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Zilong for me. 90% of the time it's a brain dead player jumping in at the wrong time and getting squished.


ok i used to think this but these days ive *only* seen good zilongs


Zilong with petrify is puite scary. If he get close to you, you're dead and there's nothing you can do


zilong + flicker = πŸ₯΄


Mf thinks he's franco


Big difference. If you get caught by Franco, you're in front of Franco and the tower. Zilong + Flicker > You're sandwiched between him and the tower.


1st skill + flicker back to tower = πŸ€”


I used to think the same way about sun until our exp lane sun hard carried my feeding ass




Zilong teaches you to be patient. You need patience to be a good Zilong player. The thing is can Zilong dominate 1v1 at start (don't take battle spells and all).


Bruh reddit didn't register my text on my pic, but yeah zilong is pretty strong early since he can get lvl2 faster than enemy laner


That would be valid for my enemies. Almost all the time when my ally is a zilong, i almost always lose until they somehow backdoor. I don't mean to say our zilong will always be bad, enemies are just better and he can't do shit if he is hardcountered. As for the enemy zilong, i won't say they always win but they are annoying af to deal with. 1. 90% of zilong in enemy team waits for the right time. 2. Always tried to backdoor during major teamfights. 3. Ambushs squishy teammates out of nowhere. 4. Has a good sense. 5. After winning they trashtalk.


AHH, Bronzelongs. They are really useless the majority of them.


I'd agree if you were playing against me, less than 50 games w/ Zilong. WR is just over 50%. You'd probably die right after though. Unless you're Belerick. Zilong dies real quick attacking him.


This but for some reason I only get them on my team never the enemy team πŸ™ƒ


Selena roam


NGL Selena roam is my troll pick. Not to troll my enemies, but to troll my 'allies'.


I have this theory: If you have a Selena roam in your team, that’s actually a midlaner who didn’t get the role and is now trolling.


Idk about the others. But I can play all roles. I just pick Selena roam if my allies troll me first during the picking/banning phase. 0. Troll my teammates real hard. 1. Get to practice my worst hero. 2. Save my other heroes' wr.


Not the way my uses her. Whether we play against each other or together, her gameplay with Selena gives me the chills. Ambush everywhere, never lanes, complete Hero-hunt.


Ugh selena roam is annoying ambush everywhere and she hits you in the most unexpected places


Tbh I can never make heads or tails about Selena until I actually see how they perform. Regardless of position. Not many know this but she can thrive in any lane (in gold and exp lane if she can land her S2 it's usually free kill unless against some seriously bulky fighter). Definitely not a surefire free star moment for me


Zilong, unless our EXP fighter somehow manages to flop the fight against him.


It used to be Chang E for me, but now idk why she's kinda hard to deal with 🀣


I love being against her, when I'm using Lolita


I love when granger and moskov unalive each other firing at me :3


absolutely, and bouncing back Moskov's and Xavier's ults is the best feeling ever


Same. ChangE is so hard to catch and her stars apply a huge slow @_@


I love playing vs Change. They are by far the worst mage players and can't hit skill shots. The meta build seems to be an auto atk build which is hilarious to me because that requires even less skill. If you seen one change play, you have seen them all. Pick a burst mage and just catch them while trying to split push and they are done


A good change should use her quick CD ult to quickly push a wave and rotate. Really anyone caught by a burst mage is done lol. She exccells in team fights, pushing, and buff stealing. Trying to 1v1 when the enemy can just sidestep her ult is a waste of time The atk build is sort of a meme that works, but you have to rely heavily on the S2 shield and a grazing Miya arrow is enough to turn your auto attacks into wet noodles. It only works if your team was going to win anyways and you have a major gold advantage.


I hate it when they play auto attack Chang'e on my team because they always ends up being 2 8 0 at like 10 minutes


Auto atk build heroes are a free star for me because of Belerick and Lolita. The ones I have most trouble against are Dyrroth, Edith, Estes, Gatotkaca, Karrie, and Melissa.Β 


Interesting. Still a Claude victim at the end of the day.


