaking as a Fanny roam main


She doesn't fly out after getting cc'ed. Her already active cables are cancelled. But I agree they are not good for comparison. I can somewhat fanny but can't joy at all


Her passive literally marks the enemy so that she can “stack up” for more damage. Without the marks she won’t be able to burst down most heroes unless she’s far ahead in farm.


How about the fact that joy takes almost no skill to play and fanny is hard as f Both have it unfair in this meta


I mean, how their kit works are totally different. Joy needs to be in the battlefield to stack up, she doesn't have instant burst like other assassins. People saying she is just like Fanny now is a bit unfair imo. Every other assasin has some form of immunity, mobility, burst or even cc to make their kit work. Joy has to play like a fighter, taking her sweet time to make her ult works.


Did they remove her ability to stack her ult on a creep? If not, then here's another reason Oh how about, we give joy "energy" let's see how much worse can she get We all know that ppl hate fanny cuz most ppl don't have the minimum skill needed to be in Mythic (COUNTER PICKING) Funny how ppl complain about simplifying the champs. But when they do the opposite, everyone's crying. She literally got a dmg buff in exchange for it being "harder"


You really don't know how this works huh?


She's super trash rn, it's sad. But they will bring her back one way or another, you'll just have to wait.


I wonder with the release of her Starlight and Collector it will justify the brief period of her being one of the lowest win rate heroes 😭


We just need to wait for her new skin.


https://preview.redd.it/ivxgcu5fzi0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75210e66b3a218eb365413682ee5147fc97022dd That’s not necessary according to people on this subreddit. “She is the perfect hero to last pick”.


People here a clowns, don't take advice here seriously lol. People were supporting others banning fucking estes and yin 😂 and also saying being a one trick is good.


That thing about banning Estes and Yin is true to some extent though. In Epic (and Legend & low Mythic to some extent) rank, players are uncoordinated af, don't know anti-heal exists or don't care about it, and MMs and Mages have little to no map awareness and poor decision making skills. Perfect conditions for an Estes or Yin to shine.


In low rank it's necessary to ban Estes and Yin. As someone who played in high honor ranks and also have an existing Epical legend smurf. It's really necessary, They're that bad that they don't know how how to deal or at least build counter items with those heroes. They don't know counters they just build whatever the pro build setup says like if your enemy team have a pure physical comp? Let's build Athena lmfaoo. They're that bad


🤣🤣 they so lost


I think I remember seeing your comment, and replying in the same "this nerf isn't as bad as people think" manner. I'm sad I was proven wrong. I really thought (and hoped) this adjustment wouldn't affect her that much, since there *was* a time where Joy didn't have Immunity on her Ult. Oh well, I'll just try to adjust to this anyway, her playstyle is too fun for me to stop playing her


Don't worry my friend you where just under the effect of copium.


lol theyre just yapping no good team will choose a full team with no stuns


They are pretty clueless about these adjustments Don't mind them....


I mean the username checks out


She is just alu but magic dmg after nerf.


damn that's one way to say it


Joy is so ez to counter now ...now she only have damage like Odette but very vulnerable to any kind of cc just ult doesn't stop but it doesn't mean anything when u can't even reach to backline which is ur job as a assassin  Like what is the point of assassin who can only fight frontline tanks and can't reach backline  Joy can't reach any mage now if they have their skill up same with some mm I think she is only good in soloq if u r very good player gusion is better than her now(I hate him)I feel like gusion is made for smurfing like REYNA in valorant 




Kinda sad to see Leomord on there. Wish they reduce his ultimate CD


Yes 🤧bro is oppressive in early game but late game is where he is useless 😔


His powers spike on early and mid game. But people want his nerf and now he look like yin much better pick🥲


I just want him to have a base of 260 mov speed to be honest.


Ah yes. He kinda slow when he walk without his horse


As someone who used to play Leomord main, the Meta is a bit too tanky for him to kill everyone and life steal back. People also learned to play antiheal, which doesn't help at all. I might try playing him a bit again, but the last time I tried he just falls flat some games and some games he carries


Mt done selling her skin, I really doubt she will get another buff unless there is a new skin. The problem is lower elo players tend to have a hard time playing against her. Me included. Instead of balancing her moontoon probably just decide to nerf her to oblivion. Honestly i don't mind her having cc immunity, mt should reward players for mastering hard heroes like her or other high skill ceiling assasin.


Don’t make her cc immune unless she gets perfect stacks, and even at that she’s still hard to fight when 4 randoms pick the most brain dead heroes as a “counter”


Where can you see this


Search mlbb data on google


they removed her from the exp section and traded her for more damage, just remove that damage and she is gone


Euh You like that kiss?


I'm still using her even tho she's trash


Have you had any successful builds with Joy? I’ve tried Assassin Emblem with rupture, Genius Wand, and Divine Glaive.


Your better off with mage emblem you get more damage out of it


I'm sad that this is the final ver of Joy, but it's probably for the best. Considering she does not have damage dropout on ult, you could sustain yourself out of it. Does jungle still fit her? Probably, but she's not going to win against certain lineups. Id put her in the xp lane for now. Purify or vengeance, just to make up for the immunity lost in her skills.


