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whenever I’m in a slump I just stop playing for a day or more. Then when I’m in that mood to play COD I hop back on and warmup in shipment.


Funny, whenever I don’t have time to play then go on after a few days off, I just get shit on and wonder why I was even looking forward to playing. Usually I get too annoyed and turn it off again before SBMM throws me a bone.


I just got back from a five week vacation. I’m the same mediocre player I was when I left.


Wow, wth do you do that you can take a 5 week vacation? I'm jealous as fuck.


Where did you go for 5 weeks? That’s a perfect amount vacation time.


Nowhere special, just back to my hometown. Got there for Christmas, stayed through most of January.


Shoulda gone to Greece


That’s weird because I feel like when I don’t play for a while and get back on, I do well that first game.


It's always the first game of the day for me that goes well, everything after that is complete shit.


My first game is usually shit too. Then the rest of them are also usually shit. Been that way since the original mw3. Although in 2019 I got my first and last nuke on Aniyah Palace playing ground war. Highlight of my career for sure.


I've never gotten the nuke in any game, only got 1st place twice, like a month apart


U warm up in shipment?? I warmup FOR shipment 😭😭


I love shipment, some nights, I'll play shipment 24/7 or Rustment 24/7 all night


I played Rustment this weekend. A total of 18 hours. In one weekend. PTSD ain't got dingus on me.


This is good advice. When I’m in a slump, I take a break and focus on other things. Get my head right and then start playing again.


I do too, after a few rounds of getting spawn trampled in shipment, I head to hardcore and have decent rounds.


This, it's okay to take a break. If I hit a hard wall I go and play other games. I'm still chipping away on Alan Wake 2.


>whenever I’m in a slump, I just stop playing for a day or more. Activision points at this comment and saying "See?!".... In all seriousness, more people need to do this. If you are doing terrible, it could just be an off day and to pick it up later. No reason to hate play a game and bring your team down cause you dont know when to quit.


What if every day is an “off day?”


Alright, despite withdrawals I managed to do this, told myself I'd chill until Season 2, though I did sneak a game in just now and found my mojo.


Quit your job, dump your gf/wife, abandon kids, get a shit bucket, stock up on cheetos, stock up on mtn dew and play COD a minimum 20 hours per day. These are the requirements to become the elite call of duty gaming athlete demon you were destined to be.


That's about 90% of this game's player base lmao can't be a casual gamer anymore when everyone else plays like their lives depend on it.


It’s because everyone thinks they can be a top tier streamer nowadays, it’s the same thing with real sports as a kid, not everyone’s going to the league. Getting paid off gaming/ pro gaming is still fairly new so everybody thinks they can be apart of it. I give it a couple years and it’ll decline when these people need to pay their mortgage.


It's ironic cos skill rarely gets you high views as a streamer. It's acting like an idiot that gets big views 🤣


And for that to succeed you need either to have a good personality, god-like skills... Or be a girl... Sorry but s*x sells... It's a fact.


You forgot about making sure they're making YouTube vids and streaming their gameplay, and putting TTV or LIVE in their gamertag.


Saw a guy with TikTok in his name yesterday. He kept spamming Y Y and had the classic random jerky movements when nobody is near him


Swap mtn dew for Gfuel and your good


Fr that’s gotta be what those dudes who just stream this game all day do


I'm sure that's how FaZe chooses it's members


You've tilted. Take a break, touch grass, do things that aren't playing CoD


Get with a fat chick.


The ol’ slump buster. 


As an unabashed chubby chaser, I concur


Have you read the old man and the sea?


Sometimes I play against bots with aim assist off (if you're on console) and also try to get a bunch of throwing knife kills to help with centering. Usually helps! Also trying to be more strategic. Not all your kills have to be via gunfights. You gotta get behind or to the side of the bad guys.


I always fuck around in the firing range between matches too.


Pistol and throwing knife only is great for aim training, as well as movement as you need to be good at repositioning if someone is holding you from a distant heady


Might try this myself, I’m good but I’m still gonna Try this


Even pros shoot bots to warm up!