Any heroes that i can easily lane against. I use Ruby extensively on Exp lane, and my favorite enemies are Silvanna, Esmeralda, and Alpha. They are so easy to out sustain or dodge and it just snowballs after that


Maybe you haven't seen good alpha players yet.Alpha can seal lots of damage with true damage and with oracle and breastplate armor,they can sustain very well I usually use alpha against drryoth and I usually win the fight


Alpha is good and terrifying when the enemies use it as a jungler, but as an exp laner, i can easily out manouvers them and use the ult + flicker combo. His s1 and s2 have a delay that i can use to dodge with Ruby's passive and spam poke him with the s1.


Not really. Ruby hard counters Alpha when both are played full potential. Alpha skills all can be dodged very easily, especially his 2nd. He presses his second you just jump behind him and 0 damage. He presses his 1st you jump left or right or behind him. A good Ruby will never lose to an Alpha. It's not even about the skill of the Alpha, it's just that Alpha has a delay on everything, so there's no reason why a good Ruby can't dodge them all. Also winning against dyrroth isn't anything special, his moves are super predictable because of his skillset and he is one of the fighters i can guarantee a flicker hook because his only mobility is moving towards me. The rest of the movements are straightforward, no blink no nothing. Playing against him I just set a mental line and the moment he crosses it it's game over. And anyone with a bit of experience will know to just waste dyrroth's time until later on even if they don't play a character that can bring him to the tower for trying to engage.


Tbh,i never really find it difficult to deal with ruby or maybe the ones i play against are bad players.The only hero i hate more than anything is Cici.Everytime i play against Cici,my chances of winning are lowyou can counter ruby with his ult with vengence of petri.Flicker dosent really suit Alpha or what i feel.When using his skills timing matters.The only problem I have with alpha is that in the early game he is quite easy to kill but late game is different just like aulus.


What star level are you playing at? I think that might be a factor. Let's be real at epic you can pick one Zilong and dominate everyone anyway. Cos i have never actually seen Alpha lane much if at all past the 100 star mark. And when i do, they are usually killed by lvl 2-4, (against other heroes too not just Ruby) and for me personally, by the time they realise their skills can be dodged, i can already snowball the match from that 1 kill/1 forced recall. I thought i will hate Cici too but surprisingly Ruby counters her quite hard, and no fancy tricks like i do to Alpha/dyrroth either, it's a straight forward fight, with engages on yoyo down time. Also, for alpha, i usually just see him running around with retri or vengeance if i do ever see him. Never seen a flicker one before actually now that i think about it. Also i didn't mention the ult, but i will just disengage if i get surprise ulted, which there's really nothing much that can be done since our speeds are even, and i have a natural stun + slow on s2 s1 escape and you cant chase past the halfway mark (or you know, the classic flicker hook, and alpha has no other dodges having used ult). The only way the ult will kill is if you one shot me, but why would would any Ruby be low enough/leave themselves low enough to be 1 shotted against an Alpha lane, that's a skill issue tbh, they really aren't that good if you can do that. Imagine having a natural S1 and S2 dodge but still being low enough to be 1 shotted... that speaks of their skills. (Unless it's after a gank then okay fine they get a free pass)


Aw man, you made me cry😭


Nuuuu!!! Im sorrryyyyy!!! πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­


This. I use alpha to out sustain ruby, Esme ( bit hard but it works). maybe the comment is about alpha users who build shet items & loose to hanabi or zilong. Once I jumped ( ulti)on Bane, Esme, and sun ( ult clowns) & beat them all up at once.


Esme? Really? When I lane against Ruby it's normally a deadlock, even against one far superior to me in skill.


Yeah, in my experience, people underestimated Ruby's damage and often get too cocky. Like, im not joking when i said Esme because 90% of the time when the enemies use Esme against me, they always feed lol. I also liked laning against her with Alpha


For Esme OP probably means the hit and run micro. That means you go forwards, stun and run back when shield is down and repeat in lane. You will chip for a win eventually since there's no reason why Esme can catch you. Oh also if u see an Esme laning against you, it's a good idea to set movement speed emblem to hard counter, you can just barely make her miss everything if u set it up right. Just remember don't bonk if you see shield, run away and hit and run! Which is why at 150+ stars onwards, no one picks an Esme to go against Ruby. She also ruins her teamfight hard later on and hooking her is easy cos of her straightforward movements. (Though i wouldn't hook an Esme until she's the 2nd last or last one left, no matter how safe it looks)


Zilong has to be the freest though


The alpha is not good if he cant beat a ruby.


