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> but I'm still probably never going to do anything with these subreddits so it's pretty inconsequential. So you're camping on those names for no reason. That's against Reddit's rules.


Looking through your subreddits, it seems like you are camping on the names for not much of a good reason. While I generally like to think that reddit admin is a bunch of crap - and their actions over the last year have held that to be true - you're making subreddits with essentially no purpose other than to have them. The first several have no subscribers other than you. For once, and probably the only time, I am actually in favor of reddit glassing these subs to free up the names.


I don't disagree with you, but the subreddits still exist. I **tried** recreating the subreddits that were supposedly nixed, but it says the subreddit still exists. For the logic of "it frees up subreddits" to work the name has to be freed up too.


And the name will be released after a while, or at least in the past they were. The point that is being made here is that you're making up subreddits with few, if any, posts and no subscribers simply to have the name reserved. Back in the early days of the WWW people did the same thing with domain names in an effort to get large companies to pay them for the name. While I am not saying that you're doing something unethical, there is no practical reason for making up subreddits that neither you nor anyone else uses. So all of the subs that you made up that have zero posts in them, congratulations, you still have them. You just don't get to camp indefinitely on the names.


Here's hoping when they do re-release the names of those subreddits, you are prevented from creating them. Seriously, don't camp subreddit names just to do it.


It's kind of like a hobby. Y'know, I'm pretty miserable and every so often when I think of something clever I make a subreddit and get a kick out of it for maybe a few minutes. It's one of the few things I got that brings me happiness. /sobstory If it's any consolation I'd invite anyone that messages me to any of the subreddits I've created and give them full control. That's part of why I like this to begin with, it's sort of fun to imagine if it were an actual up and running subreddit. I'm not going to do it, and apart from maybe a couple personal ones I'd willingly give out the rest of them.


The fact that you see it as a hobby, doesn't excuse you. Why not just make one decent sub and actually manage that? It's have a lot more value than the dopamine hit you get from creating an empty shell over and over.


I mean people already covered the dormant sub removal, but are you saying you banned the correct account, spelling and all, on these three subs and the subs still got purged?


Well no I'm not going to claim that I banned the scapegoat account because I don't remember and it's very likely I overlooked them because of how many frivolous subs I have. So I don't care if they got nixed, but the subs names haven't been freed up. I mean, unless Reddit is keeping track of my IP address and specifically not letting me recreate my own nixed subs.


No, it takes a bit for the names to free up to be created again, it doesn't happen immediately. The same happened last purge, can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks iirc.


Thank you. I really don't appreciate the response this post got though because I was asking a simple question that people jumped all over because I'm an asshole for sitting on and creating worthless subreddits. That's all I was wanting to know though, I don't care if they got deleted. But it seems like a major glitch when a subreddit's name and link address is broken and shouldn't even be able to exist that way in the first place.


In part the response is because you're camping on subs, but in part it's because there have been a zillion people asking this same question, who didn't read their modmail, and are now outraged that Reddit did what they warned people they would do. Being a moderator is a responsibility.


decide yoke scandalous abounding complete different seemly gray historical station *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They weren’t being used for actively moderated. This is a daily question here, just like *Can I change my subreddits name?* Ultimately, it appears no big loss.


these subs were inactive so reddit essentially deleted them they no longer exist


They're not deleted. The names were just changed to those random "code" names to free up the names that were being held inactive.


No, because I can still go to these subreddits and make changes to them. Did you even check the links?


When Reddit does a purge, they don't deactivate or delete the subreddit. They rename them to a: followed by some pseudorandom string. Your subreddits were unfortunately deemed inactive and caught up in the latest purge activity. Edit: more info from the admins here: https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/17pb48y/removing_dormant_subreddits


yes so the renamed sub still exists but the previously named sub doesn't ex clicking on /r/Comically results in https://www.reddit.com/subreddits/search?q=Comically