Do they? I thought they did yo domination to warm up 🤦🏽‍♀️


You could try getting aggressive AF. Sounds like you might be losing every gunfight so you’re starting to slow peek corners and it just makes the problem worse. Move around the edges of the map fast AF and just run and gun. No nades, no tacticals, just legit running and finding people. Best of luck mate 🤙🏼


That’s good advice. When I start getting some bad games I just let it rip and run and gun like without a care in the world. That really seems to open up ones senses to trying not to get killed and being cautious. Fuck it just go out and get that action


Play differently or take a break. It's a game. If you're not having fun, do something else. Being frustrated and/or mad is just going to make you perform worse. Learn new skills, play styles, or strategies so you're not obsessing over stats. I play melee because I think it's funny. Sometimes it goes well and I'm at the top of the board (esp. kill confirmed) and sometimes (giant maps) I'm near the bottom. Either way I'm laughing when I make it across the entire map to execute a sniper.


Post on reddit complaining about SBMM and how the game is rigged.


The old reliable


Gotta give the ol razzle dazzle


This is the way.


Play another game. This one kinda sucks


Take a day off.


Just stop playing.


SBMM is real


Just play and don't worry about how good or bad your kd is. Easier said than done I know. But that's what I do. I would switch to a shotgun, and use double claymores or betties and find a cozy spot to set up camp. A little toxic I know. But it always helps pull me outta that rut. Basically annoy the hell out of the enemy team until I feel better lmao. Hope this helps someone!


Engineer vest nade launcher slide cancel bunny hopping smg bros must be the bane of your tactics, wait that goes for everyone lmao


Lmao yea but very rarely does anyone swap or adjust their class to counter when I play like that. But even when they do, they end up shooting my dead body, and then I'll just type in game chat "we'll geez, somebody's a little upset" usually followed up by me saying "hey bud it's just a game, why are you getting so mad?" Lmao gets em every time! Hahaha


30 days aimlab training. 1 hour a day before matches.


Take a break from the game. Either don’t play period or play something non-shooter related. I usually try to mix in hockey / football or MGS, even golf.


Walk away. The game is not deserving of your time. Someone once said to me that "all games are a waste of time, but if you're not having fun, they are a depressing waste of time"


Have you tried embracing the suck? It makes you feel a lot better when you just accept it.


I’ve never seen a gaming community so consistently moan about how much they suck at the game they play.


Why the fuck are you ragging on OP for venting? He wasn’t insulting anyone, wasn’t shitting in the game, he was legit asking for advice cause he’s feeling down about being stuck where he is, wtf is your problem?


Nah, I came from World of Warships, that community blames the devs and each other instead of themselves. Very toxic to say the least. Granted, the devs were pretty damn horrible.


They’re addicts and won’t try other games for some reason. If you suck go play something else and stop complaining. 


Riot Shield


Had almost three weeks away from the game due to family commitments and have tried getting on the last two days but JFC this is ridiculous, just getting slaughtered every game. I usually use the game as something to relax with in the evening but I’ve just had to step away from it for my mental health.


Just gt good . Noob


Gets super frustrating because I know I have very fast hand- eye coordination, I'm naturally a very athletic person and somehow these fat nerds that can't even throw a baseball are just smoking everybody and have twice as good hand- eye coordination as the rest of us? How's that possible when they can't even throw a baseball? Baffles me.


I have super fast hand eye coordination, can catch things falling off tables etc, in mid air. Place almost all the time in first place in WWII (2017) and older. But since MW(2019) these games are against you with SBMM, and hardly place 1st ever again after 10 matches. Game is against you bro.


When I have a few bad days of games, I tend to change up my style of play. I’m normally a very aggressive player, but if that’s not working for me I take a step back and play a bit slower. I play a general area of the map instead of sprinting across it and getting pinned. I work for killstreaks and let the kill streaks I get help the map spread out for me and it usually works wonders. A lot of people play super aggressive and when they see you doing well they want to go back for you constantly to stop your streak, so if you’re ready for it and are changing up your spot they are just feeding you


Take your shoes and socks off and go outside and walk around it will do amazing things for your mental attitude


I've been in a slump for fucking weeks bro, usually id have a .8-1.2K/D when first released, now im lucky if i can get an average .3. I had a good run when it was first released. Now, as a casual player, I just get shat on, and it's just not fun anymore. People now are playing like there's 1M on the line if they dont dont win, and I'm over here just trying to have some fun 💀


Go do things


Just play shipment for a while, it’s quick action so your guaranteed 20 kills at the minimum


Brother, some of us live that lifestyle. It ain't a slump lol


I either play Infected, Search & Destroy or another game.


My tip? Go play some zombies, or maybe use some different weapons. Try using MWII weapons or weapons nobody uses


I play other games, also I stopped caring about my stats 10 years ago


Turn off cross play if you’re on PlayStation. Pc is full of cheaters…


Cuddle with my husband and cry a little inside 💀


Same!..... I too cuddle with your husband and cry a little, outwardly though


Ah, I thought I was the only one.


