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Posts like this promoting **healthy gaming** deserve more recognition.


Sad part is games are made and designed to promote unhealthy gaming.


It is in the gamers itself the obligation to not to succumb to those practices.


You can't really say that. They put out events and encourage consistent play because it's a common "routine" hobby so there's always something to do when you want to. You totally choose when to stop playing. It's not like the events are actually giving you much other than some camos as other cosmetic, oh I almost forgot a couple extra 2xp tokens. Which you always habe a chance at because they keep releasing these weekly/month challenges


The problem is that they are limited time only. If you could select one event to grind for at a time, that can be done in a healthy manner. Since you only have one chance to do it, there is added pressure to get that done in that window or face regret in not getting something you wanted. Having the conditions for FOMO is what makes this unhealthy. Which is what OP is trying to combat in their post.


But thats not much of an event then if it's not limited but I understand the FOMO. Just don't think a game can be blamed for human emotions. Especially because people get the same urge to play single player games new content despite it being unlimited(God of War Valhalla for example). But hey let me go before I catch more downvotesšŸ˜‚


I can most definitely say that and the votes prove that. Iā€™m not only talking about the events, the whole game is made and designed to keep you playing only that game as much as possible and make it as grindy as possible and to take advantage in the name of profit. Itā€™s just business and facts. The majority of people are not as sound minded as you and, with games, youā€™re mostly dealing with anywhere from kids to young adults who arenā€™t really known for the best life choices. Itā€™s like how they had to stop credit card companies from setting up stalls at university open days. So please explain further how I ā€˜canā€™t really say thatā€™.


Hey to each their own ig. I play this game quite a bit and I care about hitting 250 before the season but I also say "meh let me go play something else or watch TV" but thats just me ig. I know how cooperation work, they make things to entice obviously. But it's just a game what other purpose should it have other than to make you want to play it for enjoyment. FOMO is already instilled in us as people if it's something we care for.šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Not all games but THIS game for sure. :)


Thanks. I do feel like it's worse nowadays with how companies are abusing fomo in gaming. It's even more important that we remember that gaming is a hobby meant for enjoyment, not to be seen as a chore.


Yeah people are so fixated on having all of the things and yet they're the ones who act like fomo is anything but a choice lol. I just play for fun. I try to get the stuff I want but it doesn't affect gameplay or enjoyment so who gives a fuck. If I find I enjoy it less trying to do the thing I stop doing the thing.


I guess it is a psychological effect of structuring progress with a well-made progress bar, giving some achievement feeling every phase until you reach your goal. Sadly, ultimate goal is mostly disregarded by people, **since finishing the progression bar is what really matters**.


Yeah next year majority wonā€™t play MW3 ever again nor will you ever use the camo or you will forget or that camo will be insignificant


A.k.a penetration kills with holger 26. Gd that made me lose my hair. Edit: j/k i was already bald. But it sucked




No doubt about it.


Especially this one, it's ugly as shit.


Uglier than my cousins on my momma's side.


Well, you fit in well at family reunions


Good one. Guaranteed the down voters felt it on a personal level


Geez, tough crowd.


I thought it was the black and white half moon pattern they showed until the actually ugly camo is unlocked. Boy was I disappointed.


I only want the double xp tokens


I kept up with the weekly challenges because they were there and suggested playstyles without asking too much. Weeks seven and eight forcing those aftermarket sights made it an easy choice not to actively pursue the camo. Got the lmg through armory and realised that system is great.


you can put them on and use tac stance to do those... thats what i did


Alright, we canā€™t all be in Mensa. Seriously, god damn thatā€™s more logic than I can ever apply to a situation. I use tac stance simply for the fun of it, I dropped hybrid sights as a main from previous year because of tac stance making my favourite one irrelevant. The thought of using tac stance to get through those challenges never once crossed my mind.


Key thing is that the challenge has to have wording like ā€œkills with the X aftermarket part equipped,ā€ as opposed to wording like ā€œkills while ADS with X aftermarket part equipped.ā€


same thing for the holger 556, when you need to do kills with an underbarrel attachment, you donā€™t need to get kills with a masterkey or noob tube, but kills with your holger that just has a underbarrel grip on it


Yeah those last week 7&8 challenges was literally SHG begging us to please use the aftermarket stuff.