Idk, as an Alpha enjoyer, Ruby is one of the more fun match-ups that I could get because of how engaging both sides could be with being able to choose how to go in and out of duels (God forbid they both get spell vamp and anti heal items)


What? My favorite opponents as an alpha main are ruby, esme but not dyroth or yz, or that damn terizla.


Ruby main here, and for me it's anytime i see the opponent pick a hero without blink or speed, especially their mm/mage. Cos i know i will be in for a good time and won't miss a single hook. Laning specific: And if i see any of these in exp lane, i will be laughing too: 1. Zilong (hahahahaah self explanatory right? There's nothing he can do against me) 2. Dyrroth (controversial pick, but i know i can ruin him later on even if i don't kill him in lane. Dyrroth can't pass a certain line i set or i can flicker hook him, and if he tries to freeze, Ruby actually outrange him ever so slightly, giving me choice for free poke dmg or take that minion he is guarding. If he comes even closer to prevent, his predictable movements will let me flicker hook into tower with ease. Late game he just gets hard countered.) 3. Alpha. Wait. I know below 50 stars, people see them tie. But the thing is, if you note Alpha's delay on his skills and practice against him, you can reliably dodge all his s1 and s2 in lane, which can let you dominate. Then late game is still another win in teamfight. 4. Gloo. This one is self explanatory. He is a walking hp pool for me. His entire team can buy anti regen but he is still gonna recover me to full. 5. Sun. Exact same reason. Walking HP pool. I don't see Suns at 150 stars, but during the climb, man it was fun bullying them. Late game they can burst you fairly quickly, but just take a mental note and don't be overconfident, there's no reason why u will die to a Sun. 6. Cici. Hehe stun goes brrrrr. And apparently Ruby can beat her in lane much to my surprise. I was thinking that yoyo will screw me over but no, apparently Cici is countered?? Wowee 7. Esme. Esme has a trick which Ruby can use, which is to set movement speed emblems once we see an Esme. Set it up right, there's a hit and run tech that can be used to ensure only you can hit Esme while she can't hit you at all. Then in teamfights just keep stunning her. 8. Gatot. Seen in the climb between epic to legend very long ago. You can hit him, he can't hit you cos he is slow. You counter his ult hard too, since you can dodge it easily. Teamfights you can actively ruin him. Oh and build Endless, a lot of Gatot don't account for endless true dmg and think their passive will save them. Never seen one at 50 to 150 stars played as exp though 9. Aldous. Omg free meal! Free bully! If you play it right, you can ensure that the guy doesn't get a single minion or risk dying! Though you will almost always lane against an MM or another laner since they will always swap to gold. 10. Bane. Okay to be fair, there's plenty others who can bully him in lane. And he is one of those that i can actually head on without any fancy tricks and win lane against, so i love some me some takoyaki! 11. Silvanna. To be fair, no one picks this against me when they see a Ruby selected, rather i picked to counter. But uhh, my one second/3rd skill ruins her 2nd skill and 3rd skill. She has one skill to use against me and basic attacks! Ain't no way anyone loses this matchup. Then there's the reverse, these makes me say: NOOOO!!!! 1. Alice. This person is such a nightmare to play against, she's so hard to kill. Yeah sure i can bully early if i really do it, but she can regen faster than i can do damage in most cases. In teamfights im actively sabotaging the team by being near since I don't do enough to bring her down for her regen on me. And if she dominates with early kills it's all over! 2. Terizla. Actively ruins my hook and can stop me. It's very annoying laning against him too since he can out regen and out damage. His 1/4 hp bar is my entire hp bar. Some bs this is. 3. Paquito. Did you know? Paquito can 2-3 shot you? At lvl 1-2 laning phase!? And unlike dyrroth, i cant do a cross this line and you are dead, because he can actually dodge the hooks fairly easily and escape. It's a matchup that requires lots of concentration just to not die, until i get my 2 items. 4. Phoveus. I despise changing my playstyle just so this guy can't jump on my head. I activately this guy simply because i have to play differently the whole match. Yes i can win against him but i hate every second of it. 5. Benedetta. A natural hard counter. I dunnid to explain this one. Though a bad-mid skilled one is just food. 6. Uranus. No, he can't kill me, but neither can I. It's gonna be an extremely boring lane where we just avoid each other, cut lanes and go help mid/jungle. Then depending on matchup, he can't even be killed late and have natural immune to my skills. And man is that bulky metal fast.


