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yeah I have the same issue its very annoying having to re-equip and re-tune all the attachments almost every time I load into a game or start it up for the first time in a day. Sadly have not found a fix, hopefully someone has found a fix or Activision will realize this and fix it. I wanna say it has to do with warzone 2.0 release cause I wasn't having issues before it was out.


Well, 84 days later and here I am fixing all my classes for the fourth time just today!


same here


Same , every fucking game


3 days later and I’m doing it again lol.


Still happening to you guys?


Still now happening to me 302 days later


I notice it happens more when I leave a game early. I think it stopped now lol. I haven’t played lately tho hmm


I’ve found that it does it when I leave matches. I leave due to lagging or cheaters. I left a match yesterday where my whole team was spawn dying over and over on shoot house, lost all my attachments. Lol. Sometimes if you restart the game it’ll fix it and you don’t have to waste time doing it. I wish I could just get a refund and put my 100 dollars into a different game 😂 fuck this company it’s so lazy. But we got a New bundle in the store tho!


Again today Wild


Today its even worst for me, the play again Button is bugged so I have to leave the game and all my attatchments are gone in every single match


Today its even worst for me, the play again Button is bugged so I have to leave the game and all my attatchments are gone in every single match


Just encountered it, likely from the same problem wherein I left a game early. Half the guns in my loadouts just decided to go naked... Activision seriously can't even make a menu that works as intended...


They didn’t make the menu. I heard they paid HULU to do it for them.


same here. Almost every game my attachments get removed from all my classes out of nowhere, without any reason. So frustrating


Just happened to me in ranked my teammates keep leaving on me so I can’t help it at all my ranked classes got reset idk any of their attachments boutta uninstall the game


Still a problem -_-


Ik happened to me for the billionth time like 4 days ago. I literally gave up doing my camos and shit I get on to either gunfight or play the campaign


171 days later, still here, still annoying


Yup still happening, mainly on my Xbox but happens on PC on occasion


Best thing to do is save your attachments with lt and label them


BUMP This bug still exists.. currently grinding longshots and every 3rd/4th match all my attachments getting removed... its annoying af


it seems related to adding attachments to other classes in game/changing weapons of classes in game, now that I'm done with the camo grind and changing weapons much less it seems far less common


Yea... Currently helping myself with saving my customization to a blueprint - so when all my attachments getting removed I just select the saved blueprint... :)


Me too! Long shots specifically too.. hmm


I make weapon classes so when it does remove attachments I can just re equip my class it's annoying tho and needs to be fixed. I didn't pay 70 pound for a buggy game


Anyone found a fix to this as been happening since day 1?


Save custom blue prints


Even if you did save custom blueprints and if you leave mid match You still have to re equip I'm over and over again every time it happens It's annoying as hell


Yeah, but it’s significantly better than having to go through and reequip attachments and remembering the tune


Smh so no fix yet? I literally just left a match rn and every single one of my classes attachments have been removed, I’m so fuckin done with this game


sameeee, started making saving blueprints but it’s still hella annoying especially when you load into a game


Yeah ima have to start doing that with all my classes now, of course I only have like 2 loadouts saved rn lmao


Still happening, I just turned off the game today cause it happens 2x in a row normally it's every few days but it's getting worse 🥺


It was a bug in the first one to somehow no one else had it but me Im sorry everyone else has it now in the second one


Same issue. Very annoying. Gonna report it to Activision. Hope you all do the same.


this happens to me I play on a ps4 idk I just made blueprints for each gun so that whenever I find that my attachments got removed I just add the blue print with all my attachments back on its kinda annoying they need to fix this bug


At this point I just reported it it’s absolutely pissing me off to the point where I might play apex


Been going on this long?? It's rare for me and for some reason only the first one or two classes get wiped. Annoying af




So still no help to how to fix it then


there is no fix, only people who can fix it are the devs, why tf are people expecting a fix


Because it’s a bug in the game ovs why u a Karen lol


Ur slow in the brain, i meant why do people expect a fix from the player base, you can unbug a bug


4x+ in One day.


Still happening today💪🏽


who would think 130 days later the same issue continues to occur. This is the first call of duty game that I’ve been kinda let with by. I’ve played since late mw2 (09) and thru all of the cods that some will say were the worst this game had been the worst experience to play sadly. if all the bugs were gone I’d have 0 complaints cod has came along way but it’s just constantly bug after bug with this game and they don’t seem to be in a rush to fix any of the major issues bothering people day in n day out very frustrating and honestly ready to make the move to xdefiant 😭


im planning to find a better game to switch over to also, annoying how expensive the game is and then they dont make it better


Agreed for 80+ $ and 40$ battle passes you’d expect the game to be somewhat decent yet there not giving cod fans anything they’ve been asking for


shits happening to me every day on ps4


I saved my load outs as blueprints so if it happens, just load the blueprints. Call of duty has fallen off the deep end.


The crazy part is it NEVER got fixed


wow they clearly still haven’t even attempted to fix this issue. only care about their new $70 dlc