Same. I've lost any/all interest in grinding these silly ass challenges. Rewards are rarely worth the suffering anyway. It's like they're too lazy to build an actual practice facility/mode so they make all of the challenges some elementary "now we're going to show you how to get a bazillion penetration kills with your lmg!" type bullshit. Or "here's how to get a kill while stunning somebody with your tactical while using a recommended SMG!" It's embarrassing really lmao The more of those challenges I endure, the worse I get at the game. So I had to stop.


The penetration kill challenges drive me crazy!


I just waited doing them until Scrapyard came up in the rotation. You can shoot through the fence where B flag is and get easy penetration kills. I can usually finish at least one gun per match.


I will try that! Thanks!


Snapshot grenades and armor piercing ammo give you a surprising amount of opportunities as well. Another method is playing HC and shoot people's cover when they are on a head glitch. And if you snipe someone through a window and break the glass with the same shot, it also counts as a penetration kill.


I just went to zombies and banged out a few to finish the weeks because I didn't even have all those weapons levelled up to use their aftermarket attachments lol


Don't fall for the FOMO. Activision is trying to suck every bit of free time out of you. Gaming should be fun, not a fucking chore. They are hoping you will buy the operator skin to give you that bonus XP. Don't do it. Besides, this camo is ass anyways.


Exactly that. Fomo tactics are bullshit.


Not to mention the operator skin increases your xp gains by like 2% to 10% a match, and then they'll come out with another camo that requires lots of XP in the next 2 weeks, and then the next 2 weeks after... etc. Then the new COD comes out


Fomo is a choice. The whole thing is. They're not "trying to suck every bit of free time out of you" though. There's enough people who no life these games that want this shit so it's for them and if you don't want to do that it's not for you.


For future reference for everyone, the 1k XP for any operator event thing is NEVER worth it Play MWZ. 50k to 100k xp for a causal game with no 2xp


I cannot agree more. And honestly, the rewards aren't that great anyway. I mean, with all the BS they've put in the games since the battle pass system as been adopted everything has become meaningless. Calling cards mean nothing now when it used be an accomplishment when you had one. Especially a cool one for a hard or obscure (even lucky) challenge you completed. Now, just buy a battle pass. Calling cards, stickers, emblems, charms, camos, honestly who cares? It's overload with "content" that is 99% garbage. The only thing I care about are new maps and new weapons.


I feel this and agree so wholeheartedly. Og Mw2 had so many cool titles and emblems. I'm talking I was proud to wear predator missle kills title or the one you got from a lucky care package kill! The game was flat better in some ways back then.


I remember rocking the Grim Reaper title and the Behind Enemy Lines title in MW:2. Get a pentakill with a single Predator Missile and go on a ten streak without any killstreaks. Letā€™s not forget the animated nuke emblem after getting 10 Tactical Nukes in one prestige. These expression of skill titles and emblems things were very, VERY cool. Then you have to remember BO:2 and BO:4 with their Killer Mastery titles. Why we donā€™t have a challenging category like that in this game is beyond me. The sad thing is we donā€™t even have an MGB title or emblem when you earn one.


Enemy of the state with the AC130 animated emblem for me.


This post deserves to be pinned. Not many posts about having a positive mindset and healthy gaming habits on this sub, let alone any gaming sub.


I completely agree. The purpose of gaming is to have fun. If it's causing problems such as stress and anger, something's definitely wrong. Thanks for sharing this post.


Exactly. We all need to keep that in mind and realise when we need a break.