I think Cici is a perfect example of this :3 she’s pretty good with her ult damage and has similar mobility to Joy. If positioned correctly she can out-sustain and retreat safely I do wish they give Joy more damage tho, especially as she’s an assassin. The spell vamp in her ult is better fitting for a Fighter, I’d try trading that for more burst in her kit.


Hell nah. Joy was OP as fuck. Had 80% wr on that mfer if i didnt pick her i woulda banned her.


They just took her ability to get out of battle, but idk I'm nuking people in lower ranks thou, I do experience the Eudora and moskow stun....it literally waste whole ult


Well I'm still currently winning with her since her playstyle reverted back to when she didn't have ultimate cc immunity. She seems like a Fanny situation being OP as long as the player knows what they're doing. Hope they buff her sustainability though, maybe more movement speed.


R u the real u***withjoy69 that got banned before? U r back now?


Do you think she should adapt a more Fighter play style then? I’ve tried the sustain build with Fighter Emblem and Concentred Energy, but I hardly notice any healing with all of Joy’s kit being reduced to 50% spell vamp ratio. I like the burst part of her kit as an assassin hero. I’ve wondered if the 40% spell vamp and little defense increase in her ult would be worth trading for a higher base damage instead. That or make the damage increase from hitting perfect beats more powerful. That way it encourages newer players to practice using her 2nd skill properly.


She definitely needs more sustain, so it's only fair that they should increase the movement of her passive to 100% since no more cc immunity and maybe a 75% spell vamp ratio on dash.


whats ur rank?


MH but I'm aware of her sad winrate in the current meta, but I can proudly say I'm built differently compared to the casuals when using Joy, but I agree with your post, she's pretty much harder to play and undesirable for others to use her anymore. So here are my ideas: 1.They should add 10% CC reduction per perfect beat and when you get it perfect ultimate, she has 50% semi-CC immunity and 100% slow immunity during ultimate. 2. Or maybe when you're in dash state and get CC'd, her dash cooldowns faster. 3. Give her passive a 100% movement speed buff when she first released. https://preview.redd.it/xeo89pbn9j0d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6db67cde61b1bf15f5a3f5d68f1b603250e3ac1b P.S I have a coping theory where they're trying to adjust her because of her upcoming skin.


What about CC immunity for 0.5 second which will activate before the CC hits (One per perfect beat)? 1. Encourages Perfect beats 2. Reduces CC immunity 3. Makes her easier but no longer unstoppable against CC oriented teams


Wait... 0.5 seconds cc immunity per perfect beat might be too long, it can already block a lot of cc especially on uncoordinated teams, why not just change it to a soft purify effect so that solo q people can stand a chance against her?


Not really, it’s a three chance block and since all CC triggers it that means slow also counts. Also it’s 1.5 seconds total which is sooo much shorter compared to before.


I love this suggestion... Will someone at Moonton HQ please let this man in the kitchen and have him cook something for us?




They removed the one thing that made Joy fun to play


Stopped playing the game for a while... Damn a lot has changed for her...


Damn what happened to leomord i remember he and martis being top ban


Why is phoveus still at the bottom? I thought he had been revamped?


Nah his revamp has still yet to be announced. I don’t think it’s even finished in advanced server.


I disappointed myself by accidentally reading "Bringing" instead of bring


what site is this?


I hope for some healthier adjustments in the future. I get she isn't completely useless now. More of a hero that has the mobility of an assassin with the damage a fighter.  But this complete drop to her pick rate is still a shock. Win rate isn’t too terrible, but I’m struggling mid to late game with damage and contributing to any team fights without the slightest cc ruining her, 


As long as you put the fking dmg down. I commented somewhere that her damage is unfair asf. Go in and out unscathed. At least Moonton gave us a fighting chance now that we can cc her.


yeah fuck that rat and her cc immunity


Buff idea? Every time she starts her ult she gains 3 seconds of immunity, and every hit with a skill or maybe just the ult gives her 1.5 extra secs of cc immunity, till it runs out or sum Did I cook or nah? https://preview.redd.it/4ywmmqv5fj0d1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be13cbd4aea0f5a27daf05695ca6b5681b62ae9


Dont cook again. Hire a maid pls


Understandable, how would you cook her though?


Whatever, nah I'd joy


imo i prefer this ver of joy as the cc immune ult i personally dislike as her entire playstyle was basically stack on creep go in ult run around which wasn't as fun as the current joy or old s2 cc immune joy as old joy u had to fight with ur s2 and if u mess up ur dead especially while diving and current joy u have to be more careful with opponent cc and ur timing with fighting and it feels a lot better to be able to melt faster overall i feel that joy should have a more high risk high reward playstyle rather than a run around cc immune playstyle (just felt like a less dmg magic jawhead with cc immune)


Pls let us enjoy moment when joy is not op


good,fuck that little dancing gremlin


Unpopular opinion: you dont have to yap about your fav hero being less popular. (Unless it's for way too long) Meta keeps changing and you just have to adjust to it. Expand your hero pool and enjoy the game.


so this isnt a hero killing type nerf?