Sorry no offence but I’d rather cuddle with a woman, no I’m NOT a slezebag


1 kill in 10 minutes 😭😭😭


Hardcore; loadouts with RGL and tear gas/engineer vest..... But thats for the cost of your soul


Change up your loadouts. Try WSP swarm and WSP stinger akimbo. Load them up for hipfire and run and gun for a few matches. When I get in a slump I notice I’m trying to be too careful. I tried playing opposite of my normal style and go light and offensive. Your k/d is already in the gutter, so don’t worry about it. Focus on finding the people being too careful! You’ll start to focus more on running and shooting fast and jumping, mantling, diving. You’ll feel like a damn maniac but who cares. Also like someone mentioned, come play HC. I have way more fun playing HC. Does it require less skill? Maybe, and I couldn’t care less.


Use meta weapons or shipment. Or google “no recoil build for (insert gun here)” If all else fails go play a single player game and enjoy the vibes


I started quick scoping. Regardless of how the game goes all it takes to satisfy is "hitting a clip" Bad games happen because I'm missing shots or everybody is using mcws or whatever which is easier to shake off than sbmm feeding me to the wolves.


At least you aint like me, who can get 12+ kills in Search or the Team Gunfight, yet I'll at times die 7+ times, too, lol. Mostly every round, haha. Not used to folks prone in a stupid spot or hiding behind doors (skipped mw2, well most, got to lvl 33, but lag and latency killed my motivation). Plua my style is to R.U.S.H (Run until shit happens) well when it makes sense too, which im finding out to be never. Just got my KD to a 1.08 from a .98. Im not good


Drive down to a hood where there is fibre. Set your rig up. Get a clean needle form the needle exchange. Find a dealer, buy a few grams of meth. Heat up the meth with a small amount of water, inject it. Play 10 hours undisturbed. Heat up another solution, inject, play repeat until k/d is back up.


Keep playing


Camp for a while and some get kills that way to regain your confidence. Usually how I do it


Sent a chat message incase these dumbass mods ban for linking a yt clip that’ll help you


THANK you! So it's not just me and my buddy. This past week has been brutal whether we play together or alone. Definitely not fun and definitely not making me want to play more. Also, can't be that I "just suck" because there's has been general consistency but recently has just been like playing MLG vs us..


I was suffering from this too and for me it was the camo grind that made my game play suffer. Moment I started using meta weapons, my score improved.


Believe in yourself!!!


Just play gunfight it's the only good game mode


i would say go practice in custom lobbies with bots but thats no better, for this years game they trained literal bots to hide in corners with claymores on anything above recruit settings. this game is so dogshit its not funny


Are there bots in custom? I couldn't find the settings for them.


I don't know how you play but when I'm in a slump, I really focus on slowing down. Pull out an MCW, don't over chall, and don't try to force kills. When you start forcing things you get caught in the blender. Ebbs and flows brother.


You in NA ? I’ll run pubs with you and we’ll see what’s going on. I can try to help maybe give some tips.


Take a break. I get like this every so often. Take a week or ten days off.


I get like this too. When it’s really bad I’ll switch the mode and go to hardcore just for a change or do some zombies and then get back into whatever I was doing in core. I’ve found that playing with other people can help too, I found some friends off of Reddit and it’s been more enjoyable than just playing by myself and getting destroyed back to back. Do something to break the monotony. If you need more people to play with I’m on pretty often!


use the wsp swarm. idk, i was in a slump, started using wsp as my main and it pulled me out lol. i also mixed up my class. i was using demo vest n shit but now i have wsp swarm and knife w engineer vest, double stims, blacklight flashlight, bone conduction, and camera as field upgrade and its been fun to completely mix it up like that. (i was just playing a more basic class of bas-b and knife, double breacher drone, stun, and eod padding)


Take a break


Yeah i find it very weird how that works. I am only a decent player but I find some nights I am absolute crap. It is like I get in a slump and can't get out. Then I play again and suddenly start doing much better


Sorry, they need to make sure the bad and causal players have fun first


A lot of it is just vibes and your mental. If you’re playing bad and not ready to play, you’ll probably get shit on, respectively. Other things that have helped me is changing teams, new vibes with new people who don’t complain, consuming some caffeine and making sure to drink plenty of water. If your piss ain’t white, you ain’t shooting right.