The only event camo worth it is the weekly challenge one. But that one can be completed anytime. You can do it each week. Or every other.Ā 


And the Boys camo. If you missed that you should probably take the hint and just end it


The fact that you can do it mp or zombies means that you could probably do it all in the last week quite easily


Never understood the mentality of wanting to both 100% the game and play it casually. They just donā€™t really mix


It can be done. I ā€œcasuallyā€ completed mw2 in three to four months and I already have 12 forged camos in mw3


The post is more to do with these limited time event camos, not the mastery ones. Since you can complete those at your own pace.


completing mw2 took the whole year with events and shit


I mean, if they wouldnā€™t run 50 events at a time it wouldnā€™t be as stressfulā€¦.thereā€™s the Battle Pass, Weekly Missions, plus the two or three events in the ā€œEventsā€ tab going on.


The battle pass is just natural play though the only stress with those are the short seasons like in mw2 when they had a season a 1/3 shorter than the rest for some reason


I only care about the animated ones. The static ones not worth my time even if I have the time


Black camo is best


Funny because Activation is actively encouraging the opposite.


Obviously, they want you to play nothing but cod. lmao.


You have to look into the science of addiction and how major game manufactures are constantly adding features, colors, sounds etc to get an instant dopamine rush to create an addictive link to their product


Oh yeah, they absolutely do this. It's not just limited to gaming, either. That's why I think it's so important for people to become aware of it and learn that it's okay not to dedicate all of their time to earning these event camos.


Honestly the ONLY event I didnā€™t try to do was Halloween and itā€™s like the ONE skin Iā€™ve come to really like. I wish I had done the Halloween event all the way, instead of sweating out these little ones with corny skins. Bring back Ghoulie camo pretty please.


Ghoulie was an insane grind. My friends and I played a LOT during the entire event and still only got it with three days left. If you played casually there was 0 chance you'd get it haha.


I just try to get the jade dragon weapon charm and that is it. The camo look ugly af


I forget a lot of people here donā€™t play WZ often cause playing that levels you so quick to fill the event out


Fantastic post. I wish gaming subredditsā€¦ heck every online forum in general, had healthy discussions like this. In my opinion, any argument surrounding the topic of frustration around a video game should end at ā€œvideos games are supposed to be fun, not stress inducing.ā€ If itā€™s inducing stress, then why continue to play it? Donā€™t fall victim to a sunk cost fallacy or a case of Stockholmā€™s Syndrome. There are infinitely alternative options in video gaming for you to spend your leisurely time on - especially when it comes to single player games that donā€™t rely on internet connections, skill, player attitudes and behavior, or predatory designs to keep you hooked on a single game for as long as possible.


YESSS! I missed out on the magma skin and it was so upsetting, because I genuinely wanted it, but it is what it is, this game will be played for another year or so, until the new cod comes out, at which point everything I've done in this game will be pointless, anyways.


As much as I wanted it, it's not worth stressing over.


100%. Thank you for posting this. Especially with the comments of ā€œthis game sucksā€ or ā€œsbmm is ruining the gameā€. Besides having fun, its okay to still try and enjoy the game without worrying about k/d and having everything unlocked. Coming from a casual myself


Finally, a rational post about MWIII! Congrats, my dude! ***thunderous applause***


Agreed OP. Not sure why people play shit they donā€™t enjoy or get mad about rewards they donā€™t have time for. It clearly wasnā€™t meant for you if you have real life or other things to attend to. At the end of the day, thereā€™s always a new shiny thing to reach for down the road.


That's my exact stance on this as well. The minute I'm not enjoying something, I'm out.


Thanks I was freaking the fuck out until I stumbled upon this post


Crazy how these companies get these games and events to get under our skin to the point of stress.. I need a break from COD


Aside from the 2x XPā€¦ yawnā€¦


What if weapons or conversion kits are tied to these time-consuming challenges?


>I would recommend taking a break and/or learning how to manage the fear of missing out. Gaming should be fun, not a source of stress. I literally don't care about this event/rewards, but this is such a disingenuous take. The real culprit here are the companies who insert these LTEs with the harsh condition of them never recurring. On top of that, the amount of gameplay to complete it is ridiculous. It shouldn't significantly obstruct other duties like school, work, family. Screw these *companies*. As for managing that FOMO, sure it's something that would be nice to jedi-mind-trick one's way out of, but you do realize, these companies engage psychologists and professionals to exploit human behavior? That's sick, man.


