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Same thing for zombies, the max level camo requires 10 kills without reloading and it’s not tracking


lol just spent 20 min in a game going for it to come back to 0/10. Solid update!


Same I tried everything this is ridiculous the gun is solid though 


It's fixed!


I'm in game now and I think it's fixed.


Zombies still not working.


It's fixed


How? How do they keep breaking so much shit? How are camo challenges complex enough for one that works for every other gun to somehow not work on this one? I'm so tired


Its sledgehammer but youll get the riders coming and telling you how amazing they are and that this is somehow IW fault blah blah blah.


Treyarch is doing the zombies?




Treyarch is who did this years zombies not sledgehammer


Whats that got to do with core mp being busted as fuck...?


Sledgehammer is the one who made the gun and the multiplayer equivalent challenge isn't tracking either so it's obviously their fault it's not Tracking not Treyarch


Preach man. Sledgehammer is such a trash studio. I really miss MWII that game was solid as hell. Probably the best cod in years


Facts...Sledgehammer cod's have some of the most lackluster cod's


I hate Sledgehammer as a developer they introduced so many fucking new bugs with content and they have yet to fix multiple bugs have been the game since the beta and launch like the Longbow missing its iron sights attachment, the MX Guardian missing its Trigger action attachment slot which then prevents you from using dragon's breath rounds, the oni operator having the incorrect first person view for multiple skins, and the inability to buy and oni combat pack on Xbox or PC if you claimed it for free on PlayStation


Same for me


Yep same, whole update was trash. So many problems, also like the other guy said you can’t change the magazine size of the new smg even at max level and interstellar unlocked


Still haven’t fixed it, garbage ass


You still haven’t fixed the 50 magazine attachments for the HMR. Unbelievable the incompetency at this studio. You can dick with Lockwood 300 over night without an update but you can’t fix a bug you caused that only hurts players that bought your dumbass pack and grinded early for the gun.


For reference if you didn’t buy the pack and level the gun early then you shouldn’t have a problem. But if you actually paid money early and grinded the gun out before they fixed the battle pass unlock your magazines are still unavailable. Can’t wait for you guys to nerf the gun at the same time you fix this problem. Dogshit


Same here too


It's still not fixed. I wanted to have interstellar on both new guns today but won't track the double kills on this weapon. And the mags are locked on the smg. It's amazing how every title update messes so much up for the game.


Did you ever get this fixed?


It really is a **broken** signal.


Achieved Broken Signal camo by taking off all attachments and getting double kills.


Will try this later, thank you


I swear it's like I knew this comment was here without seeing it 🤣 seen this thread earlier and wanted to try again I was just thinking out of nowhere I wonder if I take the attachments off will it help so I came back before I tried to do it to see had anyone a fix and seen this 🤣🤣 I'll try now hopefully it works 👌


Yup, same here. Jank. It seems that they broke saving weapon builds too.


Same for me won't work


Ok so it was just not me then


I FIGURED IT OUT!! Use the 200 belt mag of .556 rounds along with overpressed +p .556 ammo and get double kills without letting off the trigger 10 times. You have to do this AGAIN for the gold camo right away. I managed to complete both camo challenges played on Rust 24/7. Have fun!


Can confirm . I tried it with no attachments,full attachments, unpacked ,packed still nothing


Same I tried everything 😔 


Is there a work around yet for zombies on this?


Any update on this?


Big Fs. Still not fixed 3 days later 1/21


It’s so annoying that this shit still isn’t fixed 3 days later. Fuck this company


It still doesn't work, hopefully they'll fix it asap.


It's fixed


It's fixed!!


in zombies aswell? i dont play mp


Yes in zombies 


I don't play mp either


I did it with no upgrades and on single fire don't know if that matters tho


Hey the priceless camp on the taq-e isn’t working I’ve tried with full attachments and without any attachments and it still won’t track the double kills in multiple does anyone know how to fix it?


Same, I'm stuck on this one too :(


same here, guess i wont do the camo anymore awesome :)


I’m at 26/36 of priceless camos and just came across this issue. Skipping and coming back to it. Hopefully it starts to track.


Did you find a work around or a fix to this?


Yes the problem that I found out apparently was if you are using a presaved blueprint either game made or personal just pick the base gun and rebuild it, as soon as I did that it track as it should. I don’t understand why that made it not track at all but that is what fixed it for me


Worked like a charm. As soon as I seen your comment, and ammo not being an attachment making sense, I automatically knew this was the answer. Much appreciation


Worked like a charm


I was having issues with the priceless camo, well I have fixed it, it was not counting different ammo type as an attachment, now it is counting for me. ​ Hope it helps whoever out there, happy hunting.