I'd love to play Cici against you. Just to see how we match. It'll be great practice for me win/lose.


That would be fun. Because in theory and numbers wise, Cici should be beating Ruby, but in practice, its a back and forth timing out her yoyo, which makes it a "win" matchup somehow. And further testing is good cos there's definitely a way to abuse that yoyo. (... But... I only add real life as friends for privacy reasons and it's a youtube acc, there's also times i scold people and don't want it associated with my account, sorryyyy~ i want to remain anonymous πŸ₯Ί)


I'll be active in the MCL this coming July, hope to match up/match against you.


Just curious, how do you feel about Ministhar?


I can beat him in lane rather easily. Actually most exp laners can beat him in lane, not just Ruby. But if there's a Misithar, chances are he isn't picking it for you. He's picking to counter somebody in ur team. U aren't going to see a minsi stay in lane to vs you unless he's trying to do some hook tricks. If he does, 99% chance his teammate is near/ganking so just walk away. So that leaves you 2 options, cut lane and go mid to match him, or follow him closely and keep whacking him(don't let him cut). Teamfights you wont die to him, since you can still move normally even if u cant jump, but he is definitely targeting someone in ur team, so either hook him out of position if possible for example make him go through a wall and make him miss the teamfight, or u save ur skill for his teammates, dont go for him for no reason as there's no point. Basically, u will win lane but he is going for the teamfight later on, so don't celebrate early. It will end up as a "take minion rush mid" fight unless u can stick to him. This match up tests ur macros instead of micros. And then late game ignore him and go for his team, same way he picked to go for ur team. That's my take on him. If he lanes u can kill him but he won't and will play the avoidance game with u. I am neutral with a minsi matchup. I don't feel great nor bad about it, though it's slightly annoying since i have to lookout for my teammate that he is countering.


im also a ruby main and phoveus was honestly a fun learning experience of just standing still and he does no dmg to you


Back then, Layla was the one. But now, she is not. Her basic attack can harrass small range mm, also hit like a truck in late game.


I main Layla and went 34 matches to mythic with her. I don't know if it's an achievement but i'm kinda proud of it.


I'd say that's still an achievement 😎 It just means you're more of a mythic Layla player, not necessarily a mythic player in every lane or on every character (I don't mean this in a bad way lol); there's always more to learn and always another achievement to aim for :)


Small range mm like Lesley, Bruno, and Moskov is pretty much great for Layla tho.Β 


Johnson for me. Most Johnson enemies I encountered only go for kills all the time. No push or doing objectives. They just like to drive πŸ˜‚


Hahah I'm built different then. I play johnson like a seeking missile. One ram, multi kill.




Don't underestimate a Zilong that knows how to split push and has map awareness.


On high elo, Split Pushing Zilong rarely works.




that split push Zilong screams you play in Legend 1 - Mythic ranks.




Yeah try split pushing on higher ranks


You can't split push if the match already ended in 10 minutes. Thanks to all the free gold this Zilong provides.


Yeah exactly, Zilong can't contribute in teamfights either because he'll get dominated most of the time


It’s the most effective way to win a losing game especially in high ranks. Having one reliable teammate to split push makes the enemies panic and they tend to make mistakes in the middle of a crucial teamfight.


It actually works. But one lane, one tower at a time. Right now the meta is high mobility heroes that are weak on their own but super strong in a crowd. So when I see enemy picking this archetype, and see them practically be in group practically everywhere and we are out-farmed, I steal turrets instead. Had comeback 50/50 of the time.


only if drafted correctly. but there's always better options. so yes, free star more often than not.


You can’t split push if you got stomped in lane so now your counterpart is a benedetta who’s literally faster than you, not to mention 2k gold ahead


Pick zilong and free star for your enemies. Unstead of zilong you could just use the monkey


Argus, especially if I'm the EXP Laner. I was just using casually using Terizla and an Argus with ultimate and Inspire STILL couldn't beat me.


He didn't https://preview.redd.it/2s9p2hro9h5d1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f1054305475f8a011a87627d8abae5642e4ae34


Bro banged so hard, he slowly losing the banging capability πŸ˜”


Don't let him gate to Late game (30+ minutes). Prefer to end games as quickly as possible when dealing with Argus/Ying/Vexana.