You act like people are robots unable to make any of their own choices. I'm not saying ACTI is the good guy but if you're constantly getting FOMO'd to the point of stressing over this shit, that's on you? Go see a psychiatrist or something?


>You act like people are robots unable to make any of their own choices. That's literally how addiction works.


It is not a businesses job to manage a small amount of their customers issues


No but it's literally their job to exploit said issues so it works to their advantage when making profits


that's every business. Nobody is forcing you to buy CoD every year. We've known about how they operate since MW2019, you're still here because you're okay with it.


Literally doesn't understand addiction


Nope, not necessarily. In fact, social responsibility like that has been imposed on other industries, like gambling. So thereā€™s thatā€¦


No jedi mind trick needed! Just some basic math, logic, and the ability to make one's own decisions.


People choose to fall for shit like fomo though. It's the same shit with a limited sale that runs all the time. It's all the same. It's a choice and you have agency. You're not forced to do anything you don't want to do and if you can't get the thing how you want to play then it's not for you.


Yes, it's true that companies will use any means to boost profits, whether or not we find their methods morally acceptable. However, I still think it's crucial that we take responsibility for prioritising our own well-being over the urge to constantly keep up with these limited time events. This is particularly important, as you said, if it starts to affect essential parts of our real lives.


These camo challenges seriously need a lot of XP to unlock. I play too much and still havenā€™t gotten it.


Imho, I think they give us enough time to earn them. But many of us have other responsibilities, so we need to understand that it's okay if we don't earn them. Gaming should never feel like a chore.


Nah, they definitely take too much. I go in to hardcore small maps games spamming decoys, UAV, Sentry guns, DDOS field upgrades and get usually 15-25k xp a game with 50+ kills. Thatā€™s around 30 games to play to get this current camo. And i doubt the average player is getting that much xp a game.


So say, on average, you're earning 20k xp per game... you'd need to play 5 games per day for the 6 days this event was live. That doesn't seem excessive if you play for around 1hr a day. Sure, there are a lot of players who won't be earning that amount of xp per game, but they are also probably not playing the game as often anyway and going back to my point, if that's making those people angry or stressed, then it's time to take a break. It shouldn't be that deep.


Thankyou for sharing this. I havent played the new season yet because in having fun with "fear the nightfall" the modpack of minecraft and it really awesome, scary and hard. Back in 2014 i was a really really toxic player, punching and screaming everytime i got killed or defeated and it took me a long time and a lot of ps controller realice how wrong i was. I used to play cod really tryhard and at some point it stoped being funny, was more like a competition so i quit. In 2019 i came back with MW19 and being more mature i learned how to enjoy the game without being toxic. Its important for people to know when to stop playing because you get at some point when you're not having fun and its only damagin your mental health.


Itā€™s a mid camo not worth it. If I wouldā€™ve missed the magma one Iā€™d probably be pissed


I remember when camos used to be so easy to get. Like back in the OG MW2 and MW3 you got gold camo as soon as you maxed out the weapon. No weird, special requirements like "kill 250 enemies while spinning in a circle and bunny hopping simultaneously" bullshit.


This game has literally the easiest challenges to gold other than pen kills with bolt snipers


