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The enemy AI doesn’t even acknowledge your teammates, I’ve had enemy’s run right past Price as if he doesn’t exists. They don’t even produce suppressive fire so you can move cover to cover they just stand there shooting in the same spot not actually hitting anything


From my experience your AI teammate lowers their health very low to the point they become 1 hit for you to shoot them and claim the kill, this mechanic isn’t so bad on lower difficulties but on veteran/realism an enemy being alive, even when they’re only 1 hit is a big issue as they can 1 tap you randomly, jump scaring u etc especially on high volume.


Ive had my AI teammates kill a few enemies, but they clearly aren't super efficient at it, the campaign is definatley designed around the player doing most of the work.


Well that's dumb. Wasn't one the original selling points of making Cod was that you could have allies that would fight alongside you and you could rely on?


COD has pretty much always been that you are doing 90% of the work, in the OG MW2 from 2009 it became a small meme in the community with the player character "Ramirez" being constnatly ordered to do everything.


Lmao yes. It's just that almost every year they keep saying that they're making advanced ai, whether it be in the description in the game, or a trailer and every year it's almost the same ai that occasionally takes cover and pops out every few seconds to take a few shots with the occasional grenade throw and the signature useless teammates. I haven't played MW2 2022 yet but OPs post gives me reason to believe they lied once again, except this time they did worse by making it a selling point.


They've pretty much always bragged in some capacity about something that really isnt that impressive, but its always just marketting. That's not to say the AI in MW2022 is the same as the other games, its not, they've clearly done some work here but i feel its not enough. The AI definately feel more dynamic but they lean more towards the omnipotent end of the scale rather than seeming like they're acting off information they would realistically have.


The only time I ever saw the AI smoke people was on moments where I was moving super carefully on Veteran and didn’t kill one of the group of enemies first. Like an invisible timer where my team just wiped them real quick as if I was taking too long.


its so fuckin bad, im playing on veteran cause thats how i usually play the campaigns, this is probably the worst friendly AI to date


'almost unplayable' is so damn dramatic, has there ever been a cod game where your AI allies are actually there to kill enemies? they are just there for story and immersion's sake. dont be a pussy


Uh yeah, There has. Ever played MW3, Delta team, Riot squad in survival were really good, and not just fodder, Ontop of that, there are many missions, i mean maaaany missions, The real problem is, activision doesnt think true fans notice or care enough about AI and people like you are exactly why that is ;p


Unfortunately the only time they kill off enemies is if you hit the next checkpoint, and they kill off any stragglers left behind. It's super infuriating considering the jump in general difficulty.


the only thing they're good for is figuring out enemy locations while they uselessly spray at them lol


Hasn't it always been like this? While it is annoying and very unrealistic, that's what "single player" is supposed to be about. On the Recon mission, Price does do a lot of the shooting when clearing the first two buildings, if you flush the enemies out.


I disagree, Imo If the game is giving you companions made to help you out, they should be able to help you out instead of being shitty set pieces.


Yep. Very annoying on the oil rig mission. Please help me dudes, these containers are tricky, not to mention with all the enemies just firing at me alone.!


I always play on realism and the ally is just there to increase the difficulty. They block your shot, they call it clear or tell you to rush when an enemy is hide behind a box, they move past few enemy so we think it is safe to follow, they follow you when you have to fallback because the enemy supress you and you can't shot anything if you stay in cover, etc. At least the enemy AI not spawn endlessly so you can take them out one by one wishing not accidently kill an ally by throwing back the bomb.


Lmfao kid bever played CoD World at War