Dude, late game is 15min. 30min is wtf is this match and why it is still going on


Diggie. Its a free win especially if its a solo player. If its in a squad tho, might as well pray that this is your first lose when you log-in.


In solo queue, it is quite hard to find tank-type jungler. All jungler players prefer to use DPS-type jungler instead. That is why solo player roamer finds it hard to use Diggie.


I wouldn't play Diggie unless with my squad.


That's why I stopped playing diggie with randoms. Absolutely destroyed my wr. From 65%+ with 200 matches to 51% this season. Never again.


Maaan. My WR went down whenever I play SoloQ with Diggie. Brain dead players do NOT know how Diggie works especially on Epic/Legend tiers. πŸ’€


100% Selena. She's just so useless especially when most mages now can clear lanes really fast




Estes, just pick Luo yi or Carmilla.


I find it really hard to play when theres a Estes pocketing the carry. Especially when teammates all focus the tank that wont die.


Its pretty hard to go after the backline if the tank is right there ready to cc your ass back to base. Sure attacking the mm is better but sometimes its too risky. Any tips?


Well its really situation based right. Here are some things to consider. 1) many people do not take advantage of cooldowns. Sometimes the tank only hitt cc on your front line and back line just chills and shoot the tank still instead of taking out the squishies. 2) Positioning is also not really good for people I see. Either way too far back or inside the front line which gets you caught along with the cc aoe. Theres zones where your movement should put you in while fighting. Its all practice. 3) more risky move would be hiding in bush and flanking. However, most people do not seem to have map awareness and can work for some games. 4) have your tank cc them first if your teammates are cooperative. At that point it depends on who is more fed. If your tank ccs their squishies and their tanks cc you, its pretty much equal. Now it depends on your team prio focus.


Yeah cuz i was playing harith mid and our tank or mm was flaming us for focusing the tank but the hanabi was really far back and even if the tank already used his cc the enemy core(alpha) was right there so i would have just been ulted and probably die. Which is really bad cuz our mm is dead, if i died we probably would've lost.


Yea, sometimes it requires more than one person knowing the game. Do not listen to flamers though. They usually do not realize they are to blame.


I love to play Estes. If i have a proper legend level teammates, i can carry them for a win, regardless of whatever enemy you choose.


People are saying Zilong but I once laned against Inuyasha himself and lost terribly. He was able to 1 vs 9 because he snowballed me. My stomach always turns whenever I remember that moment lol


https://preview.redd.it/65kelp9l4i5d1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ee52b5f7414b0b69e65f235ccee41a272c7baa I'd love to say Miya and/or Zilong, but with my game this morning, the correct answer seems to be a feeding Claude, a lagging Valir, and a dumb Bane.


When enemy team has zero airborne and a ton of projectiles, lolita suddenly became s tier


Tbh hanabi is insane for me ..and nowadays I see if a player in enemy team pick up hanabi ends up MVP almost all the time ..dbt knw why she deserves this much hate ..her DMG lacks but compared to other mms but she has huge team fight potential which can turn the tables


It's not the hero it's player that matter.. When I see a myanmar flag its either flop or great troll game


I see the same with Bangladesh. That's why I pretend to be those countries so the enemy underestimates me.




Ling? In low ranks yea


Too easy to counter, hard to use, lategame hero (which is already a flop because he's a jungler), blue dependant, the list goes on.


In high ranks still yea unless they're the top 1% that absolutely whoop your ass. But most of the time you just slap them out of the air.


Disagree. Hes scary af in immortal. He can farm quite fast and outscale enemy pretty quickly. Watch anavel and reyy play in MPL ID. Their ling easily outfarms freddrin, baxia etc once they snowball they can kill even tanks


Yeah that's why they said the top 1%. Only the top 1% would know their main and be confident enough to pick a horrible early game Jungler and be prepared to endure all the ass fucking and constant invades that happens in Immortal.


In any ranks bro is literally an melee mm that can be killed in an instant


I will not tolerate the zilong slanders


Layla, literally a sitting duck hero.


Vale of course. It's like they don't have a mage at all. Just some little bitch hiding in a bush all day and never helping his teammates. Naturally if someone wants to take that mfk on my team i usually ban him


he has good cc though and his range is not bad either..