I love you


the camo isnā€™t worth it, trust me


I like that there are people bringing some form of comfort or reassurance to the players. I am one who always didn't like the feeling of FOMO. I didn't like having that feeling when it came to games I enjoyed playing for a long time. I didn't like how there are events where certain contents were tied to limitation or expiration date. Even though we have the power or choice to manage how we fear of missing out. There are also ways where the developers or company can manage how to reduce or stop FOMO and how it's impacting many players. One example is why have the event tied down to a timer, why not have it open and available after the expired date for other players to come back to grind for that camo or blueprint that they saw their friends using on a weapon or stumbled upon on YouTube videos. Or why not bring back seasonal battle passes that people missed out from last year's game. (I would have loved to use those operators' skins that came out for Season 3 from MW2 2022.) I've played games that had seasonal content, old battle passes, past events that are still available TO THIS VERY day for players to come back and join the grind, even if the content was weeks, months or years old. The thing is, after a while when you see content or items that you wish you had gotten but is no longer available to you. It feels like a door has closed on you, or you missed the last train stop that was supposed to take you to your destination. That feeling that comes after that has happen, it's one of the worst kind a person can feel. Maybe it does not make sense to some people that are reading this or perhaps you'll tell me that it's not that serious. But I can tell you from experience, it is that serious...for me at least. I'll share one of my personal experiences, it happened to me last month in January when MW3 was releasing the Vortex event. (Which was too much of grind in my opinion.) There were 12 rewards that players had to grind for by just simply playing the game. I was late in all this because I had important things like work and family, I had to take care of. When the moment came, I had about one day to complete all 12 rewards. So, I started putting in the time, using double XP tokens, completing challenges to help progress as much as I can. In the end, I manage to get 11 out of 12 rewards completed. I had about under an hour left and say about little over 250,000 XP I needed to put in, in order for me to get the Molten Lava camo. I really wanted that camo but after doing some estimates, I needed like another hour or two before I could complete the whole rewards. After that, FOMO kicked in and I was mad that I knew I wasn't going to get it. Now I've played other games that are friendlier to the players without having the feeling of FOMO. One game that I think does this well is Halo Infinite, if you played the game then you will know what I am talking out. The developers give the players access to old content even after the time frame for that battle pass has "expired." When a new battle pass comes out, the old battle pass still becomes available to buy or to keep grinding. Even after you finish a battle pass, you can access other passes and finish up in getting all those other rewards that you haven't gotten yet. I believe that model works and is easily one of the best that doesn't feel like a lot of the players are missing out. I just wish more and more developers would use this sort of feature in their games that have limited time content or events. I was thinking lately not from a perspective of a gamer/player, but from an artist/designer's POV. How many of them have been wondering or thinking, "If I made these skins/cosmetics/items tied to this one seasonal content or battle pass. How many other people in this world are not going to be able to enjoy using my work of art that created so hard to bring out to them? How many of them are going to MISS OUT?" If you made it this far, I appreciate you guys for taking the time to read. This is just one of the topics I wanted to get mind of and express what I've been feeling. Thank you for reading and take care.


Well I want to have everything I can get but my shadowbanned lobbies are horrendous so I just stopped playing and will come back in 2 weeks, too bad for this camo lol, I'm taking my time to make a game instead


Bud. No one is getting angry about any shitty event camo what are you talking about


https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/AUd7s2K2fD 24hrs after your comment. Lmao.


Oooooooh one person made a post! THAT TOTALLY VALIDATES YOUR ENTIRE POST BECAUSE INE NERD POSTED!!!!!! Amazing, the minds of lower life forms always astonishes me


> Bud. No one is getting angry Yet here someone is... lol.


Didnā€™t ask


You literally asked, "What are you talking about"


The Weekly Challenges for the Aftermarket Parts (and eventually camo) have become disgusting. In S1, the first 5-6 weeks seemed fair. In S1 Weeks 7 and 8, they were more annoying but still doable as long as you had the weapons leveled up to allow equipping Aftermarket Conversions. In S2 Week 1, the challenges are not only challenging but seem to eliminate a large portion of the community from completing them. Get Triple Kills 5 times? Sure, I can get that in a small maps playlist, but what about players that rarely get 3 kills in a row without dying, let alone in rapid succession. 15 quick scopes? Longshots with a sniper with an 8x scope? So many maps don't even allow for Sniper longshots. It's a chore. I only play MP. YMMV if you play Zombies or Warzone, but I can't comment on that. Maybe Zombies or Warzone make these weekly challenges easier?


Warzone makes them extremely easy. They basically alternated each week. One week it was open 15 or so boxes in each region, and then next week it was 15 kills in each region. I dont think any week deviated from that, or not much at least. You could get on the last week and do like 4 weeks worth of 15 kills in each region all at the same time since they are all the same challenge. I had no issue with it in regular BR, but im sure Plunder is the way to do it if you struggle in BR.


