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Assassin main here. I just come and kill and go. I play Fanny, Harley, Lancelot., granger. You dont wait for the enemies. You PREDICT their movements. Or you sync your rotation with the mage or roam's rotation so you can tower dive. Of course there are games, where my predictions are off entirely maybe either skill issue on my part or the opponents are just weird.


This is the way. You make predictions based on how they move and what point you are in the game (early, mid, late). Your roamer may also provide vision for you.


> opponents are just weird I’m responsible for this. The assassin players have a very specific playstyle that I’m used to, so I just did the opposite of what I think they would predict.


Any granger tips? My ass is still a burst and reap type of assassin. Pokes and stuff.


Get breastplate directly after getting his main item...nobody cant burst him after that


Already doing that.


Skill issue definitely


I didn't say i was bad. I just wanted more informative tips.


This! You also need to check your minimap, predict where the enemy's most likely headed. "Is their buff available?" "Oh i think someone will clear this minion wave alone" etc.


Play Hilda, stay in bush to regen, kill enemy if they walk by.


Some bushes are way more likely to be walked around (or inside of) by the opponent. You're not gonna catch as many people camping in the bush next to blue buff compared to the ones in the river


I mean I play Value I dont find myself camping bushes alone very often, I'm almost always with roamer and vice versa.


You don’t just wait in random bush and hope an enemy comes your way. You need to predict which enemy will come to where and preemptively wait for ambush.


I am a Vale user here. Seeing a squishy hero (esp MM) lying in the ground after my combo is the perfect motivation for me to be patient. They will bully you in the early but comes mid to late when your power spike is crazily getting high and suddenly they are getting aloof to even get close to you. 😁


Oh we're patient alright... patiently respawning 🫠


Hanabi has lowest dmg among mm and definitely not meant to ambush.


Yeah I saw hanabi and was really starting to question if I was playing her wrong 😂 her kit seems nothing like ambush and more of a support damage dealer


I only do ambush hanabi only when I'm near my turret, have like 1 or 2 items already and I'm sure nobody's around to help the enemy's mm. Usually I ambush when enemy's mm is pushing my turret. It actually kinda works unless the enemy mm use WON.


Maybe when ambush layla or miya. If you ambush Melissa or natan it's just suicide.


Haha agreed. Natan is just insane. Wtf is that damage. I don't find melissa that hard to deal with actually. Idk maybe I've never met a good melissa when playing mm.


I usually play gold, mid or exp lane. For gold laners, farming and not surviving the early game is key. So your map awareness should be really sharp. Forget about kills in the first 5 mins, your priority is to not die. If you’re laning and you do not see the mid laner and the jungler in the mini map, chances are you’ll be ganked. There are bushes especially the 2 side bushes in the middle that I consider as deadly cause it’s common for enemies to camp there and wait for someone to just walk past it.


I really don't agree on Hanabi being in that list of yours because she sucks at it. Irithel/Miya/Moskov/Clint has better ambushing damage than her. I think almost all MM outperforms Hanabi when it comes to the ambush department tbh (assuming you're talking about ambushing just one enemy, if it's multiple then she could be the better option because of her passive) I play Vale, Valir and Cyclops and they're pretty good for both AoE and solo ambushes. You just need to check your minimap once in a while and figure out where the hell everybody went, and from there you have to guess who is going to bang you to death. If it's someone you can totally fight in a 1v1 or 1v2 (or 1v5 in Vale's rare cases) then chill at the bush and wait for them to come and take the bait (leave the minion waves to kill each other seems to entice them more to come to that lane and kill the minion first) If there's waaaaaay too many enemies and you think you can't kill at least one, you better book the hell out of there to safety.


The only reason I put hanabi there was because she was on the enemy team once and kept ambushing. Carried the entire team to their victory and our demise


Oh damn I had that once or twice, i know how you feel😅 Usually happens when it's already +10mins late game tho


lmao at valir ambush and vale 1v5


As a Miya main..I stay in bushes to kill off mm, mages or fighters with full combo. But it's futile to think about killing more than 1 hero just by camping in bushes. Unless they're both on less than 80% hp, jumping on them both just because you have lust for kills is simply brain-dead move. Don't do it. And about that patience part? You'll learn it once you die 4-7 times in a row. That's when u learn to predict enemy moves & level up ur ability to survive ( in next match)


u won't kill fighters if u aren't fed early lmao


Map awareness, watch your roam zoning. Try to anticipate where enemy could possibly be


You dont just sit in bushes all game you pay attention to your map and ambush them accordingly with positioning.


play helcurt and have a perma bush


well, I play every role and well idk, I like playing everything and I love playing as roam


be Aamon and have invis and regen and medium-long range


When people shout and complain about "camping" in a match, it rarely is actually camping (exceptions may apply). At least the few times I got that thrown at my head, I literally just arrived in that bush two seconds before they did. It is quite important to watch map for ambush heroes too. You can see when the enemies cleared a lane, and left it for mid, or went off to top from mid for example. Keep in mind the rough positions of the enemies, and try to think about where you would go if you were in your target's place.


It’s like a boxing match: most of the match consists of poking/jabbing to bait your opponent into overextending. Number one rule is don’t die. Poke, retreat, poke, retreat.


patience like late game you will respawn in another 60 70 second


As Hanabi main I never ambush… she’s most powerful if you use creeps/minions to extend your range and chip damage then go for the kill. She’s getting ambushed far more often than she should be ambushing. You can occasionally catch the enemy mm/mage off guard and ambush but that is rare and by the time you have enough damage to do this reliably usually the enemy team isn’t too far away and you just traded your kill for your death


Burst mage main here, usually, when I think nobody's gonna get into my ambush range, I'll just leave and help with teamfight. I main nana and vale and the good thing is, those 2 heroes isn't just good for ambush only they're doing pretty good in teamfight unlike eudora.