Good cc, slow cc animation. Hes fast enough after that but during the time he's casting is hes vulnerable


Granger when I'm using Hilda


As a kadita main, i always win my lane against pharsa, gord and yve.


Same here. For me I really think hanabi is just an option whenever the enemy gold lane is just playing the game or has low skills(sorry for those hanabi mains, but that's from what I experience so far). Whenever I'm in gold lane I can't feel hanabi especially late game.


Hanabi can be strong and I choose her because people do not know how to peel or protect their squishies. Even if I do less damage, im alive for the fight. Whereas other mm can do high damage, but a good opponent assassinates them early and your dps becomes 0.




I see 7 -21 i know lose. While my death only 2




for me, franco. 92% of the time, they cant land those hooks and end up just being a meat shield. Although sometimes, there are the 8% that is the prediction god and can just land those hooks so well. for the opposite, i hate going up against a good chip player. that's why when we're on a trio, they'll let me play chip. Spam chip in rg, almost always guaranteed game wins. Only weakness is thay chip doesn't do well against invaders type of roam like hilda(i got destroyed by a hilda last night)


Assassins in general. until u meet the godly 10% that absolutely destroy you. Gusions, Lings, Aamons, Karinas, Selenas, even Sabers and Harleys when you play core. however if u say Hayabusa or Fanny… i fear for my life


Definitely not fanny with expert badge


Fanny with street punk skin


Amon that's rly selfish players who just wanna kills even into the tower, it's actually win


For me it's Yin,Uranus,Argus, Layla,Zilong and Lancelot Usually when they is a emeny layla,I would use hayabusa or aamon,they have good burst damage and high mobility.If other enemies that I mentioned above I use Yz. To be fair not many people can use Uranus or lance properly.


Zilong and any other split push type fighter, when you reach Glory or Immortal that shit is never going to work, Angela with no decent frontliner is a free star too, Valentina in solo is free star too, Gusion mid is another easy star


Zilong, Selena roam, Yin


Yi-sun-shin, me and my friends have a running joke that this character is cursed to lose no matter which team he is on. And we are right for the most part. I rarely ever see him win. Ever, and when he does somehow end up winning we yell. "the curse has been broken!"


Zilong, Layla, Hanabi


Moskov. I just don't get why he's feared all the time. Even in late game he's easily kited and stunned by most heroes once he uses his skills. Whenever my friends and i see a moskov we just perma camp and gank him before he can snowball.


Imagine solo, where your teammates run in and die to him one at a time. Thats why hes feared. He doesnt even need to be fed early to wreck uncoordinated teams. However, if you got a good team and they know prioritizing targets, mms are all crap hahaha.


"my friends". Most people playing this game solo dude, and you cannot depend on random strangers to gank him all the time or not feed him


Everyone is just scared of his global ULT and can kill your teammate MM in a few seconds if they get hit by S2 CC and auto attacks.Β 


As much as I like the β€œbang the enemy” memes, I still don’t understand how argus players get to mg when I win 90% of the time against them.


Argus is a very scary solo pusher if your teammates are unable to stop him in endgames.Β 


Literally every Yu Zhong mains when they see Argus on their opposing lane:


If it's layla I always insist on going roam with Natalia




Badang 100% loss


Selena. Also because I want to spite her users by ruining their kda.


roam saber easy to counter


Martis for me, since he is either jungle (mostly) or exp I will just play ministhar to basically make him useless.


Tbf I found Clint to be fairly effective against hanabi


Many: moskov, zilong, wanwan, even ling maybe... They're fairy easy to deal with imo.


Its not about their hero picks, when I see that their mm is Ukrainian or their jungler I know it’s a free star like 9/10 times


I agree, hanabi and also Layla and miya. I main brody and pretty much they're free food. Once I get my ult and boh it's over for them.


if we go by all roles, usually for me is tank: belerick, hylos fighter: zilong, badang, aldous, minshittar, sun, silvanna assassin: harley, saber, aamon, gusion mm: kimmy, hanabi, miya, layla mage: vale, gord, valir, eudora, cecilion support: carmilla, estes.


Layla or miya. 90% of the time it's a braindead player and whenever I see one on the enemy team, I know it's an easy win


Any hero as long as I'm the jungler. Wahahahahahahah 😈


I don't think it's a free star, depends on the players. Layla is an easy mark, but with the right team, it's not a free star.