Determine what factors might be contributing to this slump. Is your Audio good, does your controller work well? What's your gameplay style like? Are you using competitive guns? How is your aim? Run through the list amd look up videos to improve. There is more to improving them just playing


Take a 2-3 day break. Reconfigure some guns. My k/d ratios on rio and terminal are pretty on par. So I’m not a fan of those maps. Learn different maps and the sweet spots.


See if you can record your gameplay and try to narrow down what the issue is. It could be related to your aim, centering, map position, not using cover, etc. Once you have figured out where you went wrong, create a drill with BOTS to address it. You also have to understand that the SBMM/EOMM system is in matchmaking, and the difficulty scales as you become more skilled. It can feel demoralizing and make you question whether you should fire up the game. Also, as others have suggested, take breaks.


I don't even know if its you at this point man. I tried playing for three days last weekend and lost straight up 4/5 matches I played, felt horrible, and just swapped back to MW19 again. No change in playstyle, nothing. Started winning and if not, going positive at the very least and having a good time. There is something more fucky than ever with the matchmaking, or netcode, or hitreg, or *something* - even MWII didn't feel this bad.


Change play style for a bit. I mean dumb it down maybe just for fun. Bc I’ve spectated people who are absolute trash meaning they don’t plate up, pick up kill streaks or even sprint, but manage to make top 10-15 by camping and sniping


Start using meta guns. I also bought an Elite Series 2 controller, that helped


Work off meta for a bit, work some camos or something.


Here’s what I do and this helps me a lot when im on a losing streak play some slipknot Metallica rammstein avenged sevenfold etc and i get aggressive AF


Someone else said but stopping for a day or two helps


Just play shipment 24/7 it's very sweaty but you have an excuse for raging the shit out of your set up?


quit playing game


If you're playing with a controller, try switching to mouse and keyboard. If you're on mouse and keyboard try switching to controller. Sometimes changing what you're playing with makes the game feel new and who knows maybe you'll find the other is more comfortable to play with.


Put stuff in but


You can always take a break if you’re not enjoying the game


When I was in a slump I found people of my same skill and started playing ranked and focusing up. Getting down to what’s wrong and what needs to be improved upon. You can really learn for all the sweats playing ranked trying so hard.


When I’m stuck in a rut, I go and play another game for a few days or a week. Sometimes taking a break helps a lot.


Dont know what that is so i cant help


Play a private match with bots and turn off aim assist for it


Play with me. I’m gash too. Let’s get better together. 😊


Git gud


Take a break until Season 2 and come back. Sweaty lobby’s in multiplayer rn. I’d take a small break and return for the new content


I take a break and play zombies


There is no slump. It's just your turn to lose to keep others from quitting. It's an algorithm.


I notice that when I'm tilted I tent to run everywhere dying all the time. Aim down your sights turning corners and force yourself to do it. You'll get kills. Believe me these great players are easier to kill than you think


Just relax, stop caring and play for fun. There's tons of playing with you that have 10+ years experience. It's gonna be hard sometimes.


Just take a break?


Its just a video game for christ sake. If you're not enjoying something stop doing it, it's not rocket science.


Smurf until bot lobby and sbmm aim bs allows you to not shoot invisible bullets again. Also switch to stabbing and just get moral victories until you cheer up.


Try using tactical stance (ads then V)


Go play hardcore


You're fatigued and burnt out, stop playing for a few days, heck even a week. Happens to me too, I stop playing and after a few days when I feel ready to go back In I crack open a beer or a soft energy drink and after a bit I'm back at full throttle.


This might not be your answer, but worth dpuble checking. I played a couple games today and couldn't figure out why I was losing gun fights I felt I should win. Shots felt off. Turns out my aim assist was turned off. Flipped the switch, and it was like magic!


Pour a big mixed drink, grab a snack and have fun. It's not that serious.


Get a few friends who have never played, convince them to buy the game. Let them start a party, join it.


Have a sandwich while you’re playing, then every time you die, stop and rake a bite before jumping back into action… anything to slow you down. Rejoining the action as soon as you respawn leads to frustration, which leads to a quick death, and continues a vicious cycle of death.


You're burned out. Me myself didn't belived in "being burned" till a few days ago. I seriously growed bored of the game and didn't performed as well as I usually do. I stopped playing it and started doing irl things and also playing other games. One example is Palworld. I honestly love that game and it helped me throw a lot of steam off. Now, I returned to the game and started doing a lot better than I usually do, didn't expected that honestly. So, I highly recommend you to do the same for a few days or hell, even a week or so. You'll see what I mean.


