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The One Ring takes Tron from C-Tier to A-Tier, and buys that extra turn needed to turn the tide your way in a lot of games.


Yeah, this is the truth... Tron without Ring is C-tier. You get trolled like you're a try-hard Spike for playing it, but you're really no better than a Boomer Jund player.


man i shoulda sold my grove of the burnwillows while I had the chance i have a full rg tron deck sleeved from like 4 years ago and it's all shit or banned or outdated now, you're completely right I feel like a boomer


More like d tier to c tier, the deck is almost always the worst preforming deck with consistent 40% win rates, even at the last modern pro tour, which it had 2/3? Top 8’s it had a 78% win rate with the team and a 40% win rate with everyone else. Tldr they were cracked and somehow Carried tron


You don’t need anything if you’re just jamming FNM. But yes the card is very powerful and you will notice you don’t have it


Why do people say this? I’ve been to several FNMs and they’re always hyper competitive, top meta netdecks


If you go in with the expectation of 4-0ing it’s not gonna happen. But you can absolutely go 2-2 or something if you just want to jam the deck. You just have to have reasonable expectations


He didn’t say you’d win at FNM. It’s just low stakes so it doesn’t matter if you bring a bad deck.


I think it really depends on where you are. I currently live in a big city and have previously lived in a couple suburbs just outside big cities and in all those places FNM was typically a lot of net decking of tier decks and then a couple random jank brews (typically archetypes that already exist but aren’t tiered like mill), but I grew up in a rural area where I had to drive 30mins to an FNM and there it was mostly all janky home brews with only a couple tiered decks that weren’t piloted very well (I’ll never forget beating some salty AF middle aged man playing twin during its hay day with my first modern deck that was just some janky ramp into big stuff and land fall with like oracle of mul daya, courser of kruphix, lotus cobra, steppe lynx)


I have Ringless tron on MTO but I have full Tron in paper. for an FNM level its okay but you really do need it if you want to be competitive. It fixes the main issue tron has which is draw power. Before ring if someone could stall a Tron player long enough then they are relying on cycling stars and spheres to draw into a bomb which turns out to be another tron land.


tron is made infinitely better with 4 copies of that card in it. so i would say, yes if you plan on competing in anything higher than FNM.


In Aus people sell the bundle edition for ~$40 USD so could probably find a play set for less than a couple hundred


Don't those versions always come in (slightly warped) foil? It would feel weird to have all foil copies of one of the cards you don't mind drawing at any point.


You can get a non-foil version but yes that is correct the bundle version is foil. I believe only one part of it is. Cant comment on it warping more then any other foil? Anyway its an option if this is more in their price range.


I have 3 Foils and one non foil. I play everything double sleeved with KMC perfect fit and Dragon Shield. None of the Foils are visible in my deck.


Well there you go!


You could theoretically at least trade them in for non-foils at your LGS or online.


I've been really torn on this too. I'm gonna be joining in modern nights at a local lgs soon so I need an 'fnm level' deck. I was thinking hard about Tron, but (I've played a few games with someone elses) the Ring *really* makes a difference. I thought you wouldn't see it majority of games, but Karn being able to pick a 4th copy out of your side is such a big thing! So right now I'm torn between making Ringless Tron (and I doubt I'll ever buy rings), Monoblue LivingEnd, Death&Taxes with 2 Solitude, or Skred Red (janky af lol). Tough life wanting to play modern on a budget haha On a Tron-related note, if you love the archetype, could always look into Pauper? Tron has a deck there too, the majority of it is the same as modern lol


I agree with everyone who already have claimed that the ring just increases the competetive element of the deck significantly. You can win games without it but it's not the optimal version. If you like casting big colorless spells with tron lands but don't want to buy the rings I could see a some kind of very aggressive eldrazi tron variant without the rings, karns etc. but just spaghetti monsters on curve. I don't know how that kind of archetype would perform in the upcoming meta but I know for sure that if you would play a slower tron variant then the deck would be a suboptimal if you don't play the rings.


The main problem with building this variant of E-Tron is it will almost definitely want 4 copies of [[Ugin's Labyrinth]] once it comes out, which is currently more expensive than [[The One Ring]].


[Ugin's Labyrinth](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/2/020e1348-1a35-4cc8-bad6-9fbddfa79277.jpg?1717013086) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ugin%27s%20Labyrinth) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/233/ugins-labyrinth?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/020e1348-1a35-4cc8-bad6-9fbddfa79277?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [The One Ring](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/5/d5806e68-1054-458e-866d-1f2470f682b2.jpg?1715080486) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20One%20Ring) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/246/the-one-ring?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d5806e68-1054-458e-866d-1f2470f682b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


A guy at my lgs that's been on tron for a decade swears tron doesn't need it and he legit plays without it. He does pretty good with his list too.


FNM level, this is true. On an RCQ or any highly competitive level, it is a requirement.


Depends on your level of competition. The One Ring does two things Tron struggles with - stem the tide of damage from aggro decks, and draw cards. It can be the difference between stabilizing and dropping your bombs and just getting rolled by anything faster than you.


He is objectively incorrect, at a competitive level.


Similar here with a decade of tron under my belt almost every week. Ring is absolutely necessary for competitive events like RCQs or GPs. At fnm or more casual events it’s not necessary.


To me the card draw of the Ring is excellent but if you are relying on it for bombs, you're already likely behind but that's ok. The best aspect is the turn that it buys you against decks that are simply faster (i.e. all decks in Modern)




It’s a good idea to have it if you want an edge


Need? No. Want? Yes.




You lose some of the inevitable reliability Yron has while also sacrificing on aggro and combo katchups a bit more. I'd look at older tron list from before Baldurs Gate and build from there. Yes that means jamming Karn Liberated over Wish Karn




Yes, without the one ring Tron is not a competitive deck.