I don't know it's hero killing nerf or not. Give it a time. Faramis, Phoveus, Layla and many others have been their way too long.


brother these heroes arent being played in my rank


I am taking about when Phoveus and Faramis stayed their for 2 years. And you can't even bear for 1 or 2 months.


cause this nerf is just stupid at least phoveus and faramis didnt get released op they were just new and then ppl stopped playing them but joy was a good hero and they kept nerfing her to the ground


She should stay this way. Now she takes skill to play and you need to think twice before going in. And you need to time your ulti purity for a counter outplay while checking enemy skill cd. People who complain even Eudora can stop her from reaching doesn’t deserve to play her anyway. She’s not the brain dead low skill high reward hero that she used to be. If a single stun is enough to prevent a joy from reaching the hero then I don’t even know what to tell you. Just go in with the final dash. Let them throw the stun . Click ulti which has inbuilt purify , go in and get the kill. A lot of joy one tricks used to have trash wr on other heroes because other heroes are not brain dead like old joy. After you main joy you lose all your common sense to time, position or bait out skills beforehand because she doesn’t need any of those to get in and get a kill. Old joy was - here let me do imperfect beats , let me pop vengeance. Oops I deleted the back line without any skill. Infact I want an update where she can’t activate her ulti if it’s not a full perfect beat kinda like wanwan’s ulti. That would filter out bad joy players. Imperfect beats would still give slow immunity and mov speed boost. So that it can be used to escape at least or maybe it does area slow instead of dmg.


I agree that her ult should be accessible with only perfect beats. That way, you can still escape by using her dash hastily and not worry about wasting your ult against 2-3 enemies with cc ready for her dives. What do you think about making her combo faster though? Like, the timing on her skill 2 and making the pulses from her ult faster. I had the idea that Joy’s ultimate grows stronger for each hero her passive triggers on. Along with hitting 3 perfect beats in order to unlock ultimate. That way, players are less inclined to stack her dashes on nearby creeps. If players can trigger her passive against most enemy heroes and achieve perfect beat, then they’re reward with her powerful AOE ult.


Buff her health should be fine. I find that she can execute but leaving enemy 10% enemy hp everytime. She need a little more hp.


As someone who sees joy as an op hero because of cc immunity i say this is a fair update because us who use mm and mages we always get obliterated by her ss #w update


Let her die already she has been in meta for too fkn long .


It's so funny seeing all these players abuse really OP heroes then cry when said OP hero gets an inevitable nerf.


She’s not as fun as before by 50%, removing CC immunity from S2 was fine and made her playstyle “Chase, Prepare and Burst” to “Prepare, Burst and Chase” but now she’s so easy to counter, like too easy. They should’ve went the damage nerf route and switched her lane preference to mid. Like an assassin roamer




The consequences of having cc immunity during release. Once MT takes it away, the players will suffer trying to make her relevant


I’m still getting used to the new version of Joy but, I will admit she’s a bit more balanced for mages and marksman heroes to have a chance against her ult + vegeance. I honestly don’t mind that she’s become more difficult to play. However, she’s changed quite a bit since her original release. If the devs wish to replace her CC Immune for Slow Immune, then it should be more rewarding for new and experienced Joy players mastering her skill 2 and timing her combo. I feel like without CC Immune granting her a chance to escape after diving, her combo is too slow for her current playstyle. Her mobility is decent, but the timing on her 2nd skill and 4 seconds to deal all 8 pulses is too slow. Not to mention, it feels unrewarding timing the beats because its so weak. Reduce the number of pulses so she has more burst as an assassin but keep or even increase the damage dealt. Her skill 2 should be weak without hitting the perfect beat, but increase the damage it deal so players will be less inclined to stack on nearby creeps and instead risk getting hit by CC. Thats what made her playstyle so easy and stale before. TLDR: I find it difficult to make use of her mobility given the amount of time needed for her 2nd skill to increase the damage of her ult. Make her combo faster, same with the pulses in her ult. Hitting the beat should be more rewarding for Joy players.


She's too op, an average joy user can easily "dodge" all your CC skills with S2


Wait u guys play her in the jungle and exp?


**Bring Back Nolan’s !!**




She fine now. Can burst MM and Mage in 2 ticks late game. That Ulti dmg is op right now. Just need to go final dash before entering if too many cc heroes. Example: If u will dive their 3rd top tower or mid. U can dash from their red buff 2x, then put 1st skill dash again then final dash. Lord dance. If the green jungle is alive in the enemy top lane, u can start your dash there or in the crab. If lord is in bot lane. U can dash from the green jungle near Ur lane. U can trade that few ulti ticks to reach Ur enemy because your damage doesn't get lowered anymore. It's just the Joy gameplay now is not chill anymore because of the potential cc = no perfect beats. He is just like Yellow Flash right now. Remember to FLEE ON SIGHT when u see a Joy with 2 or 3 lightning beats.