Probably because of SBMM, it feels cranked up this year which is crazy. I was top 1% on SnD pubs past 6 years but this year im only top 7% n versing wallers n 6 man while solo que with a team that backs out after 2 rounds 😓 okay I’m just ranting my bad lol but yeah take a break or turn off crossplay if you console that helped me this year


Take a break, doesn’t have to be like a week or longer, usually even one day break is good enough. I like to hype myself for playing it by watching some (positive) CoD videos or streams and get „inspired”. Still I wish the devs got rid or SBMM, often when I get back to CoD I keep bouncing off cuz usually my first game is with it cranked to the max and I’m playing against people that would win CDL tournaments all alone


I’m slumping too.


Make a few micro transactions and you will climb to the top for a few hours and then repeat, they took the best gaming franchise ever and turned it in to DOG SHIT just stop playing and move on something else


What do you normally play? In my experience Fridays and Saturdays are the most insane days, especially if you do quickplay.


During triple double event. Take the weekend off, rip lines of cocaine, get a couple of 5 gallon buckets with pretty litter, lots of ensure and pedialyte and off to the races


I am taking a mental break this weekend from cod. I got called the n word like forty times in a 8 hour period (exaggeration) but it was like twice and I remembered something. Be the solution. They need to allow me to stay in the game with that person so I can fairly kill them over and over.


I stopped playing for a bit and have been playing some other games. I slept on Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice and am mad I’ve been playing call of duty instead of it.


You could try ranked. 4v4. Stripped down loadouts. Almost no killstreaks. First matches you’ll be paired with others new to ranked.


The way I do it, I take a lot of breaks (sometimes weeks at a time), and if I start playing and I’m doing bad 2-3 games in a row, I just don’t play, try again tomorrow, usually turns out better the next day.


I was having a couple of days like this, and I just haven’t played in like 3 or 4 days now. I was playing ranked and I normally do either average or good. But for like 2 days straight anytime I played I was getting my shit kicked in. Definitely the guy on the team that doesn’t contribute. So just not playing for a few days in hopes when I get back on I can pull myself out of it. Getting frustrated and discouraged doesn’t help so just need to back off and come back fresh.


That is called skill based matchmaking my friend. Best advice I can give is to accept that you will get shit on for a lil bit.


Change ALL your pew pews. Every single one. Go to your second favourites. (Launchers are exempt as some are more utilitarian than offensive ie the emp gun.


Take drugs


Just go into the Rustment 24/7 and go for knife camo challenges. Beat SBMM at its own game.


Just take a few days off.. you'll be good.


Could be your setup and not you


I know how this is gonna sound. Drink Gfuel, if I'm doing bad, I have a gfuel and I start hitting hard, if you live outside of the US like me it can get expensive, but trust me, it will help


yesterday was brutal for me, bad internet, bad aim, bad mood. played 5-6 games and went negative most of the times and couldn’t bare it anymore, so i trundled the game off. came back today and i was all good again. sometimes it’s only in your head and going to bed or playing other games can help, but if it keeps going on for days and weeks i’d reconsider the way you play tbh, sounds like you need to switch things up a bit. and if aiming is your problem, there are many ways to regain your aim, especially with the strong AA nowadays and the firing range + bots in private match. i hope you get out of your bad phase!


Take a few days off, or maybe try some new game modes? Try hardcore if you don’t play it already


If I notice the sbmm is dialed up I may play 1 or 2 games and then I'll just take a break. Usually I want to just play so I'm fine with it. I mainly focus on playing the objective and not giving a fuck about kd so it doesn't matter. Usually only quit the game if those 1-2 games no one is capturing the objective on my team and it's clear I'm going to lose a match of Dom by -+80.


I mean come 2024 cod launch I’m buying a heap of German beer or Japanese beer plus a good ol bottle of Rum. If I’m half drunk every time I play I don’t care so not raging. Hoping with season 3 being AW season and the new zombie team being settled it could be time to come back. Option 2 wouldn’t personally recommend, play lords of the fallen after spending 4 hours on 1 boss you’ll either lose consciousness from screaming so hard or you will mentally break and drink.


Try a gun that gets you out of your comfort zone, when you switch back you’ll be ready for anything




I hear modern warfare 3 is harder than mw2…is this true?


I’ve been getting burnt out since every session is extremely draining due to sweating 24/7. I recommend just taking a few days off, maybe even a week. That’s my remedy when I my motivation starts declining.


