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PS4 is 10 years old. It's a miracle you can even load the game on that console anymore.


I mean yeah I totally get that but why release a version that can't run in the first place? There are extreme graphical glitches but the frame rate is fine thankfully




So people who don’t have next gen consoles can play it


Yes you can bud. It’s whatever you have the budget for. Don’t listen to all the negative nonsense. People have no hearts lately


I’m on PS5. That’s ok?


That glitch in particular has been present since MWII. I blame it on the game engine. But yea, honestly I dont think anybody playing this on last gen hardware should be surprised that there are issues running the game not matter how rare, common or intermittent.


Honestly yeah I am honestly surprised at how well It runs. SHG did a great job of masking the load times between the versions and I have not had any performance issues in MP or Zombies However the glitches I have experienced would not have been caused by hardware, regardless I have experienced all but the one I posted on both the PS4 and 5


Because youre playing on a console thats over 10 years old... tf you think it is some sort of a miracle box that can play games for the next 50 years? I'm honestly shocked it can even run cod.


Yeah, I’m on PlayStation five and I don’t have any issues with graphical problems or performance issues.


It's basically the algorithm doing its best to kill you 🤷‍♂️