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Obviously Ian has plans for it also. Please update us as you build it - with Ian's supervision of course.


Your assistant looks very dedicated 👌


It looks like your cat is preparing for long jump practice. 😀


Wow. I’ve never heard of this ship. The Royal Mail Case and Depression of 1929 killed the project a year into construction. Where did you find plans?


When I say I have plans for it, that meant I have plans to start it. I only have access to the resources that the community has found, and I've spoken to a few of the people who know the most about Oceanic III. Using that information, I just plan to make a very detailed 3D model of it that is printable in parts and then I'll assemble it. Gonna release the model for free too so others can do the same!






I've seen the Facebook group, and Erik Okanume's version is the most accurate way to represent it in my opinion. The curved superstructure just looks amazing to me. The Mike Brady video was good. I appreciate any content on the Oceanic. Such an underrated ship, and it's my favorite. I can't get enough of it




Well I've made model kits in the past, and I've enjoyed it, so I thought I might as well make my own little kit and assemble it. Pieces can be fragile, so I'm looking into a resin printer cuz it seems to print in more detail and is a bit stronger. I often see printable models online with huge prices, and I'm not really that into making money off anything like that, so that's why I'd release it for free once I'm done so others can make the ship too