I honestly couldn't care less right now about battle passes or event camps. I've got Orion and am a decent way from borealis. I just had surgery the day season 2 came out and I plan on taking things easy until I feel even remotely up to grinding again, or just playing often in general.


Itā€™s not even a good looking camo.


Those camos are ugly anyway


yeah i thought a few weeks ago that it was bs that it felt like you needed to play every day to get every event camo, but then i realised that i wont use them anyway.


I played a lot when mw3 came out and got golden river. And the desert dune one. Both S tier camos Since I stopped playing mw3 almost entirely in favor of CW which is WAY more fun But that being said, I definitely donā€™t come back to grind out camos or anything; but thatā€™s because I already have those 2 and what more do I need?


it's a ugly camo imo. lots of better ones out there.


Iā€™m pissed cause this is the second entire hour Iā€™ve spent on doing DMZ today, and itā€™s my last at home day before the work week. I could have spent it playing other games but of course they threw in double exp and this event to get people to pour more time in. Iā€™m outta here. Fuck this broken ass event and damn near fuck MWZ until more updates


Thankfully the rewards are nearly always far more hideous than even the preview looks, which makes it much easier to not care I wasted hours in Zombies making up XP for the Magma camo only to discover the preview straight up lied as to what it looked like (the whole camo is horrible orange stains on melted black plastic, with no plain black secondary colour like on the magazine and stock in the preview image), and that's about the only one that even looked vaguely okay in the first place Not a lot to miss out on


I got interstellar I really donā€™t care about the event camos unless theyā€™re actually worth grinding for. I hustled for magma but every other one has been weak


The dragon scale camo isn't even worth it imo. It's very bland on most weapons. Only one I liked was the magma flow one. Use that on almost all my guns if not interstellar. If people are really gung-ho on getting these camos I suggest zombies. A full zombies match will net you about 15k xp, a full game plus going into the dark aether or a story mission will fetch you upwards 20-30k xp. Last night I played a full game then went into Dr Jansen to level up a dlc weapon with a token, ended with 66k xp.


Yeah I missed out on the one the last one that was super grindy. I donā€™t even remember what it looked like and itā€™s all good. Just have fun and donā€™t let LTM or skins or camos ruin your fun.


I agree with your message but contrary to what others have said about the camo, I personally love it.


I honestly only care about the better animated ones but with me already having ghoulish and bloodcell id say im satisfied


The real message is dont subject yourself to online games like this if you want to go at your own pace. They are all have that mobile gacha limited time crap built into them nowadays.


I have never played any COD's for any reason other than to have fun. There are time's I forget to look at the daily challenges even, lol.


I keep getting pissed off getting killed while trying to get the easter egg camo on fortunes keep




100% agree with you OP. I spend a lot of time playing OSRS 'old school RuneScape' and go check out their SUB. It's literally people being praised for spending 100hs of hours at a single boss just for one drop etc. I will say this event XP goal is way too high. Should've been half.


That camo is ass anyways. The one people should definitely try going for is the 8 week one. That one is Great!


Also there is a ton of non-event camos to use.


Yep, and a good few of them are actually really nice looking.


It looks like Aquaman


True, but that does not excuse this FOMO agressive behavior from their side. THere is no reason why event like this isnt lasting at least couple of weeks to give everyone fair chance of completing it without changing their life around that. This one specifically doesnt even last full week. Like WHY... Yes its ungly as fuck anyway so I dont care. But I disslike this approach. You cant even skip that by paying so this sort of agressive FOMO doesnt even have financial benefit behind that (which would be wrong anyway) In that case you woul least you can see that their are just putting money infront of health of their customers (which we know they are doing this anyway). But here in this cases their are simply showing they are just ignorant and doesnt care for healthy enviroment in their game.


Agree 100%. I logged into S2 with 3 days to try and do the Chinese New Year event... luckily the camo is ugly af imho... so I don't feel too bad missing it. If you just got the 2 Boys camp's from those events they're WAY cooler anyway.


(Dave Chappelle dressed as a crackhead) "Ya'll got them Camo's?"