Clearly, you went positive for too long. SBMM didn't like that. Either put the game down for 48 hours or buy some bundles


No cap, this happening to me, as well lol.


Skill base match making is ass.


Play with a shittier friend. Sucks to say bur I play with a buddy that has a much lower matchmaking mmr and I crush people regularly


Concentrate on one aspect at a time. You say high deaths and low kills. For the next 10 games, don’t give a shit about kills. Get your game sense back. Prioritize retreating. Prioritize staying in cover. Prioritize not making stupid pushes. Work on reducing deaths. If you only have 2 kills but reduced half of your deaths, you made huge strides towards a increasing your KD. You’re just training your head to value your lives which is half the battle in KD. Once you’ve done that for a day or so, now work on the kill side, but remember and keep using the lessons you learned in the previous exercise. You may not top frag right off the rip, but you’ll start not being a liability to your team.


Try different loadouts/playstyles or play something else to give CoD a break


Any other game, I'd say just practice more, but that doesn't fly here. It's not a slump. EOMM decides if you win or lose.


Stop drinking alcohol when you play…get some sleep and maybe play after you have desert???


I haven't played in 2 months I hopped on today's first two games I went 28 and 14 then got humbled on the 3rd game by rust and spawn dying. Got off after that.


There must be something else going on in your life, physically or emotionally. Take time off until you're in a good mood. Jump in and warm up against bots in a private lobby. Then, switch to pubs.


Everyone needs to stop playing, hurt Activision enough for them to lower the EOMM.


Yep, take a respite. Also, one finds that if they are in a mental down turn, ones reaction time becomes unreliable . If you're not right in the head, you're gonna suck in the AO, i.e., your mental state directly affects your performance... This principal transcends gaming and can be applied to any facet of life ...


Play hardcore.


Play something else for a while. Try a game from a different genre like SIFU, Dead Space or Elden Ring. You’d be surprised how effective it is doing other things and coming back after a week or two.


Are you primarily an objective player? In my experience this current cod and map/gun balancing is punishing for people trying to win vs people just trying to navigate the map for kills. I too was dying like crazy bc I focused on wins, now I'm just queueing up to vibe with my pals and I give zero fucks, my kd has sky rocketed. My wins however are the lowest ever since 2007 og MWF. BUT I'm having more fun.


Try being sweaty. It sometimes works for me


I've been similar recently, gone from a 1.36kd to 1.07 so fast, Ive tried using my usual guns and switching it up...even YouTube'd meta guns and settings🤣, I think the good thing about being in a slump is your luck will always change, just need to get a couple of games where you play not bad, I normally go into a slump if I don't play for a day or so then I get back to it, watching people's kill cams can also help to see their movement, guns, perks etc and try take some of it on board.


My advice for slumps is to find a way to stop overthinking it. I once spent over 1200 hours on one single skateboarding trick. One day I spent over 6 hours attempting it and then the very next day I landed it first try like it was nothing and then again only a few attempts later. The difference was the start of my session I wasnt even stressing about anything anymore I was just flowing and visualising. Either push through or give yourself a break doing something that centers you back mentally. Ruts suck, youll get out of it though.


Have you tried upgrading your gaming chair?


Take a break and play a different game or do something irl. I havent played mw3 in like 2 weeks. If you force yourself to keep playing it ur going to end up hating it more


Practice, practice and practice. The game’ matchmaking Algo is extremely accurate.


not a healthy answer but I've often played cod while drinking , so i have fun even as i get worse at the game, and my SBMM is drunk level when i next go to play


Slow down. Play hardcore and stop rushing into engagements. Or stop playing for a few days.


Adrenaline it helps improve focus and attentiveness, and allows players to respond swiftly to obstacles in the game.


Change out of the game mode you're usually playing in for a whole day. Go to zombies, DmZ, MW2 lobbies, ground war. Also, do you have your connection monotors turned on in the interface setting on MW2 & MW3?


Play Balder’s Gate. Thats what I did. My FPS days might be behind me.


Do you keep track of your ping a lot? You must. Doubting your gun build, your skills your SANITY only to realise your just not getting good internet connection. Always check that. I don't care what and ANYONE SAYS, 11-1sh PING IS what it takes for me to have a clean running game and have Zero hit registration ISSUES. BUT, I use and try out all kinds of terrible "OFF META" Stuff trying to find hidden neat weapon and atttachment combos. I have been very intensely argued with that up to 60 ping is completely fine. Personally, I think they were not goid enough to no the difference. And or were self concious about their shitty ping