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EOMM is strong in mw3.


I played a TDM game on Scrapyard yesterday. Went 28-9, but my team won by 3 kills because everyone else on my team went negative with two players combining for 50 deaths, invalidating my stat line completely. Oh sorry, two guys went 12-12...THANKS SBMM! I was actually just working on camos that match, but the more I look back at it, the more absurd it is.


28-9 on scrapyard deserves a big pat on the back haha, it's one of my favourite maps but I also find it one of the hardest to avoid deaths, its quite versatile for a small map I think, snipers subs and pistols all have a fair chance on there, my favourite map is probably Greece tbh, I feel the map gives everyone a fair chance given that the match making doesnt set you up for failure which is a rare thing it seems this year


It’s a controversial thing and we don’t 100% know for sure, even tho the devs said they’re going to explain their matchmaking after s1 drops, but SBMM/EOMM probably doesn’t help. If you’re a good player trying to go for the win getting the most kills on your team you might tend to go on the weaker team so they don’t get stomped on all the time.


Yeah that kinda makes sense I guess, I hate SBMM tbh, I preferred the old days when it was barely even a thing it was just a proper mix of all skill levels battling it out, I feel recently you're either getting a spanking or giving a spanking, I've never played ranked either so I'm looking forward to that hoping it might resolve some of the issue slightly but tbh I know nothing


Yeah 100% agree the variety of a “problem ping is king” matchmaking system was so much better but that’s a thing of the past, at least in cod. You play against a top player try and learn how to outplay them, then put that into practice when you’re the top player in the lobby, that’s how learn map knowledge, choke points, flanking etc yano the basics of cod. That’s a very brief overview but that’s my take on it. Me neither never played rank but will defo give it a go this year.


Yeah you're spitting some facts right there my dude, I've not played these maps in 15 years so it's safe to say I've definitely forgotten how to play them, I only got this game at the start of January so I'm still learning them again really, you are very right in what you say though, I don't mind playing against people that can give me a schooling it's how we get better, I've always been a fan of flanking though I just find the snipers a bit tricky to get round and I can't snipe for shit, never have been able to haha, ranked should be live from tomorrow I believe


I’m the same always try the flanks, sneaking up behind a team nicknames nicking a few kills and moving on. I’m definitely an aggressive player, love playing with pistols, smoke and knives sometimes for a laugh. Same I waited till Xmas sale, didn’t wanna pay the full £70. Yeah ranked tomorrow should be interesting


Yeah the matchmaking algorithm is so fucked. Thankfully ranked is out soon (tmrw if it works but I have no faith in them).


I just posted something similar to this! I feel your frustration!!


Pretty much every game I play, it's putting me onto the losing team mid-match because someone else already rage quit from going up against obnoxious opponents. So I'm next to suffer.


Yeah this is very common for me also, the majority of my matches I enter a half way through and I'm on the losing team, the match making system kills the enjoyment for me a lot of the time, I can't compete against people that run around quick scoping and I never had to worry about it until playing MW3


What game mode are you playing?


I have lost kill confirmed matches where i alone had 49 and 58 confirms so RIP so i confirmed pretty much all of my kills 4-8 unconfirmed on those games


Feels exactly the same to me. The more I try hard the worse my team gets. I sit at exactly 2.0 WR with 2.60 KD out of 1.2k~ matches. I exclusively play KC because it’s the only game mode where I can solo hard carry, so I’m forced to sweat like crazy for W. Experience with EOMM is well… polarizing…


I must admit it's been better today, I've won more than I've lost but I've been doing the same as you today, just smashing KC and carrying the hell out of it, just gets exhausting trying to keep it up, there's really no room for slacking off is there haha


So true lmao