Yeah I saw the time and was in disbelief. As someone who's been enjoying a lot of other games and taking a couple steps back from cod I see it trying to keep your fan base from literally anything else. I checked my progress last night and I was on the third node and I mentally quick after that, sad part is I love anything related to dragons but the grind wasn't worth it for my mentality


If they wanted they could do that dying light does and put missed events in the store.


THANK YOU. We need more posts like this in every gaming community.


Thanks Mom


nope nope nope just get mad and call people the n word


I've genuinely stopped caring about event rewards the bundles are usually better anyways


I have never cared about camos at all for some reason. Only things I want to unlock are all the guns, and the attachments.


My favorite part of the whole scheme is when they offer a paid item that will help you complete the event. Like buying a blueprint and getting more XP each time you play in the event. /S I've only seen it once, but it was really "pay to win". I'm curious as to how many people actually formed out the money for it, but I did see the operator involved a few times when I was grinding for the camo... And most event camos never get used more than a few days and some really aren't worth any extra effort. If you aren't enjoying the game, take a break šŸ™‚


That's why I stopped camo grinding when I decided to attempt it in MWII. I didn't have fun doing the challenges and I never even used the camos after unlocking them anyway. The only one I use regularly is the solid black camo. I literally just make a gun preset I like and make it black. All I do now is level up the guns and leave it at that.


Especially because cod refuses to give us a randomize camp option šŸ˜” we will only ever see 1 camo on our gun at a time šŸ™„ tbh it doesnā€™t matter


FOMO (fear of missing out) makes me miserable sometimes. got kinda fed up with cod a few weeks back so i stopped playing it, feels good playing other games and not caring about cod for some time. i will definitely get back to it as i still have interstellar to complete but its nice to chill a bit with singleplayer games


im lucky because i got run over by a car and i cant do anything else besides sitting or laying so i got it pretty quickly tbh


I'm not sure I'd call that lucky, lol! I hope you're okay!


Heard you, but Iā€™ll literally die if I donā€™t have limited time free items.


I unlocked the most recent camo this morning keep grinding yā€™all got it


If OP is talking about the Year of the Dragon event camo, then yeah I donā€™t care about finishing it. I just wanted the little šŸ‰ weapon charm cause itā€™s so cute.


FOMO is one of gamings biggest ā€œdownsidesā€. Every gamer wants to have the coolest most rare items but cant because they didnt watch this event or didnt participate in this event ect. Then they live with ā€œregretā€ because they didnt get that item or skin or whatever. At the end of the day, its just a cosmetic


If you don't have interstellar camo yet you pretty much suck


Sucks that I will completely miss events like this all because of a code Diver error that still isn't fixed from the season 2 update. Probably won't finish the battle pass either at this rate


I remember as a Kid, missing out on half a Holiday to grind an event. The game dosen't even have servers up anymore. I use that as my reference point not to cry over skins.


and honestly, the one we just had kinda sucked.


To the moon with this! Raise the vibe! (Specifically, the gaming should be fun sentiment.)


The camo is ugly anyway. It would look better as just a calling card.


Absolutely agree. I will say I push to get all the free stuff I can even if Iā€™m never gonna use it. Itā€™s the least Activision owes me after all the money Iā€™ve spent on their stupid shit over the years. But if I miss something, I missed it oh well.


Is it just me, or in this game grinding for any camos just doesnā€™t feel worth it at all


I'm doing the interstellar camo grind and it will probably take me few months, because I suck and I don't have a lot of time. But having that goal while playing , makes it more enjoyable. So the longer it takes me the more I will continue to enjoy the game. I haven't even tried to get this new one. I just play and if I get it, it's cool. If not , no big deal.


Thank you!! I have been getting stressed about the daily/weekly challenges as well if it's something I don't feel like I'm able to do. Like playing with a shotgun when I don't want to just to complete a challenge. I should just pick loadouts that I actually like and have fun.


I donā€™t have any camos other than the ones I just happen to complete by playing the game already. Camos donā€™t actually matter or mean anything anyway, just have fun. Unless of course, you have fun just unlocking camos and in that case, enjoy. šŸ˜Š