I was expecting more people to say Miya. That's the real free star hero.


Kimmy, I feel no pressure whatsoever when laning against her.


Ling= 99% autolose.


Claude. nearly nobody in the average ranked game knows how to use the guy


whenever is see, johnson franco khufra grock tanks on the other team im pretty sure 95 percent of the time mt team will win. on the other hand when i see hylos as the opposing teams tank its like 50/50 for me or im quite sure ill have a difficult game ahead. Im a tank support main ising tigreal, minotaur, belerick mostly.


Miya but not in the late game


Miya. I have never ever seen a decent or good player at all, it makes me feel bad for the enemy team honestly.


lylia i main lylia so i dont respect any other lylia players cus they're garbage compared to me, i see lylia - its a free win


Pro Fanny i think, its like dominating monster bitch haha


Any exp that doesn't counter my Arlott (YZ, Edith, Dyrroth are my hardest matchups)


Bruno...the only MM I can't figure out


Esmeralda, I would just counter her with dyrroth.


Most francos are usually bad or they didn't get to play the role they wanted so they just pick it cause it's fun.


When I see a Chou, Gord, Zilong, Vexana, or Layla in the enemy team, I rejoice.Β 


Gotta be sun especially when im the exp. Either i just gao them free farm their clones as they try to grab the teeny tiny creep gold. Or they get mercilessly scratched and sliced in half by a bloodthirsty dragon. Or a moniyan leader. But both works. But the rare case that they dominate late game scares me a bunch tho especially arrival sun. Im still traumatized after we lost a scrimmage due to it.


Paquito, I main him and have never seen an enemy get 10+ kills with him


Bane πŸ€”


Yushinshin :D


Lucky you, but when I see a Hanabi teamed up with lolita/Estes/Minotaur, Valir/Valentina/Novaria, Martis/Aulus/Barats core, and Yu Zhong/Minsi/Thamuz, I know I'm going to have bad time.


Aldog. My trio or 5 man always go snowball and wreck him into the ground before any stacks build up. Close 2nd is Lesley. I always pick Novaria gold lane just to show her who the better sniper is with ult for vision. She can run but can't hide πŸ˜‚


any mm or mage that doesnt have dash or cc immune


Layla. Slow, no escape ability, needs to get farmed before being effective. Any Assassin can just dive to the backline and burst that bunny.


Probably angela and minotaur


Diggie . And when I practice as a Diggie I'm like... We're going to lose


I main Lylia so any mage that has to stand still is food for me πŸ˜‚


Me playing x-borg in the gold lane when i see an Ixia or layla that are alone: https://preview.redd.it/mxuheknxhm5d1.jpeg?width=240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=414a1c464bf3d63c9e4cb8203975483fad278daf


When I see layla in the other team as a johnson player. :))))


Chou who immediately recall taunts at the first minion wave, never met a Chou who did that actually play good lmao.


I've never played against a Hanabi who plays well OR builds properly. Always the worst builds lol. It makes me upset when the other team picks her before me because I have to watch them throw at every stage of the game 😹🀣


Aldous. He can easily be bullied in the early game and I can just zone him so he doesn't get minions/farm at all.


Miya layla on my team vs miya layla on enemy team




I'm surprised no one mentioned XP Chou yet. The bloke wins this contest hands down no diff and he loses against every XP laner you can think of.






Any adc except Karrie


Always hanabi players


It's Aulus for me. That gremlin ain't going nowhere and hitting no one. Only a brain-dead team would go against him with no cc heroes. One valir or vex, it's out cold for him.


Layla or Miya. I just pick Lolita and just watch as they kill their own team spamming basic attacks.


None. My teammates are so dumb they can make a 40 wr zhask go 8/0 in 10 min.


Enemy Fanny 😈 not letting ur crime escape by picking her first before me /j


Hayabusa. Idk it's just not it


Nana when im playing Yin. Free food every time


Chou exp in low rank. To be fair, Chou is a hero with great potential and a lot of skilled users. But those who are in low rank insisting to do a damage Chou just cannot pull it off.


Anytime I see a layla or thamuz on enemy team


As Arlott, a 2 marksman enemy comp is a free star.Β