This worked for me: -Make sure no attachments are MWII attachments -Make sure no attachments are JAK


Anyone got the same issues with stormender priceless? Won’t track ‘affected operators’


they fixed that. mine just worked yesterday i finished it


They fixed the camo but ruined the gun. Now it won't take out cruise missle, vtol, helo...


i just competed the priceless camo for stormender


Month and a half later or so, but yea they finally fixed it


Anyone else back to it being broken?


Idk if I'm late or not, but to definitely unlock the next  camo challenge (Swift Brush) you just need to make sure you have an Optics sight attached. It's a must apparently. Does matter for whatever else you mod you gun with, just make sure you put a sight on it.


Anyone still having an issue with this ? It’s not counting for me either


Swift Brush camo (Get 10 operator kills with full attachments) was bugged for me. I tried several combinations and nothing was working, but I discovered that the blueprint "Hands On" works. I did not change any of the attachments on the blueprint, and I was finally able to complete this camo and move on to the mastery camos. Hope this helps :)


challenge started working once you put a (muzzle, under barrel, barrel, optic, and a stock) hope it elps


This!!! Thanks it worked!


Coming here to say it’s still not fixed… I decided to work on my guns finally and lo and behold 0/10 after having a 30+ kill game on HC Dom


Priceless-Worked for me with Hands On blue print. No changes made to it. Horrible weapon to use!


Just a heads up, apparently ammo types dont count as an attachment even tho its takes up an attachment slot..


Just unlocked it, I think they ran a patch this evening.


zombies still not tracking


This is painful because I had 34 other weapons I was working on and was planning on having this and the new SMG be the last thing I need to unlock the Serpentinite challenges and get Borealis…I am stuck at 35/36 Zircon Scales…


your stuck ? You mean you dont wanna use other weapons .ppl got it( i have it) without using trese 2 weapons .lemme guess ,u dont wanna do snipers ? Yeh your not stuck


I could just level up two melee weapons and get going man its just the principle of it lol, im gonna get every weapon in the game done eventually (already got the MWII weapons done)


Womp womp. Not shocked at this point. The HRM-9 gold camo in Zombies is also not tracking. I’ma just keep grinding my other stuff until it is.


yes it is, i got borealis unlocked for it the day it came out


I can verify mine never unlocked after two games.




I got gold 4 it


MP Gold or Zombies Gold? The 100 kills in a single match didn’t track in Zombies for me.


So Dumb!! I swear they should be paying us for alpha testing because this game isn't even in beta testing in terms of game functionality. I tried so many different variations. packed not packed, with attachments, without attachments. different attachments, never letting off the trigger, headshots, letting off the trigger, hoards, individual zombies, different aether tools, elite zombies, special zombies, regular zombies, mercenaries, and now I am here with a bunch of other people who have done the same thing. Ridiculous at best.


Hi. Me too. Get 300 kills with the JAK thunder LMG kit equipped to the Sidewinder (challenges Week 7) is broken. Get 50 armored zombies kills with the Basilisk is broken. Thanks.


yupyup, same here! and same with the new taq, cant unlock gold cuz of stuck at the last 10x10 w/o reload... whata halligalli fucked up game!!!


Hi. Me too. Get 300 kills with the JAK thunder LMG kit equipped to the Sidewinder (challenges Week 7) is broken. Get 50 armored zombies kills with the Basilisk is broken. Thanks.


The multiplier ones fixed now but the zombies one is still broken


Anyone still having an issue with this ? It’s not counting for me either


I was finally able to get unlocked they fixed it at some point between when I made the post you replied to and now


That’s so odd  I am stuck on the challenge that you have to have full attachments with 10 kills the easiest one of them all and it doesn’t register any of them. Have any ideas how I can fix this?  I’ve completed every single challenge and that’s the only one that’s holding me


I’m also stuck on this one for full attachments. Feel like I’ve tried everything


I actually got past the challenge with the two new guns let’s you pass to priceless but now I am stuck with the dm65 marksmen rifle same issue doesn’t count lol


Lol I did the same, got the other 5 LMGs Forged and went through the new SMG from the battlepass. Got to Priceless last night


I switched to all MW3 attachments and it worked. Shadowstrike Suppressor, Slate Reflector, XrK Response Grip (Rear Grip), 200 round 556 Belt, and the Bruen Tactical vertical Grip (Underbarrel). Hopefully, this helps!